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Author:  Haunted Water [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Chronicle

For those of you who don't know about the movie Chronicle, it's a movie about a group of friends that gain powers from an event (I haven't watched it yet) and one becomes too powerful. I don't know anything about it after that part. I'll post more and give a full review later (next weekend) when I watch it.

Author:  Haunted Water [ Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chronicle

So I just seen Chronicle, and I have to say, the effects are great! However, its mostly filmed as one of the character's documentary of his senoir year. So if you've seen Cloverfield, it's kinda like that. It isnt anywhere near a family film. Although it is rated PG-13, it could be rated R just for the violence category.
The film starts with Andrew. His cousin Matt drives him to school everyday. Andrew always has a camera in the beginning of the film. Then, they go to a rave party and tht is where the inciting incident occurs. There is a hole in the ground, which Andrew, Matt, and Steve, another main character, step into. They find a mysterious rock that glows and changes colors. Of course, they touch it. The next scene is them doing something that you'd expect to see in Jackass. So when they are out having their fun, a tailgater is driving behind them and is constantly on the horn. Andrew ends up pushing him into water, hospitalizing him. Matt makes a few rules afterwards. Andrew is starting to get worried about his dying mother. His father beats him. He uses his powers in the talent show and wins. A party is thrown, to which the three attend. He almost "scores" but pukes. He gets teased at school for it, then pulls teeth out of his bully's mouth, which I have to say, is kind of badass. But when his mom is having trouble breathing, his dad found his camera. He confronts Andrew on it, and gets called an idiot. His dad tries to beat him, but fails when Andrew shouts "I'll crush you!" Andrew then lifts him up and chucks his dad through the air.
Highlight to view spoiler.
After accidently killing Steve in an attempt to channel lightning, he takes a turn for the worse. He kills the neighborhood douche bags for money for his mom's meds, then robs a convenience store. When the clerk comes out with a shotgun, he takes it from him and throughs the shotgun on the ground, which causes it to fire. It blows up the gas pumps and hospitalizes Andrew. His father visits him and puts the blame on him for his mother's death, which occured the night before. If you dont/didnt notice the camera sliding towards the bed the increasing heart rate, well get ready for the falling action. His died tries to hit him in the face, but Andrew grabs his arm. He explodes the room. Matt and his gf try to get into Seattle, only to find the beginning of the end, and the beginning of Andrew's rampage. Unfortunately, Matt saves Andrew's dad. It ends with Matt impaling Andrew and then leaving for Tibet, so he can tape an apology for Andrew.
I give this movie an overall 7/10.
For each category:
Message: No real message, except having superpowers like the three of them would be pretty cool. 3/10.
Sexual content: Not much. Just a few jokes. 8/10 for friendliness to families.
Violence: It slowly starts to look like a horror film after the climax. 8/10 for a true movie that is borderline R rated.
Language: I didnt hear much bad use of it. 10/10 for family friendliness.

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