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 Your top ten pokemon? 
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Psychic Trainer
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Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 4:05 pm
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Location: Solaceon Town
My top 10 are:
1- {leafeon}
2- {lucario}
3- {houndoom}
4- {absol}
5- {luxray}
6- {shieldon}
7- {shaymin}
8- {vaporeon}
9- {umbreon}
10- {cubone}
I give most of them nick-names,
1- Jenny
3- Bat
4- Koudu
9- Nyla
(LOLZ= :frustrated: ) <3

PokeRap GS:
Oh, Yeah!

Sun May 17, 2009 10:33 am
Psychic Trainer
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Oooh I have trouble picking top ten of anything...

1. {typhlosion} Tartarus
2. {garchomp} Gaia
3. {rayquaza} Rhea
4. {metagross} Mars
5. {luxray} Lelex
6. {walrein} Whaley
7. {poliwrath} Poseidon
8. {froslass} Fran
9. {gliscor} Gorgon
10. {magmortar} Morpheus


"You can't reason yourself back into cheerfulness any more than you can reason yourself into an extra six inches in height."

"You don't sit down and write a wish list about the person you are going to fall violently in love with. It just doesn't work like that."

Stephen Fry

Sun May 17, 2009 10:41 am
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Bug Catcher
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1st- Absol

2nd- Charizard

3rd- Rayquaza

4th- Golem

5th- Steelix

6th- Lapras

7th- Tyranitar

8th- Togekiss

9th- Blissey

10th- Darkrai

-Dark Absol





Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:14 am
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1. {dragonite}
2. {chimecho}
3. {piplup}
4. {empoleon}
5. {lucario}
6. {drifblim}
7. {gyarados}
8. {chingling}
9. {palkia}
10. {dialga}


Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:52 am
Bug Catcher
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1. {lugia}
2. {charizard}
3. {venusaur}
4. {blastoise}
5. {zapdos}
6. {articuno}
7. {arcanine}
8. {mewtwo}
9. {mew}
10. {dragonite}

Lugiaman {lugia}

Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:41 pm
Dragon Tamer
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10. {pachirisu}
9. {pidgeot}
8. {lopunny}
7. {blastoise}
6. {dewgong}
5. {mismagius}
4. {furret}
3. {altaria}
2. {roserade}
1. {glaceon}

I have updated my list. Glaceon is still at the top because of how awesome it is. Roserade and Altaria are completely amazaing. Furret, onthe other hand, is the one that people are most shocked by. I like Furret. I think it can learn decent moves and learn most tms. The others are just classics. I noticed that quite alot of people havent put ant Generation IV pokemon, I like so of the new ones.


Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:56 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Location: Getting Jirachi off wi-fi...100 times
10. {scizor}
9. {togekiss}
8. {froslass}
7. {shaymin}
6. {raikou}
5. {suicune}
4. {celebi}
3. {jirachi}
2. {mewtwo}
1. {palkia}

Although my favorites change a lot. jirachi wasn't in my top ten until last week.

Shiny Pokemon: Two Togepi, Machop, and Pichu, along with 9 PCP and two Red Gyarados
Trade wants: Good IV Scyther/Scizor and Good IV Pokemon from the Chansey family! I have lots of event Pokemon/TMs/Items for trade!
PM me for a battle!I need Red Shards! I will trade Lugia/Ho-Oh/Other stuff for a Red Shard!

Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:48 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Mega_Horn wrote:
1. {heracross} (Hence Mega_Horn)
2.{typhlosion} (My favorite starter)
3.{cyndaquil} (Purely for his cuddly cuteness <3)
4.{squirtle} (First pokemon I ever owned)
5.{magneton} (I don't know why, but I've always liked Magneton)
7.{porygon} (Favorite normal type, and I've always liked the Porygon series' cries)
10.{geodude} (He was always the Pokemon I dragged around for Rock Smash and Strength)

Weird, I've always liked the Porygons, Cyndaquil, Typhlosion, and Squirtle. Are we, like, the same? I've gone through a temporary obsession with each of those pokemon.

Image(by spiritombs nightmare)
I trade/battle, PM me anytime!
Name:Madelin FC:(Diamond)3780 9007 3601 (Pearl)5370 0386 0381 (Platinum)5155 8801 1692
Image (by Ender)

Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:12 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Here are my top ten favourites in no particular order:


Still, excluding the repugnant abomination that is Arceus, I pretty much like all Pokemon. However, I do of course like some more than others. :P

Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:00 am
Bug Catcher
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1. Starmie
2. Cloyster
3. Kingdra
4. Dragonair
5. Espeon
6. Glaceon
7. Umbreon
8. Salamence
9. Latios
10. Scizor

Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:56 pm
Pokemon Trainer
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10. {charizard}
9. {jolteon}
8. {gallade}
7. {milotic}
6. {dragonite}
5. {flareon}
4. {arcanine}
3. {mewtwo}
2. {suicune}
1. {arceus}

Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:48 pm
Bug Catcher
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10. Eevee
9. Blastoise
8. Lapras
6=. Nidoqueen
6=. Nidoking
5. Salamance
4. Flygon
2=. Gyarados
2=. Charizard
1. Dragonite

Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:15 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Location: Nova Scotia. Yeah, It exists.
1. {ampharos}
2. {kabutops}
3. {torterra}
4. {espeon}
5. {electivire}
6. {charizard} (Shiny)
7. {aggron}
8. {breloom}
9. {tyranitar}
10. {kingdra}

That's without legends. Top 5 legend are:
1. {raikou}
2. {zapdos}
3. {dialga}
4. {darkrai}
5. {lugia}

FC: Ryan 1462-9617-6058
friends FC black:0261 0441 3891

Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:10 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Location: I am inside your soul. It's actually really comfortable in here.
1. {dialga}
2. {wartortle}
3. {charizard}
4. {skorupi}
5. {skarmory}
6. {weavile}
7. {lapras}
8. {tyranitar}
9. {flygon}
10. {rampardos}

{glaceon} {leafeon} {weavile} {sceptile} {charizard} {azelf} {mesprit} {uxie}

Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:12 am
Dragon Tamer
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Location: What, you want directions or something?
1. Jolteon
2. Uxie
3. Electrike
4. Absol
5. Gardevoir
6. Raichu
7. Umbreon
8. Hitmontop
9. Glaceon
10. Slowbro

Avatar made by my friend from another forum. No stealing.

Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:46 pm
Bug Catcher
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All but the last two were my favorites when I was a kid.

1. Mewtwo {mewtwo}
2. Koffing {koffing}
3. Charizard {charizard}
4. Feraligatr {feraligatr}
5. Tyranitar {tyranitar}
6. Nidoking {nidoking}
7. Lickitung {lickitung}
8. Electabuzz {electabuzz}
9. Weavile {weavile}
10. Metagross {metagross}

Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:11 pm
Psychic Trainer
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1) {venusaur} (First pokemon, and now I'm super attached to it)
2) {gengar} (The GOD of Ghost types)
3) {crobat} (The GOD of Speed)
4) {typhlosion} (My Jhoto starter, also its name is awesome)
5) {sceptile} (My Hoenn starter, also the fastest starter I've had)
6) {salamence} (Very versatile pokemon IMO)
7) {absol} (A monster of a PhysSweepr)
8) {metagross} (Another monster of a PhysSweepr)
9) {breloom} (Spore, what more can I say?)
10) {forretress} (Spiker and Spinner at the same time, well, x4 weakness to fire spoils it)

ImageImageImage Thanks to Afonso = trophy & KO hit
Some noob on Shoddy wrote:

Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:32 pm
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In cool and cute - Legends:

10. {skarmory} - 10.{zapdos}
9. {kabutops} - 9.{suicune}
8. {tyranitar} - 8.{rayquaza}
7. {flygon} - 7.{palkia}
6. {salamence} - 6.{deoxys}
5. {garchomp} - 5.{arceus}
4. {gallade} - 4.{ho-oh}
3. {turtwig} - 3.{dialga}
2. {mew} - 2. {mew}
1. {charmander} - 1. {darkrai}


Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:02 am
Psychic Trainer
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My list in no particular order. The number does not mean I like them least or most.

10. Ninetales.
9. Vaporeon.
8. Chikorita - Meganium.
7. Leafeon.
6. Absol.
5. Jolteon.
4. Espeon.
3. Umbreon.
2. Milotic.
1. Cyndaquil.

-I have no intention of finding shinies anymore. I just can't find any. Besides, I think the ordinary coloured pokemon are just as great. =)
-If you want suggestions for nicknames, I'm not bad for thinking up ideas. And if you don't like any of my ideas, you don't have to use them. =)

Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:28 pm
Bug Catcher
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this list is no order just my 10 favorites.


Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:28 am
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