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 The hard life on pokemon. (PLEASE RATE) 
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Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:12 am
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Location: England, with the greasy fry ups.
NOTE: I will only put 4 episodes per post because if I put any more than that, the post gets too long! Thanks for reading my work by the way!

Mike was only 14 when he wanted desperatly to leave hgome and travel the world looking for pokemon...

Part 1: The battle to leave.

Mike: Please mum, it's like really cool to catch and breed pokemon.
Mum: No, well... Ask your father.
Mike: Dad?
Dad: Give me a battle with your {hitmonchan} and if you win I will let you travel the world! Fair?
Mike: But, you have good pokemon. O well. ok.
*Mike sends out {hitmonchan}*
*Dad sends out {kingler}*
Dad: Mike you should know lots of types of pokemon are actually weak to hitmonchan...
Mike: ....... ... ... erm.. ooo I getcha now.
Dad: KINGLER, water gun! *Hitmonchan geets pushed a bit*
Mike: Heh heh, Thunderpunch! *Kingler tries to dodge it but hitmonchan pounds him.*
*Dad takes back {kingler} and sends out {grumpig}*
Dad: Grumpig! Rollout! *Hitmonchan falls down and gets straight back up*
Mike: Hitmonchan! Fire punch! *Grumpig rolls over.*
Dad: Grumpig, get up! Oh no he's in rest!
Mike: That grumpig always hated fighting! Hitmonchan! Cross Punch!
*Grumpig rolls everywhere and faints.*
*Dad takes back Grumpig and sends out his last pokemon {elekid}*
Mike: Cross punch! *Elekid flies back because elekid can barely fight*
Dad: Come on elekid! Spark! * Elekid let out a small electric charge that zapped hitmonchan.*
Mike: Hitmonchan!?
*Mike took back hitmonchan but...*
Mike: O well dad you forgot about my new one!
Dad:!!!!!!! O I remember it now!!!!!!!!
*Mike sends out {geodude}*
Mike: Geodude, rock throw! *Elekid falls to a faint*

Dad: Very well, you can go, but be careful! And ask May if she wants to go.
Mike: Ok, I will, {growlithe} could help the trip.

Part 2 Catch and trade!

*Mike knocks on next door's door*
May: Oh hey Mike! Want to come in?
Mike: Oh erm no, I just wanted to ask... Do you want to come on a pokemon quest with me?
May: Oh I actually was about to ask my mum if I could!
*May asks mum...*
May yeah it's fine, but she says you have to look after me.
Mike: Ok, let's go!
~~~~~~ 1 hour later ~~~~~
Mike: Ok the big thing starts here!
*Massive fields with a few villages in view*
May: Ooooo a pokemon!
{charmander} appeared.
*May sent out {growlithe}*
May: growlithe! Take down! *Charmander got back up and scratched Growlithe*
May: Growlithe one more time! *Charmander fell down and got dizzy!
*May threw a pokeball...1...2...3...*
May: Yeah!!!!
Mike: Lucky you May!
*At that moment a man holding an {exeggcute} and a {magnemite}*
Man: Will anybody trade one of these pokemon with me!? Please I beg of you, I collet rock pokemon. These two just landed on my doorstep.
Mike: Rock pokemon? Like geodude?
Man: Yes exactly that, the only rock pokemon I have is {onix} but I would like to become one of the elite 4 holding rock pokemon only!
Mike: The elite 4? The 4 specials?
Man: Yes, my dad is in it he collects all types of pokemon his favourite is {zangoose}!
*Mike sent out geodude*
Mike: Geodude? This man loves rock pokemon like you! Do you like him?
Geodude: Geodude... Geo!Duuude!
May: That's a yes then.
Mike: Erm... Ok... Keep in contact with me about him please, *Mike gave the man his number* and I would like {exeggcute} please.
Man: Good choice!
*Mike got Exeggcute!*
May: Wow the sun is going down. Come on Mike there is a pokemon centre just there, we can stay there the night.
~~~Pokemon centre~~~~
Mike: I'm pooped out, all I gotta do is call mum then I will get to sleep.... May?
*May starts to snore*
Mike: Hahhah

Part 3: Team Rocket

May: Mike wake up! It's 8am come on!
Mike: Hmpf eh? Wha? Oh ok!
*May and Mike got ready and set off looking for pokemon and a village.*
Mike: Haven't seen one pokemon for ages.
May: According to the map the next pokemon full path is just up ahead. Wait no we are in it now!
Mike: Where are all the pokemon I haven't seen one!
May: I think those two have something to do with it!
*Jessie and James stood at the end of the route with meowth snatching all the pokemon into bags.*
Jessie: Look James more pests to beat.
James: Ooooo Goody!
May: What?
*Jessie goes through team rocket slogan/song*
Meowth: Lets get em!
Mike: You wanna battle? I'll give you a battle!
*Jessie and James send out {grimer} & {ekans}*
*May and Mike send out {exeggcute} & {growlithe}*
Jessie: Grimer! Sludge! *Growlithe got hit*
James: Ekans! Bite! Exeggcute rolled around*
May: Growlithe! Ember! *Ekans got hit*
Mike: Exeggcute! Confusion! *Grimer fainted quickly*
Jessie: Hmpf, Grimer return. Go {jynx}!
James: Ekans, Poison sting! *Growlithe fell over*
Mike: Exeggcute! Use confusion! *Ekans fainted.*
James: Hmpf that's me out.
Jessie: Jynx! Ice Punch! *Exeggcute fainted*
Mike: Return Exeggcute, go {hitmonchan}!
May: Growlithe use ember!
Jynx: Jy...nx
Jessie: Idiotic jynx!
*Jeesie and James look at Meowth*
Meowth: Im not fighting!
Jessie and James: Let's run!

*A bag of pokemon rolled to Mike's feet*
{sentret} , {oddish} and {meditite} appeared.
May: Wow they're sooo cute.
*Sentret and oddish ran* Meditite just walked away.*
Mike: Oh well, look there's the village!

Part 4: Village pokemon

May: Wow this village is big!
Mike: What's this? A poster about the gym leader here!
May: Mr Henry Jones loves his fighting pokemon, see him today breeding his pokemon in the town hall...
Mike: Let's go!
Voice: Not too fast you two!
*A man with a badge sayin Team Elite appeared.*
May: Team Elite? What about Team rocket?
Man: Team rocket!!! You know them?
Mike: We just thrashed them!
Man: Hahahaha they are rubbish!
May: Oh well
Man: Follow me...
*May and Mike found themselves follow the man into a lab.*
Man: My names Lance, I find the best pokemon around, if I find 2 bad ones, I merge them together!
May: Isn't that a bit creul?
Lance: Oh pish posh! No way!
Mike: Lets see one then.
Lance: Meet Nidodra! A mix of Nidoking and Seadra!
May: What a weird looking pokemon, a green nidoking with a snout and fins!?
Lance: Nice eh? I found this pokemon last week a few cities away.
*A {beldum} lay on Lance's desk* I call him Beldum!
Mike: Neat!
Lance: Anyway got to go! Visit again sometime!
~~~Back in Village~~~
May: Weird
Mike: Lets move on from this Viallge, I heard that the gym leader here is high rated, you need 5 badges to fight him!

Part 5: Ditto and Jack

May: Mike? Where are we?
Mike: According to this map, we are in the Dark forest!
May: Dark pokemon? Or just dark?
Mike: Both!
{shuppet} appeared then dissapered..
May: Weird.
{pinsir} appereared and then dissapered.
May: Woah scary
{politoed} rolled into them and then rolled away.
Mike: What the?
Then after a while a {ditto} came out.
May: Oh a ditto!
Voice: It's mine! Go pokeball!
*A 13 year old boy ran out of nowhere and caught the ditto*
Boy: Yeah I caught one dad!
His dad: Good job son, oh hello there you two, sorry did you want to catch this ditto?
Mike & May: No
His dad: Oh that's good, i'm Nick, and this is my son, Jack.
Jack: Heya guys!
Nick: Im the gym leader in the next town.
May: You are!?
Nick: Yes I am, and proud of it, I collect Normal type pokemon, because they rock!
Jack: I like all types!
Nick: Erm, you two I have a gym leader meeting in about 10 minutes, can you look after Jack until the end of the day?
May: Sure!
Jack: Wow, you will! Let's go!
Nick: Come to my gym at the end of the day. Bye!
Jack: So where are we heading?
Mike: Around the forest and then into your dads gym!
*Suddenly team rocket appear from nowhere.*
*Cheesy theme tune sung by jessie/james/meowth*
Jessie: Hahahah this time we will win!
Jack: What the? Who the?
Mike: I'll handle this!
Jack: No way, I need to get training in!
James: Fine then, the squirt of your pack will fight haha!

Jessie and James sent out {ekans} and {lotad}!
Jack sent out {ditto} and {sandshrew}!
Jessie: Ekans use poison sting! *Sandshrew barely got affected.*
Jack: Ditto transform into lotad!
*{ditto}... ... ... ... ...{lotad}*
James: !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Jack: Ditto use astonish! *Ekans fell back*
James: Lotad use tackle! *Ditto fell back a little*
Jack: Sandshrew! Scratch! * Lotad fainted*
James: Gooo {mawile}! I traded it for grimer!
James: Mawile! Bite! *Ditto fell back more*
Jessie: Ekans! Wrap! *Sandshrew still barely got hurt*
Jack: Sandshrew scratch! Ditto absorb!
Ekans fainted, Mawile fell back after getting health absorbed...
Jessie: Hmpf, ekans do something good for once! Hey wait wheres Jynx's pokeball? JYNX?????
*Jessie ran with Meowth to look*
James: Heheheh Mawile! Vice grip! *Ditto fell down a bit. It didnt faint but it could barely move!*
Jack: Come on Sandshrew finish Mawile off! *Mawile got scratched everywhere and fainted*
James: Return Mawile! *Runs*
*May looked at Jack*
Jack: Hey my dad taught me! haha
{slowpoke} appeared.
Mike: Oh Slowpoke! Yes! Pokeball go!
May: You didnt weaken it!?
Mike: They are so slow that it doesn't realise it's in a pokeball until it's caught. If I train it up, it will turn powerful!
*Mike starts dancing to 'Can't touch dis;*
May: Let's go Jack.

So here are the characters so far:



Please Rate! All rates appreciated!

Coca Cola, 2 Litres a day, keep ma batteries onnnn.

Last edited by rubypoke on Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:55 am, edited 5 times in total.

Sun Apr 17, 2005 12:41 am
Pokemon Master
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Its an interesting story. Its not really my style though. This is kind of a script for the show whereas i prefer, like, short novel sorts of stories so i don't think i'm really qualified to rate it. Sorry! But i can still say its good and you should keep up with it.


Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:36 am
Pokemon Master
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Undeadcutlet wrote:
Its an interesting story. Its not really my style though. This is kind of a script for the show whereas i prefer, like, short novel sorts of stories so i don't think i'm really qualified to rate it. Sorry! But i can still say its good and you should keep up with it.

Thanks, as I say everbody likes different things!
Please rate people if anything should be included.

Coca Cola, 2 Litres a day, keep ma batteries onnnn.

Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:55 am
Pokemon Trainer
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hmm, not bad. It's just happening a little fast and there are all these pokemon that don't seem to fit. I guess that's just to make it interesting, but while reading it, i am never sure of the setting

{cloyster} {roselia} {smeargle} {glalie} {forretress} {skarmory} {cacturne} {qwilfish}
Long live the spikers!!!!! AHHHHH

Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:59 am
Pokemon Master
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flyingmonkey wrote:
hmm, not bad. It's just happening a little fast and there are all these pokemon that don't seem to fit. I guess that's just to make it interesting, but while reading it, i am never sure of the setting

I knew it! Thanks alot for the rate in the next part I will make sure it's noted clearly where the people are.

NOTE: I will only put 4-5 episodes per post, if I put more the post gets too long.

Part 6: Lance with a match

Jack: Whe have been walking around this forest for ages!
Mike: We are near your house and your Dad's gym though.
May: What's that noise?
Jack: Noise? What noise?
May: A weird pokemon sound, hard to explain.
Mike: I can't hear it.
Jack: I can!
*Jack pulls out a pokesoundtracker and points it into the direction of the noise.*
Jack: Ok the sound Exploud!
Mike: Wow an Exploud, a third evolution!
*Then a loud thumping noise started.*
{exploud} appeared.
Mike: Thats big!
Exploud: Aieee argnnn arghhhhh!!
May: Ok ok we heard you the first time!
Jack: Don't even think of catching it! It too powerful for a normal pokeball to catch!
Mike: Let's just run over here eh?
*They all run to the border the forest that meets the edge of town*
Jack: There's Dad! *Jack runs to his dad*
Mike: See ya later Jack, bye Nick!
~~~A while later~~~
May: Right lets get back to that pokemon centre next to the gym it's getting dark now.
Lance: Oh it's you two again!
*Lance walked out of a small building and walked up to Mike and May*
I don't mean to be rude but, may I battle you, nobody will they say scientists are powerful, that's not true!
*Lance sends out {baltoy}*
May: I'll take him on!
*May sends out {charmander}!*
Lance: Baltoy, Psybeam! *Charmander gets hit*
May: Charmander! Ember! *Baltoy fell a bit*
Lance: Baltoy use confusion! *Charmander swivled and fell but got back up*
May: Charmander! Try your best at putting together a flamethrower!
*Charmander took in heaps of air and pushed out a line of fire that made Baltoy swival and lose control*
Lance: Return Baltoy, Go {sneasel}!
May: Ember! *Sneasel straight away got hit by ember and fell back.*
Lance: Sneasel! Quick attack! *Charmander fell to a faint*
May: Return Charmander, gooo {growlithe}!
Lance: Quick attack! *Growlithe dodged it*
May: Take down! *Growlithe took down Sneasel*
Lance: Come on Sneasel! Fury Swipes! *Sneasel kept swiping Growlithe until his arms hurt*
May: Flamethrower! *Sneasel fell back completely and couldn't get up*
May: Heh heh Ember! *Sneasel fainted*
Lance: Return... Very good, I do have 5 pokemon but the rest are in the lab unfortunatly. How many do you have?
May: I have 2 and Mike has 3.
Lance: Only that many!? Blimey go to the back of that shack there, its a pokemon garden, there is a pokemon centre so you may rest there as well.
Mike: Cheers mate!

Part 7: Pokemon Gardens

May: That was a nice sleep! Now come on the pokemon gardens are just outside lets go!
Mike: Ok ok!
May: Wait a minute...
*A poster was on the wall saying: Pokemon Contests! Enter a pokemon and see if your pokemon has a quality! Sorry no more entries now but please come and watch!*
May: Lets watch that show, come on! It's on in 2 minutes!

~~The show~~
Host: Hello ladies and Gents welcome to the weekly Pokemon show!
Host: Today I will be showing you, dazzling pokemon, powerful pokemon and rare pokemon. First we start with the beauties!
Host: Here they are! {clefable} , {wigglytuff} and {vaporeon}!
May: Wow they are sooo cute!
Host: Vote for the one you like the most...
Helping Lady: The winner is with 43% of the votes... {vaporeon}!!!!
Host: Congrats!!!! Now the powerful ones...
Host: Here they are!! {poliwrath} , {machamp} and {vigoroth}!
Helping Lady: Vote for the strongest! Poliwrath also knows water moves, Machamp has 4 arms! But Vigoroth has long sharp nails!... Votes are in...
Host... The winner is... Poliwrath!!!!!!! Congrats! Now the rare pokemon!
Helping Lady: Here they are... {exploud} , {exeggutor} and {slowking}!!
Host: Exploud makes loud noises, exeggutor has 3 heads, and slowking can talk human languages!
May: We saw an Exploud in the forest! And your exeggcute evolves into exeggutor!
Mike: Yeah!
Host: Votes are in... Slowking wins!!!!
Slowking: Thankyou!
Host: Thank you for watching ladies and Gents but we have to go!

May: O that was brilliant, just think your Slowpoke one of the dumbest pokemon ever, evolves into Slowbro then into Slowking, one of the smartest pokemon ever!!!
Mike: Wow!
May: Look! a {scyther}!!! But with it's owner... :(
Anyway let's look for wild pokemon around here, there have to be many decent ones!

Part 8: Mr Mime and Charmeleon

Mike: *Yawn* Not 1 interesting pokemon at all!
May: We did see a {cacnea} earlier...
Mike: That wouldn't come near us. It was shy.
May: I guess...
Mike: Wait a minute!
May: What now!
Mike: A {bulbasaur}!!
May: Wow that's a cutie!
Mike: I don't like grass types though...
Voice: Good, Go pokeball!
*Bulbasaur got caught by the woman*
Mike: How did you...
Woman: I used an Ultra ball, catches weak ones easy!
May: Wow, so you like graas types?
Woman: Do I? I love them! Im one of the trainers at the gym in the next town. I hope to see you there! Anyway what types of pokemon do you collect?
May: I like fire *Woman gulps*
Mike: I like all types.
Woman: Nice, Oh how rude of me, i'm Kate.
May: I'm May and this is Mike.
Kate: Nice to meet you. Oh and have this! This pokemon gets on my nerves, it isn't a grass one. I better be going cya!
*May and Mike recieved {mr. mime}!*
Mike: Mr. Mime, nice!
Mr. Mime:!
May: Do you want him?
Mike: Ok!
*Mike and May can hear whispers behind a bush*
Voice1: Oh don't step on my foot you idiot!
Voice2: Sorry!
Voice3: I need some food before my belly bursts!
Voice2: Same here, i'm starving!
Voice1: We ate lunch a few hours ago.
Voice3: Feels like a decade!
Voice1: SSSSSHHHHH they can hear us!
May: Jessie? James? Meowth?
Meowth: *Jumps out of bush* Heh heh Heya guys just looking at all the Weedles behind this bush!
James: Actually Caterpies!
Jessie: I wish!
*Cheesy theme tune*
*Mike and May send out {charmander} & {mr. mime}*
*Jessie and James sent out {meowth} & {jynx}*
May: Charmander ember! *Jynx ran around screaming!*
James: Meowth, scratch!
Meowth: Awww my legs! *Mr. Mime gets pushed back*
Mike: Mr Mime! Confusion! *Jynx Fainted*
Jessie: ARRRGGGHHH JYNX, return... o noo Ekans is still at the pokemon center being healed until tomorrow! Go, Mawile!
May: Ember!
Meowth: ARGH HOT HOT! Take this, and this and a bit of this!
*Mr Mime fell over*
Mike: Confusion! *Mawile twisted*
May: Flamethrower! *Mawile fainted*
Jessie: Meowth come on!
Meowth: ARRRRR *Slah got charmander spinng but he stood strong!
May: Ember!!!
Mike: Confusion!!!
*Meowth twisted then fainted*
Meowth: Why m..e.....
*Charmander is evolving!*
May: What the!
Jessie: I... er... RUN!!!
Charmander...1...2...3...Charmeleon!!! {charmeleon}
May: YAY!!!

Part 9: Gym part 1

May: Mike, don't you think now is the good time to get going to Nick's for a battle so you can get the badge?
Mike: I guess.
Jack: Hey again!
May: Oh hey Jack, how are your pokemon?
Jack: They are fine thanks, how about you lot?
Mike: We are about to go to your dad's gym.
May: That means, were fine.
Jack: Cool, I can't hang around i'm going to a pokemon centre because im meeting somebody there.
Mike: Cool have fun.
Jack: Will do byee!
May: So, Nick's gym is down the road a bit then left. Cool lets go!
~~While later~~
Mike: Here we are, Nick's Gym!
May: Let's go in.
*They walk in.*
Trainer1: Hey, if you want to fight Nick you have to fight me!
Mike: May you stay and watch ok?
May: Fine. Go for it!
*Trainer1 sent out {doduo}!*
*Mike sent out {hitmonchan}!*
Trainer1: Doduo! Peck! *Hitmonchan stood back.*
Mike: Hitmonchan, Thunderpunch! *Doduo fell over!*
Trainer1: No not electric attacks! Doduo use fury swipes! *Hitmonchan got hit everywhere*
Mike: Heh heh, Hitmonchan you can finish Doduo off, thunderpunch!
Doduo: Do..du..oooooo
Trainer: Return Doduo, go {teddiursa}!
May: Wow it's soo sweet!
Mike: Cross punch! *Teddisura fell over and got back up again.*
Trainer1: Faint attack! *Teddisura dissapeared then reappeared and attacked Hitmonchan.*
Mike: Ice punch! *Teddisura went flying, but still went back to his normal position.*
Trainer1: Scratch! *Hitmonchan well to the ground*
Mike: Return Hitmonchan, Go {exeggcute}!
Mike: Confusion! *Teddisura fell over again, but got back up.*
Trainer1: Slash! *Exeggcute went everywhere but rejoined instantly.*
Mike: Barrage! *Teddisura fainted*
Trainer1: Thats me out.
Mike: Good one.
Trainer1, I have this leftover, I hate grass pokemon but as you have an exeggcute give this to it...
*Mike recieved a leaf stone.*
Mike: Here exeggcute have this...
Exeggcute: Exe...
Mike: Thanks
Trainer1: No problem!

Thats all for now please rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coca Cola, 2 Litres a day, keep ma batteries onnnn.

Last edited by rubypoke on Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:59 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Lance: Meet Nidodra! A mix of Nidoking and Seadra!
May: What a weird looking pokemon, a green nidoking with a snout and fins!?-very interseting
*Grumpig rolls everywhere and faints.*-funny

Good job so far.




Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:18 pm
Pokemon Master
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dragonfan#149 wrote:
Lance: Meet Nidodra! A mix of Nidoking and Seadra!
May: What a weird looking pokemon, a green nidoking with a snout and fins!?-very interseting
*Grumpig rolls everywhere and faints.*-funny

Good job so far.

Thanks! Much appreciated!

Coca Cola, 2 Litres a day, keep ma batteries onnnn.

Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:46 am
Pokemon Master
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Now for the next 4 parts

Part 10: Gym part 2

May: Mike, That's one trainer down, only 1 more to go! And your Exeggutor looks brilliant!
Mike: I know! Here we go...
Trainer2: Ack, the first Trainer is nothing compared to me...
*Trainer2 sent out {shuckle}!*
Mike: Shuckle? *Mike sent out {Mr. Mime}!*
Trainer2: Shuckle constrict! *Mr Mime was stuck in Constrict.*
Mike: Mr Mime, Confusion! *Shuckle luckily got hit by confusion.*
Trainer2: Ack! Shuckle return, he's already fainted! Rubbish he is!
Mike: :? :shock:
*Trainer2 sent out {snubbull}!*
Mike: Mr Mime! Doubleslap! *Snubull's cheeks went red after a pounding.*
Trainer2: Bite! *Mr Mime got bit in the arm, Snubull wouldn't get off!*
Mike: Doubleslap him off! *Snubull went flying onto the floor.*
Trainer2: Heh heh, Rage! *Snubull's face went red, he hit Mr Mime, he fell to the floor.*
Mike: Finish it off! Confusion! *Snubull got dizzy and fell over.*
Trainer2: Return Snubull, go {sudowoodo}!
Mike: Doubleslap! *Sudowoodo barely moved*
Trainer2: Low kick!
Mike: Return Mr Mime, Go {exeggutor}!
Mike: Exeggutor! Stomp! *This time Sudowoodo fell over*
Trainer2: Rock throw! *Exeggutor just stood there*
Mike: Stomp! *Exeggutor stomped on Sudowoodo.*
Trainer2: Ack!! You won!!!
May: You did it!
Mike: Yeah!
Trainer2: You are good! Very good. I suggest healing your pokemon before fighting Nick though, he is extreamly strong!
Mike: I will.

Part 11: Nick and Mike-The battle

Nick: You beat my two trainers, wow you are good.
Mike: Yep
Nick: Well, let's not chit chat!
Nick: Goooo {kangaskhan}!*
Mike: Wow thats big! Go {slowpoke}!*
Nick: :?: :?: :?:
Mike: Come on Slowpoke!!!! Headbutt!
Slowpoke: Poooke? Slllow... *After a few seconds slowpoke headbutted Kangaskhan*
Nick: Kangaskhan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mega punch! *Slowpoke drifted right to the back of the room*
Mike: Slowpoke... Psychic!!!!!
Slowpoke: Slloooow...Poookee!!! *then Slowpoke did Psychic, Kangaskhan went back a bit, nearly falling over.*
Nick: Comet Punch! *Slowpoke got hit 3 times and went back a few feet*
Mike: Psychic again!! *Same again, a few seconds later psychic happened, Kangaskhan went back and landed flat on his back.*
Nick: Return, go {snorlax}!
Mike: Woah!!!! Slowpoke... Confusion! *Snorlax was barely affected*
Nick: Snorlax let's finish this off quickly! Hyper beam! *Slowpoke went literally flying to the back of the arena.
Mike: Return Slowpoke, go {exeggutor}!
Nick: Tackle! *Exegguotr nearly fell over but he kep his balance*
Mike: Psychic, big and quick now! *Exeggutor let out a massive psychic that actually made Snorlax go onto his other side.
*At that moment Jack came in*
May: Hey Jack! Your dad and Mike are battling.
Jack: I see, i'll use the HP rater to see whos winning.
*Jack got out a little machine and pointd it at Exeggutor then Snorlax.*
Jack: Exeggutor=120/150 Snorlax=90/150 Wow Mike is good.
May: That's right!
Nick: Snorlax Tackle again... Tackle... TACKLE!!! :evil: *Snorlax was sound asleep*
Jack: This happens in every battle.
Nick: Wake up! Oh no my pokeflute is at home.
Mike: Exeggutor he's asleep make a good psychic. *Snorlax rolled and rolled and rolled and hit the wall.
Nick: Oooooo Snorlax return!
Mike: YES!!!!!
Jack: :shock:
Nick: Well done! You deserve this!
*Mike recieved the nbadge!*
Nick: Go have fun! And maybe a rest.
Mike: Thanks...

(Well ladies and gents that was the gym battle very sorry I couldn't make it better, I am doing french homework and this at the same time so I didnt put 100% into the gym battle. Very sorry. I will make the next part very good to make up for it but the next part will be later as french homework is taking over lol.)

Part 2: Volcano entrance

Mike: The Volcano...
May: WHAAAT!?!?!?!?!
Mike: No no no... look out the window, look how beautiful it is...
May: Look how dangerous it is...
Mike: It's asleep, and all the Magmars and Slugmas in the suck up all the lava, it's mainly a hot mountain with a massive hole in the top.
May: Oh ok... Is that where we are going next?
Mike: You betcha!
May: Well if there are loads of fire pokemon there it will be brill.
Mike: Well...
May: What?
Mike: Team Rocket have been scaring them all away since yesterday...
May: So we are only going there to kick Team Rocket's Butts?
Mike: Yup and then we see the fire pokemon!
May: Fair, very fair...
~~While Later~~
Mike: I knew Team Rocket would leave something to stop us...
*A massive boulder was in the way to the entrance...*
May: Wait, look a hole to inside! The ledge up there!
Mike: How are we meant to get up there?
May: Climb the boulder!
Mike: No way!
May: Wait, steps are there... Oooo I couldn't see them!
Mike: Let's go!
~Inside the Volcano~
May: Wow it's hot in here!
Mike: Oh there's team Rocket!
May: And an old man!
Old Man: {ninetales} Flamethrower!
Meowth: Why me!? ARGHHHH
Jessie & James: RUN!!!!
Old Man: Yes I did it!
*May and Mike go down and see the man*
Mike: That was amazing!
Old Man: There's more... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Coca Cola, 2 Litres a day, keep ma batteries onnnn.

Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:59 am
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