
Wifi connection stories
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Author:  DragonPhoenix [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Wifi connection stories

I just bought Heartgold AND platinum today, and found out my router likes to not be compatible. I've got a netgear FM114P, just wondering has anyone else got problems with wifi? Or if you had problems with wifi, how you overcame it?I've gone through the troubleshooting but I don't know if I should be messing about with the settings (dynamic IP? static IP? I'm too scared if I play around with it my net won't work anymore!) I mean the only reason I bought the games in the first place was to trade and battle with people online. I might have to get one of those Wifi sticks - I heard they're pretty bad as well though. Any computer experts that can help me out? Or can you confirm or deny that the Wifi stick is worth it?

The error I get is that the DS just says "no access point in range," when there is (me posting is message from my computer is proof of that. My desktop is connected to the router wirelessly). :(

Ps: going to Mcdonalds isnt a solution :P

Author:  kakuloo [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wifi connection stories

Is your network encrypted? (do you need a passcode to get on it?) Sometimes that will stop you from even seeing the access point.

Sometimes you have to go in manually and tell your DS the name of your network (your SSID).

The Nintendo troubleshooting guide: ... upHelp.jsp

Author:  BarnOwl [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wifi connection stories

Yeah, what kakuloo said. :-) Also . . . make sure that if you have your encryption/security set that it is on "WEP", the DS doesn't like WPA. Either manually enter a security code, or have it generate a random one. Then do the WiFi set up on your game. (I recommend against setting your router to no security - anyone can get onto your router, surf then net, and, depending on how you've shared files on your computer, just randomly browse, steal, delete, hack etc . . . all of your files.)

I usually end up switching my WiFi security back & forth. If I'm using my DS, I set the WiFi to WEP security. When I'm done, I switch back to WPA (which is, supposedly, a bit better).

Author:  Gallade Roxas [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wifi connection stories

Your Wi-Fi has to be on "WEP". Pokémon won't take anything else for some reason.

Author:  DragonPhoenix [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wifi connection stories

Thanks guys. Only that my router's always been set up to WEP. I'm going to try the manual setup but then I'd have to tweak my dynamic IP's and gateways and stuff (because right now the router has them set to "automatic," and I think manual wants them to be actual numbers.) It's strange though because my friends will come round every so often with their laptops and all I gotta do to give them access to to type in the WEP code. So I know all that, its just my DS isn't picking up the access point. Oh well. I've only just beaten the 1st gym leader so I guess I wouldnt use wifi for awhile anyway but it's good to know :)

Author:  Krisp [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wifi connection stories

This kinda sounds like my moms boyfriend's PSP problem. He dropped it and whatever picks up the wireless connection in the PSP busted (lol dumbass.) It says there's no networks in range no matter how many networks are really available.

You may want to check it's not your DS that has the problem. I would say that problem would be really bad because I'm not sure how it could be repaired.

Author:  DragonPhoenix [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wifi connection stories

oh :( Actually my sister did drop the DS (its actually hers, not mine) once upon a time, and she never plays with it anymore because when she dropped it the R4 stopped working too. Game wise everything works perfectly though, including connectivity to other DSs. I'll probably go over to my cousin's house +Mcdonald's to test out the wifi thing before I go hunting for a old school fat DS, because I'm thinking if I want to complete the Pokedex I'd have to trade between the two games anyway (and they'd be a lot cheaper if I looked in the pawn shop... but then again I might have the same connectivity problem... ahh what to do what to do).

Wanna go and pwn some noobs already! i joke i joke :)

Author:  fifaking [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wifi connection stories

its good that u got ur wifi fixed

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