
Wouldn't it be cool if...
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Author:  Shuckle-rock$ [ Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Wouldn't it be cool if...

(I saw a similar thing like this on Smogon) the anime they had battles that, instead of having stuff like Pikachu thunderbolt ground types to death, followed the normal Smogon battle tiers, like OU, UU, etc. Like Ash could make an OU team that strangely synergizes around Pikachu and have OU battles that are pretty cool. If they did stuff like that, I would probably watch the anime a lot more! (And an Uber battle would be fun to watch)

So what do you think?

Author:  Frost [ Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wouldn't it be cool if...

This idea sounds great if you want to show to be cancelled after little kids stop watching for having no idea what's going on and the super niche of viewers who actually care about things like competitive battling and/or tiers aren't enough to sustain the show.

The anime's battles for the last few years are actually kind of realistic and inject things other than straight-up type advantages/disadvantages which is better for a TV show than the limitations of what video game-based competitive battling could give us. Plus, there's like no potential storytelling to an idea like this at all unless you actually have to explain game-based BS like EV training, EVs/IVs in general, or what tiers are and which Pokemon are in each tier, and that's just going to confuse the target audience.

It doesn't help that A) Tiers change frequently which means that B) Ash's featured Pokemon would change frequently when C) this show is super cheap and D) little kids don't like losing their Pokemon friends if the outrage over Ash's original Pokemon leaving the show is any indication.

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