
The battle league
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Author:  Alkhazor [ Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  The battle league

Well, considering I have NO F-ING WI-FI its getting pretty hard to run, so Im gonna go ahead and let sombody else be the primary admin. I havent decided how Im dong that, but It will probrbaly be either obs or the first person to post here.

On a completely different note, I hate the fact that they renamed each and every one of the names in the pokemon area. What was so wrong with "general pokemon disscussion?" was it copy righted?or was this another genious move to go with removing ALL TRACES of the teams?

Back to my not bieng an admin of a forum again, if you want to be the new admin, you must have diamond or pearl, wi fi, and a functioning brain. If I choose you, your name wil be put on a ballet and you shall be voted for by all four of the residents of afore mentioned forum (the battle league.)

I will still be an admin, I just wont be on. At all. Ok, thank you for aknowledging I exist, bie.

Author:  ryan_dan [ Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think somebody needs a hug. *hugs Alkhazor* there you go! now you feel all good inside! :D

Author:  Physalis [ Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wait, what exactly is this?

Author:  Alkhazor [ Tue Jul 03, 2007 1:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the hug, but hugs cant install the cash mod. Which willburn in eternal hellfire, just like starvin marvins tribe in the episode of south park where their talking about missionaries. :twisted:

In my extreme anger towards the cash mod, I seem to have neglected, among other things, a link. ... ttleleague

Well, now that thats taken care of, I guess Ill be on my merry way. Looking for a person somewhere on any plantet that can install a cash mod.

Friken R2 refuses to cooperate so it looks like they will have to be human.

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