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 Eeveelution-Master's Art Gallery 
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Pokemon Trainer
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I noticed in these drawings that your shading is a little off (which I notice quickly because I usually have problems with it). I attempted to demonstrate what I mean with Gem (with my horrible attempts at drawing with a mouse >_>;) -


I know I messed that up a bit myself. XD But I remember my art teacher telling me to think of the sun being just outside the picture in a corner or side or wherever you want it and trying to imagine the shape and textures of what you're drawing being in that light. If all else fails, you can find an object in real life that's similar in shape to what you're drawing and observe how the light falls on it. I noticed it on your Crobat, too, because its body is rounded, but instead of a curved shadow on the bottom of his body, you have two separate patches of shading.


Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:29 am
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Psychic Trainer
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Thanks Guardian, I'll do that in my future drawings.
I have drawn some pokemon on Colors!3D:
Image Image
Image Image
Image Image
Image Image
Image Image


Last edited by Eeveelution-Master on Sun May 12, 2013 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:00 pm
Pokemon Master
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Wow, Charmander and Chatot are very great! ;)

Thanks DragoBoy for this awesome sig and Mektar for the astonishing avatar!!!

Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:20 pm
I got -10200 in Jeopardy
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Wynaut, Plusle and Chatot are the best done for me.

There are a few (and I literally mean 1 or two) places on Munchlax, where the lines don't cover the edges. Right under his left eye is a small patch where the blue seeps down. But, it's a small problem compared to how awesome these look.

Thanks to Dare234 for the Awesome Banner.
{charmander} and {squirtle} and {sneasel} and {buizel} and {honchkrow} and {geodude} rock. (Get it?)

So, this forum just got a revamp, its now interesting, we have a few members, we have some games, we're about to open a Forum Shopping Center to buy Pokemon and Items... (If we get store clerks). We have a WEREWOLF game, and I know how much Psypoke likes Werewolf, so If you're itching to play a shorter game than usual, sign up.

Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:47 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Thanks guys.
I have drawn the new starters in X&Y on Colors!3D:
Image Image Image


Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:16 pm
Pokemon Master
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Whoa, they're really good! Almost look like their didgital alter egos. Nicely done.

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:49 pm
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Your colors and shading are both nice, but the lines could stand to be more crisp. That's why my favorite of yours is the Plusle. It's cute, and the outline has almost no visible flaws. I should problebly pick up Colors3D at some point, too, so I can join in on the fun.

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:15 am
Dragon Tamer
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Wow, you drew these on the computer?! Do you know what you happen if I tried to draw something on the computer? Disaster. Plagues. WWIII. The return of Jessica Simpson. All awful things. A veritable Pandora's Box.

If you were offended by my post, just know that I was probably kidding. Probably...


Fri May 03, 2013 10:08 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Yeah, you definitely got the shading down. Your ideas for the sprites are really cool too, not just the craftsmanship! Keep it up, yo.


Sat May 04, 2013 11:00 am
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Thanks ChillBill, Mektar, Charphlokenapoar and Coliflowerz.
@Charphlokenapoar: I didn't draw them on the computer I drew them on my 3DS.
I've also drawn all the eeveelutions, including eevee, on Colors!3D:
Image Image
Image Image
Image Image
Image Image

C+C please :D


Mon May 06, 2013 1:14 pm
I got -10200 in Jeopardy
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Location: Obsessing over my paper cranes (props to whoever gets this reference, no one will)
Now, these ones. They all deserve to be in an art gallery.

The lines are crisp, the shapes are great, and the subtle detail fits perfectly.
These are the best ones. Absolutely fantastic.

Thanks to Dare234 for the Awesome Banner.
{charmander} and {squirtle} and {sneasel} and {buizel} and {honchkrow} and {geodude} rock. (Get it?)

So, this forum just got a revamp, its now interesting, we have a few members, we have some games, we're about to open a Forum Shopping Center to buy Pokemon and Items... (If we get store clerks). We have a WEREWOLF game, and I know how much Psypoke likes Werewolf, so If you're itching to play a shorter game than usual, sign up.

Mon May 06, 2013 2:20 pm
Pokemon Master
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Oh wow, good job! :shock:

Thanks DragoBoy for this awesome sig and Mektar for the astonishing avatar!!!

Mon May 06, 2013 2:20 pm
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good stuff I like it keep it up!

Tue May 07, 2013 5:09 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Thanks guys for the positive comments.
I've just drawn the new Pokémon that were released; Yanchamu, Yayakoma, Elikiteru and Gogoto, on Colors!3D:
Image Image
Image Image

C+C please :D


Sun May 12, 2013 8:41 am
Psychic Trainer
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Your new drawings are really good and so are your splices in the main post.
I also have a request for you, since you made my sig I would like you to also make me an avatar please.
I will PM you the details soon and I will also pay you all the psybucks I have (which isn't many).

thanks to Eeveelution-Master for making my trainer card and awesome avatar

Mon May 13, 2013 2:03 pm
Pokemon Trainer
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Your new artwork is all really good, especially the Eeveelutions. :3


Wed May 15, 2013 10:47 pm
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Psychic Trainer
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Thanks for my avatar.
I also would like you to edit my trainer card so that it's light blue and the trainer is my avatar and instead of butterfree and mewtwo could you put in a shiny swampert and keldeo and could you make raichu shiny too.
Thanks in advance.

thanks to Eeveelution-Master for making my trainer card and awesome avatar

Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:54 am
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