
Final Fantasy
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Author:  Haunted Water [ Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy

I couldnt find a topic on Final Fantasy, surprisingly, so... This happened. I only have FF1 on my phone and I just beat the fire fiend last night.
So far, I'm looking for FF games for ps2 because Its so darn cool!
Anyone else like FF? (I know, I know. Stupid question.)

Author:  King_Charizard [ Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

I LOVE FF! I cant wait for the new one! Ive played from the first to the last.

Author:  Frost [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

Top Tier: 6, X, 9
Upper Tier: 7, X-2
Mid Tier: 4, 5
Lower Tier: 1, 2
Bottom Tier: 8, 3
Incomplete Tier: 12, 13, 13-2
Who Cares Tier: 11, 14

Author:  Krisp [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

Top Tier: 9, 7, 8
Upper Tier: 5, 6, 12
Mid Tier: 10, 3, 2
Low Tier: 10-2, 1
**** Tier: 4
Incomplete Tier: 13, 13-2
Who the **** cares Tier: 11, 14

Author:  Haunted Water [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

Meh. FF1 is a good game for its time frame in my view.
So which platform is FF9 on? Because according to Krisp and Frost, thats the best of Final Fantasy.

Author:  Skeleton [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy


I played 1 and 2 on GBA. then I started playing 6 on SNES, but halfway through I stopped, and I played Chrono Trigger (also the SNES version) instead. And it really blew me away. I can't seem to go back...

Author:  Haunted Water [ Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

So if its for ps1, it can play on ps2, right? Because I still have a ps2 (Ikr? Its still a very prized possession of mine, even if the controllers suck.) and want to play some more Final Fantasy, d****t!

Author:  Frost [ Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

It makes sense to me that a Pokemon fan playing FF1 as their first Final Fantasy would like it. Because... how can I put this... the characters and storylines in Pokemon games are for the most part quite basic, and the same is true in Final Fantasy 1, as the characters are non-existent and there's maybe two minutes of story at the beginning and the end of the game. It's like sidestepping from one enjoyable RPG with shallow characters/plot to another.

Contrast this with FF7 or FF8, which can be taken at face value, but at the same time also have been analyzed in-depth since their releases 10/15 years ago in an attempt to figure out just what the HELL is happening in the English translations. The stories for both made zero sense to me after I first played them and the picture only became clear (clearer in FF8's case because that game's storyline is generally just a mess of OMG COOL AND EXTREME sci-fi elements haphazardly thrown together after disc one) after replaying or reading supplementary material/fan analyses about them.

Author:  Serpentsounds [ Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

Ye definitely do check out FF9. It got me into the series and still remains a favorite today. With a PS2 you'll also be able to check out 7, 8, 10, 10-2, and 12 from the main series, my favorites being 9, 12, and 7. Keep in mind that you'll need a memory card from the PS1 to save your data for 7, 8, and 9, as these are PS1 releases.

If you want to play 13 and 13-2 you'll need either an XBox 360 or a PS3. 11 and 14 are MMOs which are a completely different experience and require a subscription fee.

Author:  Haunted Water [ Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

So would an 8MB card work? Because I have two.

Author:  ulquiorra [ Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

I hope to dear goodness we can actually see a FF game on a nintendo CONSOLE. I would love to see it on Wii U... AHHH!!! (thats mostly cos I'm a nintendo purist.)

Author:  Edoc'sil [ Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

Ugh, I feel like a sad excuse of an FF fan. :oops: I've only played on the DS, and they were only the ones I could manage to lay hand on (video game stores from where I'm from are terrible). I've played III, IV, Advance Tactics 2: Grimoire , and Chrystal Chronicles: Echoes of time. Nonetheless, I've enjoyed them. Although, I've gotten nowhere in III and don't care to pick it up again, and Echoes of Time doesn't appeal to me.

Author:  Frost [ Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

ulquiorra wrote:
I hope to dear goodness we can actually see a FF game on a nintendo CONSOLE.

We can.

The first three games of the series were for the NES and then the next three were for the SNES. :?

Author:  Krisp [ Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

Most of the Final Fantasies on modern Nintendo systems are epic fail, especially FF4.

Author:  ulquiorra [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

Frost wrote:
ulquiorra wrote:
I hope to dear goodness we can actually see a FF game on a nintendo CONSOLE.

We can.

The first three games of the series were for the NES and then the next three were for the SNES. :?
Truth, but I mean a newer game. I just think the Wii U could pull off a potential FF15 very well (if it even comes to pass xD )

Author:  Skeleton [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

Oooohh... I bet the guys who were whining about the games coming out on 360 would love that! Heh! Heh! Heh!

Author:  Haunted Water [ Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

Those... Those bastards! They... Ruined it. All. Life is... Unliveable.
Did anyone see the **** theyre passing off as the next FF at E3?
God, I hope its a spin-off.

Author:  Sparrow [ Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

You mean this tech demo? It's a tech demo.

X-2 and 7 are the best.

Author:  White Wailord [ Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

I love that game a lot, I even play the older games.

Author:  GhostPony750 [ Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

How comes I never seen this thread before? o_O
Well, I played FF1 on my iPod, but after beating 1st boss, I just walked through a cave and managed to lost my path in a random underground desert, where I met a nice Abyss Worm. (Enough said)
And my game kept erasing all the time, so it was kinda boring, and I stopped playing.

Author:  Guardian1239 [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

I was first introduced to the series with Final Fantasy X. I was around the age of 8 and my parents gave me money for a good report card (which meant I got money every few months >_>;) and I always had to spend it immediately because I was impatient. ^^; I went to Toys R Us and it was the only game they had that looked relatively interesting. I expected it to be something I played for a few hours and then forgot about like I had a habit of doing, but I loved it and that's my favorite game now! <3

After that I started looking into the other games in the series and now I have most of the main ones and a few offshoots (I.E. Final Fantasy Tactics). Right now, me and Frost have dedicated ourselves to playing through the series starting with Final Fantasy 1. :3

Author:  Mektar [ Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

I find it ironic that the game entitiled 'Final' Fantasy spawned 10+ sequels.

Author:  Frost [ Wed May 08, 2013 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

It's called Final Fantasy because you'll spend the rest of your life trying to warp your brain around the mechanics of the time loop that is the game's storyline, duh.

So Guardian and I finished FF1 last night -- with our team of a Monk named after him, a Black Mage named after me (like always) and a White Mage and Fighter -- and I think the funny thing about the game is how little it holds your hand compared to basically every other game in the series. Without a guide, you can only figure things out by running around the map, speaking to NPCs over and over, while also having enough foresight to piece together their vague clues of dialogue into what you need to do next. Even then there's still an Airship buried in a desert inexplicably that the game gives you no clues about.

My favorite of these instances is that you have to remember to use an otherwise worthless Key Item that you receive at the very beginning of the game at a key point in order to advance. There's no indication that it doesn't anything useful and there's no hint that this is where you actually have to use it. And worse yet, in the NES version of the game, you can actually forget to receive that prize entirely, possibly rendering the game unbeatable because it can only be used in a dungeon from which you CANNOT ESCAPE unless you A) have a White Mage in your party and B) s/he knows one specific spell.

Final Fantasy 1 is srs bsns, guys.

Author:  Guardian1239 [ Wed May 15, 2013 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy

Mektar wrote:
I find it ironic that the game entitiled 'Final' Fantasy spawned 10+ sequels.

Stolen from Wikipedia -
Though often attributed to the company allegedly facing bankruptcy, Sakaguchi explained that the game was his personal last-ditch effort in the game industry and that its title, Final Fantasy, stemmed from his feelings at the time; had the game not sold well, he would have quit the business and gone back to university. Despite his explanation, publications have also attributed the name to the company's hopes that the project would solve its financial troubles.

We decided to start Final Fantasy over with me playing on Easy Mode and... that hasn't gotten very far. xD Easy Mode makes the game much more playable for someone like me who just doesn't have the patience to sit around grinding for hours. This time, we named the characters after our cats. :3

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