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 Updated Stone & Special Evolutions 
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Dragon Tamer
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Hi all! Yeah, I'm back. I had posted this once before, but it appears to have gotten lost durning the recent upgrade. Eh, it happens! Fortunately, I had kept it saved separately as well. So, after going through the Pokédex for the Black & White games, here is my updated list of evolution stones and other special evolutions for all versions (I think). I know I've been looking for this and couldn't find it. I do hope folks find it useful;

Pokéstone Evolutions

(Derived from the Psypoke Psydex at;

Dawn Stone:
#281 Kirlia (male) - #475 Gallade
#361 Snorunt (female) - #478 Froslass

Dusk Stone:
#198 Murkrow - #430 Honchkrow
#200 Misdreavus - #429 Mismagius
#608 Lampent - #609 Chandelure

Fire Stone:
#037 Vulpix - #038 Ninetales
#058 Growlithe - #059 Arcanine
#133 Eevee - #136 Flareon
#513 Pansear - #514 Simisear

Leaf Stone:
#044 Gloom - #045 Vileplume
#070 Weepinbell - #071 Victreebell
#102 Exeggcute - #103 Exeggutor
#274 Nuzleaf - #275 Shiftry
#511 Pansage - #512 Simisage

Moon Stone:
#030 Nidorina - #031 Nidoqueen
#033 Nidorino - #034 Nidoking
#035 Clefairy - #036 Clefable
#039 Jigglypuff - #040 Wigglytuff
#300 Skitty - #301 Delcatty
#517 Munna - #518 Musharna

Shiny Stone:
#176 Togetic - #468 Togekiss
#315 Roselia - #407 Roserade
#572 Minccino - #573 Cinccino

Sun Stone:
#044 Gloom - #182 Bellossom
#191 Sunkern - #192 Sunflora
#546 Cottonee - #547 Whimsicott
#548 Petilil - #549 Lilligant

Thunder Stone:
#025 Pikachu - #026 Raichu
#133 Eevee - #135 Jolteon
#603 Eelektrik - #604 Eelektross

Water Stone:
#061 Poliwhirl - #062 Poliwrath
#090 Shellder - #091 Cloyster
#120 Staryu - #121 Starmie
#133 Eevee - #134 Vaporeon
#271 Lombre - #272 Ludicolo
#515 Panpour - #516 Simipour

Other Special Evolutions

Trade (with no object):
#064 Kadabra - #065 Alakazam
#067 Machoke - #068 Machamp
#075 Graveler - #076 Golem
#093 Haunter - #094 Gengar
#525 Boldore - #526 Gigalith
#533 Gurdurr - #534 Conkeldurr

Trade w/ Deepseascale:
#366 Clamperl - #368 Gorebyss

Trade w/ Deepseatooth:
#366 Clamperl - #367 Huntail

Trade w/ Dragon’s Scale:
#117 Seadra - #230 Kingdra

Trade w/ Dubious Disc
#233 Porygon2 - #474 Porygon-Z

Trade w/ Electirizer:
#125 Electabuzz - #466 Electivire

Trade w/ King’s Rock:
#061 Poliwhirl - #186 Politoed
#079 Slowpoke - #199 Slowking

Trade w/ Magmarizer:
#126 Magmar - #467 Magmortar

Trade w/ Metal Coat:
#095 Onix - #208 Steelix
#123 Scyther - #212 Scizor

Trade w/ Protector:
#112 Rhydon - #464 Rhyperior

Trade w/Reaper Cloth:
#356 Dusclops - #477 Dusknoir

Trade w/ Upgrade:
#137 Porygon - #233 Porygon2

Trade w/ Prism Scale (Black & White versions):
#349 Febas - #350 Milotic

Trade with (for?) a #616 Shelmet:
#588 Karrablast - #589 Escavalier

Trade with (for?) #588 Karrablast:
#616 Shelmet - #617 Accelgor

Level up at Mt. Coronet:
#082 Magneton - #462 Magnezone
#299 Nosepass - #476 Probopass

Level up w/ attack X:
#108 Lickitung - w/attack Rollout - #463 Lickilicky
#114 Tangela - w/attack Ancient Power - #465 Tangrowth
#190 Aipom - w/attack Double Hit - #424 Ambipom
#193 Yanma - w/attack Ancient Power - #469 Yanmega
#221 Piloswine - w/attack Ancient Power - #473 Mamoswine
#438 Bonsly - w/attack Mimic - #185 Sudowoodo
#439 Mime Jr. - w/attack Mimic - #122 Mr. Mime

Level up with #223 Remoraid on team:
#458 Mantyke - #226 Mantine

Level up holding Oval Stone during day:
#440 Happiny - #113 Chansey

Level up holding Razor Claw (night):
#215 Sneasel - #461 Weavile

Level up holding Razor Fang (night):
#207 Gligar - #472 Gliscor

Level up with high Beauty number:
#349 Febas (Beauty >170) - #350 Milotic

Level up with high Happiness:
#042 Golbat - #169 Crobat
#113 Chansey - #242 Blissey
#172 Pichu - #025 Pikachu
#173 Cleffa - #035 Clefairy
#174 Igglybuff - #039 Jigglypuff
#175 Togepi - #176 Togetic
#298 Azurill - #183 Marill
#406 Budew - #315 Roselia (during the day)
#427 Buneary - #428 Lopunny
#433 Chingling - #358 Chimecho (during the night)
#446 Munchlax - #143 Snorlax
#447 Riolu - #448 Lucario (during the day)
#527 Woobat - #528 Swoobat
#541 Swadloon #542 Leavanny

HitmonX type evolutions:
#236 Tyrogue - Attack greater than Defense at Lv. 20 - #106 Hitmonlee
Defense greater than Attack at Lv. 20 - #107 Hitmonchan
Attack equals Defense at Lv. 20 - #237 Hitmontop

Eevee-lotuions (other than by stones above):
Happiness (GSC/DPP: Daytime, RSE: 12pm to 12am); Sun Shard (XD) - #196 Espeon
Happiness (GSC/DPP: Nighttime, RSE: 12am to 12pm); Moon Shard (XD) - #197 Umbreon
Level up at Moss Rock - #470 Leafeon
Level up at Ice Rock - #471 Glaceon

#290 Nincada – Evolve at lv 20 to #291 Ninjask, with empty spot in roster and have a pokéball to get #292 Shedinja

[edited to fix error on Snorunt ♀ to Froslass and to add link to full Psydex]
[edited on 08/01/11 to add further "happiness" evolutions and Shedinja evolution]

Yes ... I'm 55 years old and only began playing Pokémon in '09. I may have to grow old, but I do NOT have to grow up!

3DS FC (Y and X): 0834-1199-3647

See my photos and paintings on deviantArt at:



"FlagBarn0wl" Blog:

Last edited by BarnOwl on Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:12 am, edited 6 times in total.

Mon May 16, 2011 2:38 am
Dragon Tamer
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I think Umbreon should be either moon or dusk stone and espeon should be either sun or dawn stone. Leafeon should be leaf stone, and if they REALLY care they COULD make an ice stone for glaceon, but I think a shiny stone or oval stone would work fine too.

My pokemon games
Blue: Hiatus (just not wanting to play Kanto now)
Yellow: Hiatus ("")
Sapphire: Blaziken Sololocke (heading for Wattson)
Platinum: Regular (preparing for Candice, grinding up my new Glaceon)
Soulsilver: Regular (exploring Kanto and fighting random trainers to gain some levels to then fly around and take on all the gyms super quickly)
White: Regular (post-game crap, not doing much currently, because most of the post game content is battles that I'm not ready for and stuff that requires HMs I don't want to use)

Mon May 16, 2011 7:32 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Cool list! How long did it take to make that? I Bet it would be good on the 'guides' section.

Also, you forgot someone there:

Dawn Stone:
#361 Snorunt (female) - #478 Froslass


Mon May 16, 2011 1:37 pm
Dragon Tamer
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xerovene wrote:
I think Umbreon should be either moon or dusk stone and espeon should be either sun or dawn stone. Leafeon should be leaf stone, and if they REALLY care they COULD make an ice stone for glaceon, but I think a shiny stone or oval stone would work fine too.

Howdy xerovene. Thanks ... I'm not certain about Umbreon as I've never managed to evolve one! :D The Eeveelotuions, as with all of this, were gleaned from the Psydex and, while I've rephrased most of them to fit my format, they reflect what is there. Come to that, I've never had a Leafeon either. :( Right now, I think I have a Flareon and a Jolteon in my HG ...

I'll probably still be working on my Pokédex while I'm sitting in a nursing home somewhere in my 90's ... :lol:

Yes ... I'm 55 years old and only began playing Pokémon in '09. I may have to grow old, but I do NOT have to grow up!

3DS FC (Y and X): 0834-1199-3647

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"FlagBarn0wl" Blog:

Thu May 19, 2011 7:38 am
Dragon Tamer
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Shuckle-rock$ wrote:
Cool list! How long did it take to make that? I Bet it would be good on the 'guides' section.

Also, you forgot someone there:

Dawn Stone:
#361 Snorunt (female) - #478 Froslass

Thanks Shuckle-rock$! Yeah, it actually did take quite a while to go through everything and make sure I got it all right ... which apparently I did not! :lol: When I had first posted this last year I had suggeted it to the guides moderator. But they may have missed it or it got deleted before they got to it. No biggie since I had saved most of it on my flash drive. (As I had mentioned, it apparently got lost during the upgrade.)

As to Snorunt ♀ to Froslass ... it was there ... just under the wrong stone! :frustrated: :lol: That has been corrected now, thanks! :)

Yes ... I'm 55 years old and only began playing Pokémon in '09. I may have to grow old, but I do NOT have to grow up!

3DS FC (Y and X): 0834-1199-3647

See my photos and paintings on deviantArt at:



"FlagBarn0wl" Blog:

Thu May 19, 2011 7:51 am
Ace Trainer
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awesome list =) I noticed you seem to be missing some of the happiness evolutions.
Golbat -> Crobat
Chansey -> Blissey
Buneary -> Lopunny
Riolu -> Lucario (between 4am and 8pm)
Togepi -> Togetic
Pichu -> Pikachu
Cleffa -> Clefairy
Igglybuff -> Jigglypuff
Azurill -> Marill
Budew -> Roselia (between 4am and 8pm)
Chingling -> Chimecho (between 8pm and 4am)
Munchlax -> Snorlax
that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
I'd also move Umbreon and Espeon under the happiness evolutions category, but that's just personal preference. It's fine the way it is. =)

edit - I wonder if Shedinja should be mentioned since it does have special requirements. Not sure what it would be listed under tho, but neways:
Nincada -> Shedinja (Have at least one free space in your party and pokeball)

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Thu May 19, 2011 9:27 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Dangertrout wrote:
awesome list =) I noticed you seem to be missing some of the happiness evolutions.
Golbat -> Crobat
Chansey -> Blissey
Buneary -> Lopunny
Riolu -> Lucario (between 4am and 8pm)
Togepi -> Togetic
Pichu -> Pikachu
Cleffa -> Clefairy
Igglybuff -> Jigglypuff
Azurill -> Marill
Budew -> Roselia (between 4am and 8pm)
Chingling -> Chimecho (between 8pm and 4am)
Munchlax -> Snorlax
that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Woobat -> Swoobat
Swadloon -> Leavanny

Final Black Team:

Wed May 25, 2011 5:43 pm
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Dragon Tamer
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Dangertrout wrote:
awesome list =) I noticed you seem to be missing some of the happiness evolutions.
edit - I wonder if Shedinja should be mentioned since it does have special requirements. Not sure what it would be listed under tho, but neways:
Nincada -> Shedinja (Have at least one free space in your party and pokeball)

Thanks Dangertrout! Added those additional "high happiness" evoltions and Shedinja. I'm not sure why I missed all of those other happiness ones. :oops: Shedinja, I just didn't think of adding.

And thank you also Gallade ... I did already have Woobat & Swadloon. :)

Yes ... I'm 55 years old and only began playing Pokémon in '09. I may have to grow old, but I do NOT have to grow up!

3DS FC (Y and X): 0834-1199-3647

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"FlagBarn0wl" Blog:

Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:23 am
Dragon Tamer
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You might want to add that in B/W you have to evolve Feebas by trading it while holding a prism scale.

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Diamond FC: 5199-4994-9415
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Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:49 pm
Dragon Tamer
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dialgatime wrote:
You might want to add that in B/W you have to evolve Feebas by trading it while holding a prism scale.

Thanks dialgatime! I had missed that one ... change has been made.

Yes ... I'm 55 years old and only began playing Pokémon in '09. I may have to grow old, but I do NOT have to grow up!

3DS FC (Y and X): 0834-1199-3647

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"FlagBarn0wl" Blog:

Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:36 am
Psychic Trainer
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Great list! However, it is Poliwhirl that evolves into Politoed, not Poliwrath.

"You can't reason yourself back into cheerfulness any more than you can reason yourself into an extra six inches in height."

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Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:30 am
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Ace Trainer
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hehe posted this then saw what it was that you said ignore this post and look at next post

current games - X & Y
also White2 and HeartGold but not play them at this time.

3DS FC: 0104-0278-1948


deviantART wrote:
They do it to trigger fan-fictions. Fur da lulz. Cuz you know how those fan stories can get... *shudders*

So the writers put things in the show just so they can read our screwed-up fanfics? That explains everything

Last edited by azul on Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:09 pm
Ace Trainer
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BarnOwl wrote:
Trade w/ King’s Rock:
#061 Poliwrath - #186 Politoed

poliwhirl w/ politoed holding kings rock

:mrgreen: I think found a mistake

current games - X & Y
also White2 and HeartGold but not play them at this time.

3DS FC: 0104-0278-1948


deviantART wrote:
They do it to trigger fan-fictions. Fur da lulz. Cuz you know how those fan stories can get... *shudders*

So the writers put things in the show just so they can read our screwed-up fanfics? That explains everything

Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:17 pm
Dragon Tamer
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azul wrote:
BarnOwl wrote:
Trade w/ King’s Rock:
#061 Poliwrath - #186 Politoed

poliwhirl w/ politoed holding kings rock

:mrgreen: I think found a mistake

:lol: indeed you did! And it has been corrected! Thank you, I do really appreciate the assistance! :)

Yes ... I'm 55 years old and only began playing Pokémon in '09. I may have to grow old, but I do NOT have to grow up!

3DS FC (Y and X): 0834-1199-3647

See my photos and paintings on deviantArt at:



"FlagBarn0wl" Blog:

Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:43 am
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