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 Funny things that ppl do on pkmn games 
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No, my cousin wasted his Masterball in his Gold Version. This was a few years ago.

But, yeah that is the entire point of the MasterBall in FR and LG. But they wern't even out yet when this happened.

Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:52 am
Dragon Tamer
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My cousin catched a Poochyena with his masterball.
He was thinking than Poochyena was a legendary

Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:18 pm

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my bro used to only train grass pokémon. He wanted to pw3n my swampert with them, so I taught all my pokémon either a fire, ice, or flying move. A little ember goes a long way. seriously. ember. :mrgreen:

also some just ignore pokémon types and levels altogether. a lil' kid said the following:

lil' kid: i'm gonna beat your lvl 100 swampert with my lvl 72 ampharos!
me: what the heck. you're on.
-lil' kid sends out lvl 72 ampharos, I send out lvl 100 swampert.-
lil' kid: yes! you fell for it! ampharos is electric! it only knows electric moves! yer an idiot!
me: oh well. -uses earthquake- super effective!
lil' kid: check this out! -uses thunder wave- what?!? doesn't effect him?!? oh well. it's ability must be limber.
me: -uses muddy water-
lil' kid: ha! thundershock! -uses thundershock- what?!? that dosen't work either?!?
me: heck. i'll just let you have my turn. -uses endavor-
gameboy: but it failed!
lil' kid: lol!!!! (he actually said lol, though i doubt he knows what it means) your move didn't work, but this will! -uses thunderpunch- that didn't work either!?
me: nope.
lil' kid: this has to work! -shockwave- WHAT?!?!?
me: do you even know about type matchups? here's a quick lesson. electric dosen't effect ground. but ground -uses earthquake- hugely effects electric!
gameboy: ampharos fainted!

true story

this is probably gettin too long, but i think that if you're going to teach damaging moves only, at least teach ones that can do the same as non-damaging. (muddy water, rock tomb, psychic, and confusion to name a few)


this sounds like blazinglucar's (almost too much...) but it actually happened to me. when i was fie and got my first pokémon game (red, like blazinglucar), i instantly turned it on. i didn't bother reading the instructions, because my attention span was too short. when i went downstairs, i couldn't find the way out! it took me days to realize that the rug at the bottom was actually a ddoormat.

Last edited by girog on Fri May 04, 2007 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:43 pm
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I'd have to say it'd be the "Connection Lost" trick. Every so often I'll have a Year 7 at school tell me that they want to battle (Most of them are people that I've seen playing Leafgreen or Firered at school and not made fun of them)


{nidoking} @ Leftovers
- Thunder
- Flamethrower
- Surf
- Rain Dance

{nidoqueen} @ Leftovers
- Attract
- Facade
- Toxic
- Shadow Ball

{swampert} @ Leftovers
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Focus Punch
- Protect

{espeon} @ Leftovers
- Morning Sun
- Sunny Day
- Psychic
- HP Fire

{scyther} @ Shell Bell
- Swords Dance
- Silver Wind
- Aerial Ace
- Baton Pass

{miltank} @ Leftovers
- Heal Bell
- Milk Drink
- Body Slam
- Shadow Ball

My best battling style is double battles since I have a talent for strategy and combos. One battle I had was a little bit of a challenge which was a welcome change. I had got him down to two Pokemon and he had taken out my Nidoking and Nidoqueen. I'm unlucky enough to have a special Nidoking and my Nidoqueen is my most successful annoyer. (I test most of these out on Kryten)

Anyway. He was using a rather fast Kingdra and a special Arcanine. I decided to try and outrun his Kingdra with my Scyther and use my Swampert as backup. I managed to get an Aerial Ace in on Kingdra before Scyther was blown away by a Flamethrower from Arcanine. Then I used Miltank. I used an Earthquake on Arcanine and a Body Slam on Kingdra. The Earthquake knocked out Arcanine and the Body Slam paralyzed Kingdra. Then came the old "Connection lost" trick. He turned off his SP and said it had run out of battery. Then when I frowned he accused me of cheating and walked away. I don't know why they can't admit defeat :S

Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:19 pm

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girog wrote:
me: -uses muddy water-
gameboy: it's not very effective...

Thats not true, muddy water does normal damage on electrics.

Oh, and 2x4b, why flamethrower on nidoking if the rain is going to reduce its damage?, besides, rain dance increase the damage of water moves (one of your weakness).


In nomine....Diabulus et...Belial, Satan, Astharoth, Lucifer et Yahve.

Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:17 pm
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When my brother brad was little on G/S/C he though that you could steal
pokemon well one of those pokeballs happen to be a masterball but he didnt know it at the time

Also little kids are easier to get pranked i watched my cousin scam a little
on Fire Red for his Alakazam and Articuno for a lv.87 {caterpie} we laughed about it later


Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:08 pm
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garabato wrote:
girog wrote:
me: -uses muddy water-
gameboy: it's not very effective...

Thats not true, muddy water does normal damage on electrics.

Oh, and 2x4b, why flamethrower on nidoking if the rain is going to reduce its damage?, besides, rain dance increase the damage of water moves (one of your weakness).

Rain Dance is there for Thunder. Since the biggest threat to Nidoking is water pokemon.

Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:55 am
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i dunno if this is too old for me to post or not but anyway i was watching someone else playing lg and hefound raikou in an ocean and said die! and used his strongest move, "Raikou fainted" i was like omg!! then he saved it because he thought his game would get enchanted or something lol, i told him th truth and he cried for like 20minutes and swore at me for not helping him..
it was really funny, and sad.To bad for the kid... :( but still he's like "DIE!!!" LOL then hes laughing until i tell him and hes like waaaaaaaaaaaahaaaahaaa

i found that amusing.. :twisted: :shock:


Thu May 03, 2007 4:53 pm
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Stupid things. I don't know anything about anyone else's but let me share mine:

Incident 1: Raising my starters in GSC like heck. I was raising my Quilava and when I got to Whitney it was lvl 23. I found it hard to win but I did. Strangely enough I ended up pwning the E4 single handed with my Typhlosion lvl 50-something. Then again, the E4 in GSC is ridiculously easy.

Incident 2: Red Gyarados. I didn't like catching evolved forms, even if they were different colors. So I killed it. (Not a biggie, I got one from Crystal then later got a shiny Graveler.)

Incident 3: Ho-Oh. This has got to be my biggest blunder ever: When I went to fight Ho-Oh I only had 6 Ultra Balls or something, then I got it to the red zone with Typhlosion (btw, this is the one with Sacred Fire). When I ran out of Ultra Balls I ran away, thinking I'd meet it somewhere else. (Back then I really liked the anime. Back was good!) When I learned the truth I exploded in a fit of <s>rage</s> frustration. I got one from my Crystal version but it's still not the same...

Also I find it annoying that people would waste TMs on Pokemon (except HM slaves). One point I taught my Typhlosion Cut. I, on the other hand, practically never use TMs. Once I got sick of waiting for my lvl 45 Typhlosion to learn a new level up move, so I picked up TM39 to teach him - Swift; wouldn't you know it?! And that's a natural move. My brother taught Psychic to a Sableye I traded him - but that's good actually, 'cus it's a great fighter and owns Master Rank Smart Contests!
Well that's all really. See ya.



Fri May 04, 2007 2:33 pm
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The anime should be banned think of the poor people who level up their Bulbasaur to lvl 100 just because Ash never evolved his Bulbasaur.
Lol this one's funny my friend actually sold his Exp. Share :lol: :lol: :lol:


Sat May 05, 2007 5:01 am
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I've done quite a few stupid things on my save files/NB. Here are a few:

-On one of my Gold version save files I was in a rush and accidently replaced my Ho-oh's Sacred Fire with Swift. I would've tought it Flamethrower but unfortunatly I don't own Crystal :(.

-I accidently killed a shiny Fearow - I never noticed that it was shiny until it was too late -_-'.

-I was on NB at about 5:00 am, hadn't had any sleep. I kept making mistakes such as using Leech Seed on a Celebi, or using Explosion when my opponenet's Pokemon were either Steel/Rock or completely resistant to it.

Sat May 05, 2007 9:48 am
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well I have done my share of nooby things when I just started playing pokemon but I kinda matured out of it. like when my bro bought his game used at gamestop he turned it on and said "hey I got a pink kitty" I was freaking out and telling him to train it cus it evos into mewtwo sooner or later we figured it out that he had a awsomly rare mew lol :lol:


Sun May 06, 2007 3:38 pm
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I did alot of things, like focus on training my Main Poke, then complain when i couldnt beat the gym leader. Also, completly blowing off moves that helped the pokemon, such at leer, and on so on. Ive only recently learned that I need a balance off all them.



Mon May 07, 2007 6:14 pm
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Whenever i beat my bro in a pokémon battle, he always turns off his gba/ds and says that that was just a practice battle. he keeps on doing that until i make a stupid mistake and lose, which with double battles for me, is 1 in 1,000,000.

Tue May 08, 2007 12:02 pm
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heh, when i played pokemon i always played r/b/y/silver and never got to 100 so i bought the games on ebay lol! i got one with about 8 chanseys blue had 4 lvl 100 pokemon (only 4 in pokedex!!) and yellow had like 200 pokemon i was all happy even though i didn't do them...
i was very confused

now everything is complicated... eh not really

~ElectroBeer~ :idea:

There is an upcomming nintendo event for November 2007!!! click here!!

Mon May 14, 2007 4:18 am
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I hate those kiddos who think that if they have like, lvl 95 kyogre, They are gods, Well, I beat ones kids butt with my lvl 70 rayquaza (just got it ^^) He was like: omfg! You are such a **** And ******* also, *******...

Also my friend, Who has EVERYTHING in lvl 100, Wanted to beat my lvl 60 team with his lvl 100 latias, I was like, okeh... So i used my umbreon, Poof! That latias came down dead, And he was like.... How the heck did you hack that pkmn!?

I laughed so hard.... He doesn't know dark beats psychic pokémon easily! xD

I remember when i was playing my charming pkmn yellow... I only trained my pikachu, But the surprising thing is, I beat everyone with him, But until -shudder- The champion -.-** I could NEVER beat him.. So i made new save, and learned how to play pkmn in a good way. The end.

Mon May 14, 2007 7:39 am
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ohh i dont know where to start on the dumb things i did back in the day...
1. only trained on one pokemon
2. gave good pokemon hm's
3. spelt pokemon "pokimon"
4. only used attacks that attack ( i still kinda do but not on many pokemon anymore)
5. only used attacks of the same type.
heres an example (no kidding! this realy was one of my pokemon)
typhlosion lvl 100
rock smash
flame thrower
flame wheel

Mon May 14, 2007 8:18 pm
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[color=indigo][/color]One time i was playing ruby and i used my master ball on a duskull and one time my dad threw away my master ball :oops: :oops: :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry:

Tue May 15, 2007 4:54 pm
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I didnt do this, but my little sister did, she used her masterball on starly, one would think that if they got that far, then they would know when to use it. But not my little sister, I asked her about it later, and she said that she couldnt catch it with an ultra ball, so she went for the master. I dont think that she knew that there's only one in the game. :lol:


Tue May 15, 2007 6:19 pm
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In the early days of my Blue version I would launch a pokeball at any Trainer's pokemon that I couldnt manage to find. One day, without noticing, I launched my masterball at one of the e-4's pokemon. Luckily the glithc gave me 100,00,000 more... :P

I sold my silver version because I found a shiny Hoot-hoot and thought my game was messed up. Later, when i first joined Psypoke and saw it in the Psydex...I felt so dumb.


Traded all my :"friends" legendary and shiny pokemon to my game, and then said I let my litle cousin play and she released them all. When he found out the truth he was laughing...after he had broken my game to bits.

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Tue May 15, 2007 6:51 pm
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Hreffie wrote:
I hate those kiddos who think that if they have like, lvl 95 kyogre, They are gods, Well, I beat ones kids butt with my lvl 70 rayquaza (just got it ^^) He was like: omfg! You are such a **** And ******* also, *******...

Also my friend, Who has EVERYTHING in lvl 100, Wanted to beat my lvl 60 team with his lvl 100 latias, I was like, okeh... So i used my umbreon, Poof! That latias came down dead, And he was like.... How the heck did you hack that pkmn!?

I laughed so hard.... He doesn't know dark beats psychic pokémon easily! xD

I remember when i was playing my charming pkmn yellow... I only trained my pikachu, But the surprising thing is, I beat everyone with him, But until -shudder- The champion -.-** I could NEVER beat him.. So i made new save, and learned how to play pkmn in a good way. The end.

I'm sorry, did you just say you beat a lvl 95 Kyogre with a lvl 70 Rayquaza? The only way I think that could happen is if the Kyogre DIDN'T have Ice Beam. If it did have Ice Beam however, it would kill lvl 70 Rayquaza if Kyogre was lvl 57. (My lvl 54 Kyogre almost killed wild Rayquaza with Ice Beam, so that's the only feasible reason to me, is if the Kyogre didn't have Ice Beam. What a waste.)
I can kinda guess that some people are so immature when they're about to lose a Pokemon Battle. I'm not like that; I'll play it out to the end...if my Link Cable didn't mess up so much! Where the heck does a sleeping Venonat named ???????????????????LUGIA come from, anyway?



Wed May 16, 2007 11:04 am
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SorcererDNA wrote:

I'm sorry, did you just say you beat a lvl 95 Kyogre with a lvl 70 Rayquaza? The only way I think that could happen is if the Kyogre DIDN'T have Ice Beam. If it did have Ice Beam however, it would kill lvl 70 Rayquaza if Kyogre was lvl 57. (My lvl 54 Kyogre almost killed wild Rayquaza with Ice Beam, so that's the only feasible reason to me, is if the Kyogre didn't have Ice Beam. What a waste.)
I can kinda guess that some people are so immature when they're about to lose a Pokemon Battle. I'm not like that; I'll play it out to the end...if my Link Cable didn't mess up so much! Where the heck does a sleeping Venonat named ???????????????????LUGIA come from, anyway?


Actully, I did once, Because the kid deleted his ice moves for water moves (and sucking too, Surf for ice beam, and waterfall for sheer cold.) He kept spamming hydro pump and surf on the rayquaza, and he spammed full restore's when i got some damage on him. -shrug- I beat him though,

But i agree, Some people can get really immature, i just laugh about it :D

Wed May 16, 2007 12:23 pm
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Hreffie wrote:
SorcererDNA wrote:

I'm sorry, did you just say you beat a lvl 95 Kyogre with a lvl 70 Rayquaza? The only way I think that could happen is if the Kyogre DIDN'T have Ice Beam. If it did have Ice Beam however, it would kill lvl 70 Rayquaza if Kyogre was lvl 57. (My lvl 54 Kyogre almost killed wild Rayquaza with Ice Beam, so that's the only feasible reason to me, is if the Kyogre didn't have Ice Beam. What a waste.)
I can kinda guess that some people are so immature when they're about to lose a Pokemon Battle. I'm not like that; I'll play it out to the end...if my Link Cable didn't mess up so much! Where the heck does a sleeping Venonat named ???????????????????LUGIA come from, anyway?


Actully, I did once, Because the kid deleted his ice moves for water moves (and sucking too, Surf for ice beam, and waterfall for sheer cold.) He kept spamming hydro pump and surf on the rayquaza, and he spammed full restore's when i got some damage on him. -shrug- I beat him though,

But i agree, Some people can get really immature, i just laugh about it :D

Sorry but how could he use Full Restores in a link battle? I don't think it's possible...

Wed May 16, 2007 12:55 pm
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My friend is obsessed with the thought that Infernape should rot in *bleep* and that Torterra is way better. He talks about how an Earthquake could easily KO Infernape. Then, I say that Infernape is faster. My friend asks me how I know, so I tell him how I know about base stats, and he says that if Infernape and Torerra are both lvl. 55, a Torterra would go first if it has had enough Carbos. lol.

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Wed May 16, 2007 2:02 pm

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Hreffie wrote:
SorcererDNA wrote:

I'm sorry, did you just say you beat a lvl 95 Kyogre with a lvl 70 Rayquaza? The only way I think that could happen is if the Kyogre DIDN'T have Ice Beam. If it did have Ice Beam however, it would kill lvl 70 Rayquaza if Kyogre was lvl 57. (My lvl 54 Kyogre almost killed wild Rayquaza with Ice Beam, so that's the only feasible reason to me, is if the Kyogre didn't have Ice Beam. What a waste.)
I can kinda guess that some people are so immature when they're about to lose a Pokemon Battle. I'm not like that; I'll play it out to the end...if my Link Cable didn't mess up so much! Where the heck does a sleeping Venonat named ???????????????????LUGIA come from, anyway?


Actully, I did once, Because the kid deleted his ice moves for water moves (and sucking too, Surf for ice beam, and waterfall for sheer cold.) He kept spamming hydro pump and surf on the rayquaza, and he spammed full restore's when i got some damage on him. -shrug- I beat him though,

But i agree, Some people can get really immature, i just laugh about it :D

1. spamming? never heard that word used for anything but Email and for forums.
2. it's impossible to use items on a link battle.
3. Surf is actually better than ice beam. it has higher pp, it can be used outside of battle, it can hit an opponent using dive, and it will damage both opponents.
4. STAB!!!!!!!!! never battle without it! kyogre is a water pokémon, so it will have water STAB.

But i agree, some people can get really clueless, but I just laugh about it :D

Last edited by girog on Sat May 19, 2007 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri May 18, 2007 1:50 pm
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