
Which form of deoxys do you prefer?
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Author:  Octupusdude [ Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Which form of deoxys do you prefer?

As you all know there are multiple forms of deoxys and I just want to know which form of deoxys you would prefer to the rest.So which one is it?

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:20 pm ]
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Attack. CB Deoxys is great in uber battles...

Author:  Saanaito [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:31 am ]
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I prefer Speed version better, because it has pretty good Attack and Defense, with the highest Speed in existance.

Author:  blu-suicune [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:08 am ]
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I'm very fond of Attack Deoxys, but I like all of them, really :)

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:14 am ]
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Saanaito wrote:
I prefer Speed version better, because it has pretty good Attack and Defense, with the highest Speed in existance.

All it has is speed, no deffense, and only a tiny bit of attack.
In fact, Smogon is considering removing speed deoxys from uber, and putting it into the standard metagame.

Author:  heartofdarkness77 [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:21 am ]
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The Speed form is really cool.

Author:  The Obsidian Wolf [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:55 am ]
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Attack Deoxys is my preferred form. Looks cool, and it battles well. You don't get many pokemon like that...aside from Dragonite...and Salamence...and a few others... :oops:

Author:  garabato [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:16 pm ]
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My personal favorite is defence deoxys; cosmic power, recover and spikes are good. But attack deoxys is the best, with CB/superpower and psycho boost. It can totally sweep an unprepared team.

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:50 pm ]
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Try this if you ever do uber....

Deoxys FR @Choice Band
~Shadow Ball
~Psycho Boost

Shadow Ball for the metagross (they run rampant, and it is typically preffered to not switch out of a metagross, as they do have pursuit) and Lati@s, Extreme speed for everything else. T-tar is dead to superpower. Psycho Boost isn't used that much, simply because evrything resists it (Mew[two], Soul Dew Lati@s, Celebi, Lugia, etc.)

Author:  Kyge_the_kyogre [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:12 pm ]
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Well attack Deoxys but i really like all of them

'Gotta love the ALIEN POKEMON!!'

Author:  Jikleon [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:14 am ]
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Deoxys is ugly and too über.

Author:  Charizardruler [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:52 am ]
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Attack Deoxys is the best by far. Speed looks the coolest though.

Author:  Pokemaniac [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:19 am ]
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My favorite form of Deoxys is Attack because of it's moves and it looks cool Defense form is alright with it's Defense stats it is basically a big wall,as for speed I could really care less because of it's Att and Def.

Author:  AABM [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:56 am ]
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Deoxys Speed is more balanced than the Normal Deoxys itself! :o

That´s why I like Speed best, I also like the Defense, it takes effort to take it down.

I don´t really get the aggresive Deoxys, I mean compare it to the normal one, the difference is 30 in defenses and attacks; leaving the speed and HP the same. In the name of GOD, IT HAS 20 of defenses! a Pikachu´s thundershock (both a the same level) could take it down, okay, it is fast, so? almost any poke that use a first-strike attack (aka, Quick attack, Aqua Jet, Shadow Strike, etc. save for the fighting-type ones) can knock it out, or eighter any poke that suvives the first hit if possible.

My rating:

Normal one: Rubbish, it´s like an aggresive Deoxys but gone wrong. 4/10

Defense one: Quite altered stats, good-looking, awesome tank. 7/10

Attack one: crazy power = crazy risk. 6/10

Speed one: The most balanced around, insane speed, easy flincher. 8/10

Author:  garabato [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:50 pm ]
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AABM wrote:

I don´t really get the aggresive Deoxys, I mean compare it to the normal one, the difference is 30 in defenses and attacks; leaving the speed and HP the same. In the name of GOD, IT HAS 20 of defenses! a Pikachu´s thundershock (both a the same level) could take it down, okay, it is fast, so? almost any poke that use a first-strike attack (aka, Quick attack, Aqua Jet, Shadow Strike, etc. save for the fighting-type ones) can knock it out, or eighter any poke that suvives the first hit if possible.

Pretty simple, you send Attack deoxys out- kill the pokemon- switch out.

In fact it is such an amazing pokemon that many metagross use pirsuit in their moveset just to counter it. And people are considering banning it.

It doesn´t matter how low the defences are when the idea is not to get hitted.

By the way, almost any pokemon use a first strike attack? the only one is extreme speed rayquaza.

Author:  Cuddles [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:51 pm ]
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or extreme speed arcanine. sometimes linoone.

as for the various forms, every team should have a good counter to all of them. if i see an attack deoxys i just send out a high defence pokemon - it only needs to survive the switch and one more hit to deliver a single blow. same with normal and speed. i think the only useful form is defence. but it can be taken down so easily by blissey (thunderwave or toxic, seismic toss,....), leech seed, sandstorm helps, haze, roar etc, because it cant do much in the way of attacking you back. it is good for pressure stalling though, and if no-one on your team has any of the above moves, you could find it just becomes a sponge and you use up all your attacks.

i voted for "lol deoxys". it is an example of a pokemon with so much emphasis on one thing it lost out on everything else. eg metagross is awesome since it has sky high atack, but also excellent defence.

Author:  Cal [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:56 pm ]
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Overall I prefer the Attack form of Deoxys. It looks cool and is alright in battle, I guess.

Author:  Silver [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:57 pm ]
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I agree with charizardruler attack is the best but speed looks awesome

Author:  IluvPidgoet&TheGatr [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:01 pm ]
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I like speed the best cuz of
1. Great speed duh
2. Above average in all other stats
3. looks the best


Author:  Kyge_the_kyogre [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:24 am ]
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Jikleon wrote:
Deoxys is ugly and too über.

Well at least put this somewhere where there aren't a bunch of Deoxys fans... Not to be rude, or anything, but this comment Depressed me :(

Author:  AABM [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:46 am ]
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garabato wrote:
By the way, almost any pokemon use a first strike attack? the only one is extreme speed rayquaza.

As Cuddles said before, there are also Extremespeed Arcanine and Linoone.

But y´know, there is something in this universe called "Quick Attack" and even a Flygon, Absol, Raichu, Zangoose, [Insert poke with +70 attack here], etc. that uses Quick Attack can take Aggresive Deoxys down, and even more now since there are tons of first-strike moves, like Aqua Jet, Shadow Strike, Ice Pebble, etc.

On topic, I agree with IluvPidgeot&TheGatr <--(O.o) about Speed Deoxys, because IMO its the most balanced.

Author:  Frozen_tree [ Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:29 pm ]
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I prefer the defence form to the rest because if trained properly it could be pretty onbeatable.

Author:  MTCASH [ Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:57 pm ]
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ATTACK! because i never have given my pokemon a defense move EVER and i like attacking stuff...

Author:  garabato [ Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:04 am ]
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AABM wrote:
garabato wrote:
By the way, almost any pokemon use a first strike attack? the only one is extreme speed rayquaza.

As Cuddles said before, there are also Extremespeed Arcanine and Linoone.

But y´know, there is something in this universe called "Quick Attack" and even a Flygon, Absol, Raichu, Zangoose, [Insert poke with +70 attack here], etc. that uses Quick Attack can take Aggresive Deoxys down, and even more now since there are tons of first-strike moves, like Aqua Jet, Shadow Strike, Ice Pebble, etc.

On topic, I agree with IluvPidgeot&TheGatr <--(O.o) about Speed Deoxys, because IMO its the most balanced.

Yes, but I was talking about uber metagame, wich is where you see attack deoxys.

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