
Pokémon Generation 3.5
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Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

((Sorry guys, I think I'm gonna drop too....someone just take over Isaac for me, thank you having me!))

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

"Team Retreat!" They fled. Does anyone want to take over Issac?

"Great Job Teddiursa! Charlie said as Teddy was jumping for joy. Right we will speed on through Route 1002 to get to Lavender City.

*Speeding Through*
Lavender City

What an amazing atmosphere everyone walking in the packed streets tall buildings, small buildings. Everything. The Gang were walking along when they came across A sign that read:


"Wow a contest! But its at three so lets go to the Pokemon centre first."

Pokemon Centre

"Okay guys we still have some time before the contest. so what do you want to do?"

The next 3 people who post will get the chance to take over the RP for when we visit a building of there choice ( please note in this building you cannot : catch pokemon, confront issac and the building cannot be the pokemart.

Author:  Cellblock [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  U funny kid, u tell funny joke

"Cowards." Emily said, standig in lavender town. Birdeye and swift had come, aswell as blaze.
"I'll catch up with you guys later, k? I'm going to get a bite to eat." She said.

Noodels are as efficient as pokemon centers for my guys.

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

Do you want to host a building or is this building the noodle shop?

Author:  Cellblock [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

Resteraunt. There's a frying fork in every town.

Author:  lordtomato [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

lols. can there be like a battle center/tournament? that'd be kind a fun. After the restaurant of course.

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

yeah would you take over the RP for that?

Author:  Thunder_dude7 [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

*A couple hours earlier*

DX was walking along, satisfied with their victory. He looked down and the river, and noticed a Lotad. As they passed by, the Lotad followed them. DX noticed, bit kept walking. As he walked along, he eventually gave it some food, which seemed to satisfy it.

A few minutes later, he noticed that Lotad was still following. Suddenly, he jumped on his shoulder.

"You want to come with me? Sure. But you'll have to do some contest work."

Lotad smiled. DX tapped it with a Pokeball.

Great. Now I have enough to compete in the contests. DX thought.

*End flashback*

DX walked into the pasta shop, ordered the usual penne noodles with alfredo sauce, then sat down at the table with Emily.

"The Frying Fork may be a chain, but it's pretty darn good." DX said, eating.

Ooh! Can we have a Pokemon Contest after that? It would be simpler to say that towns either have neither or both contests and gyms.

Or did he mean the RPers could compete for fun?

Author:  lordtomato [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

Aethan sat down to his plate of noodles and put cubone down on the seat beside him.
"Hey, guys... could I borrow a pokeball or something? I kinda.. don't have any, and i think Cubone wants to come with me."
Aethan let Zubat out of his ball.
"Cmon Zubat, Cubone! Let's eat and then explore! I think I saw a stadium back there! maybe we could watch a professional match!"

Yea, we could go watch DX's contest after. seems fun. my idea is that they finish eating, go to watch, but end up participating in the tournament.

Author:  Cellblock [ Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

Emily and her team sat down and ate some noodles. She picked up a newspaper next to her.
'LAVENDER CONTEST TODAY'! It read. She put the newspaper down.
"Contests. Waste of time." She said. As the frying fork was near the edge of the town, she could see a perfectly fine electrike in the field. She smiled and left the resteraunt with her team.

Author:  Thunder_dude7 [ Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

DX looked up.

"Contest?!?! WHEN?!?!"

He picked up the newspaper and breathed a sigh of relief. Sign ups were due at noon, in an hour, and the contest was at five.

"See you later. Lotad, Eevee, follow me, quickly."

DX ran to the contest hall, registered, then ran out to the field beside Lavender Town.

"Alright, Lotad. You're going to do the appeal. I think I have an idea. Start with bubble!"

Lotad used the attack, lauching bubbles into the air.

"Now use Razor Leaf!"

Lotad fired the attack, breaking the bubbles, causing sparkles.

"Perfect. Now, let's try and control the direction of the bubbles..."

DX set about practicing.

Author:  Cellblock [ Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

"THANKS!" Emily shouted over to DX, having just catched the electrike.
"What did I do?" DX asked.
"You weakened the electrike for me. Thanks." Emily said, rushing off.
"Sparky. That's your name." Emily said to the electrike. Her team ready, she ran back to the frying fork.

Author:  lordtomato [ Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

"Hey, Emily!" called Aethan.
"Do you want to go watch some of theose tournament battles at the stadium? I think it would be a good experience for both us and our pokemon. If you get DX and Charlie we can all go!"

Author:  Thunder_dude7 [ Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

Lotad caught on to the rather simple appeal quickly. Not much was needed this early. He could get all ornate and pretty in the next contest.

He followed Emily away. As they walked, Aethan alerted them to a tournament.

"Well, I'm a Coordinator. But I could try it, so long as it doesn't conflict with the contest this afternoon."

Author:  lordtomato [ Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)


"Oh man! I'm gonna join!" shouted Aethan. This would be his first ever tournament and he was excited. Zubat was flying around Aethan's head, caught up in his excitement.
"Are you guys gonna come??"

The ournament is just gonna be a series of straight battles. You guys can go as far as you want, but remember, there are four of us and we'll probly end up battling each other. Remember, your pokemon not invincible.

Author:  Sonic Josh [ Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

"Contests Go ness" Ness Flys off...

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (THIS IS FUN PLACE)

"Finally mt first contest."

I am closing this RP until : 27/10/08

Do not post now

Author:  Crunchy [ Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (TO BE LOCKED)

Locked on request.

Also, PM me dibs if you want to host it yourself and I'll unlock it if interested.

Edit: Cellblock PMed me, so the roleplay is now his. The roleplay continues after his post.

Author:  Cellblock [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (TO BE LOCKED)

Guess who dibbed the best rP on the internets? :P

Emily walked into the contest hall and took her seat. She didn't normally go to contests, but there was a snack bar in the stadium that sold noodles.

Author:  lordtomato [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5 (TO BE LOCKED)

...well... i don't want to battle all by myself...

Aethan looked around. everyone else was crowding into the nearby contest hall.

"Hey! Wait up!!! don't leave me behind!!!"

He ran in after them and sat down next to Emily.
"Ooh are those noodles?"

Author:  Sonic Josh [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5

Who Is the new leader of this

"Ness get back here now" Hoothoot flys to the contest hall
"Oh right i have to enter" oliver Said "Ness return"

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5

(Lets Just Get On With it) Charlie thought to himself

Josh I think that it is Cellblock

Author:  Cellblock [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5

You think correctly.

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5

Cool, Now lets get the contest Re-Started!

Author:  Thunder_dude7 [ Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokémon Generation 3.5

DX walked into the contest hall, signed up, and hurried into the room where those who had entered were to stay. The room was crowded, much to DX's dismay, but he figured that it would get better as they did appeals. Hopefully he'd get through them. The appeals were to leave four contestants, so the room would be quite roomy if he made it through. DX let out Lotad to give him more room.

"Lotad, this will be just like what we just did. It's fresh in your mind. Ready to get going?"

Give me the word when I can start.

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