
Pokemon that should be other types
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Author:  Lynx [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Pokemon that should be other types

for example {gyarados} might be better as a water/dragon and {charizard} as a fire/dragon with levitate

also, {flygon} should definitely be a bug/dragon .. yeah {trapinch} should stay a ground, but its evolutions are definitely bugs... theyre even in the bug breeding family...

{taillow} and {swellow} i think should be flying/dark... ive thought so since i first saw it... you wouldnt believe my shock to find out it was just a normal/flying

{arbok} should be a poison/dark ... not only is it a good type combination, but it fits arbok perfectly, though ekans should remain just a poison...

{vileplume} should be a grass/dark , rather than poison...

{venomoth} should be a bug/flying, or at least have levitate

{psyduck} and {golduck} should be water/psychics , why else would it be balled psyduck

{kangaskhan} looks like it should be a ground type... i dunno about this one though...

{sudowoodo} is a freakin tree, it should have a grass type in there to go with the rock

{dunsparce} looks like it should be a bug type or something

{volbeat} and {illumise} should be bug/electrics :D

Author:  Gryphflame [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:40 am ]
Post subject: 

I've never really understood why {haunter} and {gengar} had that poison type stuck in there, I think they should be pure ghost, although I could see {gastly} keeping his poison side.

Author:  flyingmonkey [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:19 am ]
Post subject: 

wow, good idea.

all of the normal/flying types should have normal taken off them. Honestly, what's the point in having normal as a second type?

Also, i've never understood why psychic is strong against poison.

{vileplume} doesn't make sense as dark. It's poison because of its spores, i'd sooner take away its grass than its poison

Author:  Myuutsuu [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:30 am ]
Post subject: 

{sneasel} I didn't even know it was an Ice type until not so long ago. Just make it pure Dark.

{umbreon} perhaps should be Dark/Poison, because of a Dex entry saying it sprays poison sometimes.

Rukario. Why is it Steel/Fighting? More like Electric/Fighting.

{gyarados} is it really Water/Flying? That's what it said in the Prima Guide and I've never really checked Psypoke. It should be Water/Dragon if it isn't already.

Author:  Lynx [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Myuutsuu wrote:
Rukario. Why is it Steel/Fighting? More like Electric/Fighting.

{gyarados} is it really Water/Flying? That's what it said in the Prima Guide and I've never really checked Psypoke. It should be Water/Dragon if it isn't already.

thats interesting, i though Rukario looked like a dark/fighting type

and yes, gyarados is water/flying, hense the double weakness to electric attacks...

flyingmonkey wrote:
all of the normal/flying types should have normal taken off them. Honestly, what's the point in having normal as a second type?

i agree, but leave the normal type on a few of em... ones like pidgeot should be pure flying though

Author:  Galar [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon that should be other types

Lynx wrote:
for example {gyarados} might be better as a water/dragon and {charizard} as a fire/dragon with levitate
also, {flygon} should definitely be a bug/dragon

{arbok} should be a poison/dark ... not only is it a good type combination, but it fits arbok perfectly, though ekans should remain just a poison...

{psyduck} and {golduck} should be water/psychics , why else would it be balled psyduck

{kangaskhan} looks like it should be a ground type... i dunno about this one though...

Agree with these aspects...Also, I guess {sneasel} should be Dark / Steel (yeah, its strange).....

Author:  Holifax [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

{onix} should be pure rock type.

{gyarados} = Dragon/water

{jirachi} pure psychic.

{trapinch} = steel.

{charizard} = Fire/Dragon

{milotic} = water/Dragon

{flygon} = Bug/Dragon

{wailord} = Normal/water

{sceptile} = Grass/Dark

{unown} = Dark

{dragonair} = Dragon/Ice

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:38 am ]
Post subject: 

{seviper} should be part Dark. {girafarig} should be part Dark too. {masquerain} should be part Water.

Author:  Lynx [ Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:46 am ]
Post subject: 

sN0wBaLL wrote:
{seviper} should be part Dark.
{girafarig} should be part Dark too.
{masquerain} should be part Bug.

agree (psychic/dark)
agree (poison/dark)
der, its already part bug (bug/flying)

Author:  KinglerMaster [ Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I say that
{spinarak} {ariados} should be part dark!

Author:  Galar [ Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:05 pm ]
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KinglerMaster wrote:
I say that
{spinarak} {ariados} should be part dark!

Aren't they?? Whoah!

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Sorry about the Masquerain. I meant it should be part Water.

Author:  Aerodactyl727 [ Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Isn't Golduck Psycic any way if not sorry but no dragos ever should be flying type in my opinion.Cuz they are 4x weak agianst Ice .

Author:  Twixt [ Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:37 pm ]
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it it was up to me, id make all pokemon dark type.......... :D

Author:  pokemaster [ Sat May 07, 2005 10:55 am ]
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garados = dragon/water
magikarp = water

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Sat May 07, 2005 11:00 am ]
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Um, Magikarp is Water; plus if Gyarados was Dragon/Water, he'd be almost 00ber.

Author:  Benjamin [ Sat May 07, 2005 11:07 am ]
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Charizard shouldn't be part dragon, because he's going to have levitate or something to avoid ground attacks, and that would make him over-00ber. Only one weakness, that is.

Author:  Lynx [ Sat May 07, 2005 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Water Pokemon Master wrote:
Charizard shouldn't be part dragon, because he's going to have levitate or something to avoid ground attacks, and that would make him over-00ber. Only one weakness, that is.

ummm, no, a fire/dragon levitate still leaves rock and dragon weaknesses, how are TWO weakness worse that someone like sableye, which has no weakness, or kingdra with only 1 weakness, dragon, or even pokemon with a single double weakness, like bug/steels and water/grounds... it wouldnt make him uber....

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Sat May 07, 2005 6:44 pm ]
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{ursaring} should be part Dark IMO.

Author:  bobashotmace [ Sat May 07, 2005 7:07 pm ]
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horsea should be part bird, and flying should still be called bird.

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Sat May 07, 2005 10:08 pm ]
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Urm, Flying should remain as Flying because it sounds dumb when Dragonite, Salamence and stuff like that are part "Bird".

Anyway, why should Horsea be part Bird/Flying? It's a seahorse, and how can seahorses fly?

Author:  Rare Pokemon Master [ Sat May 07, 2005 11:32 pm ]
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Venomoth should be flying type

Author:  psycho_freak [ Sun May 08, 2005 4:06 am ]
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I think Shenjina should be Dark instead of Bug (so that would make it Dark/Ghost) pwnage!!!! Also Groudon should be Fire/Ground and Kyogre should probably be Water/Psychic.

Author:  tessa7338 [ Wed May 18, 2005 1:11 am ]
Post subject: 

The thing is that when comparing Groudon and Kyogre, people tend to go for Kyogre just bcos of the type advantage. So I agree with you.

But Groudon learns Solarbeam...

Author:  Lynx [ Wed May 25, 2005 7:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

psycho_freak wrote:
I think Shenjina should be Dark instead of Bug (so that would make it Dark/Ghost) pwnage!!!! Also Groudon should be Fire/Ground and Kyogre should probably be Water/Psychic.

{shedinja} should definitely stay bug, not only for balance's sake, but also because it looks like a bug... WE NEED MORE BUGS

when i first saw rukario i thought it should be a dark/fighting rather than a steel/fighting...

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