
Start Crestfallen
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Author:  Zero Cool [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  Start Crestfallen

In the beginning of the PD after you have chosen your name you will see the little skit on the Crestfallen team. Well i was thinking why not actually make that team. In the game it says they are after the infamous "Red" gyarados which is a shiny pokemon. Now i know we have the Shiny Collectors thread but I was thinking that the team could be a lot more than that!!! The team could be a bunch of people that create movesets, investigate rumors, find glitches that aren't cheats and report them as well as the shiny thing plus a whole bunch more!!! if anyone else wants to do thsi with me or has some ideas feel free to post. I believe that there is no Crestfallen team on this site so I will announce myself as a "leader" but if this gets bigger there will be a whole bunch of leaders, kind of like the E4 and Gym leaders on this site. So anyways post here if you want to apply for it. I can't see not having Wi-Fi being a problem but it would be nice if you did = p

- ClassicK

Author:  inscribed [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

oh god, its almost a parody of itself.

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