
Legit vs. Non-legit?
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Author:  fake star [ Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Legit vs. Non-legit?

Alright. before you start flaming me with anti-non-legit rants, hear me out.
Sometime last week I had a cravin' for some Shaymin. So I tracked down an Action Replay and got it. Anyway, I know that I should have waited the 2+ years for the event or whatever to get a real one [and trust me, when I do get a real one, I'll most likely release my non-legit one] BUT I don't live in an area where there are any events. So my question to you is: When is it okay to get and use a non-legit event Pokemon? Do you think it's never okay?

Author:  Skandrannon [ Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

For competitive battle, anything non-legit is completely unacceptable.

For simply having it, haxxing is okay for event-only Pokemon.

Author:  Roxas583 [ Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

theres only Shaymin in the game i thought once you catch it at its right place (Event using oak's letter) I think hes gone =/

Author:  Frost [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

As long as a hacker plays within the legal limits set by the game, I don't care if somebody hacks their Pokemon. Neither should all of the whiny babies who complain about hackers. Yeah, hacking a Pokemon with six 999 stats or a Wonder Guard Spiritomb is lame. But hacking an event Pokemon, hacking on a move that a Pokemon only learns from Pokemon XD or real-life Pokemon Centers, or hacking a Pokemon with good EVs/IVs aren't the worst crimes in the world.

In the first two cases, not everybody has access to special Pokemon/move events. Additionally, some of us don't feel inclined to fill Nintendo's greedy-ass pockets with any more money when they decide to hold events or create crappy games like XD with exclusive moves to "entice" consumers into purchases. As for the third case, nobody really wants to waste hours, days, weeks or even months trying to get a perfect Pokemon and then have to do it five more times to complete a full team (not counting roster, moveset and EV changes). Let's not even get into Hidden Power.

People who whine should be mad at Gamefreak for making such a user-unfriendly interface, not the hackers who want to preserve their sanity. Because, to me, that's what semi-legit hacking really is: sanity preservation.

Author:  Krisp [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Skandrannon wrote:
For competitive battle, anything non-legit is completely unacceptable.

For simply having it, haxxing is okay for event-only Pokemon.

Unless she hacked the Shaymin with illegal moves or maxed out stats, I wouldn't say it's unacceptable. If I used a wild encounter code to find Celebi (with randomized stats) and used it against you, would you complain?

Author:  fake star [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

My Shaymin isn't all maxed out and all of that crap. It's got Pokerus, but that's because it caught it during EV training. And it has moves that a Shaymin learns. I just wanted the Pokemon, not all the maxed out stuff.

Author:  Brandon313 [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

yeah i dont think that theres anything wrong if its for personal use.

Author:  Sapphirath [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Hmm...I wonder how many times I've expressed my views on these kinds of things before...I Believe it is COMPLTELY ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY FAIR to hack for a Event Pokemon when Events don't take place in the place where we live in. Nintendo Events will Never Ever Ever Ever reach the country I live in. I don't see why I can't get the same Pokemon through hacking when there is no other way to get it and other people can get it cos Nintendo Events take place where they live. If you can't let us hack event Pokemon and use it, then what do you suppose we do? Buy an Air Ticket and fly all the way to a faraway country just to queue up for a Nintendo event there? :(

Also, talking about competitve playing, we don't win by Effort. We win by skill, so I don't see why we need to be "fair" to the people who breed Pokemon for months to get correct IVs etc. It's so much easier and wiser to to use cheats to max out EVs, breed Legal Natures and IVs in a matter of minutes. There is nothing wrong with hacking Pokemon within the legal limits of the game, that I completely agree with Frost. :wink: :lol:

Those who want to prevent others from using an AR just because you can't, woe to you for you're just being Selfish. And for those who like breeding for IVs, EV training etc, it is only right to keep to yourselves and not try to stop people who hate doing those stuff from getting things done their way. Not forgetting the fact that is completely wrong to condemn and isolate them. :wink:

Author:  ClUeLeSs [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Absolutley! Not everbody has the time avaliable to them to sit around for hours and hours frustrating themselves over getting the right natures and IV's just to have to turn around and spend more hours EV training. As long as you're not being outrageously stupid or unfair, it's not a crime to save yourself some time. k

Author:  Bushin [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

I agree.

I would never even dream of ever seeing a {darkrai} , {shaymin} , {mew} , {celebi} and many others if wasn't be AR,and just like Sapphirath and Frost said,going out to another country just to go to event to get a single pokémon isn't the smartest thing to do...

and about competitive battles,using hacked pokémon in legal limits should not be hated... Since would be plain stupid to think that you can stop the use of AR, since most of the time you wouldn't even know if the other one if hacking... Most people on the world use it ...(and with good reasons... :lol: )
What should be avoided is stupid hacking like WonderTomb , Skill SwaKing , S-ColdChamp...

Author:  Sapphirath [ Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Bushin wrote:
I agree.

I would never even dream of ever seeing a {darkrai} , {shaymin} , {mew} , {celebi} and many others if wasn't be AR,and just like Sapphirath and Frost said,going out to another country just to go to event to get a single pokémon isn't the smartest thing to do...

and about competitive battles,using hacked pokémon in legal limits should not be hated... Since would be plain stupid to think that you can stop the use of AR, since most of the time you wouldn't even know if the other one if hacking... Most people on the world use it ...(and with good reasons... :lol: )
What should be avoided is stupid hacking like WonderTomb , Skill SwaKing , S-ColdChamp...

Agree, agree...I've seen to many WonderTombs and NoGuardChamps with 1HKO moves. Those are so hated and must be banned. But hacking within Legal limts of the game I believe is totally fair. If it isn't fair, then we should just ban Shoddy. No one needs to train for EVs or Breed for IVs, Natures and Moves there, and it's pretty much the same game. :lol:

Author:  Bushin [ Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Sapphirath wrote:
Bushin wrote:
I agree.

I would never even dream of ever seeing a {darkrai} , {shaymin} , {mew} , {celebi} and many others if wasn't be AR,and just like Sapphirath and Frost said,going out to another country just to go to event to get a single pokémon isn't the smartest thing to do...

and about competitive battles,using hacked pokémon in legal limits should not be hated... Since would be plain stupid to think that you can stop the use of AR, since most of the time you wouldn't even know if the other one if hacking... Most people on the world use it ...(and with good reasons... :lol: )
What should be avoided is stupid hacking like WonderTomb , Skill SwaKing , S-ColdChamp...

Agree, agree...I've seen to many WonderTombs and NoGuardChamps with 1HKO moves. Those are so hated and must be banned. But hacking within Legal limts of the game I believe is totally fair. If it isn't fair, then we should just ban Shoddy. No one needs to train for EVs or Breed for IVs, Natures and Moves there, and it's pretty much the same game. :lol:

Err...I didn't said nothing against "Legal Hacking" or playing Shoddy...If wasn't for legal hacking many people wouldn't have a team even close to competitive, and Shoddy is another history,the point of Shoddy is playing competitively without having to pass for all that drag of Breeding/Training and everything and mostly to test new strategies without having to spend hours,days and probably weeks to make a new poké that probably isn't that good... :?
correct me if i'm wrong but, i don't think that Shoddy is very related to the topic...Because that isn't considered hacking at all and have no influece on gameplay in D/P at least not directly...

Author:  Sapphirath [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Actually, Shoddy is just Pokemon Competitive Play on Computer. If everyone starts playing on Shoddy instead, do you think Shoddy should be banned because it is being unfair to the people who work hard to get their Pokemon? No right? :?

Author:  Bushin [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Sapphirath wrote:
Actually, Shoddy is just Pokemon Competitive Play on Computer. If everyone starts playing on Shoddy instead, do you think Shoddy should be banned because it is being unfair to the people who work hard to get their Pokemon? No right? :?

But no one works hard fot they pokémon on Shoddy... And how could they Ban Shoddy?
It's not even from Nintendo and this Discussion about Competititve Battle and hacking is about D/P...
Is not related to Shoddy in anyway. :?

Author:  Sapphirath [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

No no no what I mean was that if people can accept Shoddy, they should just accept legal Hacking, because Shoddy is all about getting Pokemon without using Effort and it concentrates about competitive battling as well. :wink:

Author:  Bushin [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Sapphirath wrote:
No no no what I mean was that if people can accept Shoddy, they should just accept legal Hacking, because Shoddy is all about getting Pokemon without using Effort and it concentrates about competitive battling as well. :wink:

In my case i accept legal Hacking ...(and did it sometimes... :lol: ) Some people has a moral background that keeps them to accept legal hacks and most for no reason... Looking to Shoddy, that isn't considered hacking because the point of that is to simulate Pokémon Battles, not all the waste of time that's the charm of the series...Training,Breeding,etcetera, and we have to agree that using Shoddy isn't like hacking because even there you have limit of what you can do,for example...You can't have Legendaries with all IVs on 31 anymore...

Author:  Sapphirath [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

The "Charm" of the series doesn't apply to everyone. I for one am not gonna spend 2 years looking for a good Latios ever again. Or breed for months to get certain Pokemon either. I DON'T appreciate the "Fun" of it. Neither do thousands of people out there. No one should try to stop people like us who can't appreciate the time used for breeding, EV training etc. from getting things done their way. Spare a thought for others please, don't make them suffer just because you what's causing them trouble is fun to you and doesn't affect you negatively.

Note: "You" doesn't apply to you Bushin.

No way. Shoddy just stimulates? Come on, look at the number of people who choose Shoddy over using the real Program for competitive play. I like the Real one better thats' a fact, but it's just too troublesome. Shoddy is a platform for competitive play cos everyone is equal in terms of resources. In the Real game, that is not possible. And since it's not possible, people should just give up trying to make things equal. :wink:

Author:  Bushin [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Sapphirath wrote:
The "Charm" of the series doesn't apply to everyone. I for one am not gonna spend 2 years looking for a good Latios ever again. Or breed for months to get certain Pokemon either. I DON'T appreciate the "Fun" of it. Neither do thousands of people out there. No one should try to stop people like us who can't appreciate the time used for breeding, EV training etc. from getting things done their way. Spare a thought for others please, don't make them suffer just because you what's causing them trouble is fun to you and doesn't affect you negatively.

Note: "You" doesn't apply to you Bushin.

No way. Shoddy just stimulates? Come on, look at the number of people who choose Shoddy over using the real Program for competitive play. I like the Real one better thats' a fact, but it's just too troublesome. Shoddy is a platform for competitive play cos everyone is equal in terms of resources. In the Real game, that is not possible. And since it's not possible, people should just give up trying to make things equal. :wink:

Yes, It's really a pain to do all this, but if there are thousand of people that don't like it,
there shoud be some that like it (In my case,i do because i don't have much choice... :( ), But a matter of opinion shouldn't be a reason for hate or isolation,especially if he/she didn't made anything outside some limits... ...
An AR would be the Tool of my Dreams... *.*

Don't worry, I know you aren't talking about me. :wink:

Yes, Shoddy, NetBattle and other simulators are better in some aspects like finding opponents, making good teams and equality. But even with all that, Shoddy is just a Simulator (even being a great one :wink: ) ...

Author:  Sapphirath [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Ya I love Shoddy cos it helps me plan out my teams so easily. But I still prefer the real Game. That's not the case for the many many people who prefer Shoddy over the Real game for battling though. :?

Author:  Roman [ Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

... i've been wondering...

after using an AR to encounter a pokemon,
would said pokemon develop the way it would if it were caught legitimately?

by that i mean,
would its stats be what they should be?

Author:  fake star [ Sun Aug 10, 2008 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

Roman wrote:
... i've been wondering...

after using an AR to encounter a pokemon,
would said pokemon develop the way it would if it were caught legitimately?

by that i mean,
would its stats be what they should be?

I think so. The only problem Shaymin has is a rediculously low defense, but I can fix that.

Author:  Roman [ Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

fake star wrote:

I think so. The only problem Shaymin has is a rediculously low defense, but I can fix that.

Shaymin's stats are all base 100.
that's not really too shabby considering it's a hedgehog covered in shrubbery.

Author:  TastyPastry [ Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

I am personally against most of the hacking of the game.
I think about the game like I think about having a job.
You get paid because you did the work to get the money.
If you don't do the work you don't deserve getting the money.

The work in pokemon is engaging yourself for a large amount of time
to get exactly what you want (EV's, IV's, Natures, Baby Moves, XD moves, Etc...)

If it isn't worth the time then you've engaged yourself in the wrong game. The fact
that someone has to "rationalize" why it should be legit just proves that it shouldn't be.

But that's just my opinion.
I know I will be disagreed with.

Author:  fake star [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

TastyPastry wrote:
I am personally against most of the hacking of the game.
I think about the game like I think about having a job.
You get paid because you did the work to get the money.
If you don't do the work you don't deserve getting the money.

The work in pokemon is engaging yourself for a large amount of time
to get exactly what you want (EV's, IV's, Natures, Baby Moves, XD moves, Etc...)

If it isn't worth the time then you've engaged yourself in the wrong game. The fact
that someone has to "rationalize" why it should be legit just proves that it shouldn't be.

But that's just my opinion.
I know I will be disagreed with.

That's a little bigoted of you. What about event Pokemon? No amount of time will get you one of those.

Author:  Sapphirath [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legit vs. Non-legit?

TastyPastry wrote:
I am personally against most of the hacking of the game.
I think about the game like I think about having a job.
You get paid because you did the work to get the money.
If you don't do the work you don't deserve getting the money.

The work in pokemon is engaging yourself for a large amount of time
to get exactly what you want (EV's, IV's, Natures, Baby Moves, XD moves, Etc...)

If it isn't worth the time then you've engaged yourself in the wrong game. The fact
that someone has to "rationalize" why it should be legit just proves that it shouldn't be.

But that's just my opinion.
I know I will be disagreed with.

Hmmm, this is one big misconception we have to correct. Please don't include Effort in Competitive play. Effort has no place to play in Competitive play, Skill does. These 2 things operate differently from each other, not together. When we talk about the Metagame, we don't give a heck about effort. :wink:

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