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 Rebuild of Team Midnight 
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((Death and glory, both draw near! Yosh, Crunchy! How have you been?))

Bill sheathed the blade. "Damn that kid! Tell you what, I like his spirit, but what he just did makes me feel responsible for telling him to fight!"
Gina placed a hand on Bill's shoulder. "We'll find him, no worries. I'm going with Gardevoir right now. I'll use her powers to scan the surrounding area."
Bill huffed. His right hand was burned by Ho-oh, and he had scratches all over his body. Blaziken leaped over to him, concerned. Bill withdrew the Pokemon and turned to the rest of the team.
"I suggest those of you who are hurt go take a rest. The rest, go with Gina and check the place for Leo. If Spence is right and this was a Psyche attack, which is very probable, then there's no telling what's in stock for us. We need to be ready."

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:01 am
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((Midnight is back in action. Good to see you Crunchy.))

Silas ran up just as Regigigas was teleported away and the two legendary birds fell. "Looks like I'm too late. Sorry guys." Silas apologized as he ran up. Jolt and Fury joined him at his side. "Leo's missing? We'll find him. Come on out guys." Silas' entire team was standing before him in a flash of light. "We have to find Leo guys. Quake, search from the air. Fury, Jolt, Blaze, sweep the surrounding area. Spike, head underground and see if you can sense any vibrations. Do not engage any clones unless they attack you. Understand?" The Pokemon all nodded and took off running, flying, and burrowing.

"Let's go Crusher." Tony said. The Metang materialized. "Come with me." Sentinel and Crusher followed Tony over to where Gardevoir and Gina were standing. "Why don't our Pokemon join their psychic abilities. We'll be able to cover a lot more ground that way."


Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:35 am
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"How many people died here today, because of me...? As this city's Leader, I have to take responsibly, and as a Psyche clone..."

Spence hobbled around, searching desperately for any signs of Leo. "How could he and his Pikachu just disappear like that...?" he whispered to himself, flashacks of Lugia's crash of the ground as Leo tried to escape the impact, Spence glared, "He couldn't have just disappeared......"

Ninjas of Midnight leapt by Spence's side, "No leads of the candidates whereabouts yet. Crimson and the others have defeated Regigigas at Seafoam Islands, Crimson is awaiting further orders..."

((if redt returns he can write in the battle if jimmy doesn't want to.))

"Tell him to join the search party."

"Yes, boss." The ninjas vanished to join send word.

Spence sighed, his breathing becoming more and more heavy. Wolf approached Spence.

"Spence. It's about the Night Stalkers. I need more recon on the subject to find out more. Permission to take a small team out?"

"When Crimson and Jimmy return, let them know what's going on. As a Midnight Elite, you're permitted a team to assist you. Take Crimson, Bill and Gina with you. Aaron and Green, too. Someone has to pay... Give yourselves a day to prepare" Spence nodded, feeling lightheaded.

When Wolf left his side, Spence's eyes rolled back behind his head. He collapsed, passing out at the spot. He could hear heavy footsteps rush towards him before he completely succumbed to exhaustion.

A day later...

"Where... am I...?" The young man's soft whispering echoed around a white, empty void.

Leo looked around him, nothing but a white ominous sea of nothing... A figure appeared behind him in the distance. Leo darted around, "Who's there?!" They had disappeared... Leo sighed, crossing his arms, "Weird... how did I get here anyway...?" Leo thought hard to himself.

"Oh!" he slapped a closed hand into his palm, "That's right, I was battling Lugia, then Lugia fell..... Oh no, Sparky!"

Leo turned, a bright pyrefly brushing against his cheek. Leo's eyes widened when a horrifying realisation suddenly hit him. Something somebody said once returned to him.

"The legendary clones... They all come from a world separate to ours called the Realm... It was created using Mewtwo years ago in the Team War. Everybody who died, trainers and their pokemon... were used as material for that world. At least, that's what Diseh told me..." Spence's words echoed through his mind.

"Oh hell... am I...?" Leo gazed at his hands, "No way... this is impossible..."

Leo started to run, sweat pouring from his face, "This couldn't be it... No way..." For what felt like half an hour, it was as if he was running on the spot. Leo tripped, stumbling over his own two feet. He bashed his shoulder in the fall. He soon got to his feet again, a thousand thoughts entering his mind. His heart sunk deeper and deeper. Would he ever see anyone ever again?


Meanwhile, back at Blackthorn City...

Spence battered his eyes open, his vision returning to him. A figure had appeared, sitting at the foot of his bed.

"Spence, you've finally woken up."

Spence narrowed his eyes, trying to make out who that young woman was. Purple hair, bright eyes... Spence smiled, "Kikyo, I'm so glad you're alright... Wait..." Spence's smile turned slowly to a gasp, the Kikyo before him turning dark and twisted. Flashbacks flooded back of Saffron City and Mewtwo's devastating Hyper Beam attack. And of course, Sarah falling to her death.

Spence awakened, gasping for air. He pulled himself over his knee and slowly regained control of his breathing. "Just a dream... just a dream..."

Knock, knock, knock...

A member of Team Midnight walked in, it seemed as though he was waiting for him to regain consciousness, "Boss..."

Spence sighed, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss Scarlet already... at least she gave me some time to myself..."

"Sorry, boss... It's the Elites... And the young man's Dragonite... We need your orders..."

"Right... Tell them I'll be with them in a minute... And, notify the Rocket Leader... I want to share some words with him..." Spence glared.


Spence wondered to the top of the Midnight Headquarters, gazing over the city in shambles. Fire and smoke had torn the city apart. Perhaps everywhere Spence tread, only brought misfortune and chaos to others.

A Dragonite howled within the chambers of the building. Until Leo came back, his Dragonite was a clue to Zack, that's why Spence held the pokemon captive. Each howl the dragon cried cut through Spence's heart again and again. He couldn't take much more of this.

When Jimmy finally appeared behind him, standing in the shadows, Spence turned, "Jimmy, what we spoke of before... I've had a change of heart. You and the professor... if you want your specimens, you're going to have to find your own. I want no more part of it, and you can't use my members for your experiments. Return to Cinnabar Island. I'll call you if anything comes up."

Spence turned back to the distance, his eyes gazing, "While Wolf and the others go after the Psyche soldier remnants called the Night Stalkers, Silas, Alex, Lucia and I are going into the heart of Psyche... I can't simply wait for them to make the first move anymore. This is war... Today was a message from Ki, I'll return the favour."


Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:02 pm
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((Talk of war, Crunchy? Oh, you shouldn't have.))
After hearing Spence's orders, Wolf headed out to round up his crew. "Krysta, you're coming with."
"But Spence said-" she protested. "I know what he said, but I'd feel more safe with you by my side on this mission."
"...Okay. Fine. Whatever. But if he finds out, you're taking the blame."
"Okay." Wolf scoffed. I ain't even married to her yet and she's already acting like that. He rolled his eyes and continued on. He dug out his phone and called Crimson.
"Crimson, hate to say this, but Spence has told me to gather a team for a counterattack. He told me to get you and Green as help too. Sorry, but it looks like no one is getting any sleep tonight. For once you get back, we're going Night Stalker hunting." Wolf hung up, then went to find Bill and Gina. While on his way there, he ran into Aaron.
"How much do you know about the Night Stalkers?"
"Enough. Why?"
"Because I'll be needing you."
Wolf continued onwards, until he ran into Gina and Bill.
"I'll need you guys soon. Spence ordered me to put together a team. Bill, Gina, get ready. We'll be going after Night Stalkers ASAP!"

"As I look up from the ground
I see darkness all around
And I'm lost but can be found up in the sky

Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:50 pm
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((Oh, it does feel just glorious to be back~))

-Seafoam Island-

Thanks to the haste of their joined Psychic-types, a small group as well as Regigigas were teleported away from the already damaged city. Jimmy looked about, confused, for a moment before the realization had hit him. Quickly regrouping with Lucia, Crimson and the others, Jimmy and Rhydon raced to the front lines. The lumbering colossus threw a few clumsy hits left and right. Luckily, they were easily dodged by Scizor and the others. The only exception being Rhydon who was fortunate enough to take the heavy hits with slight ease. It seemed to realize the devastating effects that the previous clone had had on its home and held a severe vendetta against the new opponent.

After what seemed like an eternity of constant battering left and right, the mighty giant dropped to a knee. Their skills were made evident at the situation's ease. Once Regigigas began to glow, the pokemon all separated as the trainers took cover. Rhydon, however, continued hammering at the enormous pokemon. "Rhydon, come back!" It roared loudly in protest to Jimmy's orders. He cursed under his breath as he withdrew his pokeball and scrambled to his feet to return Rhydon. Almost the instant that Rhydon had been returned, Regigigas unleashed its explosion.

Massive amounts of smoke and rubble scattered the beach. Jimmy coughed loudly, clearing his lungs as Lucia shook him awake. Only darkness came to him now. Darkness and an ear-splitting ring. Alarmed, he clutched at her shoulder. "Rhydon. Is it alright?" A savage pain coursed from his head to his arm as he spoke. Lucia shook her head. "You've got bigger problems, Rocket..."

With the team thankfully reunited and having no casualties, Crimson and Lucia hoisted Jimmy between them and the combined effort of Psychic-types returned them safely back to Blackthorn.


Jimmy stood, his hands shoved deeply into the pockets of his pants. He raised an eyebrow at Spence's words. Thoughts of excitement raced through his head as well as a bit of fear. If Spence had actually allowed this to take place, there's no telling what type of outcome there would be. It would definitely take the greatest amounts of Jimmy and the professor's work.

With a quick nod, Jimmy receded back to the shadows. Being at such a close range in the explosion left the right side of his face badly scarred and his arm almost paralyzed. Oddly enough, it had finally given his cane a use. After the initial check-in at the infirmary, he had refused any medical treatment. Fortunately, this did little to shake his personality. "No worries, Cap'n," his voice raspy from a slow recovery. "We've got matters under control. You can always expect the best from the Rockets." In a flash, Jimmy and Espeon dispersed back to Cinnabar.


Alex and Lucia sat patiently and silently in the infirmary. Alex, carefully awaiting the outcome of Liv's check-up and Lucia to stock up on medical supplies for the coming mission.

"Good work back there. Handling Regigigas isn't an easy task." Alex forced a bit of small talk to pass the time.

"I assume not. However, for one who knows what they're doing, it honestly isn't that difficult." Lucia crossed her arms. She was growing impatient and irritated at both the extended wait and the futile attempt at conversation. Alex rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath before he was shot a knowing look. Not too long after, Liv re-entered the waiting room and she and Alex exchanged their words and pleasantries before leaving. Lucia quickly made her way into the office, took her needed supplies and left again. She was quite honestly looking forward to this new mission.

-Cinnabar Island-

Jimmy arrived back with Espeon and immediately grabbed for his cane. Keeping his right hand delved into his pocket, he hurriedly made his way to Sid. "More. Give me another vial."

"You know, I highly disagree with the amounts that you're taking." Sid lightly flicked at a syringe before having it snatched away by Jimmy.

"Worried about me now, doctor?" His smirk now resembling that of a contorted grin.

"Worried?" Sid laughed at the boy's insinuation of the situation. "Aside from your assistance here, your genetic make up means little to me. Destroy it if you wish. However, you must realize how complicated it is to duplicate Mewtwo's cellular structure in succession so many times so quickly."

Jimmy winced after jabbing the needle into his right arm and gave Sid a deep seated look. "Then make it faster. We have work to do, after all." He withdrew his right arm carefully and slowly clutched his hand into somewhat of a fist.

((Commence the march unto war!))

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Wed May 01, 2013 2:51 am
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"Night Stalkers, you say? Good. My blade thirsts." Bill chuckled. "Just give us a moment, OK?" He turned and began to pack a backpack. Next to him, Gina did the same thing.
"So, from what I hear, these Night Stalker guys are ex-Psyche, right? Do they have any special skills? Like, using clones or having enhanced battle abilities? Or are they just a bunch of bastards in need of dispatching?"
Gina sighed. "Whatever it is, let's get it over with quickly. This whole situation is driving me mad. This war has lasted too long. Sooner or later, we'll have to take the fight to Psyche. We can't allow things like today's damage to be done. Psyche must be vanquished, and quickly."

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Wed May 01, 2013 7:49 am
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Ring, ring, ring...


"It's me."


"Spence, listen. There's something you need to know."

"What happened?"


The Midnight Leader had assembled all of the members corrected in Blackthorn City. The fires through the city was extinguished thanks to the efforts of the team’s water pokemon. New rumours of a new war were in the air. The recent attack on Blackthorn City was thought to be Psyche’s doing hence sparking the flames of a new war. Whispers of retaliation was soon to be put to past.

Spence walked towards the podium, a microphone sitting above a flag of the symbol M. Wolf, Crimson and the others Elites stood eagerly awaiting further orders. Wolf’s mission to storm the Night talkers was put on hold. Spence knew all too well his impatience was getting the better of him.

However, with new information from Scarlet, there was a slight change of plans.

Spence took a deep breath.

"First of all, I'd like to welcome new members of the team here today. Lucia, Aaron, Green and Tony --- these new comrades were the reason we easily won victory against this recent attack. They are all skilled trainers and fighters. I hope you give them a warm welcome within our ranks.

Midnight Elites, Midnight members, all our representatives and supporters... Yesterday, our headquarters was attacked by legendary clones sent by none other than Psyche..."

Murmurs from the crowd cued, their suspicions proved to be in fact true.

"Yesterday, I planned to retaliate. This group who calls themselves Night Stalkers seem to have a connection with Psyche. However, I received information from Lilycove HQ and there's going to be a light change in plans.

Psyche wants us to strike back. We will not weaken our defences in an offensive. I imagine that's just what they want us to do.

Okay. Wolf will still be leading the attack on the Night Stalk group. Although, his team will be much smaller then originally planned. Instead, I'm assigning only Bill, Gina, Aaron and Root. The Night Stalkers reside underground the chasms of Pyrite Town called The Under, a subterranean city situated directly beneath Pyrite of the Orre region where the Team Cipher once remained large.

Crimson, Green, they will be remaining here at Blackthorn in my absence.

I will take the airship with Alex, Lucia, and Silas and Tony. With the information I received from Lilycove, there has been recent Psyche activity in the Sinnoh region. We've lost a squadron there. I’m going to investigate.

Flare and Ultima squads. I'm assigning you to the region Unova.

All teams will be leaving shortly. That is all.”

Spence stepped down, finding Alex and Silas before waving them over. “I want you to come with me.”


"Way to not fall into their right into their hands, Midnight Leader..." A member smirked to himself, walking towards the back of the room, hidden within the crowd to uniformed members, "Still, new information, huh...? Diseh might find this interesting at least..." the disguised man turned, "Let's go, Zoroark."

The man suddenly vanished as quickly as he appeared.


Within the chamber of the HQ, the howling of the Dragonite echoed the hallways. “Alex, do you remember what I said to you two years ago, right? About if I ever did something Sarah wouldn’t approve of? I’m here to correct a mistake I made.”


"I'm lost..." Leo wondered through the limitless world, mentally exhausted, "Sparky... Spence... Zack... Cathy... anyone... please......" Leo stopped, his hair falling over his eyes before crying out loud, "SOMEBODY! PLEASE, HELP ME!!"

A rustle from behind Leo caught his attention, a yellow mouse darting beside him and into the distance. Leo blinked. "S-Sparky? H-Hey! Wait up!" Leo started to chase Sparky, "Hey, I said wait! What's up with you?!"

It wasn't too long before Leo's legs couldn't keep up. He fell his hands to his knees, leaning down to catch his breath. Suddenly, a faint cry of Sparky's lifted his head. "No... this can't be real, am I... imagining things...?" Leo's eyes widened. There was a girl in the distance, a little bit older than himself, "Cathy...?

Leo started pacing, one foot in front of the other, slowly, carefully, "Cathy, is that you...?"

Suddenly, the happy cries of Sparky turned into gasps and cries of pain as the girl's hands strangled the pokemon. What sounded like a snap of the neck, Cathy threw Sparky aside and across the void. Sparky hit the ground a distance away. Leo's eyes could hardly believe what he was seeing... this couldn't be real. It couldn't!

"Sparky!!" Leo gasped in horror, clenching, "You...!! You are NOT the Cathy I know!!"

The figure, the look-a-like of his sister, simply laughed. A soulless being.

"You... bitch!!" Leo lunged forward, a fist held tight in one hand.

The laughter continued to echo. The girl turned dark... transforming into a shadow, growing larger and monstrous until the shapeless form revealed itself to be Ginatina. Leo remembered the stories his grandpa told him and his sister the Ginatina and the Distortion World the legendary monster was banished. However, this Ginatina was one with the girl who resembled his sister.

The white void around him had tranformed to a stormy background, Leo panted, "Not good..." he turned, eyeing his friend who remained quiet and still. There was no telling if Sparky was unconscious or worse, "Sparky..." he growled under his breath, darting toward the dark Ginatina, "You... YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!"

"Damn it... Crunchy's still weak... and... darn! Draco's not here... he must still be in the real world. That means I have to fight this thing by myself... This is bad." Leo turned, gasping as black arms collided towards and lunged at him, Leo barely dodging and getting out of the way in time, "What the hell do I do now...? My pokemon... I'm too weak to fight by myself..."

Leo gasped for the last time, the shadowy arms finally catching him and wrapping around his entire body like a giantic snake. He tried the best he could to squirm, but there was no way he was running away from this. He panicked, "No... I can't let it end like this... Sparky needs me! I haven't found my sister or my teacher! I don't even know if I got into Team Midnight yet! It can't end like this... it can't!" Leo tried to struggle the best he could to set himself free but to no avail.

The Ginatina's mouth opened, a black void within, the arms drew him inside. "No! NO!!" Leo cried. Dark laughter of what sounded like his sister bellowed from within the abyss.

Leo was pulled into the darkness until his screams were no longer heard.


Mon May 06, 2013 4:13 am
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Lucia sat patiently. She was well aware of the situation at hand, yet, she couldn't help but be a little excited for her first legitimate mission. So many years spent stationary - waiting for the chance. Now she could finally strike back at Psyche and the monsters that they bred. As Spence gave them their orders and dismissed them, she hurried off to gather her sword and pokeballs. After all, her brain could only take her so far on its own. Needless to say, she was also looking forward to working with Silas and Tony. Given her disdain of Alex, she was sure she'd be able to put up with him long enough.

Alex ran his fingers over the scruff growing onto his chin as he made his way toward Spence. He always knew this moment would much as he hated to admit it. He spoke in a low, gruff voice. "Spence...what in God's name did you do?" The Dragonite howled in what seemed to be lonesome agony as a slew of ideas ran through Alex's mind. He knew the old man was prone to secrets, but this must have been big to become so urgent.

---Cinnabar island---

Jimmy let out a sigh of relief just before extending his arms into the air for a stretch. "Well done, professor! I do believe I've underestimated our abilities." Sid scoffed and resumed his work. Jimmy ran his fingers lightly across his own cheek with a grimace. "Shame though...all of these cells and this grotesque scar hasn't ceased. Imagine the things we could do if we were able to perfect human appearance...." He trailed off before letting out a laugh. "Oh, but look at me becoming so tangential all of a sudden." Dropping back into his chair, he swiveled around to where his microscope was placed and stroked Espeon's head lightly. "Oh, Professor..." Jimmy cleared his throat and slowly rose back up. "Those few years ago, when you called me by my true name - how ever did you know?"

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Sun May 19, 2013 1:35 am
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After the announcement, Wolf headed back to his room to get his things. War was in the air, and he couldn't pass up an oppurtunity like that. On his way, he ran into Krysta. "Are you set to go?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'll be waiting outside." She replied. Odd, she didn't seem to be... Herself. She said she was ready, and had all the evidence to prove it: her rifle over her shoulder, tomahawks in sheaths, and pokeballs at waist. Shrugging it off, Wolf continued onwards.
When he arrived at his room, the sight on his bed sent a shock through him.
"Sir, did you hear the news?" A Veteran in his armor rushed up to alert the leader of the Night Stalkers.
"Yes, I'm aware." Crenshaw said.
"Send in Krause to intercept them outside of Blackthorn. Hopefully, he'll listen."
"Sir, why the leader of the Pride?"
"Because he's closest!"
"Alright then. I'll alert them!" The Veteran scurried off to alert the command chain.
"Krause, don't fail me this time." Crenshaw said.
Wolf sat on his bed, holding three things in his hands. The first was a newspaper clipping depicting a massacre. The one that claimed the life of Krysta's grandfather nearly seven years ago. The third item was a ring, wrapped up in a note. Wolf recognized the ring as the one he had given her. He set it down and looked at the note.

Wolf, I was looking through clippings of newspapers from Johto, and I came across the one about my grandfather's massacre at the hands of a so-called "mad man." There was a picture with the "mad man" in it within the article. Doesn't he look familiar to you?

Wolf looked at the picture in the article closely. He saw himself. His eyes were glowing, but it was his likeness no doubt. One name came to mind. "David." He muttered.
Wolf remembered that mission. All hell broke loose, and the other guy was angered. Twenty-one innocents, and 34 cops were slaughtered by the monster that was himself. "If I had never took that mission..." Wolf said to himself.
Aaron knocked on the door. "Hey, when are we leaving?"
"Soon." Wolf rose and followed out after grabbing his swords.

"As I look up from the ground
I see darkness all around
And I'm lost but can be found up in the sky

Sun May 19, 2013 8:09 pm
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Bill packed up his stuff. He threw the bag over his shoulder and sheathed his katana. Gina entered his room soon after.
"C'mon, we're ready to go."
Bill sighed. "Those Night Stalker bastards... They really, really annoy me. I wish we get through with them soon. I really wanna go to Sinnoh... I feel like being cast aside."
Gina made a face. "Spence has assigned both you and Wolf on the task. Two Elites on a single task means he takes this quite seriously. Besides, if you hurry so much, don't worry. It's you and Wolf we're talking about. When you two get angry or bored, it's better for everyone to keep a distance."
Bill chuckled. "Guess you're right." He walked out of the room. "Let's go and get Wolf."
"All ready, man? We gotta move out soon. Wait, where's Krysta?"
Bill and Gina had met with Wolf and Aaron in the corridor. Krysta, however, was nowhere to be seen. Bill eyed Wolf carefully. He didn't seem to be in any peculiar state, but then again, the former bounty hunter was good at hiding his emotions. "Is everything alright?"

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Tue May 21, 2013 5:34 am
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