
Ideas for pranks?
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Author:  Eon [ Sun May 16, 2010 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Ideas for pranks?

My buddies and I have started a Youtube Channel that features us pranking individuals.

I thought I'd ask the Psypoke community if they had any funny ideas for pranks...


any ideas?

Author:  GollyGreg [ Wed May 19, 2010 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

When alone in a room, turn all the chairs upside-down.

Lame... I know.

Author:  Krisp [ Thu May 20, 2010 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Which one is you?

Author:  Eon [ Thu May 20, 2010 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Krisp wrote:
Which one is you?

I'm behind the camera.

Author:  Krisp [ Sun May 23, 2010 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Boo, that's no fun. I hope you're actually in a video someday!

I subscribed by the way, I can't wait for the next prank video (I thought the creampie one was hilarious.)

Author:  Eon [ Sun May 23, 2010 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Krisp wrote:
Boo, that's no fun. I hope you're actually in a video someday!

I subscribed by the way, I can't wait for the next prank video (I thought the creampie one was hilarious.)

Haha the new one's up. I'm the guy in the bright green shirt.

Author:  Psi-Psi [ Sun May 23, 2010 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Put super glue on the toilet seat of a public bathroom. Do it w/ a bunch of your friends, and take up all of them, then one of you leaves when someone else comes in and they'll have no choice but to use it. Hope they have to take a crap and BOTTA BING!

Author:  Aphex [ Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Cook a giant pancake and put it on top of someone's car, then put a spoon on it.

Glue/tape someone's phone to the ceiling, then call it repeatedly.

Take a screenshot of someones desktop, then put that as the wallpaper, and delete all the shortcut icons.

: I have nothing.

Author:  DatVu [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Pay the newspaper to print your obituary and provide them with a photo. Don't show up for school/work for a few days, and ignore all calls. Tell all your relatives and friends to play along.

Author:  rex09 [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

DatVu wrote:
Pay the newspaper to print your obituary and provide them with a photo. Don't show up for school/work for a few days, and ignore all calls. Tell all your relatives and friends to play along.

jeez, that would make me feel like $***... i'd like show up at the funeral and everything....
hmmm..... for a random person, wait until garbage day, and hide inside a garbage can. wait for someone to walk by, then pop up.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

DatVu wrote:
Pay the newspaper to print your obituary and provide them with a photo. Don't show up for school/work for a few days, and ignore all calls. Tell all your relatives and friends to play along.

haha, a kid at my school did something like that a couple years ago, he called the school in late March and told them he was dead, made sure they announced it to the school, then on April Fools Day he showed up to class. Much lulz.

Author:  Psychic_People [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

A bunch of krazy glue pranks:

- Krazy Glue your enemy's radio on a station he HATES; if you like, do the same thing to his volume control, at full volume.

- Krazy Glue all your enemy's (or your school's) light switches off.

- Krazy Glue the Teacher's briefcase SHUT. - Krazy Glue the pages of your enemy's textbooks and notes together. White Glue can be substituted here.

- Krazy Glue all your school's microscopes out-of-focus.

- If your enemy ever removes his shoes in your presence and turns his back on you for any reason, Krazy Glue the soles to the floor. Or Krazy Glue the laces together.

- Rearrange all those plug connectors on the back of your enemy's stereo, into a random order. Krazy Glue them on so they can't be put back.

- Krazy Glue your enemy's medicine cabinet shut.

- Alternatively, Krazy Glue all the toothpaste tubes, pill bottles, etc to the shelves of same med. cabinet.

- If your enemy is a druggie and you want to reduce him to fear for his life, Krazy Glue the plungers of all his insulin syringes so he can't inject.

- Krazy Glue your enemy's ni-cads into the charger. Put a few non- rechargeables in as well.

- Krazy Glue all your enemy's flies open. Krazy glue all his other zippers shut.

- Krazy Glue the containers in the enemy's fridge shut. or, alternatively, Krazy Glue the whole fridge door shut.

- Krazy Glue the enemy's bike into 18th gear.

- If your enemy is a shooting fan, then Krazy Glue the trigger of his favorite gun so it won't work when he goes to the range. Major Embarrassment.

- Unplug your enemy's TV cable. Put a drop of Krazy Glue in that tiny hole in the middle of the wall jack. Don't bother plugging it back in, and when the enemy goes to plug it back in, he won't be able to.

- Krazy Glue that little rubber plug on the bottom of the guy's piggy bank ON.

- Cut a tiny (1/8") slit into the dude's Hacky Sack. Through this slit, saturate the whole innards of the sack with Krazy Glue. Use a whole tube of the stuff if you like. Your enemy will not even notice until he goes to give the footbag a good solid BOOT, and it will be ROCK hard by that time.

- Deflate the tires on your enemy's transportation. Krazy Glue the valves shut and the tires to the wheel's rim.

- Krazy Glue the enemy's lights into their sockets. Wait for them to burn out.

- Krazy Glue the snooze bar of the enemy's alarm clock so that he can't shut off the alarm when it goes without unplugging the damn thing.

- Since Krazy Glue doesn't set too well under moist conditions, it is a good idea to substitute EPOXY for Krazy Glue when you glue the toilet handle (either your enemy's or all the school's) so it can't flush.

- Krazy Glue the caps of beer bottles to the bottles themselves. Do this with a case of your enemy's beer.

- Krazy Glue buttons and joysticks of all the video games in that arcade that you got booted out of last week.

- Krazy Glue all the beakers and test tubes etcetera to the shelves at your school's chem lab.

- Krazy Glue that asshole teacher's glasses folded so he can't put them back on.

- Saturate basketball nets with Krazy Glue. You will need a whole truckload to do this, but it will be worth it when someone shoots the ball and it won't go thru the hoop.....

- Krazy Glue hockey pucks into one big long cylinder....

- Krazy Glue mailboxes shut. -

Krazy Glue blackboard erasers to the chalk tray.

- In winter, open window on bus (just before you get off) and Krazy Glue it there. Driver and passengers will freeze.

- Krazy Glue speaker cones so they won't make noise.

- Krazy Glue the metal flap on the coin return of a vending machine so it won't open. BONUS: Later, come by with some Krazy Glue SOLVENT and take any coins the machine tried to return.

- When sending letters to a stamp collecting enemy, send really neat, interesting stamps on the envelope. But Krazy Glue them on so he can't steam them off.

- Krazy Glue that stupid cat's tail to the pavement of Hiway 1...

- Or to its owner's front door...

- Deflate enemy's soccer or basket ball. Place 1 drop of Krazy Glue in the inflating needle hole.

Author:  Psychic_Espeon_16 [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Make chocolate chip cookies or something like that and put laxatives in it. It's old but still pretty funny.

Oh and be a little mean and take all the toilet tissue out of the bathroom too.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

If he has a pet, cut off it's head and stick it under the sheets while he/she sleeps, a la Godfather.

Author:  Steel_Eel [ Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Here's what you do:
You take sombodies backpack, fill it with waterballoons, duct-tape it shut, and hang it from a tree. Make sure the person sees when you drop it.
This happened on of my friends on a campout.

Author:  dialgatime [ Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

1. Put ketchup packs under the little bumps on a toilet seat. When somebody sits down... *SPLAT*
2. Stick a hose down their pants.
3. For a friend - duct tape the doors on their car from the inside really well, and crawl out through a window.
4. Get someone to walk in a forest with you at night. Disappear for a long time. Then walk up behind them and put your hand on the back of their throat and scream. I did that to a 10-year old girl. She cried for hours. LOL.
5. Put a sticky note under their computer mouse, on the sensor part. Trim anything visible from the top. The post-it note makes the mouse totally unresponsive.
6. Put tape around the handle of the spray nozzle on somebody's sink. When they turn on the water, it'll spray them.
7. Rub pencil lead on the edge of a quarter and get them to rub it up and down their face. Leaves big black line. Looks hilarious.
8. Tie a knot in a string. Then drill a tiny hole in two mentos. Put the mentos on the string and put the string under the cap of a soda bottle, and screw it on. Cut off any visible string. Give it to some sucker and run.

PM me for more.

Author:  Pokemaniac1237 [ Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Get a couple friends together. Target a stranger none of you know. Bump into them saying stuff like "Wake up" "You're in a coma" "Nothing is real"

Set a couple of strips of bacon on someone's engine block. Soon they'll be wondering where the smell is coming from.

Head bang to talk radio at intersections.

At the store, whenever you here someone talking on the PA, curl up in the fetal position and yell "NO IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!"

Author:  sumo12345 [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for pranks?

Go to mouse settings and play around. Its epic. :mrgreen:

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