
Can i still ev train?
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Author:  Matrix35 [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Can i still ev train?

Ok lets say I catch any pokemon and feed it protien 10 times, which gives it 100 evs for that stat
Can i still ev train it by battling, since it wont gain evs with protein?

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can i still ev train?

Yes. Each stat can still have a maximum of 255 EVs, or effectively 252. Vitamins is just one of the many methods to raise EVs, so you can use the other methods after you've exhuasted 10 Vitamins on a single stat.

More info can be found on the EV Guide here:

Author:  Volke [ Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can i still ev train?

Make sure you give the vitamins before you EV train, because vitamins can only be given if your EVs are below 100, and they can't be given once you pass it.

Ex: You have 90 attack EVs. You give it protein. +10 EVs in attack. Now you have 100 EVs.

What? But I only gave it 1 vitamin. I thought I could give a maximum of 10.

Yes, the maximum is 10, but that's if your EVs are at 0. Regardless of the circumstances, you can't give vitamins if that means it'll exceed 100 EVs. (Not sure about cases such as 99 EVs...could someone clarify this?)

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