
Poison Type Pokemon
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Author:  Ninetales [ Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Poison Type Pokemon

Hello everyone. There is one thing I've noticed throughout all my gaming years. And that is that poison pokemon are not all that popular. At least, that's the idea I have. So, I was wondering, does anyone use pure poison types regularly in their teams? How do you use them? How do you fit them in the team strategy? Is the poison type anyone's favorites? I believe poison pokemon are very strategical, rather than sweepers, or tanks.

Author:  blu-suicune [ Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like the Toxi-trapper/switcher strategy very much, but as yet I don't have one on my team. Poisoning is great, so long as its your doing the poisoning!

I think my favourite poison types are Gengar and Zubat. I'm fond of Poison, but its not my very favourite, simply because I favour things like Fire and Electric. But I certainly see the advantage of having a poisoner!

Author:  Ninetales [ Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:04 pm ]
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Yes, poison is a terrifying strategy, however, I'm talking about pure poison. Muk, Weezing, Seviper. I like zubat and haunter myself, already used them as main team members, but never a pure poison. (when I discovered the crobat I was like "I must have that on eon my team" but I used it mainly for flying and confusion strategy) And the same goes for gengar, you allways have the ghost/psychic moves. Poison is rarely used as an offensive, more like poisoning, and then use another move-type.

Author:  Radio Willy [ Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Confuse Ray is an awesome move, and the Zubat family is lucky enough to learn it, though I'd never use one. I don't have anything agaist poison types, but you can only have 6 pokemon on your team, and I have others that I'd like to have on my team.

Author:  AABM [ Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think pure Poisontypes are not so... common cuz they resive the STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) with Poison (knowing that poison type only sweeps Grass types...) and therefore, sweeping poison-type moves like Sludge Bomb and Poison Fang have to be used carefully

In my case I once used a Protect,-Poison Fang,-Dig-and-Wrap using {arbok} (and u dun have an idea of how succesful he was).

and I remember that i used to have a Seismic Toss,-Toxic,-Flamethrower-and-Water Pulse {togetic}! (Man! u shoud had seen her, I defeated Dome Ace Tucker with she, and a {gardevoir})

but it was months ago... before my Kingdra,-Metagross,-Salamence,-Dragonite,-Tyranitar-and-Flygon Team arrived...

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

There are a few reasons why the Poison type is underrated. The main reason should be due to Poison's few strengths. It's only good against Grass types, and Grass types aren't too common anyway. Also, it is weak to Ground, and Earthquake is very commonly used.

However, I find that Poison started out as a bad type back when Pokemon first came into existence. They gave the Poison type few useful moves. Sweeping moves such as Sludge Bomb were non-existent, and the Poison type Pokemon can do nothing much more than Acid the foe. Toxic was useful, but it can be learnt by so many Pokemon that the importance of Poison Pokemon was diminished.

That being said, Poison type is still useful in later generations, after the introduction of better moves. Moves like Sludge Bomb, for instance, can do damage and Poison the foe, which makes it a handy move.

Author:  DragonPhoenix [ Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I used to have a tentracruel (which had sludge bomb on it) in my NB team, they're much underrated. As for pure poison, many people will like to use Weezing, due to it's physical tanking capabilities (I don't though, its appearance being the only factor why not).

<3 toxic.

Author:  R-cubed [ Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:37 am ]
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I like to use Swalot in my Sapphire team. I win with Toxic/Amnesia.

Author:  Mutant_Mewtwo [ Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:05 pm ]
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I use Weezing, Muk and Seviper regualarly in my Teams, Seviper makes a good mixed sweeper in-game. Weezing, having no Physical weaknesses due to Levitate is a great Physical Wall, and Muk just makes out to be an all round good pokemon.

I am very fond of Poison types, they place second in my favourites behind Psychic types. Poison types are highly underated due to their weakness to the ever so common Earthquake and their only advantage being against Grass types but I've had Muks taking Earthquakes from T-Tars due to good setting up and switching so it really comes down to how you use them.

Author:  The Obsidian Wolf [ Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Poison types are all so ugly! Weezing is just gross and you wouldn't want to go around hugging a Muk. Arbok is the only kind of nice looking one, but I find it useless in serious play. Psychic, dead. Earthquake, dead. Any other move other than splash, dead. Point made? :)

Author:  CaptJackSperrow [ Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:23 pm ]
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hey :mad: beuty is in the eye of the beholder were do you get off.....
im a little to wraped up in this but with doriaphon comin poison is catchin my eye and plus weezing looks kewl :wink:

Author:  AABM [ Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

<font color="999999">CaptJackInTheBoxSperrow, don

Author:  ambience~ [ Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Poison is my favourite type.

I prefer not to use pure types, but I do use my Muk sometimes. I use it as a Toxi-trapper, and it rarely loses.
People don't like poison because psychic is good against it - thats about it. Psychic is overused and dull, so I can't wait for Diamond and Pearl's dorapion with added dark type to come out.

Should be fun!

But I always use poison as a dual type. Crobat for poison/flying, Tentacruel for the water - it just helps, lol.
D/P looks to have a poison/fighting type, too, which ought to be fun

+toxic and sludge bomb are two wonderful moves 8)

Author:  Dark Muk [ Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Ah, ambience~. You are the greatest.

Obviously, I adore Poison Pokemon. I love Sludge Bomb and Toxic, and there are so many cool Poison Pokemon!

Muk, Weezing, Duxtox, Venomoth, Seviper, Arbok, Tentacruel and so forth.

Pfft. Who needs the other types when you have Poison? :)

Author:  Orange_Flaaffy [ Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:38 am ]
Post subject: 

I love to use poison types in the fanfic world becuase they are not often talked about, pulse I love to think of ways a pokemon like Zubat could learn to grow past its type weakness in the 'real' pokemon world :)

Author:  SpagettiMonster [ Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Poison is good :)

Poison is good. I mean, without it, you wouldn't have two great moves: toxic and sludge bomb. Besides, many Poison Pok

Author:  ambience~ [ Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Poison is good :)

SpagettiMonster wrote:

btw: if you take a look at the spelling of the word pok

Author:  cleanish [ Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

poison types are very useful in my opinion.It is in my top 5 favourities placing at fourth.Toxic and sludge bomb for example are good poison moves and the poison pokemon arent bad either.They are actually quite good espeically muk.With sludge bomb plus screech it cold defeat just about any pokemon.I would want one on my team if i just had the energy to level it up.

Author:  Souga [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Poison pokes

Poison types are pretty good actually.They make great toxi-tanks.I had a Swalot with a careful nature with the move set:
Sludge Bomb
Shadow ball
Sleep talk
Nothing could nock that thing out. :wink: It had High health and Spec.Defense. Invincible i tell u.Arbok,Seviper,and Nidoking wer my favs

Author:  comcast [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:14 am ]
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I have a Weezing in my team. I must say poison types are pretty good. Well, its only weakness is only Psychic since they have Levitate ability so ground moves will not hit it.

Author:  Gnaaye [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:38 am ]
Post subject: 

I use Crobat:

{crobat} @ Lefties
~ Toxic
~ Confuse Ray
~ Mean Look
~ Aerial Ace

Being a flying type, it's immune to EQ, and due to Mean Look, enemy dies in a few turns. Plus, Confuse Ray, to deal some extra damage while Lefties restore health, and AAce OHKOs nearly all ground types.

Author:  Silver [ Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:23 am ]
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i dont really use poisons but i do feel theyre underated my favorite
would be {nidoking}

Author:  Octupusdude [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Why is poison so underrated :? There are like,one of the best types and like somrone said earlier without them there wouldn't be a toxic or sludge bomb.I can tell you I have Muk and it saved my butt countless times in the battle frontier with sludge bomb and toxic.

Author:  The Obsidian Wolf [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:04 am ]
Post subject: 

I have decided that Poison types are only good if they have a dual type, such as Tentacruel or Venusaur. Plain Poison types are a little...lacking in beauty. As for Swalot, I had one on my Ruby, and he was very good! I called him Cholera. :wink:

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:18 am ]
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Lets look at the poison pokemon:


Okay, eliminate the bugs, as they are too frail. Eliminate those that are dwarfed by others (Nidoqueen, Seviper). You are left with Crobat, Venusaur, Swalot, Weezing, Muk, Arbok, Roselia, Tentacruel, Nidoking, Vileplume, and Gengar. Of those, about 4 are tanks, and good at it (Weezing, Swalot, Venusaur, Muk). Roselia and Vileplume are both in there, simply because of aromatherapy. Arbok is there because it gets intimidate. Crobat is there because it is one of the fastest pokemon of the metagame (I mean -Ninjask, -Ubers, -worthless Electrode). Tentacruel sucks, as it pretty much relies on C-ray and sludge bomb. In fact, Its one of the only waters that has hydro pump in the moveset, instead of Surf. Gengar is on a good 15% of Netbattle teams, because of the fast destiny bond, and good special sweeping. Nidoking is a powerhouse, without any real build-up thing except for the lovely choice band. Thats it.

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