
Up Coming Episode featuring JYNX
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Author:  mattjackson [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Up Coming Episode featuring JYNX

Hey, I'm sorry of this was mentioned elsewhere already, but if it was, I don't think I need to give mods permission to lock it.

Anyway, ext episode will mainly include Jynx, when it is a "banned" pokemon because if it's "stereotyping" of black people (women). I'm saying this because there was another episode with Jynx that was not aired in the US even after Jynx's recoloration.

Is the ban on Jynx lifted now?

Author:  mr.m.m.j. [ Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I hope it gets "unbanned".
Just because some woman wrote to Nintendo and whined about how Jynx was stereotypically bad doesn't mean the dub should blatantly ignore all episodes containing Jynx.

Author:  pelligargetic [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

She wasn't whining, she was offended, and she told "teh pplz" to stop offending her.

Anyways, I think 4Kids was just being overly cautious when they skipped the other episode containing Jynx. With the new purple Jynx, they really didn't have to be all that afraid of controversial-ness, but they were, and skipped the episode. PUSA is doing the right thing by not being such cowardly babies.

Author:  Titan of Lightning [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:32 pm ]
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but that doesn't mean that they aren't going to take precautions, right? maybe jynx isn't going to be so prosititute-like. serebii said that the jynx were "protecting" smoochum from ash & co., even though he wasn't going to hurt smoochum.

Author:  mattjackson [ Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, it seems as if the ban on Jynx has indeed been lifted!

Though, I thought the episode made Jynx look weaker than it is, it took three ice beams to put Pikachu in a thin layer of ice, whereas in other episodes, other ice types have put larger pokemon inside huge chunks singlehandedly. Just my views, I might be reading into it too much.


Author:  pelligargetic [ Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

The ban on Jynx has been lifted for a while, 4Kids' paranoia is what caused them to not air the other episode. I think it's been lifted since GF revealed to the world that Jynx's color was changed to purple.

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