
will pokemon EVER end
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Author:  embryonicdragonite [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  will pokemon EVER end

^what the heading says^
well personaly I hope not.....
discuss..........................................................NOW! :D

Author:  Sion9 [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

well, there are already 493 pokemon; if it continues adding >100 pokemon per generation they will soon run out of ideas...but with DP wifi, will people ever stop playing it? I think there were people still playing RBY when FRLG was out.

Author:  Treeckoluv [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:25 pm ]
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Well, everything that is created must end eventually. Who knows when pokemon will end?

Author:  ShotDuck [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:37 pm ]
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If people decide to make it last (example: by having an active forum like this one here, or with a cool website regulary visited), it is sure it will last.

But if people just say "no" and do not make any effort, nobody will like it anymore.

I'm not saying it will EVER last but it will last for still a long time...

Author:  Darjulok [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:06 pm ]
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I doubt Pokemon will ever end. If GameFreak decides to make a Pokemon for each thing in the world, then the possibilities are infinite.
Just think about it: there are 493 Pokemon, some of them aren't based on animals/plants but in objects (rock, compass, etc.), several couples or trios of Pokemon families are based in the same animal (3 monkey Pokemon, 3 turtle Pokemon, 2 crab Pokemon, etc.) and there are still tons of animals/plants with still not a Pokemon version.

Just for name some animals/plants, there is still not a swordfish Pokemon, a sea sponge Pokemon, a mole Pokemon (Diglett is a piglet), an ant Pokemon, a zebra Pokemon, a polar bear Pokemon, a grass (the plain grass used for covering the ground in gardens) Pokemon, etc.

Plus, if GameFreak is planning to make not only Pokemon based on animals/plants but in artificial objects (skyscraper, jar, book, etc.) AND in the rest of the fossils too, then they still have A LOT of Pokemon to do.

Author:  baseball8gaia [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:47 pm ]
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well i dont really think pokemon will ever end they'll probally stop making pokemon stuff but people will still play them right?if u know me i have 8 of the pokemon games and i play them all the time so my answer to this question would be a no

Author:  Cherrygrove [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:04 pm ]
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I think I read somewhere on the internet that one of the main guys behind the games said that the fifth generation will be the last

Author:  Blastoise09 [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:21 pm ]
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I'm rather split on this question. On one hand, Nintendo keeps adding more and more pokemon every few years. Yet at the same time, the quality of their ideas seems to take a drastic hit every time a new Region/Set of pokemon come out. I think all the old die hard fans will continue to play but shun the newer versions of the game. There will still be people who play RBY and GSC for a few more years. Then there will be the 10 year olds who have RSE and DP and be like "What's that pokemon called? He looks weird!!"

So pokemon may never end but just fall out of favor with the diehards and true pokemon fans.

Author:  Cherrygrove [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:29 pm ]
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Blastoise09 wrote:
I'm rather split on this question. On one hand, Nintendo keeps adding more and more pokemon every few years. Yet at the same time, the quality of their ideas seems to take a drastic hit every time a new Region/Set of pokemon come out. I think all the old die hard fans will continue to play but shun the newer versions of the game. There will still be people who play RBY and GSC for a few more years. Then there will be the 10 year olds who have RSE and DP and be like "What's that pokemon called? He looks weird!!"

So pokemon may never end but just fall out of favor with the diehards and true pokemon fans.

Ill be playing Gold/silver for years to come, as I do not own a DS

Author:  Octupusdude [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:32 pm ]
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When Pokemon stops making money that is when it is going to end and that isn't gonna happen for now.With the release of the sinnoh region and the new pokemon I'd say that pokemon is long from ending.

Author:  ryan_dan [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:16 am ]
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I don't want the games to end, but Ash's adventure in the anime is long overdue to end!


Author:  Sion9 [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:08 am ]
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Blastoise09 wrote:
Yet at the same time, the quality of their ideas seems to take a drastic hit every time a new Region/Set of pokemon come out. I think all the old die hard fans will continue to play but shun the newer versions of the game. There will still be people who play RBY and GSC for a few more years.

As long as the wifi servers remain up, there seems little reason to stop playing DP, unless Nintendo does make a new generation with decent pokemon. I think that fans will continue to trade/battle online, even if pokemon ends.

Author:  thekiller0703 [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:56 am ]
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It will end with the end of the universe, of course. :o

Author:  Joey90 [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:53 pm ]
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Before they make more pokémon they will probably make more spin-off series' (which are usually pretty bad :roll: ) and then they might remake a few generations, add a third D/P (and maybe a third FR/LG) and bundle together the different regions, and add like one 'unmissable' feature...

Essential they will try and leech as much money as they can before doing anything too creative :lol:

(Cynicism alert!)

Author:  psyched369 [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  re

i hope it doesnt but i dont think it will because people will come to work at pokemon and they will have new ideas and....maybe they might take out some of the original pokemon in the future (kanto and johto and so on throughout the years)

Author:  simon777 [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:49 am ]
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Essential they will try and leech as much money as they can before doing anything too creative

If only that weren't true...
But still, the game will end once it becomes "something your parents did". Because anything your parents did as kids is not cool.

Author:  The Jonatron [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:11 am ]
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the last thing to be done is put the whole four regions in one game. once they do that they will need no new game. well... it'd last a while...

Author:  Kizeraa [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:25 pm ]
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I don't think Pokemon as a company will make a 6th generation... But that doesn't mean Pokemon itself will die. Hopefully, Wifi, forums, and Competitor will keep it alive to fans for more years to come.

Author:  Zero Cool [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:47 pm ]
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Well I hope it continues with more creativity for futurre Pokemon fans but I have the feeling I will probably give up on the game pretty soon. It would be nice to see one more gen but if they interrupt the games like thses with another Range I know I will not stick around. All I am sure I will see is the 2nd 4th Gen which I am REALLY hoping has a Darkrai in it lol.

Author:  Moonfir [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:08 pm ]
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simon777 wrote:
... the game will end once it becomes "something your parents did". Because anything your parents did as kids is not cool.

Whoever said that doesn't know a thing! I beleve pokemon will last.

The people who like it today will be the people who make it tomorrow.

Author:  PixelTwist [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:53 pm ]
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I think a 5th generation can be made easily. There are tons of pokémon who only have one evolution and can easily be given another. There are also a lot of animals that have yet to be represented in the pokémon world.

Author:  Blastoise09 [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:04 am ]
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Sorry to say this PixelTwist, but it's that kind of mentality that is killing Pokemon. Nintendo is running out of creative ideas so they just evolve the old "one-shot's" to fill the gap. Look at DP. They made evo's to Magmar, Electabuzz, Tangela, Rhydon, and Magneton. Personally, these weren't neccessary as those Pokemon were fine in my mind and didn't need cheap, new evolutions. If a new series of Pokemon come out and they create evolutions after Pinsir, Lapras, Tauros or Kangaskan, then that's the end for me.

Author:  Alonely [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:04 am ]
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It depends on which aspect you mean. Will Pokémon games eventually stop being produced? Naturally; no game will forever be produced. However, will people continue to play and talk about the games long after the very last one is released? Of course. In that way, no, it will never end. There will still be people generations from now who will talk about Pokémon as if it were just yesterday they were waiting for Diamond and Pearl to hit stores.

I chose "no," concentrating on the cease of production that will inevitably occur. And I agree with Blastoise09. They need to leave the old Pokémon alone. I'd prefer completely new creatures to spin-offs of the previous, classic ones.

Author:  Blazikendude [ Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:04 am ]
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leik, pokemon 4 eva!

Just kidding, Pokemon will have to end eventually, several big series have already, so why not Pokemon? Have you ever heard of Global Warming? The fact that every day the world is getting slower? The ice cap is melting? Well, Pokemon will end whenever these calmities destroy humains.

Author:  The Jonatron [ Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:30 am ]
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Blazikendude wrote:
leik, pokemon 4 eva!

Have you ever heard of Global Warming? The fact the every day the world is getting slower? The ice caps are milting?

that and the earths orbit is slowly closing in on the sun, due to colide in a few million years....

it's gonna end, but knowing the japanese, its gonna linger...

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