
Uncommon, or Underused Pokemon
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Author:  Psy_Mew [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Uncommon, or Underused Pokemon

From what I see around the forum, there are quite a few Pokemon who aren't used on people's teams. I wanna know what you guys use, and I want to see yours so that I might be able to use them on my team.

Well one that I like a lot is, {relicanth}, I don't see or hear about many people using him, but I think he's a pretty good butt-kicker! Mine is Lv.62.

Another I like is, {walrein} I don't know if this guy is used by a lot of people or not, but when I look at TC's I dont see him. Mine is Lv. 60.

Author:  heartofdarkness77 [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

ummmm i would have to say like {butterfree} {beedrill} {fearow} {sandslash} ( even know sandslash is awesome and my second favorite)

Pretty much if your not a uber pokemon you are considered stupid.

If pokemon was real i would be ahppy with any pokemon(even a caterpie)

Author:  Radio Willy [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

heartofdarkness77 wrote:
ummmm i would have to say like {butterfree} {beedrill} {fearow} {sandslash} ( even know sandslash is awesome and my second favorite)

Pretty much if your not a uber pokemon you are considered stupid.

If pokemon was real i would be ahppy with any pokemon(even a caterpie)

Fearow is better then Pidgeot, but then again, one of the first pokemon that people normally see when playing R/B/Y/G/FR/LG is Pidgey, compelling them to catch it first. Pidgeot does look better then Fearow, but Fearow has a better moveset.

Author:  Psy_Mew [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

heartofdarkness77 wrote:
ummmm i would have to say like {butterfree} {beedrill} {fearow} {sandslash} ( even know sandslash is awesome and my second favorite)

Pretty much if your not a uber pokemon you are considered stupid.

If pokemon was real i would be ahppy with any pokemon(even a caterpie)

I agree, when I play Fire Red, Fearow is always in my party.
When i was a little kid, I used to pretend a Jigglypuff would follow me around, I don't know why i chose Jigglypuff I think she's a brat, heehee(I was a wierd one).

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

My top 3 under used pokemon (from any generation)

3. {chimecho} : I love it when I manage to see one. I think they'd make a better heal beller in people's minds if it were more common

2. {octillery} : This one I don't understand. I keep it just because of 2 things: It looks cool, and for Octazooka. I dont even know why I like Octazooka. Probably just for the name.

1. {gengar} : For some reason I don't see it very often. Sure, it's gone down in my mind since I found out in G/S/C that if a pokemon wakes up, it can use a move on the same turn (big fan of Yellow's Hypnosis/Nightmare/Dream Eater combo), but who cares? Its still can sweep really well.

Author:  slithice [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

{relicanth} has a very low attack and special attack.. i personally like {wailord} he's underused too..

Author:  The Obsidian Wolf [ Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:20 am ]
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You don#t really hear of Luvdisc either, I mean it has such a terrible movepool. Another one is Lickitung. It has a great movepool and all, but its stats just don't fit...

Author:  espeon_girl [ Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:59 pm ]
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ha. i dont rly use a "team" i'm just always changing my party. never to a certain type of pokemon or anything... but i ABSOLUTLY LOVE ESPEON! my fave pokemon! but i'm not obssesed. just my fave. and my fave types are paychic and water :) but together they'res only 4, slowpoke, slowbro, starmie and slowking not too bad but... not to great either. ya.

Author:  AABM [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

<font color="999999">Well, I dont really see any {togetic} , {tentacruel} , {dodrio} , {jumpluff} , {masquerain} that often, not even {tangela} ; probably because one (or many) of thier skills aren

Author:  Kryten [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:53 pm ]
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I reckon {quagsire} and {lanturn} aren't used much. Many bug types such as {beedrill} or {beautifly} aren't used as much as {heracross} or {pinsir} .

{charizard} and {salamence} are probably the most overrated ones IMO.

Author:  Psy_Mew [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I tend to use {seviper} a lot too, It looks so cool! I dont see him aorund much.

I used to think {masquerain} was awesome cuz of the way it looked but It turns out its not very good.

Author:  Radio Willy [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kryten wrote:
I reckon {quagsire} and {lanturn}

What? Why not lanturn? It's stats may not be the best, but it's weaknesses are easily covered, and it's type combo is awesome. Surf gets rid of the grounds, Ice Beam gets rid of Grasses, Dragons and Flygon, it can also learn Confuse Ray, which is undoubtedly one of the most annoying moves in the game.

I don't see Castform used that much...

Author:  mudkipman [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:33 pm ]
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{machamp} it may not have the best speed, but that attack is pretty mean! Also, it has a pretty variable movepool.

and there's also Dugtrio. It is one of the faster pokemon, and has a decent attack stat, but no one uses it. There are tons of others, glalie,Raichu,Manectic. The list goes on and on...........

Author:  prayermage6 [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:06 pm ]
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almost all posion pokemon are underused

Author:  Oval Mogul [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:27 pm ]
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-I love oddball pokemon like Ditto, {ditto} , Unown, {unown o} , and Castform, {castform} ; even though they barent very useful in battle. I also love to use pokemon with Covet or Thief against other people, what are you going to do without your beloved leftovers. O:

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