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 Psypoke Idol 3 
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Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:29 am
Posts: 1581
Location: Purple Ranger
Yeah, so apparently this started today, which is news to even me.

Results for each round will be posted weekly in this spot.

Round 1, Group 1:
1. Flygon 4.1397
2. Feraligatr 3.9895
3. Jolteon 3.9340
4. Vaporeon 3.8926
5. Empoleon 3.8563
6. Braviary 3.8292
7. Dialga 3.7713
8. Infernape 3.7559
9. Celebi 3.7341
10. Bulbasaur 3.6074
11. Rhyperior 3.5105
12. Heracross 3.4340
13. Arceus (Steel) 3.3137
14. Reuniclus 3.2783
15. Heatran 3.2636
16. Machamp 3.2435
17. Cresselia 3.2146
18. Scolipede 3.1634
19. Manaphy 3.1551
20. Uxie 3.1262
21. Torchic 3.1210
22. Rotom (Mow) 3.0551
23. Mightyena 3.0432
24. Slowbro 3.0371
25. Xatu 3.0323
26. Combusken 3.0227
27. Darmanitan 3.0208
28. Sawsbuck (Fall) 2.9921
29. Cubone 2.9676
30. Hitmontop 2.9538

31. Druddigon 2.9489
32. Rotom (Wash) 2.9466
33. Mantine 2.9246
34. Bastiodon 2.9048
35. Castform (Snow-Cloud) 2.8870
36. Drifblim 2.8842
37. Vespiquen 2.8419
38. Camerupt 2.8415
39. Primeape 2.8394
40. Gligar 2.8245
41. Nidorino 2.8127
42. Lampent 2.8041
43. Scrafty 2.7854
44. Darmanitan (Zen) 2.7737
45. Larvesta 2.7624
46. Staryu 2.7524
47. Spheal 2.7257
48. Beldum 2.7173
49. Sandile 2.6729
50. Azumarill 2.6461
51. Duskull 2.5004
52. Clefairy 2.4559
53. Marill 2.4390
54. Vanillite 2.4384
55. Medicham 2.4196
56. Delibird 2.4194
57. Scraggy 2.4075
58. Simipour 2.4000
59. Weepinbell 2.3852
60. Deerling (Winter) 2.3784
61. Klang 2.3531
62. Anorith 2.3204
63. Pelipper 2.2960
64. Tangela 2.2883
65. Purrloin 2.2302
66. Venipede 2.1894
67. Numel 2.1606
68. Qwilfish 2.1506
69. Gurdurr 2.1392
70. Ducklett 2.0585
71. Tympole 2.0323
72. Klink 2.0291
73. Tentacool 1.9672
74. Smoochum 1.9622
75. Unown F 1.9256
76. Unown D 1.9160
77. Unown T 1.9076
78. Unown Q 1.8987
79. Basculin (Red-Striped) 1.8496
80. Unown I 1.8410
81. Unown B 1.8258

Round 1, Group 2:
1. Tyranitar 4.2814
2. Typhlosion 4.2576
3. Rayquaza 4.1747
4. Salamence 4.1252
5. Gardevoir 3.9655
6. Dragonair 3.9637
7. Gallade 3.8962
8. Luxray 3.8600
9. Eevee 3.8506
10. Entei 3.8060
11. Zorua 3.6917
12. Kyurem 3.6741
13. Totodile 3.6272
14. Rapidash 3.4650
15. Haunter 3.4420
16. Archeops 3.3607
17. Excadrill 3.3533
18. Bisharp 3.3313
19. Walrein 3.2830
20. Pidgeotto 3.2827
21. Butterfree 3.2509
22. Axew 3.2032
23. Metang 3.1257
24. Lairon 3.0932
25. Toxicroak 3.0724
26. Servine 3.0700
27. Tepig 3.0474
28. Sawsbuck (Summer) 2.9858
29. Dusclops 2.9849
30. Monferno 2.9712

31. Chansey 2.9547
32. Victreebel 2.9202
33. Poliwhirl 2.8998
34. Joltik 2.8835
35. Arceus (Rock) 2.8801
36. Cacturne 2.8288
37. Ferrothorn 2.8166
38. Furret 2.8157
39. Accelgor 2.7979
40. Castform (Rain) 2.7718
41. Weezing 2.7703
42. Conkeldurr 2.7701
43. Octillery 2.6954
44. Stoutland 2.6884
45. Banette 2.6836
46. Electrode 2.6590
47. Jumpluff 2.6463
48. Whiscash 2.6298
49. Trapinch 2.6103
50. Huntail 2.6000
51. Nidorina 2.5392
52. Archen 2.5348
53. Poliwag 2.5268
54. Swanna 2.5227
55. Eelektrik 2.5177
56. Seaking 2.5046
57. Mothim 2.4712
58. Herdier 2.4655
59. Golbat 2.4418
60. Farfetch'd 2.4325
61. Deerling (Fall) 2.4070
62. Magnemite 2.3684
63. Panpour 2.3356
64. Mantyke 2.3303
65. Skuntank 2.3125
66. Solosis 2.3052
67. Lileep 2.2782
68. Glameow 2.2454
69. Shroomish 2.1975
70. Feebas 2.1924
71. Gothorita 2.1887
72. Petilil 2.1723
73. Exeggcute 2.1718
74. Cleffa 2.1506
75. Whismur 2.0273
76. Cherubi 2.0115
77. Gulpin 1.9937
78. Purugly 1.9363
79. Barboach 1.9350
80. Luvdisc 1.9221
81. Unown Y 1.8908

Round 1, Group 3:
1. Swampert 4.1779
2. Blaziken 4.0523
3. Darkrai 3.9780
4. Aggron 3.9552
5. Houndoom 3.8330
6. Deoxys (Attack) 3.8244
7. Gyarados 3.8165
8. Quilava 3.7993
9. Pikachu 3.7826
10. Victini 3.7789
11. Wartortle 3.6619
12. Notched-Ear Pichu 3.5736
13. Ditto 3.5139
14. Carracosta 3.4344
15. Rhydon 3.3972
16. Treecko 3.3454
17. Rotom 3.2830
18. Ursaring 3.2688
19. Genesect (Water) 3.2150
20. Sneasel 3.2005
21. Sharpedo 3.1927
22. Magnezone 3.1773
23. Blissey 3.1319
24. Arceus (Fire) 3.1217
25. Kingler 3.0980
26. Glalie 3.0708
27. Porygon2 3.0263
28. Politoed 3.0016
29. Meloetta (Pirouette) 2.9924
30. Prinplup 2.9454

31. Kirlia 2.9378
32. Arceus (Flying) 2.8602
33. Beartic 2.8528
34. Beedrill 2.8366
35. Bagon 2.8153
36. Litwick 2.8091
37. Elekid 2.8082
38. Arceus (Fighting) 2.7795
39. Teddiursa 2.7633
40. Yanma 2.6847
41. Relicanth 2.6642
42. Arceus (Bug) 2.6306
43. Kabuto 2.6041
44. Nidoran M 2.6016
45. Masquerain 2.5754
46. Magby 2.5607
47. Kecleon 2.5553
48. Minun 2.5287
49. Jynx 2.5202
50. Cryogonal 2.5156
51. Drilbur 2.4898
52. Lumineon 2.4814
53. Cubchoo 2.4716
54. Carvanha 2.4580
55. Pansear 2.4580
56. Mankey 2.4235
57. Whirlipede 2.3700
58. Tynamo 2.3662
59. Natu 2.3239
60. Stantler 2.3098
61. Sewaddle 2.2921
62. Frillish (Male) 2.2498
63. Boldore 2.2459
64. Gastrodon (West) 2.2390
65. Zubat 2.2379
66. Surskit 2.2321
67. Elgyem 2.2246
68. Chatot 2.2067
69. Metapod 2.1886
70. Nincada 2.1844
71. Ledyba 2.1828
72. Spearow 2.1681
73. Wingull 2.1605
74. Vullaby 2.0158
75. Watchog 1.9701
76. Unown X 1.8763
77. Unown J 1.7439
78. Unown E 1.7197
79. Burmy (Sandy) 1.6933
80. Unown V 1.6707
81. Unown L 1.6661

Round 1, Group 4:
1. Zapdos 4.1089
2. Scizor 4.0872
3. Espeon 3.9936
4. Milotic 3.9793
5. Glaceon 3.8950
6. Serperior 3.8637
7. Kingdra 3.8532
8. Cyndaquil 3.7085
9. Giratina (Altered) 3.6833
10. Chandelure 3.6793
11. Crobat 3.6688
12. Palkia 3.5957
13. Shaymin 3.5696
14. Magmortar 3.4909
15. Virizion 3.4837
16. Vulpix 3.4136
17. Growlithe 3.3888
18. Golurk 3.3853
19. Mismagius 3.3531
20. Sandslash 3.3281
21. Hitmonlee 3.3148
22. Roserade 3.3059
23. Cloyster 3.2952
24. Croconaw 3.2375
25. Arceus (Water) 3.2371
26. Hitmonchan 3.1762
27. Vileplume 3.1592
28. Marshtomp 3.1587
29. Mesprit 3.1569
30. Deoxys (Defense) 3.1077

31. Gible 3.0614
32. Grotle 3.0465
33. Rotom (Fan) 3.0319
34. Rotom (Frost) 2.9627
35. Ralts 2.9622
36. Shinx 2.9570
37. Tornadus 2.9420
38. Dugtrio 2.9056
39. Deino 2.8967
40. Lilligant 2.8903
41. Magikarp 2.8835
42. Gastly 2.8662
43. Claydol 2.8235
44. Sandshrew 2.8099
45. Hippowdon 2.7972
46. Smeargle 2.7240
47. Slowpoke 2.7055
48. Abra 2.7050
49. Jigglypuff 2.6819
50. Lunatone 2.6694
51. Mr. Mime 2.6655
52. Swablu 2.6625
53. Grumpig 2.6527
54. Bouffalant 2.6390
55. Mandibuzz 2.6356
56. Roselia 2.6299
57. Liepard 2.5794
58. Drifloon 2.5647
59. Duosion 2.5618
60. Nuzleaf 2.5543
61. Electrike 2.5106
62. Deerling (Summer) 2.4486
63. Dustox 2.4347
64. Oddish 2.3967
65. Spoink 2.3739
66. Tranquill 2.3631
67. Doduo 2.3319
68. Hoppip 2.2509
69. Palpitoad 2.2222
70. Kricketune 2.1293
71. Foongus 2.0739
72. Shellos (West) 2.0735
73. Kakuna 2.0238
74. Garbodor 2.0116
75. Unown A 1.9879
76. Unown O 1.9223
77. Unown Z 1.9047
78. Kricketot 1.8813
79. Unown K 1.8619
80. Unown P 1.8205
81. Patrat 1.7227

Round 1, Group 5:
1. Dragonite 4.3458
2. Suicune 4.1689
3. Latios 4.1318
4. Ho-oh 4.1136
5. Mewtwo 4.0841
6. Umbreon 4.0586
7. Gengar 4.0239
8. Kyogre 3.9985
9. Giratina (Origin) 3.9955
10. Haxorus 3.8289
11. Ampharos 3.8033
12. Pidgeot 3.7944
13. Togekiss 3.7385
14. Squirtle 3.7230
15. Scyther 3.7152
16. Mudkip 3.6342
17. Dratini 3.5919
18. Steelix 3.5562
19. Grovyle 3.5498
20. Dusknoir 3.4964
21. Riolu 3.4649
22. Gigalith 3.4411
23. Registeel 3.4198
24. Electabuzz 3.3527
25. Breloom 3.3150
26. Kangaskhan 3.2991
27. Slowking 3.2507
28. Thundurus 3.2504
29. Marowak 3.2249
30. Turtwig 3.1752

31. Shiftry 3.1468
32. Crawdaunt 3.1280
33. Genesect (Electric) 3.0851
34. Genesect (Ice) 3.0762
35. Arbok 3.0702
36. Luxio 3.0052
37. Ludicolo 2.9414
38. Ponyta 2.8817
39. Ninjask 2.8739
40. Simisage 2.8056
41. Aron 2.8030
42. Magneton 2.7925
43. Rhyhorn 2.7622
44. Onix 2.7422
45. Lickitung 2.7352
46. Ambipom 2.7162
47. Vanilluxe 2.7095
48. Wigglytuff 2.6955
49. Sigilyph 2.6619
50. Machoke 2.6579
51. Shuckle 2.6530
52. Omanyte 2.6191
53. Poochyena 2.6118
54. Snorunt 2.6034
55. Skitty 2.5913
56. Wynaut 2.5621
57. Chimecho 2.5372
58. Shuppet 2.4845
59. Granbull 2.4587
60. Parasect 2.4507
61. Graveler 2.4206
62. Pachirisu 2.4192
63. Shieldon 2.3878
64. Gloom 2.3528
65. Munna 2.3416
66. Jellicent (Female) 2.2796
67. Cherrim 2.2780
68. Maractus 2.2691
69. Frillish (Female) 2.2529
70. Shellos (East) 2.2179
71. Grimer 2.2163
72. Dunsparce 2.1869
73. Cottonee 2.1353
74. Weedle 2.1276
75. Baltoy 2.0537
76. Basculin (Blue-Striped) 1.9080
77. Wormadam (Sandy) 1.8842
78. Unown S 1.8752
79. Silcoon 1.7942
80. Unown N 1.7929
81. Unown R 1.7742

Round 1, Group 6:
1. Charizard 6275 1415 4.4346
2. Metagross 4.0970
3. Moltres 3.9774
4. Alakazam 3.9533
5. Snorlax 3.9356
6. Raikou 3.9283
7. Groudon 3.8960
8. Reshiram 3.8231
9. Electivire 3.7774
10. Latias 3.7679
11. Ninetales 3.7125
12. Volcarona 3.6990
13. Raichu 3.6228
14. Krookodile 3.6173
15. Skarmory 3.5113
16. Starmie 3.4407
17. Cobalion 3.4189
18. Zebstrika 3.4143
19. Galvantula 3.3750
20. Regirock 3.3646
21. Zweilous 3.2361
22. Larvitar 3.2348
23. Swellow 3.2012
24. Exploud 3.1925
25. Honchkrow 3.1717
26. Kadabra 3.1066
27. Arceus (Ghost) 3.0801
28. Noctowl 3.0780
29. Muk 3.0741
30. Dodrio 3.0683

31. Genesect 3.0672
32. Seadra 3.0651
33. Shedinja 3.0359
34. Golduck 2.9623
35. Hariyama 2.9544
36. Fraxure 2.9378
37. Arceus (Grass) 2.9361
38. Persian 2.9134
39. Cofagrigus 2.9077
40. Rotom (Heat) 2.8683
41. Seviper 2.8603
42. Shelgon 2.8144
43. Miltank 2.8131
44. Porygon 2.7951
45. Buizel 2.7928
46. Sawsbuck (Spring) 2.7860
47. Magcargo 2.7418
48. Jellicent (Male) 2.6983
49. Piloswine 2.6821
50. Blitzle 2.6482
51. Seel 2.5990
52. Croagunk 2.5947
53. Staravia 2.5854
54. Golett 2.5614
55. Swalot 2.5332
56. Caterpie 2.4955
57. Beheeyem 2.4545
58. Tyrogue 2.4175
59. Wooper 2.4055
60. Dwebble 2.3547
61. Lotad 2.3471
62. Deerling (Spring) 2.3431
63. Geodude 2.3177
64. Pineco 2.2533
65. Yamask 2.2130
66. Amoonguss 2.2029
67. Skiploom 2.1859
68. Combee 2.1123
69. Paras 2.1100
70. Sunkern 2.0791
71. Unown ? 2.0409
72. Budew 1.9885
73. Bidoof 1.9596
74. Shelmet 1.9306
75. Wormadam (Plant) 1.9088
76. Trubbish 1.8968
77. Stunfisk 1.8322
78. Unown M 1.7432
79. Unown G 1.7222
80. Unown H 1.7185
81. Unown U 1.6792

Round 1, Group 7:
1. Mew 4.1206
2. Lucario 4.0485
3. Zekrom 4.0275
4. Lapras 3.8638
5. Sceptile 3.8505
6. Samurott 3.8164
7. Nidoking 3.7348
8. Deoxys (Speed) 3.4956
9. Shaymin (Sky) 3.3980
10. Emboar 3.3325
11. Mamoswine 3.3112
12. Regigigas 3.2331
13. Bayleef 3.2026
14. Sawsbuck (Winter) 3.1773
15. Gabite 3.1483
16. Dewgong 3.1393
17. Togetic 3.1047
18. Tropius 3.0963
19. Keldeo 3.0895
20. Oshawott 3.0803
21. Chikorita 3.0664
22. Piplup 3.0380
23. Togepi 3.0370
24. Drapion 2.9957
25. Genesect (Fire) 2.9275
26. Floatzel 2.9009
27. Tirtouga 2.8528
28. Psyduck 2.8465
29. Munchlax 2.7969
30. Arceus (Ground) 2.7681

31. Abomasnow 2.7633
32. Arceus (Poison) 2.7610
33. Phione 2.7465
34. Emolga 2.7310
35. Tentacruel 2.6931
36. Misdreavus 2.6847
37. Klinklang 2.6844
38. Murkrow 2.6757
39. Pignite 2.6693
40. Cradily 2.6595
41. Sudowoodo 2.6593
42. Linoone 2.6562
43. Exeggutor 2.6498
44. Beautifly 2.6276
45. Mawile 2.6212
46. Hypno 2.5723
47. Clefable 2.5481
48. Diglett 2.5365
49. Crustle 2.5271
50. Gorebyss 2.5144
51. Chinchou 2.5136
52. Lillipup 2.4933
53. Minccino 2.4731
54. Solrock 2.4622
55. Bronzong 2.4312
56. Plusle 2.4183
57. Gastrodon (East) 2.4131
58. Unfezant (Female) 2.4086
59. Heatmor 2.3987
60. Hoothoot 2.3285
61. Loudred 2.3083
62. Cacnea 2.2996
63. Hippopotas 2.2984
64. Spinarak 2.2834
65. Throh 2.2808
66. Skorupi 2.2795
67. Voltorb 2.2745
68. Nidoran F 2.2500
69. Raticate 2.2361
70. Carnivine 2.2355
71. Seedot 2.2171
72. Ekans 2.2051
73. Mime Jr. 2.2026
74. Bonsly 2.1696
75. Drowzee 2.1360
76. Unown ! 2.1125
77. Finneon 2.0859
78. Meditite 2.0636
79. Stunky 1.9642
80. Illumise 1.9236
81. Unown W 1.7666

Round 1, Group 8:
1. Lugia 4.2723
2. Zoroark 4.0525
3. Hydreigon 3.9836
4. Articuno 3.9067
5. Absol 3.9028
6. Charmander 3.8737
7. Flareon 3.7010
8. Ivysaur 3.6393
9. Wailord 3.6065
10. Aerodactyl 3.6017
11. Deoxys 3.5011
12. Regice 3.4459
13. Terrakion 3.4244
14. Rampardos 3.4113
15. Poliwrath 3.3836
16. Dewott 3.3706
17. Porygon-Z 3.3310
18. Manectric 3.3257
19. Arceus 3.3090
20. Arceus (Dark) 3.2549
21. Tauros 3.2141
22. Pichu 3.2113
23. Arceus (Dragon) 3.2031
24. Spiritomb 3.1941
25. Vibrava 3.1893
26. Armaldo 3.1884
27. Arceus (Ice) 3.1331
28. Lanturn 3.0653
29. Pinsir 3.0420
30. Pupitar 3.0210

31. Arceus (Psychic) 3.0134
32. Forretress 2.9040
33. Flaaffy 2.9008
34. Quagsire 2.8761
35. Ariados 2.8730
36. Mareep 2.8553
37. Cranidos 2.8510
38. Sealeo 2.8436
39. Escavalier 2.8399
40. Phanpy 2.8343
41. Bellossom 2.8052
42. Fearow 2.7943
43. Vigoroth 2.7812
44. Rufflet 2.7726
45. Castform 2.7623
46. Seismitoad 2.7524
47. Ledian 2.7304
48. Wailmer 2.7295
49. Pidgey 2.7047
50. Cinccino 2.7003
51. Sawk 2.6651
52. Gothitelle 2.6128
53. Delcatty 2.6023
54. Lickilicky 2.5498
55. Aipom 2.5302
56. Simisear 2.5107
57. Shellder 2.4908
58. Venonat 2.4479
59. Makuhita 2.4429
60. Durant 2.3853
61. Rattata 2.3779
62. Swoobat 2.3533
63. Vanillish 2.3482
64. Sentret 2.3420
65. Buneary 2.3135
66. Swadloon 2.2998
67. Remoraid 2.2172
68. Pidove 2.2059
69. Nosepass 2.1768
70. Slakoth 2.1563
71. Goldeen 2.1480
72. Roggenrola 2.1399
73. Timburr 2.1150
74. Karrablast 2.0407
75. Snubbull 2.0373
76. Woobat 1.9951
77. Bibarel 1.9258
78. Gothita 1.9219
79. Bronzor 1.9073
80. Burmy (Trash) 1.7964
81. Burmy (Plant) 1.7518

Round 1, Group 9:
1. Arcanine 4.1893
2. Blastoise 4.1451
3. Venusaur 4.1423
4. Torterra 4.0459
5. Garchomp 3.9869
6. Leafeon 3.8047
7. Jirachi 3.7958
8. Meganium 3.7761
9. Charmeleon 3.7438
10. Kabutops 3.6920
11. Staraptor 3.6889
12. Nidoqueen 3.6027
13. Weavile 3.5206
14. Gliscor 3.5177
15. Eelektross 3.4906
16. Golem 3.4515
17. Froslass 3.4297
18. Altaria 3.4286
19. Snivy 3.4074
20. Donphan 3.3594
21. Zangoose 3.3224
22. Yanmega 3.3173
23. Omastar 3.2126
24. Azelf 3.1886
25. Arceus (Electric) 3.1298
26. Torkoal 3.1214
27. Magmar 3.1141
28. Mienshao 3.0881
29. Houndour 3.0643
30. Meloetta (Aria) 3.0633

31. Landorus 2.9644
32. Unfezant (Male) 2.9596
33. Wobbuffet 2.9363
34. Leavanny 2.9354
35. Chimchar 2.9305
36. Krokorok 2.9206
37. Venomoth 2.8665
38. Meowth 2.8433
39. Slaking 2.8221
40. Horsea 2.8205
41. Whimsicott 2.8026
42. Sableye 2.7473
43. Tangrowth 2.7454
44. Cherrim (Sunny) 2.7246
45. Pawniard 2.7043
46. Musharna 2.6895
47. Lopunny 2.6881
48. Castform (Sunny) 2.6805
49. Girafarig 2.6789
50. Taillow 2.6678
51. Zigzagoon 2.6377
52. Corphish 2.6274
53. Corsola 2.5974
54. Pansage 2.5458
55. Krabby 2.5390
56. Lombre 2.5060
57. Mienfoo 2.4973
58. Snover 2.4939
59. Probopass 2.4935
60. Azurill 2.4901
61. Swinub 2.4806
62. Starly 2.4805
63. Sunflora 2.4243
64. Machop 2.4230
65. Slugma 2.4200
66. Koffing 2.3490
67. Happiny 2.3289
68. Darumaka 2.3229
69. Audino 2.3096
70. Ferroseed 2.2969
71. Igglybuff 2.2755
72. Bellsprout 2.2621
73. Spinda 2.2556
74. Clamperl 2.2373
75. Volbeat 2.1823
76. Wurmple 2.1174
77. Chingling 2.1030
78. Wormadam (Trash) 2.0405
79. Alomomola 2.0344
80. Unown C 1.9393
81. Cascoon 1.9109

Round 2, Group 1:
1. Umbreon 3.8825
2. Charmander 3.7841
3. Jolteon 3.7787
4. Pidgeot 3.7561
5. Rayquaza 3.7058
6. Suicune 3.6947
7. Eevee 3.6085
8. Dratini 3.5784
9. Glaceon 3.5735
10. Togekiss 3.5622
11. Gallade 3.5602
12. Ivysaur 3.5131
13. Kyogre 3.4640
14. Braviary 3.4615
15. Reshiram 3.4376
16. Houndoom 3.4274
17. Jirachi 3.3834
18. Growlithe 3.3645
19. Giratina (Altered) 3.2539
20. Haxorus 3.2502

21. Gliscor 3.2436
22. Notched-Ear Pichu 3.2312
23. Golem 3.2095
24. Togetic 3.1821
25. Croconaw 3.1511
26. Pidgeotto 3.1482
27. Palkia 3.1431
28. Deoxys (Attack) 3.1386
29. Psyduck 3.1144
30. Treecko 3.0876
31. Kangaskhan 3.0865
32. Vibrava 3.0603
33. Magmortar 3.0470
34. Turtwig 3.0406
35. Reuniclus 3.0375
36. Oshawott 3.0348
37. Combusken 3.0282
38. Larvitar 3.0155
39. Lanturn 2.9791
40. Kadabra 2.9656
41. Excadrill 2.9574
42. Noctowl 2.9395
43. Cobalion 2.9301
44. Deoxys 2.9155
45. Regirock 2.9148
46. Exploud 2.8895
47. Keldeo 2.8539
48. Lairon 2.8079
49. Arceus (Ice) 2.7849
50. Arceus (Ghost) 2.7237
51. Darmanitan 2.7132
52. Hitmontop 2.6908
53. Meloetta (Pirouette) 2.6002
54. Arceus (Ground) 2.4662

Round 2, Group 2:
1. Charizard 4.2339
2. Blastoise 4.0111
3. Blaziken 3.9158
4. Metagross 3.9075
5. Scizor 3.8638
6. Latios 3.8634
7. Venusaur 3.8492
8. Aggron 3.7788
9. Garchomp 3.7456
10. Alakazam 3.7303
11. Latias 3.7070
12. Luxray 3.6877
13. Zoroark 3.6578
14. Squirtle 3.6109
15. Nidoking 3.6056
16. Moltres 3.5849
17. Leafeon 3.5733
18. Darkrai 3.5433
19. Celebi 3.4876
20. Krookodile 3.4028

21. Weavile 3.3788
22. Chandelure 3.3592
23. Kyurem 3.3584
24. Wailord 3.3520
25. Starmie 3.2514
26. Rhydon 3.1907
27. Galvantula 3.1760
28. Cloyster 3.1711
29. Heatran 3.1546
30. Torchic 3.1418
31. Yanmega 3.1322
32. Ditto 3.1240
33. Virizion 3.1185
34. Togepi 3.0862
35. Zangoose 3.0552
36. Roserade 3.0338
37. Terrakion 3.0161
38. Sawsbuck (Winter) 3.0107
39. Zweilous 2.9746
40. Regigigas 2.9685
41. Blissey 2.9631
42. Mienshao 2.9569
43. Magnezone 2.9549
44. Marshtomp 2.9424
45. Arceus (Dark) 2.9356
46. Tepig 2.9352
47. Ursaring 2.9259
48. Arceus (Fire) 2.8897
49. Drapion 2.8728
50. Muk 2.8665
51. Thundurus 2.8413
52. Floatzel 2.8391
53. Dodrio 2.7267
54. Sawsbuck (Summer) 2.6345

Round 2, Group 3:
1. Lucario 4.0675
2. Mew 4.0624
3. Flygon 3.9116
4. Vaporeon 3.7778
5. Hydreigon 3.7457
6. Kingdra 3.7256
7. Groudon 3.6946
8. Raikou 3.6546
9. Empoleon 3.6499
10. Dragonair 3.6107
11. Ampharos 3.5791
12. Gyarados 3.5744
13. Scyther 3.5647
14. Entei 3.5516
15. Kabutops 3.5468
16. Samurott 3.4898
17. Quilava 3.4621
18. Totodile 3.4328
19. Meganium 3.3815
20. Haunter 3.3475

21. Wartortle 3.3135
22. Zorua 3.2925
23. Grovyle 3.2903
24. Shaymin (Sky) 3.2744
25. Registeel 3.2505
26. Mudkip 3.2390
27. Mamoswine 3.2227
28. Slowking 3.2002
29. Shaymin 3.1774
30. Nidoqueen 3.1299
31. Butterfree 3.1080
32. Gigalith 3.0738
33. Mightyena 3.0698
34. Walrein 3.0696
35. Rotom 3.0471
36. Electabuzz 3.0195
37. Tauros 2.9776
38. Slowbro 2.9469
39. Honchkrow 2.9157
40. Poliwrath 2.9043
41. Pichu 2.9017
42. Cresselia 2.8859
43. Scolipede 2.8673
44. Hitmonlee 2.8649
45. Cubone 2.8545
46. Deoxys (Defense) 2.8537
47. Mesprit 2.8146
48. Toxicroak 2.7742
49. Tirtouga 2.7643
50. Vileplume 2.7608
51. Arceus (Electric) 2.7071
52. Houndour 2.7003
53. Prinplup 2.5714
54. Pinsir 2.5323

Round 2, Group 4:
1. Dragonite 4.1618
2. Arcanine 4.0704
3. Mewtwo 4.0693
4. Lapras 3.9635
5. Feraligatr 3.9545
6. Swampert 3.9380
7. Espeon 3.8895
8. Ho-oh 3.8478
9. Torterra 3.8431
10. Snorlax 3.7650
11. Giratina (Origin) 3.7522
12. Absol 3.7427
13. Serperior 3.7040
14. Dialga 3.6953
15. Flareon 3.6571
16. Charmeleon 3.6569
17. Pikachu 3.6410
18. Victini 3.6036
19. Volcarona 3.6000
20. Bulbasaur 3.5434

21. Aerodactyl 3.4870
22. Raichu 3.4753
23. Steelix 3.4516
24. Skarmory 3.4100
25. Marowak 3.3647
26. Altaria 3.3397
27. Emboar 3.3243
28. Sandslash 3.2625
29. Armaldo 3.2616
30. Regice 3.2444
31. Zebstrika 3.2314
32. Rampardos 3.2255
33. Swellow 3.2210
34. Carracosta 3.1948
35. Dewott 3.1682
36. Breloom 3.1673
37. Sneasel 3.1277
38. Bisharp 3.1264
39. Donphan 3.1152
40. Gabite 3.1057
41. Chikorita 3.0759
42. Uxie 3.0654
43. Torkoal 3.0459
44. Omastar 3.0240
45. Xatu 3.0165
46. Snivy 2.9944
47. Metang 2.9943
48. Hitmonchan 2.9818
49. Rotom (Mow) 2.9657
50. Genesect (Fire) 2.9411
51. Axew 2.9368
52. Glalie 2.9154
53. Meloetta (Aria) 2.8978
54. Sawsbuck (Fall) 2.7986

Round 2, Group 5:
1. Tyranitar 4.1204
2. Typhlosion 4.0124
3. Lugia 3.9278
4. Salamence 3.9052
5. Gardevoir 3.8711
6. Sceptile 3.8583
7. Gengar 3.8112
8. Zekrom 3.7341
9. Zapdos 3.6867
10. Milotic 3.6852
11. Articuno 3.6686
12. Ninetales 3.5859
13. Cyndaquil 3.5504
14. Crobat 3.5024
15. Electivire 3.4692
16. Infernape 3.4677
17. Heracross 3.3949
18. Rapidash 3.3666
19. Machamp 3.3263
20. Riolu 3.3133

21. Rhyperior 3.3049
22. Staraptor 3.2613
23. Tropius 3.1972
24. Eelektross 3.1913
25. Froslass 3.1861
26. Manectric 3.1831
27. Vulpix 3.1739
28. Dusknoir 3.1720
29. Mismagius 3.1599
30. Bayleef 3.1364
31. Golurk 3.1149
32. Archeops 3.0979
33. Dewgong 3.0713
34. Kingler 3.0646
35. Porygon-Z 3.0433
36. Sharpedo 3.0295
37. Magmar 3.0268
38. Piplup 3.0160
39. Deoxys (Speed) 2.9735
40. Politoed 2.9604
41. Servine 2.9381
42. Pupitar 2.9034
43. Azel 2.9012
44. Arceus 2.8599
45. Porygon2 2.8415
46. Manaphy 2.8100
47. Dusclops 2.8098
48. Munchlax 2.7596
49. Arceus (Water 2.7491
50. Arceus (Dragon) 2.7260
51. Spiritomb 2.7009
52. Monferno 2.6888
53. Genesect (Water) 2.5985
54. Arceus (Steel 2.5313


Mon May 23, 2011 3:16 pm
Lite Four
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5/5: Vaporeon, Xatu, Slowbro, Rhyperior, Reuniclus, Mightyena, Manaphy, Cresselia, Jolteon, Hitmontop, Heracross, Flygon, Drifblim, Clefairy, Braviary, Bulbasaur
1/5: Arceus, Basculin, Beldum, Darmanitan (both forms), Heatran, Staryu, and all the Unowns

5 Kanto, 3 Johto, 2 Hoenn, 4 Sinnoh, 2 Unova.


Mon May 23, 2011 3:25 pm
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5: Azumarill, Bulbasaur, Feraligatr, Gligar, Heracross, Jolteon, Mantine, Vaporeon, Weepinbell, Xatu
1: Basculin, Darmanitan

4 Kanto and 6 Johto were 5's, 2 Unova were 1's :/

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Mon May 23, 2011 3:36 pm
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5: Feraligatr, Flygon, Jolteon, Medicham, Mightyena, Scolipede, Scrafty, Scraggy, Simipour, Xatu
1: Arceus, Basculin, BELDUM TO INFINITY, Combusken, both Darmanitan, Empoleon, Reuniclus, Rhyperior, Unown x6

I really do not like Beldum.


Mon May 23, 2011 3:38 pm
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5/5: Braviary, Reuniclus
4/5: Anorith, Bulbasaur, Delibird, Dialga, Druddigon, Feraligatr, Flygon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Mightyena, Nidorino, Purrloin, Sawsbuck (Fall)
2/5: Darmanitan (Zen), Ducklett, Gurrdurr, Heatran, Klink, Klang, Lampent, Rotom (Wash), Scrafty, Scraggy, Simipour
1/5: Tympole, Rotom (Mow)

All others were relegated to the 3/5 position for the sheer quality of I-didn't-much-care. Honestly, I mostly voted based on looks; there weren't a lot of Pokes that I had specific sentimentality for (Dialga got 4/5 because he did have this, rather than the 2 his design probably would've gotten) this round.

But I'm glad I get to participate in this one!!


Last edited by rex09 on Tue May 24, 2011 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 23, 2011 6:50 pm
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1/5 (11): Steel Arceus, Red Basculin, Beldum, Celebi, Druddigon, Unown B, Unown D, Unown F, Unown I, Unown Q, Unown T

2/5 (5): Combusken, Zen Darmanitan, Heatran, Klang, Rhyperior

3/5 (25): Bastiodon, Darmanitan, Dialga, Duskull, Gurdurr, Hitmontop, Infernape, Klink, Larvesta, Mightyena, Nidorino, Numel, Qwilfish, Wash Rotom, Sandile, Autumn Sawsbuck, Scrafty, Scraggy, Smoochum, Staryu, Tentacool, Tympole, Uxie, Venipede, Weepinbell

4/5 (20): Anorith, Cresselia, Cubone, Winter Deerling, Ducklett, Feraligatr, Gligar, Jolteon, Lampent, Machamp, Mantine, Marill, Pelipper, Primeape, Purrloin, Reuniclus, Scolipede, Vanillite, Vespiquen, Xatu

5/5 (20): Azumarill, Braviary, Bulbasaur, Camerupt, Hail Castform, Clefairy, Delibird, Drifblim, Empoleon, Flygon, Heracross, Manaphy, Medicham, Mow Rotom, Simipour, Slowbro, Spheal, Tangela, Torchic, Vaporeon


Mon May 23, 2011 11:38 pm
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I didn't write down the one's that I chose, but I do remember a few oddities that I voted others may not have.

5/5 - Heatran, ugly as sin but was a big help to me back in the day.
3/5 - Arceus, Hate it entirely (I mean a God pokemon... really...) but at the same time it came out of my favorite generation and has the highest stats of any pokemon combined with a super unique ability.
1/5 - Reuniclus, I didn't like it when it was first being revealed and I do not like it now.

Tue May 24, 2011 5:48 am
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Am I the only person to put Beldum and Unown-D as four stars? (If not four, then three stars; I forget specifically what I voted)


Tue May 24, 2011 7:32 pm
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Shuckle-rock$ wrote:
Am I the only person to put Beldum and Unown-D as four stars? (If not four, then three stars; I forget specifically what I voted)

I had Unown-D as three stars solely because my first name starts with D. It's not that much greater than any of the other Unown.

I'm gonna bet on Braviary winning this one. Just a hunch, but so far I think almost everyone in this thread has put it towards the top of their list. Then again, it's probably too early to tell.


Tue May 24, 2011 7:45 pm
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Usually, after one day of voting, most of the advancing Pokemon are set in stone. Maybe the ones who just barely qualify to advance might slip through the cracks and lose a spot to one of the top rejects as the week progresses, but the top ten at the very least, if not the top twenty, won't change for the rest of the round.


Tue May 24, 2011 8:25 pm
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1s: Arceus (steel), Darmanitan, Unown B, Unown D, Unown F, Unown I, Unown Q, Unown T
5s: Delibird, Drifblim, Flygon, Mantine, Medicham, Mow Rotom, Qwilfish, Reuniclus, Slowbro

This was a pretty good round, 4 of my top 10 ended up in this round (flygon, medicham, reuniclus, slowbro)


Wed May 25, 2011 7:43 pm
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1/5 (8): Rock Arceus, Feebas, Ferrothorn, Huntail, Lileep, Skuntank, Toxicroak, Unown Y

2/5 (12): Conkeldurr, Gallade, Glameow, Kyurem, Luvdisc, Metang, Mothim, Purugly, Rayquaza, Salamence, Trapinch, Whismur

3/5 (26): Accelgor, Banette, Barboach, Cherubi, Cleffa, Dusclops, Eelektrik, Entei, Exeggcute, Golbat, Gothorita, Gulpin, Joltik, Lairon, Luxray, Mantyke, Monferno, Nidorina, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Summer Sawsbuck, Servine, Shroomish, Solosis, Stoutland, Walrein

4/5 (24): Archeops, Archen, Axew, Bisharp, Cacturne, Rain Castform, Autumn Deerling, Dragonair, Electrode, Excadrill, Farfetch'd, Haunter, Herdier, Magnemite, Octillery, Panpour, Petilil, Pidgeotto, Seaking, Tyranitar, Typhlosion, Weezing, Whiscash, Zorua

5/5 (11): Butterfree, Chansey, Eevee, Furret, Gardevoir, Jumpluff, Rapidash, Swanna, Tepig, Totodile, Victreebel

First of all, HITMONTOP took down Druddigon at the last second of Group 1. VICTORY!!! Druddigon being taken out in the eleventh hour ALMOST makes up for the total robbage of Azumarill, Simipour, Clefairy, Spheal, Medicham, Delibird, Tangela, Drifblim and others; the haters of these Pokemon should be ashamed! :p

Personally, I preferred Group 1's Pokemon. A lot of the 4/5s weren't even 8/10s for me but mostly 7/10s that I would have felt bad for giving 3/5. P.S. could there be a more obvious winner for this group than Typhlosion. :roll:


Sun May 29, 2011 9:04 pm
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Round 2

5: Butterfree, Chansey, Eevee, Poliwhirl, Pidgeotto, Furret, Shroomish, Totodile, Typhlosion, Victreebel
1: Lileep

Only one Pokemon bad enough to deserve a 1 this round and a gen III Pokemon gets a 5 :o

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Sun May 29, 2011 9:15 pm
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5/5: Joltik, Pidgeotto, F**K YEAH SEAKING, Tepig, Totodile, Typhlosion, Tyranitar, Unown Y
4/5: Axew, Dragonair, Eevee, Excadrill, Gallade, Gardevoir, Lairon, Luxray, Metang, Octillery, Sawsbuck (Summer), Solosis, Toxicroak, Victreebel
2/5: Accelgor, Arceus (Rock), Archen, Conkeldurr, Ferrothorn
1/5: Feebas, Purfugly

Okay, there are some strange votes in the 5/5 section. FY Seaking is FY Seaking; I never got to see the April fools' day one, but w/e. Then, I felt terrible about ALL of the Unown scoring really low, so I decided to give Unown Y chance for redemption over his brothers/sisters.

Joltik evolves into the super-mega-awesome-1337 Galvantula; Pidgeotto is also super-mega awesome because of the show. Axew evolves (eventually) into Haxorus, which is another of my faves. Excadrill I hated until I saw an episode (in Japanese) where Iris and Excadrill went through a touching time. Octillery and Victreebel are also awesome because of the anime.

The 2/5s and below just all suck for various reasons; mostly design. 3/5 is anything that's not worth mentioning to me.

Also, why the hell is Arceus Steel at spot #13?? Arceus is stupid looking, has a stupid concept as the creator of the universe, and has only an (I have to admit, unfortunately) interesting gimmick as its only positive side. Let's please reserve our better votes for something that won't show up 13.488930938384747493990 times, shall we? Except for Unown. VOTE FOR UNOWN.

That is all.


Sun May 29, 2011 9:39 pm
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I don't know why I had so many fives. Butterfree, Farfetch'd, Furret, Joltik, Jumpluff, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Seaking, Solosis, Swanna, Totodile, Typhlosion, Whiscash~


Sun May 29, 2011 9:52 pm
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5 Star: DRAGONAIR, Dusclops, GARDEVOIR, Rayquaza
4 Star: Eevee, Ferrothorn, Haunter, Metang, Solois
1 Star: Feebas, Glameow, Gothorita, Luvdisc, PurUGLY, Skuntank

And I go by this rating system:

*****: THIS POKE ROCKS!!!!
****: This poke is cool!
***: This poke is pretty netural.
**: I don't care for this poke.
*: This poke :censored: sucks!


Sun May 29, 2011 10:27 pm
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If I could, I would've given torchic a 10 out of 5. :D

Mon May 30, 2011 6:07 pm
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5 stars-> Ferrothron/Raquazza/Kyruem
4stars-> Lairon/Metang/Salamence/Typholsion/Tyrannitar
3stars-> Cacturne
1Star-> Arceus/Axew

Not that many pokes this round I found worth voting for

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Tue May 31, 2011 7:02 am
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1/5 (12): Bug Arceus, Fighting Arceus, Fire Arceus, Flying Arceus, Water Genesect, Magnezone, Sharpedo, Unown E, Unown J, Unown L, Unown V, Unown X

2/5 (12): Bagon, Blaziken, Boldore, Sand Burmy, Carvanha, Cryogonal, Darkrai, Notch-Eared Pichu, Prinplup, Sneasel, Watchog, Whirlipede

3/5 (30): Beedrill, Carracosta, Chatot, Attack Deoxys, Drilbur, Elekid, Frillish M, West Gastrodon, Glalie, Kabuto, Kecleon, Kirlia, Lumineon, Magby, Masquerain, Metapod, Minun, Natu, Nincada, Pansear, Quilava, Relicanth, Spearow, Stantler, Surskit, Treecko, Tynamo, Ursaring, Vullaby, Zubat

4/5 (16): Aggron, Beartic, Elgyem, Houndoom, Ledyba, Litwick, Mankey, Nidoran M, Pikachu, Rhydon, Rotom, Sewaddle, Swampert, Wartortle, Wingull, Yanma

5/5 (11): Blissey, Cubchoo, Ditto, Jynx, Gyarados, Kingler, Pirouette Meloetta, Politoed, Porygon2, Teddiursa, Victini

Another pretty lame round and, again, I was pretty generous with my 4s. Also, shaking my head at Chansey being robbed.


Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:54 pm
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5/5: Ditto, Pikachu, Quilava
4/5: Aggron, Carracosta, Chatot, Cryogonal, Cubchoo, Darkrai, Deoxys (attack), Gyarados, Houndoom, Kingler, Metapod, Nidoran M, Politoed, Sharpedo, Swampert, Teddiursa, Treecko, the Unown that are part of my name, Wartortle, Wingull, Yanma, Zubat
2/5: Burmy (sandy), Gastrodon (West), Magby, Magnezone, Pansear, Rotom, Victini, Vullaby
1/5: All of the Arceuses, Meloetta (Pirouette)

Not much to say here, other than that the reason why I voted Pikachu so high is because freshman year, that was actually my nickname. And, Ditto rocks the house.

EDIT: Good job, Psypoke. Another Arceus was kept out of the running. But the results for the previous round were kind of predictable, I guess.


Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:12 am
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1: Arceus (fire), Arceus (flying), Blaziken, Boldore, Burmy (sand)
5: Litwick, Pirouetta, Pikachu, Politoed, Porygon 2, Rhydon, Wartortle, Ursaring

More 1's this time and two 5's from gen V. I liked the colours on the other Arceus' so I gave them 2's :/ I was iffy on Pikachu but it was a favourite in the past so whatever.

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:36 pm
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5- Aggron/Blazkein/Sharpedo
3- Cravanha/Darkari/Quilava/Swampert/Whirlipede
2- Deoxys (att)/ Glalie

Again nothing really jumped out at me.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:12 am
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5s: Blaziken (had to go with the bandwagon), Deoxys-A, Gyarados, Swampert
4s: Beedrill, Ditto, Prinplup,
1s: Cubchoo, Genesect-W, Lumineon, Melowetta-P, Minum, Birth-Defect Pichu, Pikachu

And FYI, I rated all the Unowns 3 stars. As well as all the Arceuses.


Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:51 am
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Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:29 am
Posts: 1581
Location: Purple Ranger
1/5 (11): Water Arceus, Defense Deoxys, Dustox, Gible, Palkia, Tornadus, Unown A, Unown K, Unown O, Unown P, Unown Z

2/5 (10): Claydol, Deino, Kakuna, Kricketot, Kricketune, Lunatone, Magmortar, Milotic, Palpitoad, Scizor

3/5 (29): Abra, Bouffalant, Crobat, Croconaw, Duosion, Electrike, Foongus, Garbodor, Altered Giratina, Golurk, Grotle, Hippowdon, Hitmonchan, Kingdra, Liepard, Magikarp, Mandibuzz, Marshtomp, Mesprit, Mr. Mime, Nuzleaf, Patrat, Ralts, Fan Rotom, Frost Rotom, West Shellos, Shinx, Smeargle, Tranquill

4/5 (12): Cloyster, Cyndaquil, Summer Deerling, Doduo, Gastly, Glaceon, Growlithe, Hoppip, Serperior, Vileplume, Virizion, Zapdos

5/5 (19): Chandelure, Drifloon, Dugtrio, Espeon, Grumpig, Hitmonlee, Jigglypuff, Lilligant, Mismagius, Oddish, Roselia, Roserade, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Shaymin, Slowpoke, Spoink, Swablu, Vulpix


Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:08 am
Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:38 pm
Posts: 1422
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1-> Cyndaquil/Deino/Deoxys (def)/Gible/Roton (fan+Frost)/Serperior
5-> Palkia/Scizor

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:35 am
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