
Your Pokemon toys/games collection
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Author:  Nemesis Darkrai [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Your Pokemon toys/games collection

FIRST: I wasn't sure where to put this topic so, i hope someone will tell if this topic is in wrong place, Thanks.

So I would like to hear what kind of collections you have, Pokemon Games, Toys or other Pokemon stuff. There is lot's of pokemon stuff to collect but i collect more just toys i enjoy them more.
In my collection i have:

Pokemon cards old and new
Then i have lots of figures i count them once and there was almost 100 figures but i think there might be more now coz i really fell in love Palkia and Dialga and those others so i have bought those new Pokemon too lately.
Today i just got one of those candy container pokeball you know those where is candy, stickers and one pokemon inside i got small Palkia.

I have also Deoxys, pichu, 5 pikachu, koffing, Gengar plushies and i'm waiting for my Darkrai plushie. I have also Rayguaza and Kyogre plushies but those are made by me i dont know should those be in list but they sure are Pokemon too.
I love all legendary Pokemon and i try to collect them all as figures size doesnt matter.
I have Fire red, Emerald, Diamond and Pearl as games.
I have 1 DVD box of Johto league, 2nd movie and Pokemon Heroes Latios and Latias (that movie sure made me cry).

So tell me what kind of collections you have?

Author:  Archangel Mikael [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your Pokemon toys/games collection

i had a stuffed clefairy once, i used to have a dranonite deck, seriously no one could beat it. i currently own all the pokemon games and versions for every console. (even if i dont have the consol i.e. revolution=wii) even japanese games. i had the green version when pokemon red and blue came out.

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