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 Deck gareage. now Re-opened! 

Should Psypoke have a Deck Garage?
yes 94%  94%  [ 17 ]
no 6%  6%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 18

 Deck gareage. now Re-opened! 
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Pokemon Ranger
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I've never done a deck garrage. but I think that having one on psypoke would be cool. and I think we need one.

Does annyone want to help run a deck garrage?

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Last edited by Darth DLA on Sat Dec 31, 2005 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:15 pm
Dragon Tamer
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hey Darth where do you get your backgrounds I just figured out how to do TCG cards and I'll help

I'm up for hire I do ,Trainer Cards, and recolors Image

Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:35 am
Dragon Tamer
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i could help run it, but right now my deck is the one that needs help XD


Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:42 am
Pokemon Ranger
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I've just posted on your art shop thread with Ryo about that arcanine in your sig CL. :evil: it was stolen from me and I know it. I was gone for a week but that does not excuse art theft. if you had wated for a reply I would not be as mad. but you stole it from my sig and possibly other Hydro cards. also my cards are Exclusivly team Hydro cards. if you joined team hydro and broke off from inferno I might let you help, but you'd need to promise never to make cards for anyone exept team Hydro members.

GM. I'd be happy to make sugestions on your deck. just list your cards (with what set they are from) and the bacic Deck stratagy. also, tell about this thread! not many people come here and we want them to find this! :D

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:28 pm
Ace Trainer
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um lol I just have one question. hehe uh
Whats a Deck Garage?

Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:04 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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A deck garage is where you post your deck and other people try to fix it for you.


Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:39 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Yes. and a good example (although he Did forget to say what set his trainer cards are from making my job harder)
was PMed to me by GM:
I have two decks, but ill just send you one now.

Psychic Deck/Modified Format

Energys 20
psychic energy X 16
metal energy X 4

Trainers 20
meteor falls X 2
magnetic storm
ancient tomb
energy switch
fluffy berry
life herb
curse powder
strength charm
proffeser cosmos discovery
protective orb X 2
proffeser birch X 3
master ball X 2
energy seacrh X 3

Pokemon 20 (actualy, thats 17!)
metagross EX
Jirachi HL
Metagross HL/DE, cant decide which
Metang HL X 1 DE X 2
Jirachi DE
exeggcute FRLG X 2
Exeggutor FRLG
Deoxys X 3 (attack defense and normal)
Deoxys EX X 4 (attack defense speed and normal)


Using cards like master ball, proffeser birch, exeggcutor, and Jirachi DE, power up a deoxys EX or Metagross EX while stalling with regular deoxys , regular metagross , and exeggutor.

POKEMON: now first off, the DE Jirachi needs to go. I suggest that if it's stalling power you need, you ought to try FRLG Chansey . great staller them Chansey. since your deck has a lot of pokemon tools, the executor can be traded off for a newer unseen forces slowking. also HL ninetales will wreack havoc on this deck, but I'm not quite shure how to fix that and still leave you your stratagy, but hopefuly what I have already will help.

Trainers: you did well here. but you could use more healers for your pokemon. especialy since so many of your pokemon are EX. also I should mention that, if Defence Deoxys gets into your prizes cards than Desert tomb will wreak havoc on your deck I'm not sure how to fix this. remove an energy search (they only work on basic energy anyway), and add another life hearb incase the first one fails.

that leaves us with:

Energys 20
psychic energy X 16
metal energy X 4

Trainers 20
meteor falls X 2
magnetic storm
ancient tomb
energy switch
fluffy berry
life herb x 2
curse powder
strength charm
proffeser cosmos discovery
protective orb X 2
proffeser birch X 3
master ball X 2
energy seacrh X 2

Pokemon 20
metagross EX
Chancey FRLG x 2
Metagross HL/DE,
Metang HL X 1 DE X 2
slowpoke (any) x 3
slowking UF x 3
Deoxys X 3 (attack defense and normal)
Deoxys EX X 4 (attack defense speed and normal)

I know, not many changes. But battle with it and if it still needs more tweaking just say so! (try E-bay and this site for the cards:

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:39 am
Dragon Tamer
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ok, thanks for the advice.ill try to get that slowking, and i already have the chanseys.but im not removing the jirachi DE, and heres why:
jirachi DE 9/107 wrote:
Pokepower- wishing star- once during your turn, (before you attack), if jirachi is your active pokemon, you may look at the top 5 cards of your deck,choose 1 of them, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.Jirachi and your other active pokemon, if any, are now asleep. this power can't be used if jirachi is affected by a special condition.
now thats some serious draw power.


Wed Nov 16, 2005 7:29 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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okay! after no votes for NO. I'm making it a deck garage. you may post your decks. also, I'd like some helpers. please make any comments you like on my deck fixes.

on your marks, get set, go!
GM, post your other deck. lets see what I can do with it! :D

to get your attention: if I don't get some decks in here I'm going to close here and restart in sootopolis. :twisted:

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:07 am
Dragon Tamer
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i have my Dark Deck this time, and here it is...

Dark Deck
Modified Format

Pokemon 22
(all pokemon are from TRR)
Dark Tyranitar #20 X2
Dark Tyranitar #19 X2
Dark Pupitar #40 X4
Larvitar #62 X2
" " #63 X1
" " POP1 version X1
Rockets Meowth X1
Rockets Wobbufett X1
Rockets Scizor EX
Rockets Scyther EX
Dratini #52 X3
Dark Dragonair #31 X1
" " #32 X1
Dark Dragonite #15 X 1

Energies 20
Boost Energy X1
2 dark energys and 1 metal energy (wanna replace with dark metal energys)
Double Rainbow Energy
R energy
electric energy X3
water energy X4
fighting energy X7

Trainers 18
rare candy X1
rockets pokeball X3
Wallys training X1
Lady Outing X1
Rockets Mission X1
Rockets Hideout X1
Rockets Admin. X1
Pokemon Retriever X3
Pow! Hand Extension X1
Venture Bomb X2
Surprise!Time Machine X1
Swoop! Teleporter X2

Strategy: Using Trainer Cards, Get out Tyranitar #20 as fast as you can.Then, using its poke-body, if it's still early in the game, you can completey rip your opponents bench apart. :D Or, if its late in the game, use Tyranitar #19 to also rip apart your opponents pokemon.(The rockets scyther and scizor EX,rockets wobbufett and meowth,Dark dragonite, are all just for support.)(I'd also like to keep atleast one copy of each of the rockets secret machine.)


Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:59 pm
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okay, this looks like a generaly good deck to begin with, but it has a few weeaknesses i'd like to address:
this deck is powerfull, but A TRR togetic would tear your Tyranitars limb from limb
poke-Body Holy sheild
prevent all effects of attacks including Damage done to Togetic by your opponents pokemon that has Dark in its name
+ it's resistance to Rock.

in this case I'd like to add a Dark sandslash. it maches your main type, swift can punch through poke-Bodys/poke-Powers, and it ignores the resistance to Rock so many pokemon seem to have these days. but of corce that means adding 2 sandshrews and taking stuff out. :)
I know you wan't to keep the TRSM's, but the venture bombs are next to usless unless used in pairs of 3's or 4's. and even then you sometimes hurt your guys more than you hurt the other team. so -2 venture Bombs. next off, your wobbufett Does not mach your main type, or even your other types! it can be usefull in certan situations, but it dosn't belong in a Fighting deck. One of its attacks needs psychic energy. we have enough kinds of energy cards in this deck already. -1 Rockets Wobbufett.
now, this brings the room for that sandslash so + 1 Dark Sandslash & 2 Sandshrew. now, again we have lots of poke's with ressistance to Rock, so lets trade a Rockets pokeball (two Pokeballs should get the job done anyway.) for a Magnetic storm Stadium card.
the lastly, you might consider swiching TR's Admin for a copycat card. but thats up to you.
so now we have:

Pokemon 24
(all pokemon are from TRR)
Dark Tyranitar #20 X2
Dark Tyranitar #19 X2
Dark Pupitar #40 X4
Larvitar #62 X2
" " #63 X1
" " POP1 version X1
Rockets Meowth X1
Rockets Scizor EX
Rockets Scyther EX
Dratini #52 X3
Dark Dragonair #31 X1
" " #32 X1
Dark Dragonite #15 X 1
Dark Sandslash #19 x1
Sandshrew #74 x2

Energies 20
Boost Energy X1
2 dark energys and 1 metal energy
Double Rainbow Energy
R energy
electric energy X3
water energy X4
fighting energy X7

Trainers 16
rare candy X1
rockets pokeball X2
Wallys training X1
Lady Outing X1
Rockets Mission X1
Rockets Hideout X1
Rockets Admin or copycat x1
Pokemon Retriever X3
Pow! Hand Extension X1
Surprise! Time Machine X1
Swoop! Teleporter X2
Magnetic storm x1

PS. If you still insist on keeping a venture bomb, remove Rockets meouth or 1 sandshrew instead. but I warn you, you'll do better if you let the meouth and sandshrew stay and dump the venture bomb.

Hope you like! :D (any one else need a deck fixed? come on then, post it! :) )

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:24 pm
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sorry about double posting,

I WILL move in one week.
I'm moving to sootopolis.
If you want your deck fixed, post now or forever hold your peace. if you guy's post enough I might consider staying, but untill people start coming to TCG Disscution I'm of no help. I think I'll get more bussness in sootopolis. or I might try charging for fixes in the market. I'm counting on you! I'll move if I have to, but I'd rather bring life to TCG disscution. so hit me with all you guys got! if you just battle with family rules then tell me the rules and post your deck! :

EDIT: okay I'm not getting any requests for deck fixes in sootopolis so I'm reopening! be sure to tell friends about my garage. 8)

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:17 pm
Dragon Tamer
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ok, i redid my dark deck, and here it is:

Dark Deck

Energies 22
dark energy x4
R energy x4
double rainbow energy x2
Dark metal energy x2
electric energy x3
fighting energy x6
boost energy x1
Trainers 16
rockets tricky gym (TRR)
rockets mission
rare candy
warp point
proffeser cosmos discovery x2
pow!hand extension
wallys training
rocket's hideout
rocket's poke ball x3
pokemon retriever x3

Pokemon 22
basics 10
rockets raikou ex (DE)
voltorb x2
plusle x2 (DE)
larvitar x2
dratini x2

stage 1s 7
dark electrode x2 TRR #4
dark pupitar x3
dark dragonair x2
stage 2s 5
dark tyranitar x2 TRR #20
dark tyranitar TRR #19
dark dragonite TRR #15

strategy:same as before, get out tyranitar or dragonite and wreak havoc.
or use raikou ex to do the same, because with its first attack you can do 70 damage for 3 energy no discards or anything.plusle is for benching filling, it has the call for family attack.and dark electrode is used to get out darks and dark metals.

Gloom's completey random fossil deck

Pokemon 20
Kabutops Ex
Kabutops x2 (fossil)
kabutops x1 (neo discovery)
kabuto x3 (fossil)
kabuto x1 (neo discovery)
aerodactyl x1 (neo revalations)
aerodactyl EX
omanyte x2 (neo discovery)
omanyte x2 (sandstorm)
omastar x2 (neo discovery)
omastar x1 (fossil)
omastar x1 (sandstorm)
cleffa x1(neo genesis)
cleffa x1 promo

trainers 20
just a bunch of random cards,but some notable ones are:
mysterious fossil x4
lt. surges secret plan
fossil egg

energys 20
fighting x13
water x7

strategy:Kabutops ex.aerodactyl ex.kabutops(discovery).
you may think 10 fossil pokemon is way to many, but it isnt.this deck could run perfectly with only one myterious fossil, because of omanytes effect, wich lets you fill your bench with fossil pokemon.

rate them or else!


Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:51 pm
Bug Catcher
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i suggest also psypoke website also needs 1. :wink:


Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:01 pm
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well DAINAI, tecnecaly I'm open to buisseness now. so Psypoke Does have one :) .

I've finneshed your Dark deck. Sorry it took so long. I had a hard time trying to think of things to improve! :shock: (good job!)
I must add however, that Dark Decks don't offer as many sets to pick from as a Non-Dark deck. (same with magma/aqua)
but first off, you had more dark energy than electric! and only 1 or 2 of your pokemon actualy need them. so -2 R energy, +2 electric energy. second, realize that there are anti-dark/rocket pokemon, (again, TRR Togetic is a very notable Example) thats where dark sandslash's Swift comes in handy. I didn't know quite which pokemon to trade in, but settled on Electrode. (trust your experiance with this deck. if Electrode is constantly saving you. keep it.) other than that, I coulden't find any thing wrong with your deck. every pokemon in it serves a unique purpose, the trainers are good ones, the only problem with energy is fixed. so thats it! done.

one last word of advice. see if you can get into worlds with this thing. :shock:

the older deck will need more time. (My card-Dex only dates back to RS.)

Dark Deck

Energies 22
dark energy x4
R energy x2
double rainbow energy x2
Dark metal energy x2
electric energy x5
fighting energy x6
boost energy x1
Trainers 16
rockets tricky gym (TRR)
rockets mission
rare candy
warp point
proffeser cosmos discovery x2
pow!hand extension
wallys training
rocket's hideout
rocket's poke ball x3
pokemon retriever x3

Pokemon 22
basics 10
rockets raikou ex (DE)
sandshrew x2
plusle x2 (DE)
larvitar x2
dratini x2

stage 1s 7
Dark Sandslash
dark pupitar x3
dark dragonair x2
stage 2s 5
dark tyranitar x2 TRR #20
dark tyranitar TRR #19
dark dragonite TRR #15

PS: you said you could help? my deck has a problem.

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:44 pm
Dragon Tamer
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ok, ill help you, just post it.

and, i gotta wait for another city championships to come to town(i live in Phoenix, AZ).


Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:57 pm
Bug Catcher
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darth DLA,the deck u made majorly unfocused[Pokemon,trainers&energies]sry if my words offend u.and good luck to u both.DLA and gloom master


Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:39 am
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Well Dainai, I'll show you why I did it. but if you want, you can take a crack at it. :)

Trainers: judging by the way he had it set up before, he A: does'nt have many trainer duplacites or B: thats part of his battle plan, it gives him many powerfull choises (the trainers he doesn't have many dupicates of are good ones. trust me) but he can only use them once. a great risk, but it also has great potential. I sometimes play this way, and I win on a regular basis. (if super energy removal were still useable, I would make these more foucused :P )

Pokemon: GM's stratagy suggests this deck is desined mostly for sheer damage output. (tyranitar, dragonite, Raikou) plusle's attack helps speed things up (search for basic, put on bench. usefull when you have that many stage 2s) sandslash plays emergency defence. (quicker to get out than a stage 2, and has swift which isn't effected by poke-body/powers weakness resitance etc. making it usefull when fighting anti-rockets) in aditon to providing Dark Dragonite with a way to evolve, evolutionary light is a big help, perfect combo used with Plusle.

energy: when you realize that dark energy, R energy, double rainbow energy, and dark Meatal energy are all just Dark energy, they aren't unfoucused at all.

hope you realize now why I did what I did.

GM I'll Post mine on monday. it is in need of a major fix. it coming out of retirement so to speak. (out with the old, in with the new.)

EDIT: here it is:
Darth's Ninetales revived.

Pokemon: 26
numel (sandstorm) 69/97 (1) & 70/97 (1)
magnimite (sandstorm) 61/97 x4
pidgey (FRLG) 73/112 x2
vulpix (HL) 81/101 x4

Stage 1:
Ninetales ex (HL) 96/101 x2
Ninetales (HL) 22/101 x2
Camerupt (sandstorm) 24/97 x2
Magneton (sandstorm) 17/97 x3
Magneton (FRLG) 27/112 x1
Pidgeotto (FRLG) x2

Stage 3:
Pidgeot (FRLG) 10/112 x2

trainers: 19
High pressure system x1
Desert ruins X1
Potion x4
Life herb x2
Poke ball x2
energy search x2
energy recycle system x1
energy root x1
solid rage x1
lum berry x1
Mr. briney's compassion x1
professor cozmo's discovery x1
ATM [rock] x1

energys: 15
rainbow x1
electric x5
fire x9

Stratagy: Get out pidgeot ASAP, use quick search to speed up my deck and assention to get Ninetales EX out. I use magneton's magnetic field to get the energy discarded by Ninetales back. play dessert ruins and normal ninetales for anti-EX, With camerupt playing back up. I'm planning on swiching cammerupt for some deoxys macargo when I can.

Problems: I had only a very few new trainers in my collection when I Re-made my deck, what you see here is just what I had. fix it so I know what trainers to get. I also have a problem if my opponent dissables my poke-powers.

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:34 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Darth DLA wrote:

EDIT: here it is:
Darth's Ninetales revived.

Pokemon: 26
numel (sandstorm) 69/97 (1) & 70/97 (1)
magnimite (sandstorm) 61/97 x4
pidgey (FRLG) 73/112 x2
vulpix (HL) 81/101 x4

Stage 1:
Ninetales ex (HL) 96/101 x2
Ninetales (HL) 22/101 x2
Camerupt (sandstorm) 24/97 x2
Magneton (sandstorm) 17/97 x3
Magneton (FRLG) 27/112 x1
Pidgeotto (FRLG) x2

Stage 3:
Pidgeot (FRLG) 10/112 x2

trainers: 19
High pressure system x1
Desert ruins X1
Potion x4
Life herb x2
Poke ball x2
energy search x2
energy recycle system x1
energy root x1
solid rage x1
lum berry x1
Mr. briney's compassion x1
professor cozmo's discovery x1
ATM [rock] x1

energys: 15
rainbow x1
electric x5
fire x9

Stratagy: Get out pidgeot ASAP, use quick search to speed up my deck and assention to get Ninetales EX out. I use magneton's magnetic field to get the energy discarded by Ninetales back. play dessert ruins and normal ninetales for anti-EX, With camerupt playing back up. I'm planning on swiching cammerupt for some deoxys macargo when I can.

Problems: I had only a very few new trainers in my collection when I Re-made my deck, what you see here is just what I had. fix it so I know what trainers to get. I also have a problem if my opponent dissables my poke-powers.

well, my guess is that you want to do modified with this, so alot of stuff will have to go....

well the ninetales and vulpix are pretty good, but swap a regular ninetales HL for an emerald one.pidgeots and such will obviously stay, but the camperuts and the magnetons will have to go.but well keep the FRLG magneton and add magnemite from the same set.

Pokemon 20
vulpix x4 HL
ninetales x1 HL
" " x1 EM
" " ex x2 HL
pidgey x2 FRLG
pidgeot x2 FRLG
pidgeotto x2 FRLG
magnemite x2 FRLG
magneton X2 FRLG
magby x2 TRR ---extreme power since you use supporters

trainers 20
well since you just have a bunch of random things, we need to make it more focused. coughdrawpowercough. so heres what you should get:

desert ruins x1 HL (seeing that you amazingly have one, USE IT!!!!)
rare candy x4 SS/EM (if you cant get these, wallys training will do)
celios network x2 (gets the pokemon you need when you need them)
life herb x 2 HL/FRLG (they help)
energy recycle system x2 (youll need it)
prof. elms method x4 UF(again pokemon you need when you need them)
stevens advice x2 HL (some serious drawpower here)
prof oaks research x2 FRLG (yes prof birch does suck)
mt. moon x1 (shuts down some basics with annoying powers)

energys 20
fire x11
electric x 5
boost energy x4

if you still have issues with it just tell me whats wrong and well try to work it out...

in other news, i came in third in the city championships.weezing/typhlosion combos are deadly.....


Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:20 pm
Ace Trainer
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what do you think of ludicargo - the world champ 2005 one with Rhydon?


Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:41 am
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Ludicargo/Rhydon? :? I'm not familiar with it, and I'm not in a position to visit worlds. I live in the backwaters of wisconsin :P . can you give me a link to a site that has it documented?

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:47 pm
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has deck lists for 4 world champ decks


Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:01 pm
Bug Catcher
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i want it rated 1-10 and fixed.this is an old skool deck only from the base set.

12 Water Energy
3 Staryu
1 Starmie
3 Squirtle
2 Wartortle
1 Blastoise
16 Fighting Energy
4 Machop
2 Machoke
3 Sandshrew
2 Onix
1 Hitmonchan-HOLO
2 Farfetch


Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:47 am
Ace Trainer
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Why has this thread had no posts for 3 months? Are there no more people playing pok


Sun May 28, 2006 12:30 pm
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Ok I am making a new deck and I need help. I have no idea what its name is

Solrock LM -4
Lunatone DX-3
Makuhita DX-2
Hariyama EX DX-1
Spoink DX-2
Grumpig DX-2
Girafig LM-1
Onix TRR-2
Steelix EX UF-1
Wynaut LM-2
Wobuffet LM-1
Jirachi DX-1
Dunsparce LM-2

Lady Outing DX-2
Energy Search- 3
Masterball DS-1
Great Ball DS-1
Dual Ball -2
Holon Mentor DS-1
Curse Powder UF-1
Field Worker LM-1
Marys Request UF-1
Rockets Admin TRR-1
Rockets Mission TRR-2
Bills Maintenence FRLG-1
Wallys Training-1
Prof. Elms Training Method UF-1
Holon Lass DS-1

Psychic Energys-7
Fighting Energys-7
Metal energys-2
Ok this is a brand new deck I made and I havent tested it out yet but some strategy is to get solrocks and Lunatones set up early that bring in the ex's for the big bad enimies. The other pokemon are used for drawing and setting up my cards for the future. I hope I did a good job I am not very good at making decks so bare with me.

<center><img src="images/trainercards/pichu_bro.png"></center>

Mon May 29, 2006 10:57 pm
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