
Is Arceus still going?
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Author:  kronik [ Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Is Arceus still going?

So I was reading Arceus' pokemon of the week entry on a site that isn't psypoke that apprently translates into HELL, and in it the writer makes a comment about how Gamefreak is going to outdo itself in the next generation. This got me thinking while I had both that and the "Arceus is creator of the universe" thing in my head about a question that has been bothering me since I first seen an advertisement for the Generation II anime. Why is that large numbers of new pokemon pop into existence every few years? Is Arceus creating new Pokemon and continents all the time?

Author:  Azurera†h [ Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Arceus still going?

The Pokemon series has always played safe, frequently stating that there maybe be many more Pokemon "undiscovered". They also never mentioned that Kanto etc. were the only continents out there. So by the looks of things, it's not that Arceus is constantly creating stuff, but that whatever he created has not been completely revealed yet. :wink:

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Arceus still going?

Basically, even the Oaks and Elms and Birches don't know of all the Pokemon in the world :wink:

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