Hi all! Yeah, I'm back. I had posted this once before, but it appears to have gotten lost durning the recent upgrade. Eh, it happens! Fortunately, I had kept it saved separately as well. So, after going through the Pokédex for the Black & White games, here is my updated list of evolution stones and other special evolutions for all versions (I think). I know I've been looking for this and couldn't find it. I do hope folks find it useful;
Pokéstone Evolutions(Derived from the Psypoke Psydex at;
Dawn Stone:
#281 Kirlia (male) - #475 Gallade
#361 Snorunt (female) - #478 Froslass
Dusk Stone:
#198 Murkrow - #430 Honchkrow
#200 Misdreavus - #429 Mismagius
#608 Lampent - #609 Chandelure
Fire Stone:
#037 Vulpix - #038 Ninetales
#058 Growlithe - #059 Arcanine
#133 Eevee - #136 Flareon
#513 Pansear - #514 Simisear
Leaf Stone:
#044 Gloom - #045 Vileplume
#070 Weepinbell - #071 Victreebell
#102 Exeggcute - #103 Exeggutor
#274 Nuzleaf - #275 Shiftry
#511 Pansage - #512 Simisage
Moon Stone:
#030 Nidorina - #031 Nidoqueen
#033 Nidorino - #034 Nidoking
#035 Clefairy - #036 Clefable
#039 Jigglypuff - #040 Wigglytuff
#300 Skitty - #301 Delcatty
#517 Munna - #518 Musharna
Shiny Stone:
#176 Togetic - #468 Togekiss
#315 Roselia - #407 Roserade
#572 Minccino - #573 Cinccino
Sun Stone:
#044 Gloom - #182 Bellossom
#191 Sunkern - #192 Sunflora
#546 Cottonee - #547 Whimsicott
#548 Petilil - #549 Lilligant
Thunder Stone:
#025 Pikachu - #026 Raichu
#133 Eevee - #135 Jolteon
#603 Eelektrik - #604 Eelektross
Water Stone:
#061 Poliwhirl - #062 Poliwrath
#090 Shellder - #091 Cloyster
#120 Staryu - #121 Starmie
#133 Eevee - #134 Vaporeon
#271 Lombre - #272 Ludicolo
#515 Panpour - #516 Simipour
Other Special EvolutionsTrade (with no object):
#064 Kadabra - #065 Alakazam
#067 Machoke - #068 Machamp
#075 Graveler - #076 Golem
#093 Haunter - #094 Gengar
#525 Boldore - #526 Gigalith
#533 Gurdurr - #534 Conkeldurr
Trade w/ Deepseascale:
#366 Clamperl - #368 Gorebyss
Trade w/ Deepseatooth:
#366 Clamperl - #367 Huntail
Trade w/ Dragon’s Scale:
#117 Seadra - #230 Kingdra
Trade w/ Dubious Disc
#233 Porygon2 - #474 Porygon-Z
Trade w/ Electirizer:
#125 Electabuzz - #466 Electivire
Trade w/ King’s Rock:
#061 Poliwhirl - #186 Politoed
#079 Slowpoke - #199 Slowking
Trade w/ Magmarizer:
#126 Magmar - #467 Magmortar
Trade w/ Metal Coat:
#095 Onix - #208 Steelix
#123 Scyther - #212 Scizor
Trade w/ Protector:
#112 Rhydon - #464 Rhyperior
Trade w/Reaper Cloth:
#356 Dusclops - #477 Dusknoir
Trade w/ Upgrade:
#137 Porygon - #233 Porygon2
Trade w/ Prism Scale (Black & White versions):
#349 Febas - #350 Milotic
Trade with (for?) a #616 Shelmet:
#588 Karrablast - #589 Escavalier
Trade with (for?) #588 Karrablast:
#616 Shelmet - #617 Accelgor
Level up at Mt. Coronet:
#082 Magneton - #462 Magnezone
#299 Nosepass - #476 Probopass
Level up w/ attack X:
#108 Lickitung - w/attack Rollout - #463 Lickilicky
#114 Tangela - w/attack Ancient Power - #465 Tangrowth
#190 Aipom - w/attack Double Hit - #424 Ambipom
#193 Yanma - w/attack Ancient Power - #469 Yanmega
#221 Piloswine - w/attack Ancient Power - #473 Mamoswine
#438 Bonsly - w/attack Mimic - #185 Sudowoodo
#439 Mime Jr. - w/attack Mimic - #122 Mr. Mime
Level up with #223 Remoraid on team:
#458 Mantyke - #226 Mantine
Level up holding Oval Stone during day:
#440 Happiny - #113 Chansey
Level up holding Razor Claw (night):
#215 Sneasel - #461 Weavile
Level up holding Razor Fang (night):
#207 Gligar - #472 Gliscor
Level up with high Beauty number:
#349 Febas (Beauty >170) - #350 Milotic
Level up with high Happiness:
#042 Golbat - #169 Crobat
#113 Chansey - #242 Blissey
#172 Pichu - #025 Pikachu
#173 Cleffa - #035 Clefairy
#174 Igglybuff - #039 Jigglypuff
#175 Togepi - #176 Togetic
#298 Azurill - #183 Marill
#406 Budew - #315 Roselia (during the day)
#427 Buneary - #428 Lopunny
#433 Chingling - #358 Chimecho (during the night)
#446 Munchlax - #143 Snorlax
#447 Riolu - #448 Lucario (during the day)
#527 Woobat - #528 Swoobat
#541 Swadloon #542 Leavanny
HitmonX type evolutions:
#236 Tyrogue - Attack greater than Defense at Lv. 20 - #106 Hitmonlee
Defense greater than Attack at Lv. 20 - #107 Hitmonchan
Attack equals Defense at Lv. 20 - #237 Hitmontop
Eevee-lotuions (other than by stones above):
Happiness (GSC/DPP: Daytime, RSE: 12pm to 12am); Sun Shard (XD) - #196 Espeon
Happiness (GSC/DPP: Nighttime, RSE: 12am to 12pm); Moon Shard (XD) - #197 Umbreon
Level up at Moss Rock - #470 Leafeon
Level up at Ice Rock - #471 Glaceon
#290 Nincada – Evolve at lv 20 to #291 Ninjask, with empty spot in roster and have a pokéball to get #292 Shedinja
[edited to fix error on Snorunt ♀ to Froslass and to add link to full Psydex]
[edited on 08/01/11 to add further "happiness" evolutions and Shedinja evolution]