
Final Fantasy IV DS
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Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy IV DS

As some of you know, they are making a remake of Final Fantasy IV (also known as Final Fantasy II back on the SNES) for the Nintendo DS due this summer. When I first heard this by word of mouth, I went "Wait a minute... they already remade it for the GBA...". Anyhow, I got my new Nintendo Power today, and it was the cover story.

You guys know the Final Fantasy III remake for DS? Well, Final Fantasy IV is getting that kind of treatment. All the event scenes are being redone with movie-style camera angles, real-time shadows on character's faces, etc. The graphics will be just like FFIII; polygonal and 3-D.

They say that some of the problems with FFIII DS have been addressed now (less party size limitation for both player and monsters, better use of two screens such as info on characters + weapons during battle, detailed auto-maps for dungeons that fill in as you explore rooms). In addition, there has been a total overhaul of the weaker character abilities from the original. Examples:

-Porom's Cry used to just increase chances you could run away; you were better using that turn to actually try running away. Now the move inflicts physical defense reduction on all enemies on the battlefield--including bosses.

-Rosa's Prayers are answered more frequently, and they now include MP recovery in addition to HP. In addition, you no longer need to buy hundreds of arrows; having one arrow equipped gives you an infinite amount to use. (you can finally use those Holy arrows without regret!)

-Edward is not as spoony anymore (although they're leaving the classic line in the game remake for fan love =]). His lame Sing ability has been replaced with Bardsong, which is a brand new school of spells that inclict negative Status condidtions on enemies (like Sleep or Confusion) or positive buffs on your party (like Haste or Regeneration). His Heal ability (split one potion among the party) is now replaced with the Salve ability, which works somewhat the same in that it splits recovery items. However, it can be used with any recovery item now, including Phoenix Downs. 'o'

In addition, there is a new aspect that involves items called augments. Augments are key itmes that allow a character of your own choice to learn a new ability. You can even get augments that contain the special abilities of party members that have left the story once they leave. Just imagine Cid yodeling out some Bardsongs or Yang and Edge teaming up with Twinspell. XD You can even find augments of some boss characters, such as Cagnazzo's massive Tsunami spell.

I could go on and on about the stuff... but I wanna hear what some of you guys think. I myself am really excited about this game now; how about you? Do you think it will be a worthwhile remake, or think the 3D treatment will ruin it? Discuss. =]

Author:  Serpentsounds [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

I'm a big Final Fantasy fan, so I'll be sure to check this one out. I only hope I'll have sufficient funds when it's released. The boss augment concept sounds interesting. FF3 looked cool, so I doubt revamping this game would in any way subtract from the quality.

Author:  Krisp [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

I'll be getting it the day it comes out. I physically own all the FF games 1 through 12 (excluding that garbage called FFXI) except FFIV :/ so it'll kind of "complete" my collection. I have played the SNES game all the way through, though.

having one arrow equipped gives you an infinite amount to use


Author:  Skull Kid [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

I barely even started FFIII, so I might just wait on this one.

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Overhaul of the weaker characters? Cool ;o

However, Edward did prove to be quite a strong character (in battle, at least) for me in the late-game portion of the GBA remake.

Oh, and of course I can't wait to have infinite uses for the arrows plus try out some of the augments. I'd also like to see FuSoYa in 3D heh.

Author:  KOL40 [ Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

It should be a good buy, i'm a fan. I only beat 7 and 10, on nine I was on the 4th disk. I also beat the best game in the series, Tactics, which I am told is due for a sequeal.

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

I've know this for ages now. Old news. :P

Anyway, it certainly sounds interesting. However, I've already got the GBA version, and I don't feel the need to fork out £30 for a DS port, especially when:

1. The 2D graphics weren't awful on the GBA; at least, not enough to warrant a remake of any kind.
2. It looks like the story and gameplay in general will stay the same.

Besides, it'd feel a little pointless having essentially two versions of the same game being playable on one console. Still, can't wait for the Red Wings and Four Fiends OSTs to find their way onto the internet. :]

Author:  Latios [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Why not GQ I mean I own every main Final Fantasy title. The the story will have some changes I mean only 25% of the original scenario made it into the game. Plus all the bosses stats got raised so it will be harder which makes it worth the money in my opinion.

The Whyts thing looks cool also, I can't wait for it to come out.

Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

This isn't going to be a "port" by any means... they're changing so many things around, especially to appeal to the fans who have already played the original. Allow me to provide an example:

And don't expect to breeze through it by whipping out all the old tricks you learned in previous versions of the game-- the developers redesigned the game's toughest battles specifically to foil series verterans. "One of the most enjoyable parts of Final Fantasy IV's bosses has always been analyzing the patterns and coming up with strategies to overcome them. But that's old hat for players who have already played previous incarnations of the game," notes Asano. "So to bring that challenge back, we rebalanced the game's major battles and modified the strategies that enemies employ."

For example, experienced players know that the Antlion's counterattacks are far deadlier than its standard attacks, and that they should attack it only with spells and abilities. But such a simple strategy won't cut it in this version-- cast spells at the wrong time, and Antlion can now counter those too; the new trick is to watch the shifting color of its eyes, which reveal its shifting vulnerabilities. The bosses have also had their stats boosted across the board, as have many of the normal enemies, making this far and away the toughest version of Final Fantasy IV ever released.

Not to mention, ALL of the game's event scenes are now real event scenes; camera-style angles, shadows, etc. That alone sells the game for me... grown up Rydia in 3-D. <3 <3

Author:  Krisp [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

I really love how people are saying "waaaah not another PORT of FFIV" when they clearly don't know the definition of a port.

Author:  Jaredt222 [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Man! this game looks really fun, I hope to get it, too.

Author:  KOL40 [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Jaredt222 wrote:
Man! this game looks really fun, I hope to get it, too.

YESES!!!!1!1!!!1!!11!!! POST COUNT UP!!1!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!!111!!!! NUMBER ONE USA!!!!!!!!111!!11!1111!!!!11

Author:  Latios [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Here is the trailer for when it was first coming out in Japan. The voice acting should be good since it was good in japanese(even though I had no clue what they were saying). You'll also recognize some of the moments.

Author:  V_Translanka [ Thu May 08, 2008 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Latios wrote:
The voice acting should be good since it was good in japanese

Hello and welcome to the wacky, wild world of English dubs. I'm sorry to inform you, but you are wrong. :lol:

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to not only this game, but what it means for the other classic FFs...I hope Matrix Software continues in the same vein & we get a 3D FFV DS & a 3D FFVI DS (and, dare I dream it? 3D Chrono Trigger DS?!?)...I also hope the Enix half gets its act together & releases an NA version of the Dragon Quest IV DS (which hopefully gets us official DQV & DQVI remakes for NA)...


*drools* It's totally not lolicon! She's grown up, I swear! >_<

Author:  Krisp [ Thu May 08, 2008 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

I wouldn't be hopeful of Chrono Trigger DS...if I remember correctly a sequel was thought of, but they canceled it.

I'd like to see FFVI redone though, or even FFV.

Author:  CHJB [ Thu May 08, 2008 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Well, seeing as I lost my FFIII, I'll probably get this one to fill the void in my heart (*sob*). But is this the realtime battle one? I kinda didn't like that aspect all too much in the one I think this one is based off of. Whatever, it sounds good, and I'm getting pretty bored... Okay, make that VERY bored...

Author:  V_Translanka [ Thu May 08, 2008 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Krisp wrote:
I wouldn't be hopeful of Chrono Trigger DS...if I remember correctly a sequel was thought of, but they canceled it.

There were two titles, one in Japan & one for NA, that they trademarked: Kurono Brake & Chrono Break (respectively)...This was the same time they trademarked Legend of Mana (or one of the Seiken Densetsu games that's since come out anyways...I was a LONG time ago, anyways)...but they have since let the trademark drop & haven't re-registered it or a new one...There wasn't really anything to "cancel"...But there IS still plenty of hope, I think...At the very LEAST for a remake...I mean, if they didn't want to do something w/their titles, they'd probably let Ninny just put 'em on the VC, right?

CHJB wrote:
But is this the realtime battle one? I kinda didn't like that aspect all too much in the one I think this one is based off of.

I believe you're thinking of either Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates or Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings...both of which don't use the regular ATB random battle systems of old...FFIV still uses the same kind of battles, though...

Author:  Krisp [ Fri May 09, 2008 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Chrono Trigger will never be on VC, and neither will Final Fantasy II or similar titles. Nintendo is full of fail and would never allow such a thing. Thankfully I ordered FFII (formally known as FFIV) off Ebay, so I'll still be able to play the original version.

On topic: FFIVDS is looking pretty good so far...can't wait until July to pick this up. I'm going to get it on the day it comes out with my Walmart discount card. :P

Author:  V_Translanka [ Fri May 09, 2008 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Ninny would never allow it? It seems like it would be nothing but a plus for them, but only detrimental to Square's franchises in case they wanted to create a remake at any time in the future...But I'm not too familiar w/the Ninny not allowing 2nd Party produced games on it or something? I can't imagine that's the case...

Author:  CHJB [ Fri May 09, 2008 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

V_Translanka wrote:
CHJB wrote:
But is this the realtime battle one? I kinda didn't like that aspect all too much in the one I think this one is based off of.

I believe you're thinking of either Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates or Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings...both of which don't use the regular ATB random battle systems of old...FFIV still uses the same kind of battles, though...

I have Ring of Fates, and I love it, but I'm pretty sure FFIV isn't going to be like that. What I meant to say is: does it have no turns in it, but things depend on how long after they're casted/whatever for them to work? And also does it have the random battles with your players on one side, and the enemies on the other like FFI and FFIII? Help would really be appreciated.

P.S. If anyone knows where I put my FFIII DS game, that'd really help. I doubt you'd know where it is, but whatever, it's worth a try, in case anyone of you are psychic or something.

Author:  V_Translanka [ Fri May 09, 2008 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

CHJB wrote:

I have Ring of Fates, and I love it, but I'm pretty sure FFIV isn't going to be like that. What I meant to say is: does it have no turns in it, but things depend on how long after they're casted/whatever for them to work? And also does it have the random battles with your players on one side, and the enemies on the other like FFI and FFIII? Help would really be appreciated.[/]quote]

Hmm, I imagine those things'd be like how FFIII is set up since the same production team is behind both remakes...I don't recall, were spells instantaneous in the previous versions of FFIV?

CHJB wrote:
P.S. If anyone knows where I put my FFIII DS game, that'd really help. I doubt you'd know where it is, but whatever, it's worth a try, in case anyone of you are psychic or something.

Did you check by your shoes? Or under your bed? Or in your friends' collections? :P

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Fri May 09, 2008 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

Remakes for FFV and FFVI would be great, but I'm not sure they think it's worth the effort. *crosses fingers*

Has anyone heard of whether they would be adding extra content to FFIV? Such as additional sidequests and/or dungeons? Yeah, I meant in addition to that of FFIV Advance for the GBA.

Author:  V_Translanka [ Sat May 10, 2008 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

I dont' see why it would be any more or less worth the effort of the remakes of FFIII & FFIV...Especially since of the three 16-Bit FFs, FFVI is by far the most popular...Matrix Software's on a role! You don't stop when you're just gettin hot! ^_^

Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Fri May 16, 2008 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy IV DS

sN0wBaLL wrote:
Has anyone heard of whether they would be adding extra content to FFIV? Such as additional sidequests and/or dungeons? Yeah, I meant in addition to that of FFIV Advance for the GBA.

*re-reads NP article*

Well... there's this bit at the end that is kinda vague, but points towards it:

Nintendo Power wrote:
Unfortunately, since this version is based on the SNES original, the end-of-game Lunar Ruins dungeon from the GBA remake didn't make the cut. But those looking for challenge above and beyond the original quest will find a few suprises after the credits roll. Subsequent playthroughs will allow players to accumulate even more augments and put them to use against several new hidden bosses.

Also... *crosses fingers with sNOwBaLL on FFV and FFVI 3d remakes*

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