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 Hoenn: Ten Years Later (A DM'd RP) 
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"Bella, use Razor Leaf! Follow it up with Acid!" Zak yells


Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:40 pm
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Tom checked his pack and finds some, puts them on, and looks for the Winstrate house.

Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:32 am
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Steven returns Bufoon and runs for Deryl. He slaps him in the face and starts dragging him by the arm. : Common you useless lump get moving or that thing will eat us!"





Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:26 am
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Bella quickly flings some razor sharp leaves that cut through the snow cloud and land their mark on the swinub. However, cutting through doesn't equal stopping. Much of the ice attack hits Bella and it is only after a moment to get back on her feet that she releases the small clump of poison juice. Fortunately, the swinub need two moments and got hit with the acid. It looks like it's on its last leg.

"Errrr....Swinub, use blizzard!" Your foe shouts in desperation.

The swinub clearly is too young and will be unable to aim or control this attack. Before it attacks with a blizzard, you should have enough time to issue a command to Belle. An evasive maneuver would be best, but it's your call.


The Winstrate house has expanded quite a bit in these past ten years. Realizing that trainers needed a rest stop between Mauville and the cable cars, they added on a large addition that serves as both a restaurant and a battle field.

Other trainers are standing around, eating with their pokemon; while others take turns battling and watching others battle.

Sit down at a table, order something, socialize, wait your turn to battle, or do something else.


Deryl snaps back to reality and recalls Sheldon. The two of you make a break for it, but the tropius is hot on your tail. It builds up an energy ball in its mouth and fires it at you and Deryl. Before it gets half-way there, it's cancelled out by a shadow ball that comes flying out of nowhere. The tropius turns in the direction it came from and then quickly falls asleep.

If you were to look over in that direction, you'd see a gengar floating next to a man who is about 6' tall, has brown eyes, and dyed-blue hair.

"Hello there." The man says. "I'm sure you know this, but my name's Rock. Rock Edric."

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Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:09 am
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Steven eyes widen as he realises who is talking to him. "Rock Edric!? Really? Great! Thanks for saving us by the way. Not to be nosey, but aren't you supposed to be at the elite four?" Steven regards rock with complete awe, as if he where a legend.





Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:26 am
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Tom looks for a place to sit down.

Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:41 am
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((Its Bella, not Belle))

"Bella, hide in the Soot Fields!" I yell. "Then attack with Stun Spore!"


Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:02 am
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"Nah I the other Elite 4 are all in Sootopolis. Which is where I was, uintil the ceremony ended three hours ago. Glacia told me to travel around Hoenn for a while and get a feel for the place. See the things trainers see, etc. Anyway, it's a good thing I came across you guys. That tropius looked pissed. What'd you do to it?"

"Steven's chimchar taunted it accidentally." Deryl says.

"Oh. Eh, accidents happen. Regardless, which way are you kids headed?"

((Rock's profile has been updated.))


When you sit down, a waitress comes over to get your order. After you make your decision, you see that a larger and larger crowd has gathered around the battle circle. Looks like there's some big action going on there. Some people are making some heavy bets. Two tough trainers must be going at it.

However, a new customer has just walked in to the building. He seems like an elderly business man. His grey, thinning hair isn't the only sign of his age. He is also walking with a rather fancy cane. A middle-aged, but young-looking female attendant is with him. Who knows what kind of things this man has seen and what kind of stories he could tell you? He may be worth talking to.

Then again, do something else, if you want.


((I'll file that under, 'Oops'.))

Bella ducks into the soot-covered grass as the blizzard is shot wildly. The attack goes in just about every direction and even smacks you and your foe with some snow. Bella is untouched, though, and springs up. She aims and fires her stun spore cloud; paralyzing the swinub.

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Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:35 am
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Tom motions for the old man to sit down beside him.

Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:46 am
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"Try ducking under the attack and then run forward and bite him with your fiery fang!" shouted Richard.

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Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:47 am
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"Good, Bella! Pick it up with Vine Whip and send it flying!"


Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:11 am
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"Time to train with a few wild pokemon, Aqua!" Dusk kept on walking in the grass trying to get a weak fire pokemon to appear.

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Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:20 pm
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" We are heading for lilycove to see Deryl's cousin." Steven explains. He then glances at the tropuis. " Well, I wouldn't want to waste catching a tough pokemon like that." Steven throws a pokeball at the sleeping tropuis.





Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:26 pm
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The old man is, in his opinion, too important to obey the requests of some one like you. If you want to talk to him, you'll have to go over to him. If not, there is always the battle arena and doing something else.


Cinder tries as best as he can to dodge, but the glowing stars seek him out and make contact. It's not the worst damage he could receive, but it was enough to break his focus. Until you get close, you'll have to rely on yor ranged attacks.


Ups-idaisy. Bella tosses the swinub in the air with her vines. When it falls to the ground, it's KO'd.

"Oh man." Says your foe as he recalls Swinub. He then reaches for his next pokeball and says, "Go, Kakuna!"


((You do know that magikarp have no water attacks and that fire pokemon have more than fire attacks, right?))

Going down the path, you see a lone slugma resting on a rock. Engage it, if you'd like, or do something else.


"Wait!" Says Rock in a whisper-shout. "Davy, stop that pokeball with a psychic."

The gengar, now known as Davy, uses its psychic powers to hold your pokeball in midair. It then returns it to you.

"Trying to catch a sleeping pokemon may wake it up. In fact, I better get you two out of here before that thing wakes up. You're heading to Lilycove, right? Come on, I can walk you guys there."

((Rock's profile has been updated.))

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Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:58 pm
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"Cinder, blast him with your flames and run up and bite him with your fire fang while he recovers!" shouted Richard.

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Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:21 pm
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" Oh, thanks that would be great" Oh great, I just made a giant mess up in front of Rock Edric, like the greatest pokemno trainer in exsistance. I must look pretty stupid now. I can't belive I tried to catch a sleeping Tropuis "So, How long have you had Davy?" Steven asks, trying to sound unintresting but secretly excited.





Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:26 pm
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Tom walks up to the old man. "Hello sir." he asked politely.

Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:16 am
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Zak yawns and orders a Slam Attack


Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:17 am
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"Use swift again, Aipom, then charge in with a thunder punch!" Your foe orders.

The two attacks collide in mid air and, for the most part, cancel each other out. Both Cinder and Aipom charge in for their attacks. Cinder leaps forward to bite Aipom, it's fangs blazing with fire. However, Aipom's tail-hand is sparking. It swings down and makes contact with Cinder's skull before he can bite Aipom.

The abuse is too much and Cinder faints. Will you call out another pokemon or leave and do something else?


"Well, let's see. I got him in Ecruteak City. So that would make it about 15 years ago. Give or take."

After walking for some time, you hear a ringing noise. "Eh, that's me." Rock says as he takes his poketech off his wrist and holds it up to his ear as a phone. "Newest poketech feature." He says to you and Deryl before talking to whoever is on the other side."

"This is Rock." ... "I'm outside Lilycove. I met these two kids who needed..." ... "I see." ... "How soon can back up arrive." ... "Erg. He'll be gone by then. I need to get moving now." ... "Ok, track my position and have help arrive when it can."

Rock hangs up his poketech and looks at you and Deryl. "Ok, here's the situation. Somethings happened in Sootopolis during the inauguration and we think that a guy who has something to do with it is at the cemetary in Mt. Pyre. Now this guy's tough and my back-up won't be able to get there until a half-hour after I do.

"I'm not going to make you guys do anything, but I'd like you to come along as my back-up."

Deryl looks at you. He's no clue what to do. Go with Rock and face a potentially deadly foe or play it safe and go to Lilycove to see his cousin? Then again, you could do something else.


"Hello, young man." The old man says in a stern and serious voice. "What do you need?"


The opposing trainer smirks. "Kakuna, string shot it as much as you can."

As Bella charges in to slam Kakuna, wave after wave of sticky string covers it from head to toe. It is now stuck to the ground and can hardly move. Your foe sees this and starts cracking up.

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:11 am
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"Really, 15 years? Wow that's a long time" Steven looks amazed. After hearing the news about Mt.pyre he says "Great, some action! Come'on Deryl It'll be great. We get to see Rock Edric in action!" And hopfully pick up some much needed trainiing tips





Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:38 am
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"Ok, then. I'm in, too." Deryl says.

"Good, here's the plan:" Rock says as he tosses out his flygon and staraptor. "You too hold on to my the talons of my staraptor, Luca. While my flygon, Buzz, flies me. When we get to Mt. Pyre, stay close and do exactly as I say. When I point out who we are after, call out only the pokemon I tell you to call out and order only what I tell you to order.


((If you say yes, you can take off. Just stay in the air. Rock needs to say a few more things. Also, Rock's profile has been updated.))

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:36 am
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((lol idea steelar >:O))

Zak smirks back. "Bella, use Razor Leaf to cut up the stringshot. Then use a combo of Gastro Acid and Sleep Powder!"


Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:56 am
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(Don't worry; I know what I'm doing.)

"Perfect! A Slugma! Go Aqua!" Aqua came out of the pokeball. "Now don't feel weak because I'm doing this, but it's for your training! Aqua, come back!" He brought Aqau back into the pokeball. "And now; GO REX!"

(Told you I knew what I was doing!)

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:11 am
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"Well,you looked like you had seen the world and I wanted to meet you." Tom said.

Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:43 am
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((Please, it's called, the third episode in the anime. Caterpie string shots Team Rocket's pokemon the exact same way.))

Unfortunately, Bella is completely stuck. She can't move a thing, which makes the tackle she receives from the kakuna quite embarassing. It'll probably only take another light attack to knock her out.

"Use poison sting." Your foe orders.

((Again, tackle is running into something as fast as you can. No pokemon really should not be able to do it.))


The slugma looks at you curiously and realizes that you want to fight it. Seeing your larvitar, it springs into action and hardens itself to prepare for combat.


The man gives a light chuckle and extends his hand. "Well, my name is Mr. Corkte and I'm glad to meet a young man who recognizes a real learning experience rather than going over to that silly betting ring with those other hooligans. Is there anything in particular you'd like to talk about or would you rather hear just some random adventure I've been on.

((I'll add Corkte to the NPC list when I have more time. I'm a bit in a hurry right now.))

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:02 am
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