
Something Really Weird
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Author:  Ryanh181 [ Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Something Really Weird

I was looking at the Wikipedia page for Pokemon D/P and just for fun, clicked Disambiguation. It showed this link for another game, Keitai Denj? Telefang, (made by the company: Smilesoft) Which is somehow translated into 'Pokemon Diamond". And i said it was just a coincidence, then I saw the game, and I shat bricks.

Pictures of the Games:
Image Image


Image Image Image

Image Image Image

It is so similar to pokemon, It scares me.

And apparently, it has wireless connection!
Image Image

Has anyone else heard of this? Or am I just really slow? Comments?

Here are some of these creatures. Creepy.


EDIT: I did some translating, and to get these "Mobile Beasts" are summoned by a cell phone, the game is played in a third person perspective and i don't have to translate this, because it's all on wikipedia.

Author:  pokemon_god [ Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

Whoooooooaaaa! That's freaky. Pictures of games: fake. Manga: maybe real in japan. The screenshot: REALLY FRAKY!

Author:  Ryanh181 [ Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

No, the pictures of the games are real. You used to be able to buy these games in japan. 7-9 years ago.

Author:  pokemon_god [ Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

Wow! I'm shocked that it's real :shock:

Author:  Ryanh181 [ Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

I can't find any copies of it on Ebay or Amazon. It's pretty rare.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

Obviously a game created that was supposed to compete with pokemon (like Battletoads with TMNT), thus the obvious similarities. It really doesn't surprise me, seeing how similar it is to pokemon, that the pirates would try to make it look like Pokemon Diamond. It actually reminds me more of Yugioh or Digimon, though.

Author:  Ryanh181 [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

It's name just translates in Pokemon Diamond. This game came out in 2000.

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

If I'm not wrong the counterpart to this fake Pokemon Diamond is Pokemon Jade. Both games were out quite a few years ago, but I'm not sure whether it was during the GSC era or the RSE era. In any case, these games did exist, so those images are not just photo edits or whatever. Most probably they were made by pirates who wanted to earn some money by leveraging on the popularity of Pokemon.

Author:  Ryanh181 [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

Power : Diamond
Speed : Jade

They came out in 2000.

Author:  Psychic_Espeon_16 [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

I've played this game before a really long time ago. It was messed up and didn't make sense at all. It seemed like a pirated version of GSC.

Author:  leilukin [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

I tried this game with ROM before. Just after playing for few minutes, I stopped.
I can't stand the graphic and music.

Author:  Dan Roswald [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

That is really freaky, but it does remind me of Digimon. Both I take as rip-offs of Pokemon. I always was against Digimon for being a rip off. (and if you ask me, I think Bakugan is a sorry excuse too.)

Author:  Squirtle [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

Dan Roswald wrote:
That is really freaky, but it does remind me of Digimon. Both I take as rip-offs of Pokemon. I always was against Digimon for being a rip off. (and if you ask me, I think Bakugan is a sorry excuse too.)

at least digimon was the least bit cool =/

Author:  Dan Roswald [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

Squirtle wrote:
Dan Roswald wrote:
That is really freaky, but it does remind me of Digimon. Both I take as rip-offs of Pokemon. I always was against Digimon for being a rip off. (and if you ask me, I think Bakugan is a sorry excuse too.)

at least digimon was the least bit cool =/

True, it was different and people liked it. I'll give it that.

Author:  Mewchu [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Something Really Weird

This game isn't a fake guys, it's a real game.

It's called Keitai Denjuu Telefang (or just Telefang for short) and was only released in Japan. It was produced by a company called Smilesoft and published by Natsume. The title literally means 'Mobile Electric Beast Telefang'. The basic gameplay revolves around the use of a cellphone called a D-Shot, which is used to call creatures called 'denjuu' into battle to fight for you. 'Keitai' means mobile phone in Japanese, den means 'electric', juu means 'animal/beast', 'Tele' is short for telephone and the word 'fang' represents the monsters involved. It's basically a monster battling RPG.

The reason it turned up as an alternate topic to Pokemon Diamond is because the Telefang games were unfortunately bootlegged into fake pokemon games by chinese bootleggers who wanted to cash in on the success of Pokemon Gold and Silver and trick people into thinking they were rare pokemon games, when they were actually not. The bootlegs are called Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Jade. There's even an NES bootleg of this game called Kou Dai Jing Ling - Fei Cui (literally - Pokemon Jade), a result of chinese bootleggers once again. The bootlegs have badly translated text and lots of glitches due to being bootlegged.

The original Telefang games themselves come in two versions, Power and Speed, and each has different monsters. Don't judge it by the bootlegs, it's actually a really good game. I have both the original versions of the game, including the bootlegs. Telefang also has a sequel called Telefang 2 which was released for the Gameboy advance. Unfortunately the company who made Telefang, Smilesoft, went bust in 2003 and their president was arrested for embezzling funds.

But Telefang isn't fake, and it's not related to pokemon at all. It's also not a game created by hackers and it's not a ripoff of Pokemon or Digimon or any other series either.

There's a community for the Telefang games here if you'd like to learn more:

There's also a Wikipedia called Wikifang:

If you search for 'Telefang' on youtube you'll find footage of the gameplay and music from the game. I'd recommend visiting Blaziken257's page since he has title screens, music, gameplay footage etc.

Also try Google as well.


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