
Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?
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Author:  *superiorchingling* [ Wed May 07, 2008 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

I must say, {staraptor} 's high-pitched, keening cry really gets to me.
My poor, delicate little ears.
Oh yeah, then there's {donphan} . If you capture him on Ranger, you'll know what I mean.

Author:  DragonSpear [ Wed May 07, 2008 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Oh yes, I hate {kriketune} cry. I don't think it even sounds like a cricket's tune.

Author:  Crobat [ Wed May 07, 2008 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

I agree on Kricketune. After hours on the outskirts of Oreburgh looking for a Ponyta with a decent nature... it starts to grate.

Author:  Medichamrulez [ Wed May 07, 2008 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Oh.... I sorta liked Kriketune's cry, but Staraptor's is annoying. I also despise Giratina's cry, and Heatran's sounds weird, like it's sneezing.

Author:  *superiorchingling* [ Wed May 07, 2008 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Yeah, I'm not too sure about kriketune's cry either..?
But Dialga's is like, a woman screaming!!! What's the deal with that, man >:O
{dragonite} {piplup} {chingling}

Author:  DNA [ Thu May 08, 2008 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

The only one I hate is Jynx.

Too long, annoying, and drawn out. If you play(ed) Pokemon Puzzle Challenge for the GBC, you'll get what I mean. (Against Will on Super-Hard mode, I never get a moment's rest from hearing that thing...)

Author:  Deathseeker [ Fri May 09, 2008 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Skuntank was just plain stupid, Nintendo has nothing better to do that record their workers farting? And the cry I absoloutly hate is Kricketune.

Everytime I found one in the wild my finger went straight to the volume to protect my sanity. And it is also stretched out like Jynx.

Kricketots cry = ABSOLOUTE PHAIL


Author:  DragonSpear [ Sat May 10, 2008 5:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Yeah, and you know what, why does {croagunk} laugh? It's a frog with the wierdest looking face (I guess that's something to laugh about :lol: )

Author:  Entai [ Sat May 10, 2008 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

{seedot} sounds weird. It sounds like a duck... I like ducks. But seedot is NOT a duck.

Author:  Clmaster [ Sat May 10, 2008 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

DNA wrote:
The only one I hate is Jynx.

Too long, annoying, and drawn out. If you play(ed) Pokemon Puzzle Challenge for the GBC, you'll get what I mean. (Against Will on Super-Hard mode, I never get a moment's rest from hearing that thing...)

What this man said. The Pokemon Puzzle Challenge made me tired of hearing those cries.

Author:  Rhiixon [ Sat May 10, 2008 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Yes, I have a list.

Zubat - Too loud.
Mew, Mewtwo, Vileplume, Aerodactyl, Paras, Parasect - Mainly because they're repeated and annoying.
Ditto, Pidgey, Jigglypuff, Poliwag - Again, repeated multiple times and they're annoying.
Tentacool - Not cool, and also, when you like going to the Abandoned Ship in RSE, you'll see why.
Geodude - Again, too loud
Gastly - What? I happen to not like clumps of gaseous Pokèmon, which narrows it down
Drowzee - Just annoying, but Hypno's is kinda cool...(turns on DS)
Exeggcute - o.o Gimme a gun. Or a Pokèball that kills the Pokèmon when they're caught.
Exeggutor - Same as above.
Hitmonchan - Way to high to be a male's cry.
Chansey and Blissey - Omagawdz0rs.
Staryu and Starmie - *finger on the volume switch*
Jynx - ...
Electabuzz - You can't really meet it in the wild in many places though...
Pinsir - No explanation needed.
Porygon - *Recycle bin*
Zapdos - LGFR catching legendaries. Couldn't sleep because its cry was stuck in my head.
Chinchou and Lanturn - Is there something stuck in their nose?
Azumarill - I don't like bubbles. They taste like poopies.
Sunflora - How does that sound like a flower? FLOWERS DON'T MAKE SOUNDS.
Unown - Computer beeping...puh-leeze.
Heracross - Where's my bug swatter?
Sneasel - Sounds like somebody died.
Skarmory - Shiny shiny, pretty pretty...
Donphan - One of the many reason I detest Ranger.
Miltank - i liek choclit milk. nt pokeman mikl.
Lugia and Ho-oh - *finger's still on volume switch*
Sceptile - o.O Makes me think, and that's not normal.
Silcoon - I hate being a newb on RSE.
Seedot - I think it is a duck, too, Entai
Masquerain - Who needs an explanation for this?
Nincada - It sounds like it's saying GAY MEN (mind the language, but it does!)
Loudred - The DP alarm.
Delcatty - I'm allergic to cats.
Wailord - o.o
Solrock - Battling Steven in Emerald...
Milotic - Long...waiting for it to end...sometime this century...
Regice - Well if ice could make sounds, this is what it would sound like.
Rayquaza - Loud...
Turtwig - No comment.
Staravia - Battling the Rival is much more fun than battling the League, but this ruins it.
Kricketune - Sounds like a dying cow. And that doesn't sound nice. Moo.
Lopunny - Why I like the Rival battles...
Hippowdon - Uh....idk...I jut don't like it.
Croagunk and Toxicroak - Who are they laughing at? Their cry.
Dusknoir - Remind me of when my radio short-curcuited...*shudder*
Froslass - It scares my sister, but I kinda like it.
Uxie and Azelf - HOLY CRAP! METEORS! RUN PEOPLES! Oh, nevermind, it's just Uxie and Azelf...
Dialga - Sounds like my momma needs help! Oh, it's just Dialga...
Arceus - It may be the Shaper of the Universe, but it could've shaped it's cry better.

And that's about it. No, I'm not short-temptered, I just think that the Pokèmon should sound like they do on the show. Btw Darkrai rulez.

Author:  Frost [ Sat May 10, 2008 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Congratulations on being highly annoying and irrational.

I can't even think of any cries I dislike. They're all so short and rarely stand out. But I do dislike how Nintendo hasn't updated any of the Kanto Pokemon's cries in the newer games. They sound really outdated and out-of-place, especially compared to the newer cries in DP.

Author:  AKART [ Sun May 11, 2008 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Probopass's cry is freaky. I can't really explain the sound it makes, but one just has to go on the Crydex to see what I mean. One of my friends was the first who got DP. I asked him via the phone what Staraptor sounded like. He did exaggerate the volume a bit, but I still decided that I didn't like OU Flying types with Intimdate that had crests on their heads (but I do like OU Flying Types with Intimidate without crests on their heads (yay for Salamence!)) That's all really.

Author:  *superiorchingling* [ Sun May 11, 2008 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Frost wrote:
Congratulations on being highly annoying and irrational.
Uh- huh, that was some list :lol:
Still made sense, though.
Rhiixon wrote:
Mew, Mewtwo, Vileplume, Aerodactyl, Paras, Parasect - Mainly because they're repeated and annoying.
Ditto, Pidgey, Jigglypuff, Poliwag - Again, repeated multiple times and they're annoying.

Yes, repeated cries. Chingling's worst nightmare.
{chingling} Chingling {dragonite}

Author:  Typhon [ Sun May 11, 2008 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

{gardevoir} i mean its just weird looking. i don't know why anyone would raise one of those except to fill their pokedex. thats just my opinion, to people that dont agree with me, i mean no offense towards your gardevoir.

Author:  Bushin [ Sun May 11, 2008 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

{lickilicky} ...
It looks like my grandma with diarrea...or something like that...

Author:  DNA [ Sun May 11, 2008 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

...I forgot about Mesprit. That's the other one I really don't like.

*mutes DS*

The ones that most of you said you disliked, like Kricketune, Probopass, Croagunk, and Staraptor, those are actually some of my favorites.

My favorite cry that I can think of off the top of my head is Regice. He sounds like deep freeze. And he is deep freeze, literally.

Author:  blazing blaziken [ Mon May 12, 2008 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

I hate Jynx,Mewtwo and Mew. They are too long...and when battling Lorelei I can't beat Jynx quickly because of it's cry.

Author:  Lv.65 [ Tue May 27, 2008 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

I personly like Kriketune's cry..... :D . I don't like Sabeleye though. Just heard it too often, plus it's kinda annoying.

Author:  123gojj [ Tue May 27, 2008 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

The only pokemon that I don't like are {pineco} and {seedot} . I mean come on, if you have sunk to making pokemon out of seeds and pinecones then I think that the design team needs a little wake up call. Whats next giant stick? O wait, they did that already ! {sudowoodo}

Author:  Valentine [ Thu May 29, 2008 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

oh, wow...seedot DOES sound like a duck.

i usually don't get bothered by most pokemon's fact, i love kricketunes's.

bibarel's is fun to listen to on the psydex, but it's cry just..bothers me ingame. so does budew's.

that's all i can really think of.

also, play lumineon's cry on slow and listen sounds really cool.

Author:  zibit13 [ Fri May 30, 2008 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Annoying cries...Hmm...
I'll read them off from the one's I consider most annoying (don't worry, there's only 3)
Jynx - Too long.
Kriciturne - Just plain odd.
Staraptor - I have no words to describe.

Author:  Combee [ Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

{zubat}- They are in about every cave, and that cry gets a little annoying after a while.

Author:  Sapphirath [ Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Let's see...{jynx}, {muk}, {exeggutor}, {sableye}, {gastrodon}, {lopunny}, {skuntank}, {toxicroak}, {lumineon}, {probopass}...all these I hate they sounds...the ones I hate most are probably {jynx} because it just gives me the creeps and {skuntank} because it sounds like a fart. :? I gotta admit {dialga} cry is kinda totally disappointed me....I was expecting something arcane and powerful from the keeper of time...sigh...

Author:  Zangy [ Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which PKMNs cry do you ABSOLUTELY detest?

Zubat, Crobat, Golbat, and Geodude.

I've heard them way too much.

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