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 Hoenn: Ten Years Later (A DM'd RP) 
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Dragon Tamer
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((Alright, I saw your post"))

"Nice Shot, Bufoon, Use Scratch!" I have to use Chimchars normal attacks because his fire attacks won't work well agaisnt a fire-type





Wed May 30, 2007 1:12 pm
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Tom runs to Mauville,ignoring anything and everything untill he reaches the Pokecenter. "This Kecleon's in trouble." Tom panted handing it to Nurse Joy.

Wed May 30, 2007 1:19 pm
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"No, what you are to do is befriend a man that is allegedly a former Magma member. He was believed to be a former admin. However, when the time came for his trial, no one could find any objective evidence against him. So he was set free. His name is Daniel Sannon and he can be found on Sootopolis. You will receive an e-mail of address and description on your way there. In the meantime, use the bank account we gave you to get yourself to the island. Unfortunately, because of that freakin cermony today, all flights have been booked solid. You'll have to get there the hard way."

He then takes a sip from his water bottle. "As for who we are, that will be revealed in time. Believe me, your reputation is in no real harm so long as you do as we say. Plus, if you don't pull something like what you did on the way up Mt. Chimney ever again, you may find yourself benefitting finacially from this."


((That's why it's so funny.))

The sand shrew manages to land a scratch, but is quickly covered in sticky string. He is trying desperitally to free himself, but to no avail. More and more string covers him until he is slammed by caterpie. He tries to stand, but gets tackled again. His pack is laughing their tails off, enjoying this scene. Apparently, they find it humerous that one of their own is being treated like a soccerball.

You could catch it now or you could do something else.


The pidgey receives a hefty blow from the small bolt of electricity. It still has fight in it. Your foe lets out a sneer as he orders a whirlwind from his small bird. The pidgey flaps its wings like mad and causes an spinning wind that takes Bolt for a ride. The spinning moves around some fluids inside of her and causes your pokeball to think that it is in critical condition. Activating the emergancy recall system, the pokeball sucks her back into her ball and temporarily locks up.

You must choose another to battle with.


((Well, like I said, I just pulled it out of thin air.)))

You don't encounter any other pokemon as you head back to the path. At the bottom of the path is the pokemon center. Around the pokemon center, there are shops and a few restaurants. Clearly, this is the lighter part of Lavaridge. There's also a hot springs spa and resort a few blocks down and the gym is right beside it.

Where to go and what to do is up to you now.


Deryl sees what your plan is and orders a tackle from Sheldon. Bufoon is faster and lands the attack first. However, it does do enough damage to break Sheldon's focus and he gets knocked over by the fire-turtle. He's back on his feet though and awaiting the next move.

((Before you tell me that torkoals can't learn tackle, I need a simple move for Sheldon to know. Besides, it's running into something as fast as you can. There really shouldn't be a pokemon that can't do tackle.))


((I'll let it go this time, but for the future, please don't name the attendies at the pokemon centers.))

The nurse, whose name is Cathy, tells you to settle down as she examines the kecleon.

"She'll be ok. She just needs to be healed in our machine. Just return her to her pokeball and hand it to me. You may as well hand me your other pokemon too, if they need it."

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Wed May 30, 2007 5:13 pm
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((lulz soccerball))

I am laughing my head off as I call out to Caterpie, "Thats good!" I then throw a pokeball at the Stringshotshrew, hit it, and it goes in. *jiggle jiggle*


Wed May 30, 2007 7:07 pm
Dragon Tamer
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"Okay, That was good, But this time Fient left before use Fury swipes" Steven calls out to his Pokemon. He hopes his Chimchar actually knows what a fient is.





Wed May 30, 2007 7:16 pm
Dragon Tamer
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You know, I would really like to find someone to travel with. Traveling alone gets quite boring, and really, a little lonely. I love my pokemon, but I would also like some human company. Who knows? Maybe I'll meet a wonderful traveling partner along my journey.

*Holds out a pokeball I colored ash black and flame red* "Return, Cerebrus!"

Wed May 30, 2007 7:17 pm
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Do-Da-Do! Congradulations, sandshrew has been caught. Would you like to nickname your sandshrew? Whether you do or not, your next choice is wide open.


Bufoon has no idea what it means to feint. Instead he simply steps to the left before charging in to attack. Deryl gives the same order as before and the result is the same. Sheldon gets som damage, but Bufoon takes more.

"You're going to have to come up with something else to beat Sheldon, Stevo." Deryl says with a smirk.


((I have nothing to say right now. The scene is still the exact same.))

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Thu May 31, 2007 10:34 am
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Hmmm, this isn't good. I'll have to think of something quickly Steven quickly scans the surroding area for anything he could use as a advantage. " Bufoon, use taunt and then dodge his next attack. Then finish with a scratch from behind!"





Thu May 31, 2007 1:58 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Oh, I did return Cerebrus?

I walk into the pokemon center, looking for the nurse to heal my pokemon.

Thu May 31, 2007 2:13 pm
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"Go, Cinder!" yelled Richard, throwing his pokeball. "Swerve around and slash it in the back!".

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Thu May 31, 2007 2:17 pm
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Tom stammered "Well,she's not MY Pokemon,but a wild one thhat I thought got an overdose of Breath of a Dragon." He then hands Cathy his Pokemon plus Kecleon.

Thu May 31, 2007 2:38 pm
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Zak laughed to himself. He decidwd to go onto the main path and head to the desert. He would keep an eye out for any trainers who would want to battle though ((*coughhinthintcough >:O *))


Thu May 31, 2007 8:02 pm
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Around you are some sticks and rocks. Bufoon may be able to lift one of the smaller rocks, but any stick large enough to hurt Sheldon is too heavy for Bufoon to lift. There is also tall grass he could use for cover. However, the tall grass is home to wild pokemon.

Bufoon taunts Sheldon by smacking its butt and wagging it's fire tail. Sheldon gets mad and charges in for the attack. Deryl is trying to tell his torkoal that it's a trap, but Sheldon doesn't feel like letting the taunt go unpunished.


((Ok, the scene was the same except Cerberus was in the pokeball. By the way, did you ever nickname Luxina's machop?))

Inside the pokemon center, you see a small group of trainers waiting to get their pokemon returned. If you were to listen in on their conversation, you'd here the following:

Person 1: "Man, that makes 4 attempts and 0 wins against Flannery for all of us. We didn't have anywhere close to this tough of a time battling Juan. How are we getting are butts handed to us by her?"

Person 2: "Haven't you heard? In, like, the past 15 years she's been going over-drive on her training and getting a higher and higher rank among the Hoenn gym-leaders. Some say she's the best of them."

Person 1: "Well then, screw it. I'm heading out to Rustboro. You don't need all the badges to compete in the Hoenn League Tournament any more, they're just there to get you a higher seed. You all comin?"

Person 3: "I don't know about these two, but I want to take one more crack at Flannery. I just need someone to help me train."

Person 4: "I'll stay if we can get one more person to help. If not, I'd like to go to Slateport to check out the sites."

Person 2: "Nah, not me. I'm going to Rustboro as well. Plenty of time for sight-seeing after I've got all the badges I can get."

Talk to one of them if you'd like. If not, then do whatever you want to.


Cinder pops out of his pokeball and runs underneath and behind the pidgey. The small bird is not yet trained for such a quick spin in mid air and falls prey to a slash from your charmander. The pidgey falls to the ground in defeat as your foe recalls it and then sends out an aipom.

"Use thunder punch, Aipom!" Your foe yells.


The nurse takes your pokemon and the kecleon. "I understand. It's pretty rare for a trainer to do something like that, though."

She runs your pokemon through a healing machine and applies some sprays to kecleon. "There, all better."

The kecleon then hops off the counter where Cathy had placed her and goes over to you. She then crawls up your leg and sits on your head.

"Kecleon!" She announces.

"I think that means she wants to travel with you." Cathy says.


((Ok, ok. I get it. I take it that you aren't planning on nicknaming any of your pokemon.))

On the way to the desert, you see a teen about your age in a red jump suit. He notices you as well and walks over to you.

"Hi. My pokemon are very dear to me. Now let's fight!" He yells as he tosses out a swinub.

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Thu May 31, 2007 8:37 pm
Dragon Tamer
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(I nickname the Machop Atlas. Yeah, I love mythology.)
Walking into the pokemon center, I perk my ears up to catch conversation. I hear a group of trainers talking about Flannery. Sounds like they all got flattened.

They have potential. But they need a helping hand to realize it in full. And quite frankly, I would love to train with a whole group of people. Maybe they got a style or knowledge I can absorb. And I would love to make some friends.

Absorbing the dialogue, I anticipate what they want to hear. They want to defeat Flannery. Two are on the verge of surrender, one seems stronger willed then the others, and one is undecided. But three, and probably all four, are looking for a way to realize their dreams. And I can do that. Now who would be the most receptive? I'll target the stronger willed one first - He's probably the team leader, and seems most receptive to what I have to offer. The undecided one may be quite easy to persuade. The other two may regain confidence if they see their friends with a plan to defeat Flannery.

Walking confidently up to the group, I give a sweeping gaze to the group, then look directly at the most receptive person. "Excuse me for interrupting. But I may know how you and your group can defeat Flannery."

Thu May 31, 2007 10:18 pm
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" Bufoon, Dive into the grass and taunt again!" well this should be intresting, I just hope it works





Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:03 am
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The whole group pauses their conversations.

"YOU DO?" They all ask in unison. Obviously, they are all interested. Hope you have a good plan to back up your offer. If you don't, there's always doing something else.


((Wow, was that the wrong thing to do.))

It's funny how life is mostly a matter of perception. For example: A young chimchar may be directing a taunt at his opponent, a young torkoal, and while the torkoal is getting angered by this, so is a large tropious that perceived that the taunt was directed at it.

You hear a loud roar just before you see a tropious flying up out of the tall grass. Doesn't look like you'll stand much of a chance against this guy. Your best bet is run. Of course, you could do something else.

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Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:53 am
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Location: Doesn't really matter. It's not like I'm standing right behind you with a knife...
"I don't get it! Everybody knows I was in team galactic because it was issued as a top story in the newspaper; and it even said all of there names! There's no pont in "defending my reputation" if everybody knows I was in galactic! Even though they give me those stares..." Dusk throew is poketech onto the ground, smashing it. "And even if I did this I'd most likely go to the police in the next city about this! Good-bye!" Dusk began walking out of the cave; glad to be free.

Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:16 pm
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"Well,Kecleon,I'd love to have ya aboard." an Tom walks out, heading to the Cable Car.

Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:23 pm
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"Yep. I'll be direct - I intend to combine your knowledge of Flannery's fighting style with my experiences to find a weakness in her strategy. I would like to show you and your pokemon what I learned, to gain strength for facing Flannery and the Hoenn League."

Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:39 pm
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" Oh Crud, Deryl We're going to have to team up to take this thing down. Thankfully, I think it's weak to fire. Bufoon use ember!"





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Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:05 pm
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((lolcliched trainer talk. And I forgot about nicknames actually. Ill edit my profile if you want, along with genders and stuff))

Zak chose a pokeball and threw it. Out popped Bella.

"Magical Leaf, Bella!" Zak yelled.


Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:24 pm
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"Cinder! Try to blast him with your flames before he can get you!" shouted Richard.

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Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:59 pm
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"Suite yourself." Robert says in a nonchalant mannar. Apparently, you may not have been as important to his organization's plans as it appeared. However, the refusal to help them may result in grave consequenses. Watch your every move Dusk, someone else is watching them as well.

For now, though, you have a number of options. Your first is return to Lavaridge. The second is to travel to some other town. The thrid is train your pokemon for whatever is ahead. Finally, as always, the last is that you could do something else.


((Please, work on spacing. A space goes after commas.))

If you are headed to the cable cars that lead to the top of Mt. Chimney, you are looking at a day's hike at least. On the road are various trainers and pokemon to battle. The route is also hilly and will require some climbing. Hope you've packed some hiking boots.


Person 1 and Person 2 turn down your offer and head out together for Rustboro. The other two are willing to stay and train.

"I'm Mandy Hultill and this is my boyfriend, Ian Kyrt." Says Person 3, a 12 year old, red-headed girl who is about 5' 4" tall.

"For the billionth time, I'm not your boyfriend." Ian, a.k.a., Person 4 says with some disdain. He looks to be about the same age as Mandy. He's about an inch shorter, though, and has cropped brown hair. He's got some muscle to him, but nothing to write home about.

"Anyway..." Ian begins. "How are we going to go about doing this? I mean, she takes us on one on one and we aren't allowed to watch others fight. Plus, she has, like, a trillion battle strategies. We only know a couple of hers."

((Mandy and Ian have been added to the NPC list.))


A quick razor wind is most likely going to change your level of optimism. One swing of the tropius's wing KO's both of your pokemon in a heart beat. You can call out more pokemon if you'd like, but don't count on them doing much better. Also, Deryl seems scared stiff. If you are going to run, you'll have to grab him on the way or he'll be left behind.

Still, you could do something else.


((Yeah, I figured you'd like the banter.))

As Belle energizes leaves that are flung at the small hedgehog, the opposing trainer orders a powder snow attack. The two moves cancel each other out and your foe calls for another powder snow.

((Zak's profile has been updated.))


The flames hit the aipom before it has a chance to reach Cinder with its thunder punch. Your foe grimaces a little and relizes he'll have to use what few ranged attacks his pokemon knows.

"Use swift!" The man yells.

Aipom then releases a small stream of small, glowing, yellow stars.

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Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:41 pm
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"I'm glad that's over Aqua! We can start your training now! But we'll have to keep an eye on them; I feel that their a gang of criminals! Let's start with a practice with Flanery!" Dusk began walking back to Lavaridge.

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Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:45 pm
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Your walk back to Lavaridge is fairly uneventful. If you want to stop and look for some wild pokemon to fight, you can. If not, you'll wind up just outside the pokemon center. Around the pokemon center, there are shops and a few restaurants. Clearly, this is the lighter part of Lavaridge. There's also a hot springs spa and resort a few blocks down and the gym is right beside the spa.

If you want to head back to your place, you'll need to take the bus. One should be coming by in a minute or two.

((If you want Dusk to head back to his place, feel free to place him on the bus.))

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Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:02 pm
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