
tentacool came back
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Author:  Cuddles [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  tentacool came back

i was playing my spare emerald game, trying to unclutter my pc boxes so i can get some clones ready to export to d/p (when they come out in in australia a couple of weeks). so i was releasing heaps of random pokes. and when i went to release a certain tentacool it said this:

"LANKY was released"
"... ... ... ... !"
"LANKY came back!"
"Was it worried about you?"

so i was really confused. anyway, i did a search on google, and discovered that its because it was the only pokemon i had taught certain HMs to (one of dive and waterfall). it turns out that the game has a safety system in place which, for example, wont let you surf to an island and then release all your pokemon which know/can learn surf, and end up getting stuck there.

to test the theory, i taught the hms to another pokemon and was then able to release lanky.

so i know what the "problem" is, but i thought you guys might be interested to hear it. has anyone else noticed this? it took me completely by surprise......

Author:  Eon [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:30 am ]
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I faintly remembering seeing something like that somewhere. It's pretty cool that Nintendo thought of that.

Author:  Serpentsounds [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:54 am ]
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I've gone over a similar "What if...?" situation in my mind, and was going to see if I could trap myself in a certain spot with those methods. I never actually got around to doing it. :[ Apparently, I can't, though.

Author:  Cuddles [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:03 pm ]
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i also once wondered if i could get stranded on an island. but heres something i just remembered happen a while ago. i was playing through emerald and going as fast as i could, so catching hardly any pokemon, only training my swampert and gardevoir. when it came time to battle the elite four i decided to remove surf from my swampert (as its not very helpful against the E4). so i went to the move tutor and he said something like "i cant remove that move - the pokemon has become really attached to it". and i thought it must have been something to do with the move and pokemon being water type or something. it probably was the same thing - it must have been the only pokemon who knew surf....

Author:  Ghost Writer [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:18 pm ]
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That's pretty neat that nintendo thought of that, but can it perfectly safety proof? Think about it: in RSE, you have to pay to get into the Museum at Slateport, where you'll save someone from team aqua/magma. What if you didn't have any money, no items, and no Poke Balls? What then? You couldn't move on...

Author:  snobord [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:08 pm ]
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item finder

Author:  Cuddles [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:27 pm ]
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Elemental Trainer wrote:
That's pretty neat that nintendo thought of that, but can it perfectly safety proof? Think about it: in RSE, you have to pay to get into the Museum at Slateport, where you'll save someone from team aqua/magma. What if you didn't have any money, no items, and no Poke Balls? What then? You couldn't move on...

i see what youre saying. spend all your money on items and then throw them all away. i wonder if theres something to prevent you from tossing your last item. does someone wanna try it?

maybe you could wait until someone wants to battle you again. even still, as long as you had a zigzagoon, you could use pickup to get an item for free and then sell it. but if you didnt have any zigzagoons you could theoretically trade with someone for a pokemon which was holding an item. so the real problem would be: you have no money, no items, and only one pokemon (which doesnt have the pickup ability) so you couldnt even trade. my guess is you would have to start the game again.

this is great - trying to figure out ways to get stuck... :lol: :lol:

Author:  ozzy [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:11 am ]
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lol ive never even thought of that

nintendo are pretty smart

Author:  blazinglucar [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:54 am ]
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Cuddles wrote:
Elemental Trainer wrote:
That's pretty neat that nintendo thought of that, but can it perfectly safety proof? Think about it: in RSE, you have to pay to get into the Museum at Slateport, where you'll save someone from team aqua/magma. What if you didn't have any money, no items, and no Poke Balls? What then? You couldn't move on...

i see what youre saying. spend all your money on items and then throw them all away. i wonder if theres something to prevent you from tossing your last item. does someone wanna try it?

maybe you could wait until someone wants to battle you again. even still, as long as you had a zigzagoon, you could use pickup to get an item for free and then sell it. but if you didnt have any zigzagoons you could theoretically trade with someone for a pokemon which was holding an item. so the real problem would be: you have no money, no items, and only one pokemon (which doesnt have the pickup ability) so you couldnt even trade. my guess is you would have to start the game again.

this is great - trying to figure out ways to get stuck... :lol: :lol:

Do you mean trying to get into the Slateport Museum with less than the required sum of money, and no means to make enough, when you need to get to Aqua or Magma? You don't have to reset your game or anything else, the attendant just asumes that you are a lagging member of the group and lets you in for free, and she will continue doing that until all but the one who gives you TM 46 has left.

Author:  Cuddles [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:27 pm ]
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blazinglucar wrote:
You don't have to reset your game or anything else, the attendant just asumes that you are a lagging member of the group and lets you in for free, and she will continue doing that until all but the one who gives you TM 46 has left.

is that right? WOW - they really have thought of EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!

Author:  Physalis [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:45 pm ]
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Ok, so say you go to an Island, and you trade you last pokemon with surf/can learn surf? Would that work? Or would it not let you trade?

Author:  Cuddles [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 1:29 am ]
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thats a good question, but im guessing it wouldnt let you trade it. anyone wanna try it? the problem is you have to save to trade, so you wouldnt want to do this on a game with lots of pokemon.

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