
What is Pokèmon like where you live?
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Author:  SpagettiMonster [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  What is Pokèmon like where you live?

Hello there... :twisted:

I'm 14 and from Norway, and I was wondering how the whole idea of Pok

Author:  Shiny Pichu [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:06 am ]
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I live in Buckinghamshire in England and the Pokefans are diminishing. There is a small group of us that meet at lunch at my school to discuss topics. Most people ignore us as we talk in a rather isolated area. It will be interesting to see the turn out of Pokemon on Tour in the South East of England and everywhere else in England for that matter! :wink:


P.S This is kinda necromancing but it is not my place to "back seat" moderate! :roll:

Author:  Valentine [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:13 am ]
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I live in the midwest United States, and when you say "Pokemon", people are completly clueless. No one really knows what Pokemon is, but the few who do, don't bring it up often because no one knows nor cares what it is.
And, there are Pokemon haters. Lots of them. I've gotten dissed and insulted by a whole lot of people because I like Pokemon. D:

Oh well. :P

Author:  Cal [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 11:23 am ]
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I live in Scotland (terrible place for Pokemon). To be honest it's as if Pokemon doesn't exist around me. And if it is mentioned, it's always a negative comment.

It's wierd, really. At one moment Pokemon was huge and now it's like Pokemon has vanished from existance =/.

I don't bring up the topic in school, Pokemon is more of an at-home thing really (I haven't been playing much this year but I'm beginning to play more frequently).

Author:  Dark_Yoshi [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:10 pm ]
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I live near Toronto in Canada. Pokemon was popular about 5 years ago (i'm 13 now) but it slowly got unpopular. When it was popular here, the cards were the favourites, since everybody had them you could battle whenever. Anime was also popular, but now it is considered stupid and kiddish. Whenever I do say pokemon at my school, everyone instantly makes fun of me since I'm the only one who likes it in my grade :( .

Author:  heartofdarkness77 [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:13 pm ]
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I live in Rhode Island and pokemon at my school has been getting better. People would just never talk about it after 4th grade but me and some friends have a small group. But now im in 7th grade and people are coming out and saying they like pokemon. Kids bring in pokemon cards and games. I was feeling brave one day and asked a highly popular high schooler if he likes pokemon. He reaches in his backpack and pulss out a game boy color and a pokemon red version.

I Guess people are starting not to care what people think.

Author:  Gardevoir [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:56 pm ]
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It is still quite popular where I live. I have seen a few people carry the games in their backpacks to school.

Author:  SpagettiMonster [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:32 pm ]
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I'm really happy to hear many replies so quickly! Didn't think nobody would care actually...

However, as many of you have described how things are with Pok

Author:  Gardevoir [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:38 pm ]
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Los Angeles, California, USA, North America, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Universe

Author:  SpagettiMonster [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:52 pm ]
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Got it... :P

Author:  heartofdarkness77 [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:27 pm ]
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There are alot of different trends and fashions in schools. Some schools except pokemon and others don't. I was lucky enough to get a school that excepts pokemon.

Author:  Saanaito [ Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:57 am ]
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I only know a few people from school who like Pokemon. One of them is (or at least was) my friend, who I don't get to see a lot, and the other is a few years younger than me. I don't mention Pokemon at school very much, so I don't know if anyone else at my school secretly likes Pokemon.

Author:  mns-geo [ Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:50 am ]
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im from jersey and pokemon is like a sin here,people will literaly cast stones at you if they know u play it,i dont care i love the game so does my bros and the funny thing is were realy adults and have kids who like pokemon aswell,and there is a small comunity of players here both old and young but were like underground.

Author:  master of water [ Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:38 pm ]
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im in texas in the united states

and every1 hate s it there is only 1 person i know who likes it

Author:  AABM [ Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:04 pm ]
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<font color="999999">Hey all!


Author:  SpagettiMonster [ Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:52 am ]
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That's really too bad... :(

However, I think it's great that no one seems to give in for the crowd, and that you stand for what you think... is.... sort of.. yeah.. :) says either a little about how addictive Pok

Author:  Ansus [ Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:53 pm ]
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Currently I live in a city named Sissonville in WV, pokemon was a fad in my neighborhood awhile back when I was -alot- younger, everyone and I do mean everyone played it.

It would be what everyone talked about, but as all fads, it diminished and I was the only one still a fan to the series, now everyone else thinks its "gay"(Typical response, I know.). But it doesn't bother me much.

Author:  ditto_lover_4_life [ Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:41 pm ]
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i live in the US , florida to be exact, and even though me and my sister play pokemon, and so do others, the only time im with other fan is at nintendo events, even when they dont give out pokemon i still go so atleast for a little wile i can forget about the ppl at school with practicaly the same scedual as me that wont quit moking me.but i will never give in to them, pokemon is all i know once on a math test the anser was 283 and i wrote surskit, :wink:

Author:  mudkipman [ Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:21 am ]
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I have to say that pokemon is treated like the wiggles here in Hawaii.......
People make fun of it Daily, but I wonder how many of them secretly like it..........
I have a friend that plays pokemon too (he's on psypokes now :) :) :)!)
and we don't talk about it in school, but we both know that it isn't some kiddy thing and that it is actually one of the more complex RPGs around

Author:  SpagettiMonster [ Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:49 am ]
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[color=cyan]Cool :P
To be honest, It wasn't until I got to know about psypokes that I really started playing Pok

Author:  Dark [ Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:55 am ]
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Im from Ireland, and its almost the same as in America or the U.K the only thing different about Pok

Author:  espeon_girl [ Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:02 pm ]
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SpagettiMonster wrote:
[color=cyan]Cool :P
To be honest, It wasn't until I got to know about psypokes that I really started playing Pok

Author:  SpagettiMonster [ Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:38 pm ]
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[color=cyan]I notice a lot of people are from the US, and like I've read here, Pok

Author:  Karth [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:33 pm ]
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I'm in BC, Canada, for those who don't know, and Pokemon seems to have died here, yet with pearl and diamond coming out, it might make a comeback.

Until then, I have made a one-man pokemon haters bashing team. lol

Gotta go, there goes a hater now!

"Psychopath! Troglodite! SLOWPOKE!" :shock: :shock:

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