
Jurassic Park IV
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Author:  ryan_dan [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Jurassic Park IV

Before you read on, this is NOT the script for the 4th Jurassic Park. This is just an idea I have that I would LOVE to pitch to Steven Spielberg himself, however I have no way of contacting him at the moment. If anyone does, however, please let me know because that would be great. This is my idea that I had:

The story takes place about 20 years after Jurassic Park III. Isla Sorna has been locked down by the United Nations. John Hammond has just recently died of old age. Two best friends are flying on an airplane from L.A. to Anchorage, Alaska to a military school, as punishment by their dads. Other people are flying as well. That night, the plane flies through a storm. Suddenly, two missiles fly towards the plane out of nowhere and hit the plane itself. The plane crashes in the water. Most of the passengers survive, and make it to an unknown island. When they get there, they find out that they aren't the only ones on it. It looks alot like Jurassic Park, but it is not owned by Ingen. It is owned by a company called Biosyn. Dinosaurs are rampaging everywhere. And it is not one island, but three isands close together. Eventually the survivors find out the truth of what's going on, which is this:

Dogson, the guy from JP1 that wanted Nedry's embryo's at the beginning, has become in charge of the company called Biosyn. Before Site B had become protected by the Costa Rican gov't, Dogson's men and a few people from Ingen were making dinosaurs strictly for Boisyn only, hence why in JPIII the Spino was NOT on Ingen's list, as mentioned. Biosyn found three islands to breed dinosaurs on. They were attempting to make their own dino-parks around the world. After Peter Ludlow's death, Ingen sold parts of its company to other businesses. Biosyn bought the majority. They also had the American gov't fund and protect the islands, only so that Biosyn could make super genetically-altered dinos for military purposes. They would be top-secretly bred on the 3rd island only. They wanted to move their dinos off of the islands and to the mainland, but John Hammond could have stopped them. Which is why they were going to wait until he died.

Meanwhile, 2 world-famous poachers had heard about 3 islands linked together by bridges in the Pacific Ocean around Alaska and Washington State. Their "connections" told them that it is unknown what is going on on those islands, but a lot of animal constraining technology was being shipped there. These two poachers go to the first and second islands, sneak in and cut the power, creating enough chaos for them to go in and catch animals uncaught.....or so they thought. They had no idea that dinosaurs were on those islands. That night that they invaded was the day after John Hammond died. That night, the animals got free, even the flying prehistoric creatures. Biosyn however, implanted devices inside the dinos to make sure that they couldn't leave the islands, even the flying ones. However, that night when the workers there were being attacked by the flying ones, there was a lot of rain, wind and lightning. They shot two missiles at the flying creatures and missed, hence why two missiles shot down the plane. It wasn't like they were going to see one up in the air in the middle of a storm. The plane survivors made it to the islands the day AFTER the power went out.

Now the survivors of the plane meet one person who works there who can guide them. He says that all the power on the islands are off, except for the 3rd which has a fuel generator powering it. But it is extremely guarded by security systems. 3 bridges connect the 3 islands but the bridge connecting the first and third was destroyed by the poachers. Now the survivors must travel through the first and second island to get to the third to get to the only operating radio for help. But they must evade dinosaurs, the two poachers and even higher-ups in Biosyn who don't want anyone discovering what's on the third island. But they have to hurry, because the generator only has enough fuel to power the third island for two weeks, and after that, there's no power anymore.

As for what kind of genetically engineered animals are on the third island? I thought that the dinosaurs from the action figures of "Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect" would be a kewl idea. So, what do you all think???


P.S. The dinos that they are now running from include 20-foot Dilophosauruses that can still spit venom, a bunch of Velociraptors, Deinonychuses, 5 Utahraptors, 3 Adult Tyrannosaurus Rexes and 2 Juvenilles (they are half the size of an adult), 1 Adult and 1 Juvenille Spinosaurus, and 1 Giganotosaurus.

Author:  JsXtm [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Ha ha ha ha ha... sounds plausible enough, given what Hollywood churns out these days. And at least you included the real bad guys from the books, Biosyn and Lewis Dodgson.

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, you have earnt serious respect points for having actually read the book. But, I think you kinda lost it by the time you started talking about genetically engineered war dinosaurs.

Also, two weeks of power left is blah. Two NIGHTS is true Jurassic Park style.

Author:  Jaredt222 [ Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jurassic Park IV

Don't forget the vicious-fast-ugly raptors! lol but I loved this movie since it I came out!

Author:  Groudon King [ Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jurassic Park IV

Awsome story you got here. It would work to be a Jurassic Park classic, I can see it. Bringing old villians that were just barely noted in the first movie and are the main villans here, works like gold.

With the power thing... less time than two weeks would be better, but the original time could have been two weeks but events could have shorten it more.

For the war Dinos, I like it. I mean they made the dinos, if they made another one they could take it up to a new level, and this is it.

Author:  gamer guy [ Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jurassic Park IV

If there was a fourth, there would need to be more. Who stops at four?

Your idea is sort of good, but I don't think there need to be more Jurassic Parks.

Author:  JsXtm [ Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jurassic Park IV

gamer guy wrote:
If there was a fourth, there would need to be more. Who stops at four?

Indiana Jones?

Author:  Jaredt222 [ Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jurassic Park IV

It is actually call Jurrasic Park IV: The Extinction!

Author:  JsXtm [ Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jurassic Park IV

Jaredt222 wrote:
It is actually call Jurrasic Park IV: The Extinction!

Maybe. IMDB says that that subtitle is probably just a leftover from the working title of JP III in the FAQs.
On a sidenote, though, IMDB does have a certain amount of info about this movie, so it sounds like it will indeed be made. Not ryan_dan's idea, but some script for JP IV.

Author:  Jaredt222 [ Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jurassic Park IV

Look it up on google even on New York Times it says it!

Author:  gamer guy [ Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jurassic Park IV

I knew someone was going to reply to that comment. Grrr......

I really don't trust anything I hear about movies.

Author:  ryan_dan [ Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jurassic Park IV

As I said, this is NOT the actual script! I wish that it were however. I have heard few rumors of what the story is. One involves gun-toting dinosaurs as mercenaries, another involves a mercenary going to the first island, getting the shaving cream can that Nedry lost in the first film, and then getting captured by the Swedish gov't and taken to a castle in which he has to escape? What the hell?? The first one was ridiculous, the second sounded like it would have NOTHING to do with dinosaurs. Which is WHAT JP is about. That's why my idea sounds better. It is a mix of new while keeping the old plot mixed in the story somewhat.


P.S. Does anyone know ANY way of contacting Steven Speilberg? He is the only person besides Michael Chrichton I want to send this idea to, but in Raleigh, NC the chances of meeting someone who has info about them seems VERY limited.

Author:  Glasmadu [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jurassic Park IV says that JP4 isd about the dinosaurs getting sick with some sort of major disease that could wipe out the human race and now people are going there to figure out how to cure it before it is too late.

Really STUPID plot idea if you ask me.

I like the plot posted above a lot better.

so spielberg, if you are reading this, use the script above, even if you have to make some changes to make it "yours"

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