
The Celadon City Trainer Meet
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Author:  TyphlosionXplosion [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:31 pm ]
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Fred was running flat out towards the pokemon tent.

'oh please dont be late' he repeated over and over in his head

He entered the cool tent clutching a cramp in his side and walking up to a receptionist

"Did I miss sign-ups?" he asked, his parents appeared behind him wondering the same question too.

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:43 pm ]
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I saw a boy run into a tent, which happened to be the one I was next to. He asked if he could still sign up, and I said to him, "You can still sign up, but the papers are over there." I jerked my head in the direction of the papers. "You can do single or double battles." I told him, then walked off towards the fountain, my egg still in my arms.

Author:  TyphlosionXplosion [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:47 pm ]
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Fred looked at the girl

"Thanks!" he said and followed his parents to the sign-ups, who signed up together on the double battle list. Fred signed up for the single battle, since he saw no contests scheduled for today.

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:54 pm ]
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Tom signed up for the Tournament. Then he enjoyed a refreshing Soda , with Water for Empoleon, and Lemonade for Absol

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:04 pm ]
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Jimmy gave Jacob a half smile and offered his hand out to shake. "My name's Jimmy. Thanks for taking care of my pokemon as well."

Jimmy gratefully took the sandwich and quickly ate it. "Thank you...for days all we've eaten was berries...I almost had to sell my guitar." Jimmy looked over at his Eevee. "How long until he's better?" He said looking back at Jacob curiously. "Oh don't worry about Sableye, she doesn't like to fight much anyway. She only does when my other two are in danger." Sableye smirked a bit as she heard him talking about her. "As for Beedrill, he'll fight nonstop without forfeit." He looked over and noticed Beedrill picking through the berries. "BY the way, where did you learn to treat them so well?"

Author:  Liz [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:20 pm ]
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Lania smiled at Prof. Elm.

"Uhm, what would it take for me to be able to have the female eevee?" she asked him. She really wanted an eevee so she could train it and it would evolve into a beautiful Umbreon.

Author:  DNA [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:24 pm ]
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Ok, since I haven't posted once here, I'm going to pretend that Solano arrived late.

(And just in case anybody asks, the Solano from the academy and this Solano are practically polar opposites of one another.)

Solano walked into the city of Celadon. He noticed a big, bustling place, with people, trainers, and Pokemon galore. In fact, almost too many people. He began to feel claustrophobic almost instantly.

"Maybe I should've stayed in Fallarbor..." he said quietly to himself. But since he'd been such a long time on the road, he took one Pokeball from his belt in each hand, and threw them both in one swift motion.

"Alright guys, get some fresh air."

A Lunatone and a Porygon2 emerged from the Pokeballs, both looking happy that they were at last in open air after spending so long cooped up.
He noticed a booth that a lot of people were signing up for, so he walked over there to see what it was. There was a big banner there that read "Single and Double Battle Tournaments". He didn't exactly want to sign up for both, in case he couldn't do two in a row. He signed up for the Double Battle tournament, and went walking around.

Or should I say, leaning around. He'd never seen so many people in one place in his whole life, and he had no idea what to do, so he did what always worked for him. He found a quiet spot near a wall, and leaned on it, as he was somewhat anti-social.


Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:42 pm ]
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((Anti-social, huh? You aren't that different from the Solano in DNA Academy in sorts of places...))
As bored as I was, and as Candy was, I had no ideas. Candy then got the idea that meeting new people, trainers, mostly, was a good idea, and ran to a trainer who was leaning against the wall and sat in front of him. I walked up to Candy, annoyed. "Candy, stop. You know better." I said sternly to her. She gave me a crossed look, and ran to my side. "Sorry about that. She's just bored." I said to the trainer.

Author:  DNA [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:48 pm ]
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"Eh, it's alright. It was just curiosity. I can live with that." Solano responded kindly. He extended his hand to this girl.

"I'm Solano Lyon. And you?'


Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:53 pm ]
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"Kiki." I said softly, wondering what would happen if Birch saw me. I took his hand and shook it. I hoped that Birch would get angry at me for being so open. "So, did you sign up for the contests?" I asked, making conversation.

Author:  DNA [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:00 pm ]
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"Contests?" he asked. "Do you mean what they call 'Super Contests'? I had one of those back home, but it didn't go over so well. And no, I didn't, as I did not know of them. But I most likely wouldn't participate in them anyway...unless I was asked. I have signed up for the Double Battle tournament, but I don't know when that is. Also, I left my watch in my backpack, so it would take me a while to find it..." He let his voice trail off, and let Kiki continue. (*gasp* Kiki...another repeat!)


Author:  TyphlosionXplosion [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:16 pm ]
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Fred caught the word "contests" and saw the girl who helped him before with a stranger. Butting into their conversation he said

"Did you say contests? Im a coordinator!" he struck a pose as Shedinja buzzed around his head.

Author:  DNA [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:21 pm ]
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Solano was rather caught off guard when some complete stranger butted into the conversation. He got on the defensive.

"Who the heck are you, and why did you just butt in?" he asked this person with some annoying (in Solano's opinion) Shedinja orbiting his head.


Author:  Treeckomaster [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:22 pm ]
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Tom noticed the girl from earlier and these other people. Absol nuged him forward, thinking he needed friends. "Hullo." he said.

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:41 pm ]
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"H-hello." I said, noticing that I was again surrounded by trainers. I suddenly felt claustrophobic. Candy seemed to notice, and started to jump around hyper actively, making everyone jump back a bit, except for Solano, who was already against the wall. She then became obedient again, sitting by my side, giving me more room. I sighed. "Sorry about that. She's a bit hyper."

Author:  metavoir [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:44 pm ]
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((oh, Anson signed up for both single and double BTW))

anson saw someone with an absol. "Whoa..." he sat down in the shade of a tree and did a sketch of the absol. he tried to make it elegant, not fierce, more... proud. he looked at the finished drawing. "not bad." he thought to himself. "he released his shinx. "hey shinx? can i draw you?" shinx nodded and got into a pose as if he was about to strike. "hmm (this is laughing)hmm hmm. ok." he flipped to a new page in his notebook and began drawing.

Author:  Tragar [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:11 pm ]
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Joshua sighed after Jacob rushed off.

"I guess I'll just find it myself..." Said Joshua in sad tone.

"Return Gligar and Frolass..." He said, getting out their pokeballs. He noticed that Jacob was with Kiki and a few other strangers. He decided to leave them alone and go find the sign up sheet. He finally found it and signed up for the doubles match with someone named Anson. He then wondered around wondering what Anson looked like...

Author:  TyphlosionXplosion [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:13 pm ]
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"Sorry, I just like to meet new people" Fred said

he took a few steps back and Shedinja settled down behind his shoulder

"My name is Fred and this is Shedinja. I heard you say contests and I couldn't resist coming over to find out more about them, see Im not much of a battler but I love contests."

Author:  Tragar [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:38 pm ]
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Joshua noticed that Kiki and Jacob were still with the strangers, so he decided to go ahead and talk to them just to see if one of them was Anson. He walked over to them just in time to hear one of them introduce himself.

"Hey Kiki and Jacob. Who are these three here?" He asked. "You don't have to answer though. I overheard your intro as I walked over here. Nice to meet you Fred. I'm Joshua, from Hearthome City in Pallet Town." He said.

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:54 pm ]
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After his conversation with Jacob, Jimmy thought he'd go and meet the rest of the people there. Afterall, it would be awhile before Eevee would be able to battle again. "I don't mean to interrupt your fine conversation...but did I hear something about a contest?" Jimmy looked at all of them curiously as he set his guitar down lightly. He then backed into a laxed position, holding his hands behind his head.

Author:  Tragar [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:02 pm ]
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"Contests? I sometimes enter my Frolass into contests, but not that often. She does kind of well. Oh, name is Joshua, what about you?" He asked the boy who just talked...

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:11 pm ]
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"Nice to meet you, my names Jimmy. I've always wanted to try a contest but never got a chance to. I think I might sign up as well. Now...where exactly do I do that at?" Jimmy looked around at his surroundings carefully, he tried not to intrude too much at least.

Author:  Tragar [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:14 pm ]
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I'm not sure, since I haven't entered it...I can go with you if you want me to help you find it. Is that ok?" Asked Joshua.

((The funny thing about this RP is this...Joshua, Jimmy, more J's if you join this RP, really!))

Author:  metavoir [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:15 pm ]
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Anson finished his drawing. "heheh! you look goos shinx!" he showed it to her. "hmm... i'm going to try drawing you and dratino togeher OK? GO Dratini!" dratini popped out and posed with shinx. "cool!" anson began penciling it in.

(got to get off now guys. see ya'll tommorow)

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:26 pm ]
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"Sure! The more the merrier." Jimmy said with a smile. He then began to walk around aimlessly, hoping to find other people signing up for it. "Hmm....what about the tent."

((Haha, you're right, that's really wierd))

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