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Goddess Martel, please watch over Sir Blake for me; his troubled soul cries out in need.

Looking to her new partner, Raine shook her head.

"I-I'll just follow you, wherever you decide to go here." Raine replied.

Stepping forward, Raine could not help but overlook the numerous dead, torn bodies lying upon the ground. A grim frown came across her face when she realized what had happened to them.

"How horrible..." muttered Raine. "Not only were parts of their bodies eaten, but their souls were consumed as well. I can only pray that their souls somehow manage to escape free to find peace..."


Sat Aug 02, 2008 4:32 pm
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Blake stared, waiting until only their ears could hear. He got up onto the dragon's back.

"Who knows... From the age of my body, I'm 25... But..." he looked up into the shadowy clouds up above, "I'm no human, but I'm not like anything else either..." he saddened, "I've always been and felt so... empty... Like, I don't think I actually have a... at all..." he choked up.

He quickly shook his head, this wasn't the time or place, "Come on, we have to dispose of those bastards!"

Blake had to wait until Blaze had a good vantage point.


Sat Aug 02, 2008 10:28 pm
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"Here we go then." Blaze shot into the air like a cannon.
He flew up until he could see the entire city, there was a couple of buildings scorched from where the Pheonyx ran by with the signal."Look, there's Gluttony."

A giant mass of basically everything was consuming a couple of the buildings and getting larger.
"We need to hurry and destroy those things so Gluttony cannot draw power from them."


Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:15 am
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Near Looked down at the bodies and sighed. "It's depressing at how all of this could happen so suddenly.." He tightened his fist and let it go before turning to Raine again. "Lady Raine...I promised Sir Blake that I would protect you...and i intend to keep that promise...please try to stay close, as it's difficult to see me in the dark." He walked off slowly, keeping in her vision.

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Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:11 pm
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"Thank you Master Near; I'll do my best to stay close to you." said Raine in response. "I would not want to cause Sir Blake any worry."

Raine walked a bit closer to Near.

"You shouldn't have to worry about me too much," continued Raine, "I can take care of myself fairly well in combat with light magic."


Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:24 pm
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Near looked up as Blaze flew off. Good luck... He cringed at the sound of light magic. "We should move on..."

There was loud crashing and rumbling going on in the background as more of the spawns terrorized the city. The two traveled by foot slowly but surely making their way through the city until Near saw a large mass of what seemed to be a build up of different bodies. "So that's Gluttony.." He looked to Raine. "How should we go about attacking?"

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Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:28 pm
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Crimlash felt his crystal glow, not just the activation, he could feel the light, as if it were a solid object. The light seemed to pierce him, sending shafts of energy into his system, changing him. First, Crimlash could feel a change in his crystal. Now, it was not some strange appendage, it was truly part of him, more so than it had ever been. He could even control it physically it seemed, flexing it like a muscle.
Next, he felt it in his body; at first, something felt wrong, very wrong, more wrong than he had imagined anything to feel. It wasn't exactly pain, but it was more of the sense you get when you knew there was trouble, only enhanced by a thousand. Crimlash knew something was happening, something that could not be normal with his system, and it scared the vampire; but then, suddenly, Crimlash ceased to be a vampire. The power of the phoenix, before only a dim warm spot--much like a heart--was now a raging inferno throughout his body; he knew, now, that the crystal was fully activated, that the full effects of it would come into play. Crimlash felt his vampire side merge with his phoenix, changing both. He was not a phoenix, he was not a vampire, he was a mix. No longer did anything feel wrong, in fact, he felt more right--more whole--than he ever had since consuming the phoenix. Then, Crimlash felt the part of him that heated his skin, and found that it was different, stronger; he felt new power in his limbs. But just a quickly as the high began, it ended, and Crimlash was forced to leap away from Gluttony as the monster shot a blast of electric magic at him. "Close." he thought, even reanimated corpses would be hurt from a lightning blast. Crimlash jumped behind a building, hoping it would give him some cover while he ran a short test. Then he focused on his right hand, heating it to it's new extent. Crimlash grinned, and he realized exactly how much of a phoenix he was. For now, instead of just heating up, his hand burst into flames.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Last edited by dunsparce on Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:18 pm
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Blake was about to answer until suddenly he felt the incredible burst of energy coming from down below. He gasped, beginning to cringe as he slid his sword back into his sheath. "I can't believe it... Crimlash..."

Blake looked around, Near and Raine were away-ways from it. But still, way too close. Near didn't know Gluttony was being dealt with, but he remembered telling Raine. Hopefully enough they would stay away from it.

It was then that Blake saw him, the weak pulsing of the Pheonyx down below. He was unconscious. Blake roared furiously, cursing him in his thoughts. He had to go get him out of there before the fool was eaten, or before he was killed by the stone's uncontrollable power.

"Blaze, fly up as high as you can go above Gluttony," he smiled, his eyes growing darker, "I'm gonna freefall. Meanwhile, as I've distracted Gluttony, you collect Rumetz and push the others back..."


Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:03 pm
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Blaze flew up and over Gluttony. "Even though I think you are insane, I believe that you can do this."
Blaze reached the top of Gluttony's main head, "Go now!"


Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:38 am
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Crimlash felt the power spread throughout his body, wiring him, making him feel more alive than ever before. "Yessssss" He took off his sweater, socks, shoes and arrows and deposited them into a broken window; they weren't flame resistant as he had thought he'd only need it for objects touching his skin. Then Crimlash let the power loose, and the flame engulfed his entire body, he felt the stone burst into flames too, but these were flames of power.
A worried though struck him, "I hope no one's nearby." He knew that, if anyone got within a hundred feet of him, they would be consumed. Crimlash frowned, and decided that he would finish this a quickly as possible.
Crimlash felt the building shudder, Gluttony was evidently destroying it to get to his crystal-bearer. "That...MINE!" The building shuddered again. Crimlash grinned as he turned towards the building, this would be fun. Crimlash jumped up and then launched himself off a flagpole...straight through the building, heading towards the monster's lower body.

He was, now, his own flaming arrow.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:07 am
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Blake lifted his leg over to side with the other one, patting Blaze on the back. "If Gluttony is destroyed here, everything around him will die..."

"Blaze... You, Near, Rumetz, Raine... maybe the only ones capable of good... You have to survive."

Blake then let himself fall back, falling into the darkness of the clouds. Eyes closed, he ripped out his blades from his back. "Raine..." he crossed the weapons, slashing himself into his chest. Weakened, blood falling, travelling with his lone corpse, he let go of the two blades, pulling out none other than the crystal. With his final breath, Blake lodged the stone inside him, into his heart.

His fall became like a missile, plugging into the very body of Gluttony. Bar a second, red energy bursted forth from within it, as the lance Crimlash now was directed its final tale of Gluttony.


Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:23 pm
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Blaze dove straight down, not wanting to think about what Blake had just said. Blaze blew fire around Gluttony, making a circle to prevent the others from getting caught in the blast. He didn't turn his head to see what happened when he reached the Pheonyx. All Blaze did was roll into a ball with the Pheonyx in the center, You must live. You are the savor for Greed.

An explosion erupted from behind Blaze and he was blasted miles away from where he landed. Blaze looked down at the Pheonyx, A couple of cuts and maybe a broken bone or two, you'll be fine. Blaze attempted to get up but a sharp pain shot through his body. He looked at his body and noticed that his right wing had a large piece of wood in it. Blaze managed to stand up but didn't notice the all the gashes he had.

He looked down at the Pheonyx,"Some of us are not as lucky you know." With the amount of blood he already lost, Blaze blacked out and fell to the ground shortly after standing up. ((No Blaze is not dead he just blacked out.))


Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:21 am
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Gluttony turned his lower body to Jewlmen stone, one of the hardest substances in the world. But Crimlash was a fiery missile with his staff pointed ahead of him like an arrowhead, he would not be denied. With a crash Crimlash pierced through the armor and into the hide of the great mass of flesh. The next events happened within a few seconds.
The inside of gluttony was huge, and yet, small. For, instead of a stomach, Gluttony held a swirling magical portal to Mechta; a dark expanse that seemed to stretch forever, yet was cramped in with the many body parts around it. Before Crimlash could even process this, his stone went wild. Crimlash felt a sudden surge of power, but this did not feel like a high, it felt like pain. Cimlash watched in horror as his hands were dragged towards the portal, glowing brighter and brighter as they neared.
Then the portal began to shake, rupturing itself. "It can't take such an opposing magical force, Crimlash realized, "it's going to explode! Then, suddenly, both magical objects stopped their abnormalities as a third power diluted them.
"What the...Blake!"
Crimlash saw the warrior enter the expanse, his front dripping with blood, and his crystal pulsing in his heart.
Crimlash's crystal began shaking, as the magical intensity between the three objects hit incalculable scales. Then, as if finally giving up, the portal exploded; or, for a more correct term, rapidly expanded. Crimlash winced as the giant dark wall of energy came towards him...

Crimlash opened his eyes when he realized he wasn't dead, he looked, and saw an amazing thing. His crystal and Blake's crystal seemed to be containing the portal! The magical pressure was such between the two that the portal could not expand past them. But it tried, Crimalsh saw beams of the black light pierce through Gluttony's hide, warping whatever they touched; a rooftop, a room, a mail box and many other things. Then, as quickly as it had begun to resist, it gave up, and began to recede...taking Gluttony, and his stomach, with it. "Oh..." Crimlash said as he was dragged, alone with the rest of the contents of Gluttony's stomach, into the portal. Crimlash closed his eyes again, as the black orb engulfed him.

((We're off to Mechta! Hi ho!))

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Last edited by dunsparce on Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:51 pm
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" I? Am I dreaming...? this place? So...this is what it feels like to be dead... It...doesn't feel any different... Help... Blaze... Raine! Near... Someone, please help me... Help me... SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!"

Blake woke up screaming his lungs out, clenching his body as if it refused to draw breath. His scream over time turned into a roar, which then subsided into a deep low growl, as if a demon was embodied inside him. He darted around with his eyes, there was blood pooling the ground around him. His chest was constantly bleeding... A normal human would have died from blood loss already. Blake gave a choked up gasp as he had realised what he had done. The crystal, lodged inside himself, the crystal... Blake tried desperately to remove it, using all the strength he had to pull it out with his own two hands.

It was no good. His arms fell to the ground.

He lifted his head forward with a blank expression. Gluttony was there, recovering from what had just happened. Blake wearily looked to the left of himself, realising the location he was now in. Gluttony's land, Mechta. Gluttony would have to be vanquished in his own world. Gluttony peered over and smiled wickedly at the so-called human covered with tasty blood.

Blake didn't want to move from his knees or position.

Meanwhile, the aftermath of the three left a gapping black hole inside the earth. Blake's two blades edged either side of the hole. The surroundings had all been ripped apart, the portal that had took it away into Gluttony's world. The presence of Gluttony no longer there, the spawns that were cut off from Gluttony had all suddenly died.

((We'll come back.))


Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:21 pm
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Raine could not overlook the sensation; two of her allies had disappeared, and one of them was Blake. She stopped walking and knelt to the ground, closing her eyes.

They... did not perish... but they are gone from here. I pray they safely find a way back... Sir Blake...


Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:23 pm
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Crimlash jolted awake as he heard screaming, immediately he adopted a defensive position. Then he relaxed as he saw Blake. "Ah...It was only you..." Then Crimlash's observational skills came back to him. "Gluttony!" he hissed as he saw the monster, a Shadowling healing glow coming from his wounds. Crimlash felt around for his staff/bow, it wasn't there.
Gluttony grinned as the healing finished, "I eat you...later...Bye-bye." Gluttony suddenly caught flame and his many wings pulled him into the air, faster than Crimlash could run. Crimlash tried to jump to reach him but it was no good, Gluttony had the flight strength of a dragon.
Crimlash cursed and looked at the ground, trying to get a hold on his emotions. He could not afford to lose control at this proximity to Blake. Then it hit him, "Blake!" He hurried over to where he lay, examining the wound in his chest. He pinched his nose as he smelled blood.
"Ah, well then. Hold up a sec." Cimlash darted around into various pieces of building lying around, looking for cloth or anything that could be used as badages; eventually, he found a table cloth. He darted back, then started ripping the cloth into strips, facing away from Blake to keep better control of his vampire side. "I'm not sure how well I can fix your chest, but I can at least stop the bleeding." First aid for a fellow in combat had been one of the many thing Emir had taught him.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:40 am
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"It doesn't matter..." Blake depressingly stared into the distance, "I'm already dead... The only thing keeping my body stable now is the crystal..." he ripped the cloth from Crimlash's hands and tied it around himself. The wound was shaped as a huge 'X' on his chest, a lovely scar he would have to bear for the rest of his existence. He stood up.

"I'm...sorry," he apologised, "When I realised what you had to do, to actually... destroy Gluttony, I had to stop you. ...To be honest, I didn't really care what would've happened to the city or its inhabitants. But the others, they would've..." he clutched his chest, as if in some sort of pain, he regained himself "...So, at the last minute, well... You can see for yourself." Blake sighed, wrapping his torn coat around him, "Still, I had no idea we would've caused such a reaction... And after everything, Gluttony's still alive..."

He looked down at his hand, examining it as he clenched and unclenched, "Hmph, I don't feel any different... Still empty..." he murmured.


Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:47 am
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Crimlash grinned slightly, "No, you were probably right, I didn't know I would disrupt the portal to that extent. At any rate, no harm, no foul; well, except for..." He gestured towards the chest wound. "Anyway, I'll run into Gluttony again." Then Crimlash's grin faded. "But your crystal...I'm not entirely sure how it will merge with you, or if it will. I've only ever seen an external fusion." he held up his hands. "How it will react with a vital organ, I really cannot say...It might even stop your heart." But he didn't say the last part out loud, no need to worry him about things no one had control over.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:32 am
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Near pushed his way through the rubble, finally seeing the two. "Blake, are you o--" Near stopped as he saw the gashes in his chest. How can he still be living...? The crystal... He walked over slowly, eyeing the vampire. Another dark creature? its not like a human to have to willingly keep us around... "Blake...let me help you." Near raised his hands upand held them just inches from Blake's chest. A dark light beamed from his hands, Illuminating them with a haunting glow. Slowly, Blake's wounds began healing, although leaving scars. Near had to keep concentration in order for such a magic to work. Especially on such a gash as this. He sighed. "Okay...don't get too might reopen the wounds..." He glanced back at the vampire. He didn't attack...

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Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:48 am
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((Uh...You do know we're in Mechta right? How did you get there Saint_Jimmy?))

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Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:19 pm
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((Did Near get pulled into the portal? Anyhow, we can just say a stable portal was left behind anyway to get back.))

He looked at Crimlash with a hearting smile, one you get after speaking complete nonsense. "I'll be fine, Crimlash. I told you before, didn't I? I'm no human."

((If Jimmy decides to stay put:))

He turned to see Near heading their way, "Hey, how did you..." He let him use his magic. Apart from removing the dry blood from his skin and clothing, and closing up the gash, he wasn't totally surprised when it still left the huge scar. Blake covered it back up. "Thanks..."

((Gotta catch bus!))


Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:27 pm
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Crunchy wrote:
((Did Near get pulled into the portal? Anyhow, we can just say a stable portal was left behind anyway to get back.))

((Actually, I made the little bursts of portal energy partly for the reason if anyone wanted to follow, I just wanted to see if anyone had seen that XD.))

Crunchy wrote:
((Gotta catch bus!))

((Time zones...Ugh... :frustrated: ))

Crimlash glanced at the Shadowling leering at him, and raised an eyebrow. "As if I wouldn't be sucking Blake's blood right now if I meant ill will." Crimlash walked over to observe the healing magic. "Interesting..." Then, when it was finished, Crimlash said, "I'm going to search the area for any useful objects that might have got sucked in," he glanced over at Blake's swords, "I'll get those too, you should lay down for now Blake."
Crimlash did this partly for the reason he said, but also to get away from the blood soaked bandages that smelled tantalizing.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:44 pm
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((woops.....sorry XD i thought it was a back-and-forth kinda portal....I'd offer to edit but it looks like its pretty far in already...))

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Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:19 pm
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Blake watched Crimlash walk away as he suddenly dropped down, he didn't have the mindset to yell at anybody, "Why won't anybody listen to me..."

He sat upright, beginning to glare at the Shadowling. He stopped and sighed a little, "So much for looking after Raine, Near..." he said, sarcastically, but a bit hard to read since of his condition.

Blake began to lay down, just plain exhausted, "I think I might take a nap now..." he said as he closed his eyes.

He didn't think he'd still be alive, sacrificing himself like that. He wondered why nobody would question his falsehood for his humanity. Maybe it was best just to leave it be.


Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:59 pm
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Rumetz staggered up. One of the humans had gone, along with a vampire he had a vague memory of. the dragon was sitting next to him. "What happened to the others?" He demanded "And how long have I been out?"

((School's starting, so I'm assuming posting will be down)

Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:40 pm
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