
ur favorite show digimon or pokemon
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Author:  gamemaster2x [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  ur favorite show digimon or pokemon

click on ur fav show and leave a commente if u wish and tell why its ur fav

Author:  Ferrari [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

i've never seen digimon, but that seems like a silly question to ask on a specificly pokemon forum. of course everyone here will be biased and say pokemon is better.

Author:  Rhapsody [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:31 am ]
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Digimon is.....weird. They dont have Psychic types! :x
I vote Pokemon.


Author:  Flarey [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:43 am ]
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Pokemon, hands down. But careful, this is in the wrong forum. I'm not sure where it would go though...

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:45 am ]
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No, it's in the right one. And there should be a neither option, as I think both are pretty silly and boring. If I had to pick I'd say Pokemon, though.

Author:  Neo_Matrix [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:03 am ]
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Undeadcutlet wrote:
No, it's in the right one. Ond their should be a neither option, as I think both are pretty silly and boring. If I had to pick I'd say Pokemon, though.

Why are you on this forum then?! Yeah, pokemon hands down.

Author:  Pimm [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:18 am ]
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Author:  Neo_Matrix [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:19 am ]
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Pimm wrote:
Do you even need to ask?I always think of Digimon as a big Pok

Author:  Frost [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:24 am ]
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Pokemon was really good when it was based on the RBY series. During the Orange Islands and Johto, the show took a dramatic hit in quality and it was during this time Digimon premiered in the US. The first two seasons of Digimon, IMO, were tons better than the crap Pokemon fans were slogging through at the time, but 01/02 don't compare to the Indigo League. 03 threw out all the old Digimon characters and each season has become increasingly boring, while ironically Pokemon Advanced kicked off dead-weight Misty and has picked up the quality of the Pokemon anime quite a bit. So overall I'd say Pokemon was probably better.

Author:  Pokemon Master Ryo [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:34 pm ]
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Pokemon on this one people.If this topic was on a Digimon form I bet you like all of them would say Digimon.And on Pokemon forms they will say pokemon.Digimon are just plain stupid when People became Digimon in the 4 season.

Author:  Ferrari [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:56 pm ]
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Frost wrote:
Pokemon Advanced kicked off dead-weight Misty and has picked up the quality of the Pokemon anime quite a bit

o no u didnt...i know u didnt just say misty was dead weight...ooooh im gettin mad...grrrr...

...shes a lot better than those both may and max combined, thats all im gonna say because i dont want to go off topic.

...its all good because misty is coming back for season eight (yay!)

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:47 am ]
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I'm the first to vote for Digimon, but it was a tough choice. Digimon 1 and Digimon 02 were good, but 3 and 4 were rubbish. I voted for Digimon because it was more meaningful to me, whereas Pokemon was more childish. Digimon 1 and 02 were great also because of focus on the different attributes of each member, such as courage, friendship etc.

Author:  Sefrin [ Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

I enjoyed watching digimon because the monster designs were far more extravagant and bizzare, the story was not too bad either.

However, the one thing that drags it down was the extreme over-use of the word 'Digi'.

Pokemon may be slightly more childish, and the character and creature designs may be a bit blander, but it just has an alluring quality that the digimon franchise seemed to lack.

Author:  gamemaster2x [ Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:59 pm ]
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sry about that i did forgot other

Author:  Latios [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 3:23 pm ]
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Pesonally I like both it just some of Digimons seasons/series wern't as good as the pokemon series.

Author:  Galar [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:32 pm ]
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Honestly, I never thought Digimon and Pok

Author:  Gardevoir [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:10 pm ]
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The only thing I like about Digimon over Pokemon is the fact that they have angels. I really like Magna Angemon and Angewomon. Why can

Author:  Polistroyer [ Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:06 am ]
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Hmm...I can't really decide, they both are good in their own way :)

Author:  rayquaza10 [ Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:21 pm ]
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pokemon, no doubt

Author:  pelligargetic [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:35 am ]
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Although I have a current obsession with Pokemon, I hate the TV Show/Movies. I actually liked digimon 03 and 04 more than 01 and 02 because in 01 and 02, they people just stood in the background and said
"YO! DIGIMON PERSON! SACRIFICE YOUR LIFE FOR ME SO I CAN BE HAPPY AND I CAN LIE AND CALL YOU MY FRIEND!" Whereas in thrid, you could actually join together with your digimon if they needed your help, for all the much more power, to prove that you actually care. The only thing I hated about the fourth season is if you lost a fight you automatically died (yes I know your data just got scanned but it is technically dying and being reborn). Anyway I think the pokemon show is directed to an age gruop younger than mine, they way they react and they way the talk and their jokes. If the pokemon show were to be directed to an older age group, say kids 10-14, then I would watch it and it would probably be my favorite show (and overall, if that happened, my school might even accept it as a fad and no one would make fun of me for playing it on the bus, and I could actually talk about it in school with my friends, and I could have more people to trade with than just my two best friends!). SO yeah I chose digimon, but if Yu-Gi-Oh! was up there, my descision would have been a whole lot harder.

Author:  Houndoom05 [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:59 pm ]
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I like Digimon A LOT, but I LOVE pokemon A LOT more, but I still think Digimon is really cool.

Author:  Rikku [ Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:50 pm ]
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I only ever watched the first season of Digimon. I think it got kind of silly(er) after that. Obviously, I like Pokemon the best.

Author:  Sefrin [ Sat Feb 18, 2006 5:32 am ]
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Digimon is much darker and more emotional than pokemon. Humans and digimon both die, relationships are formed and broken and the story is more dramatic as a whole.

I used to like pokemon a lot more, because it was the cool concept of having your own minituare army, as it were, that obeyed your commands. but in recent years, the pokemon craze has become embarrassing.

With each season of didimon, the creators tryed to do something new and different. With pokemon, the story never changes nor do the main characters, and about every 100 episodes or so they move into a new "region" and new pokemon pop up, which is supposed to make the anime fresh and interesting again.

don't get me wrong, I still like pokemon, but I just like the games more than the anime now.

Author:  Myuutsuu [ Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:30 am ]
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I certainly prefer the Digimon show over Pok

Author:  Blackwind [ Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:43 am ]
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Digimon... well, I certainly prefer Pokemon art, Digimon's style looks to me almost as bad as Yu-Gi-Oh.

However, Digimon's storyline is more mature, and that adds to the show much more than character design. Pokemon is annoying as a whole now, it used to be Team Rocket only, but now Ash and Pikachu could burn for all I care.

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