
''Psypoke Photo Album''
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Author:  Magus [ Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay, prepair to be be blinded from the sight of my face!

*dramatic music plays, preferably the Lavos music in chrono trigger*


Ph34r my face!! The skool picture!! *hisssssssss*

Author:  PokemasterUSA [ Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:46 am ]
Post subject: 

SOOOOOO many people with suuuuuch long hair.My hair is only about down to my eyes.

EDIT:Here's my picture


That was about a month ago.

Author:  Flaming_Wuzzle [ Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:39 am ]
Post subject: 


Ok, so now that I have an empty house for a few hours (and to celebrate my 500TH POST!!! YAAAYY!!!), I decided now would be a good time to post some pics, regardless of what my mom thinks (she thinks I am trying to post my pic so the child molester I am dating can know what I look like when I drain the family's bank account and fly to Europe so I can be with my "girlfriend" except the "girlfriend" is a fat 50-year old guy who rapes me and 26 other kids for 5 years until the police bust his operation and my return home attracts all of the major news networks and there is a lot of crying and interviews with Barbara Walters and multi-million dollar book deals and a movie based on my life starring John Goodman and an unknown 17-year old chubby kid and will be called "How I Got Raped On The Internet"). we go. (and yes, my cam sucks. shaddap about it, k?)

Normal pic.

My p i m ped-out ride WIT DA SPINNIN' RIMS!!!1 Ok, seriously, no spinning rims...or chrome....or really anything p i m ped out at all.....god I am so white :cry:

The mangy mutt I like to call my dog. She doesn't like pictures that much, which explains the facing away from the camera thing.

Me trying (and failing) to look all rocker-like and such. This is the only one I've added any filters to.

Big Red Vanilla Float is some awesome soda.

Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Vweehee! More me! :P

*NOTICE* I, Registeel_Rocks, do not take responsibility if the following pitcures cause you to die, faint, go into a coma, etc. It's your fault for looking at such hideous pictures anyways. *END NOTICE*

Also, as a double note, these pics were taken with my super-low-quality webcam. Don't expect normal-camera quality pics. :?


This is me. 'Nuff said. 8)


This is me looking at Psypoke's numerous Forums. 'Nuff said. :P


This is Mr. Potato Head and me looking through the posts in the Roleplaying Section. He likes to Roleplay, but he has horrible grammar. :lol: Not enough said... :roll:


This is my Nintendo DS...


...and this is my character Locke, in the town of Narshe, on my Animal Crossing: Wild World game. A tad blurry, but visible. :P

That's all for now. I hope nobody went into shock after seeing those... :roll:

Author:  Nido [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, as I promised after F_W posted his pics, here is another photo of me. This one is better than that fugly one I posted last time. Here we go:


Author:  Seraphim Riku [ Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Whoopie. I gots a digi camera now, so... Enjoy.


me with meh white taishi.

My cat Cali. (Cali, Calico, get it?)

Photogeneic side of my cat.

Author:  TonberryKing [ Sat Dec 24, 2005 2:50 am ]
Post subject: 


Christmas came one day early! Here are my presents.

Anyone asking for a face picture of me can... go away.

Author:  Darkkend [ Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:04 am ]
Post subject: 

TonberryKing wrote:

Christmas came one day early! Here are my presents.

LMAO socks

Author:  rubypoke [ Sun Dec 25, 2005 1:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Swift, you have officially got one of the best gangsta halloween costumes ever. :P

Nice stuff SK, I would go through it all say how they all rule but its 8:30am Xmas Morning and my mum cant be bothered to get out of bed so I can open presents for a while. I dont mind...

If I get the stuff I asked for i'll take a picture and post it all here.
*Whoever created white wrapping paper is a geniuos, I can see my big Cadbury bar. :D*

EDIT: Me with some groovy Japanese chocolates which taste GREAT. From my mums friend for Xmas. :D
<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">
(Yes my hair is flat and I havent put my contacts in, but meh, I dont care how bad I look.:P)

Author:  Kryten [ Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Here's my prezzies:
Little Britain calendar, Dog Doodle Kit, Cadbury's Chocolates, Crash Tag Team Racing (PSP), Dodgeball DVD, Eyetoy Play 3, Airblade, Whiplash
Beano Annual '06, Shower Gel, Amazon Voucher, Woolworths Voucher, Simpsons Question Book, Catchphrases, Silverfin, Eagle Strike
Know Your Mushrooms Wristband
Archos Gmini 402, 3D Doodle Kit, Cat-apult, Little Birtain mug (Fatfighters)

Author:  rubypoke [ Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:17 am ]
Post subject: 

My brother got eye toy 3. Nice presents Kryten.

I would take a picture of my stuff but you'd find it boring, its all non playing stuff, a computer chair, pants and socks, a few dvds, some cool stuff, but this christmas was a 'things i need' christmas.

*Emerald version and my DS are coming in a month hopefully. Amazon said in the new year. :D*
EDIT: I did get quite a bit of chocolate. :D
<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">
Thats a taster of the amount of chocolate I got for Christmas, A Terrys Chocolate Orange, A pack of Celebrations, pack of Guylian :P, two Cadbury multi packs, and my favourite, the big Dairy Milk bar, with 'Worlds Greatest Dad' on it, trust my dad to buy that... :roll:

Author:  Seraphim Riku [ Sun Dec 25, 2005 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yay more pics!!
This is what mesa got for xmas - An awesome ring (blue tiger eye) Star wars epi 3!!! I've watched this a gazillion times already...
A cell with crap for reception. Its a cingular. And a Drakkar Watch anda digi cam.

Why such a small christmas? SHoulda seen what my mommy got be prior to this...
Dress Shirts. I have way to many dress shirts >_<
My blue silky suit. I have a pure white one as well.
My uber huge chair for teh computer ^_^ So soft...
Here's the whole desk and PC. I bought the desk, Looks spiffey eh?

And Last but not least... (this should make some people happy. )
Meh Pepsi!!!1!1!1!1 :P

Author:  Jigglypuff [ Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think this is everything, except the Hershey's Pot of Gold, which is downstairs, and half gone already. ^^;

370kb, high-quality JPG. Sorry, dailup people, but it started looking really bad at normal JPG quality.

Yes, those red and blue things are towels. Bath towels and wash cloths, to be specific. I really needed new ones.

The gas giftcards have been proving by far the most practical gift I've ever gotten. I got a bunch for my birthday too, and these ones should keep the tank full at least through January.

Those are gummy worms in the plastic wrap, and a Peanuts ornament for the tree next year.

Finally, the Shuffle there is a 512MB. They aren't normally worth the money, IMO, but this one was free, so I don't feel so bad.

Author:  Galar [ Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I got a nice pair of sandals and a few cute blouses. Oh yeah, and a pretty nice magnetized bracelet, which is very interesting.

Apart from clothes and acessories (which is what people usually give me for presents), I've got this. Those are the "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "Forrest Gump" and "The Incredibles" DVDs, if you couldn't figure it out. :P

Author:  Darkkend [ Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

The Darkketh one reading topics and deleting replies.


Author:  Ash Ketchum [ Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:08 am ]
Post subject: 


Me And My Best Friend In School (So Bored)

Kitty(She's Evil)

Kitty Again:

Im Half Puerto Rican And Lovin It!:D :D

PS: CF Is Really Pretty!

Author:  Flaming_Wuzzle [ Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Right, got some more pics for you folks.

Stare into my eyes while I hypnotize you into doing my bidding.


TROGDOOOOOOOR, burninating the countryside, burninating the peasants, burninating all the peoples, and the thatched-roof COTTAGESSSSS, THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGESSSSSS

Author:  rubypoke [ Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:01 am ]
Post subject: 

hfxjus wrote:

I look something like that. Just joking.

F_W, they're some cool pics you have there. ^_^

hdxsdjnvkdnv whatever :P Post a real pic of you, ill take on of me right now, *finds webcam*...
Here I am!
<img src="" alt="Image hosting by TinyPic">
Nyargh 10am. Lights are all weird and my glasses reflect some light... Nyargh.

Author:  Psymon [ Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I felt it about time to post another image of me........yes. *Behold the magical powers of.............styling gel!!!!*
(BTW, that's one of my dad's b'day cards)

I use this picture as my msn dp........ I get some funny comments......... yes....... goodbye again.........nyeck nyeck noo.......bonza........

Author:  ohh_jess [ Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay, before I say anything esle...

Yuh. Hello c:

When I show people reallybad webcam pictures of me, they seem to like me all of a sudden.

Please D:
Me being emo.
If you're going to say 'omg. not cool' shut up, kay?
Me looking like I'm 10.
The TV looks all funky.
AND. I'm wearing my Volcom sweater.
Mmmyes. It's cool.

Those will do until I find my mom's camera, steal it, and take a billion pictures of me.

Author:  PokemasterUSA [ Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

New pictures are in!!!!



Author:  MegaMagikarp [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:17 am ]
Post subject:

theres some pics there of me so you get the idea

Author:  Kryten [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:13 pm ]
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Author:  rubypoke [ Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

miss-lanette wrote:
well this is me in all my blonde glory, me and my Jp T-rex that is
kind of a silly pic :oops: :roll:

Nice pic, I like the lil Message. :P

Kryten, cool pictures, all snazzy.

Me taken a week or two back: (I actually like this picture *shock horror*)
<img src="" alt="Image hosting by TinyPic">

Author:  Kryten [ Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:06 am ]
Post subject: 


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