
Which "Stat" is most important to you?
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Author:  CommandoFlygon [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Which "Stat" is most important to you?

In your own opinion, which stat is most important to you?

The most important stat to me is Accuracy. If a move hits, it does damage or inflicts status effects, no matter how large or small the amount of damage or effect is, but if it misses you do nothing to the target; what a waste of a move I think to myself when I miss.

Which stat is most important to you?

Author:  Krisp [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which "Stat" is most important to you?

I don't really understand why someone would deem one stat more important than another, any of the stats can be important. It really depends on which Pokemon I'm using and how they can utilize their stats, like for example, Heracross. His most important stat is obviously attack, its base attack is 125 and along with Guts and an extraordinary movepool, he can really wreak havoc with that one stat. Special Attack is useless on him, however, on Gardevoir Special Attack is important while Attack isn't. You could also argue that Speed is necessary and takes priority over attack/special attack on both these Pokemon, it depends on what you plan to use it for.

One argument I can see someone making is Speed being the most important stat, though. It seemed like in the Diamond & Pearl metagame sweepers prevailed while anything defensive was considered less useful with the exception of things that really stood out and weren't generic defensive Pokemon like Blissey and Togekiss.

EDIT: Oh and Special in RBY and GSC was obviously the most important stat, it counted as two stats. And yes I am aware they split Special in GSC but it was still determined by one value.

As for accuracy and evasion, those aren't even stats and shouldn't be counted. Accuracy totally depends on battle conditions and the accuracy of the move being used. Accuracy and evasion are basically luck and a main point when people try to argue whether Pokemon battling is actual skill or not.

So which stat do I think is the most important? Depends on the Pokemon. You can't argue stat importance like you can with moves, types, etc.

Author:  Frost [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which "Stat" is most important to you?

I have no hesitation saying that Speed is the single most important stat. Even Pokemon that aren't fast need EVs to hit certain Speed tiers to ensure that they aren't killed by slower threats, and many times the tiering of a Pokemon is determined entirely by their Speed. (See also: Krisp's example of Heracross.) There are so many instances where slower Pokemon are at a disadvantage: being hit with a status move before their turn, being stuck in Encore because the opponent is faster, flinching, etc., etc., etc.

Evasion really is not a factor in most matches, unless you're fighting some stupid kid who doesn't know that Double Team is frowned upon, since moves that affect Evasion are typically banned from competitive battling for encouraging luckwhoring. Accuracy really only plays a role as something that can be modified if a Pokemon has Coil or Hone Claws. The only moves that have Accuracy SO low that they don't hit the majority of the time are the OHKO moves. They're also not generally considered "stats" on par with the main five (RBY)/six (GSC and on).

Defense and Special Defense are equal to each other, but also inferior to HP. Usually, having higher HP gives a Pokemon more sturdiness from either side of a spectrum than dumping all of the EVs into one of the Defenses. Attack and Special Attack are also equal to each other, but are generally very important since, if you don't have a status or set damage moves to offset your horrible Attack/SA, you won't be doing much.

Realistically I'd say the stats are something like this:
Top Tier - Speed
High Tier - Attack/Special Attack, HP
Mid Tier - Defense/Special Defense
Annoying Nuisance Tier - Accuracy
Irrelevant Tier - Evasion

Author:  GofD [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which "Stat" is most important to you?

Frost wrote:
Realistically I'd say the stats are something like this:
Top Tier - Speed
High Tier - Attack/Special Attack, HP
Mid Tier - Defense/Special Defense
Annoying Nuisance Tier - Accuracy
Irrelevant Tier - Evasion

Personally Id put Hp AND speed in the Top Teir. This is simply due to that fact that if you cant take a hit, you gonna lose.

For me a forst list is a general overveiw of the stat imprtance ( As I said above Hp would move up a teir). The most important stat varies pokemon to pokemon ( as krisp explained).

Author:  Mutant_Mewtwo [ Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which "Stat" is most important to you?

Top Tier - HP, Attack, Defence, Special Attack, Special Defence, Speed.
Doesn't get a 'Tier' because it's not a stat - Accuracy, Evasion.

None of them are any more or less important than the other. And like Krisp said, it's so situational, I mean right now, I'm on Pokemon Online and my Blissey is battling (stupid staller fag opponent), so right now HP is by far and away the most important stat to me, but I'm half way through the process of passing a Wish to my Chandelure (Choice Scarf) so obviously Speed is it's most important stat.

And even then, your 'most important' stat needs to be complemented well by your other stats otherwise it's pretty much useless anyway. For example, going back to Blissey again, 714 HP, but, only 130 MAX defence, if Blissey gets hit by a Physical attack, it's ruined regardless of whether or not it's got the massive HP.

I understand where Frost and Krisp are coming from saying Speed is most important, but I personally don't agree with it. With there now being several quite common priority moves, with pretty much every team having atleast one hanging around faster pokemon, who let's be honest generally aren't exactly investing much in Def are getting picked off left right and centre. Scizor being the prime example of this, he is by no means fast, but nobody likes taking a Choice Band Technician Bullet Punch in the face, and alot of variants carry pursuit aswell, so you have to make a stark choice.

Author:  Eccentric [ Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which "Stat" is most important to you?

l don't see a point in this... every stat is important in their own specific way. Whats the point of having Speed but no power? Whats the point of having good defenses without hp? Whats the point of having good attack but no speed/being a glass cannon.

In general, every poke needs to have at least 2 good stats to even be used for the game. Either in power or bulk.

Author:  CommandoFlygon [ Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which "Stat" is most important to you?

I suppose if I don't consider Accuracy or Evasion as real stats, HP is the most important to me. If any Pokemon has high HP it should survive the first attack, which can prove valuable in the long run of a battle. For e.g. If your Pokemon uses a stat enhancing move like Dragon Dance on the first turn and lives, you could cause large amounts of damage to your opponent's Pokemon in the next turns while not usually getting hit by attacks thanks to the speed boost the move provides, it's not rocket science is it?

To me, HP is the most important stat as large amounts of it can equal large amounts of stat increases for that Pokemon, if they use the right moves that is, it's a great combo. HP has more potential over Speed.

Author:  sumo12345 [ Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which "Stat" is most important to you?

Attack definetly. An attack has its base power, which it adds to your attack then subtracts the foes defence and thats the damage. (I think thats how it goes)

EG: Base power 150 + Attack stat 250 = 400 - Foes Defence 130 = 370.

Saying that, I think defence is inportant too, to minimise HP loss from the enemy. :)


Author:  Flaming_Wuzzle [ Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which "Stat" is most important to you?

sumo12345 wrote:
Attack definetly. An attack has its base power, which it adds to your attack then subtracts the foes defence and thats the damage. (I think thats how it goes)

EG: Base power 150 + Attack stat 250 = 400 - Foes Defence 130 = 370.


Author:  MasonTheChef [ Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which "Stat" is most important to you?

It's purely dependent on the pokemon and set in question. For sweepers speed, then attack. For Walls HP and Defense etc... etc...

Author:  CommandoFlygon [ Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which "Stat" is most important to you?

MasonTheChef wrote:
It's purely dependent on the pokemon and set in question. For sweepers speed, then attack. For Walls HP and Defense etc... etc...

I suppose your right. One stat can't be the answer to everything in Pokemon battles.

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