
The personal draw and hold of the pokemon universe
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Author:  rumetz [ Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  The personal draw and hold of the pokemon universe

What was it that draws you to Pokemon?

What drew me in was seeing some older kids playing, and being five, the logic went like- older kids like->Pokemon, so-> Pokemon must be-> cool! end of disscussion. I've been hooked ever since.

Author:  Eusine [ Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The personal draw and hold of the pokemon universe

My brother tried Pokémon Red Version once, and he liked it.
So he asked our parrents: "Can I have a Pokémon game?".
He got Silver, and I tried it. I liked it, so I asked my parrents, too and I got Crystal version.
And I just kept loving Pokémon... well, the first two generations.
RSE is okay, but to me Pokémon died after Johto (don't remember how to spell it). When PD came, Pokémon realy died.
That is why I only play LG/FR and my good old friend, Crystal.

Author:  pup42512n [ Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The personal draw and hold of the pokemon universe

Eusine wrote:
My brother tried Pokémon Red Version once, and he liked it.
So he asked our parrents: "Can I have a Pokémon game?".
He got Silver, and I tried it. I liked it, so I asked my parrents, too and I got Crystal version.
And I just kept loving Pokémon... well, the first two generations.
RSE is okay, but to me Pokémon died after Johto (don't remember how to spell it). When PD came, Pokémon realy died.
That is why I only play LG/FR and my good old friend, Crystal.

I agree with the above statements.

I basically just like RP/Strategy games.

Author:  Jeneus [ Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The personal draw and hold of the pokemon universe

My friend was playing it, I saw them, I play. :] Hooked for 8 years. x]

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The personal draw and hold of the pokemon universe

I'm just an RPG fan in general, but I guess Pokemon appeals to me also because its catch-them-all concept stirs up the collector in me. It's just very gratifying to fill up collections, and RPGs tend to offer such experiences for me.

Author:  Galar [ Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The personal draw and hold of the pokemon universe

I love monsters, so I pretty much enjoy every show that features them (I wouldn't dare come close to Yu-Gi-Oh! and InuYasha if it weren't for the beasts). Transformation is also something I enjoy, and fantasy is, by far, my favorite genre. Pokémon is great because it has all those things together.

And, like sN0w, I'm a fan of RPGs (and RPs too); I like having a bunch of characters that can do different kinds of things (even though I prefer building my own) and being able to control them. However, I don't entirely enjoy strategy because I'm a rather lazy thinker, so I'm an awful player, even though I like the games a lot (specially Mystery Dungeon).

Also, Pokémon has interesting concepts behind each character, and there are many subjects that were explored and can be explored. Like, dragons, ghosts, evil things and all that jazz; there's lots of imagination and ideas you can put into the plot and create from it.

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