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 Hoenn: Ten Years Later (A DM'd RP) 
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Location: Doesn't really matter. It's not like I'm standing right behind you with a knife...
"This battle shoudn't take to long! Rex, use earthquake!"

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:16 am
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" Yes sir" Steven salutes Rock. But out of the corner of hid eye he winks at Deryl. " This is going to be so much fun" He whispers to Deryl out of the corner of his mouth.





Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:47 am
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((Ralph Powalski has been added to the RPer list. Welcome aboard Banov.))

It is the late afternoon at your place and Chili is anctious for some action. He's been waiting for you to start his training agains so you two can be ready when/if Team Magma rises again.

The city itself is a large and peaceful metropolis, but that doesn't mean there isn't any where a trainer can go to get a workout. The beaches on the west side are usually a good hangout place for trainers, as well as outside the contest halls, which is where imaginative coordinators look to get a warm-up before the contests start. Then again, you could head to the safari zone where you are now allowed to battle the pokemon before you catch them, for a slightly higher entrence fee of corse.

Leaving the city and traveling out to the fields will put you in contact with wild pokemon and wandering trainers. Although, you could always do something else.

Ralph's choice was obvious; he trots out Westward, heading for the ebaches and looking out at team Aqua's old hideout, or at least where it used to be. just looking at it gets hima little riled up and ready to face the day.

"Alright, Chili." he says, looking down at the kecleon. "Let's go find us somebody to fight."

The beach is fairly flat, so as he looked around, he was likely to spot anybody else if they were there.

Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:38 am
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Location: In your kitchen, holding a knife. And it's not for the vegetables...
"Come on, Crawky! You can do it!" said Richard, kissing the pokeball. He threw the pokeball. "Use hydro pump, and if it works, run up to the enemy and crunch down on his spine! If it doesn't work, concentrate on dodging his next attack!" he continued.

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:30 am
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"Bella, try an Acid attack to burn through the stringshot! And get away!" Zak yells. Since the Acid comes from its mouth, he thinks, instead of its main body like Razor Leaf, the Stringshot shouldnt stop it. Zak grabs Caterpie's pokeball just in case though.


Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:00 pm
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A pity this is. Two people who have potential just turn it down. But that's their problem. I would want to befriend and train with those who are receptive, ambitious, and strong minded anyway. From our mutual desires we will forge a friendship and propel each other to our goals.
I smile and look at them as I speak their names respectively. "Hello Mandy. Hello Ian. I'm Luxina." *I give a curious look* "Now what makes Flannery so tough? I read about her a little, but you battled her firsthand. How did she act in battle?"

There's got to be a blind spot in Flannery's defenses! Knowing her personality may just reveal it.

Last edited by StevensNightmare on Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:03 pm
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Rex slams the ground hard with all her might. However, she is too young to do it very effectively. Small vibrations are made, but nothing that does serious damage. The slugma shakes it off and releases a small puff of ember that lands its mark on Rex.


The three of you take off and are up in the air, soaring towards Mt. Pyre at incredible speeds.

"What pokemon do you two have and what unnatural (moves learned by TMs, HMs, tutors, and egg moves) do they know?" Rock asks.

"I've got a torkoal that knows toxic and fire blast, but he can't do either with much accuracy. Also, I have a mankey that I just caught." Deryl replies.


Your opponents are numerous and come in all flavors. This is a weekend, so people of all ages and genders are at the beach playing and training. Walk up to whomever you'd like. Be warned, though, age and skill have no correlation.

((Basically, I'll let you pick a random opponent and describe them.))


You don't have to worry about dodging, the hydro pump was more power than poor Crawky could handle. The huge spray of water sends her flying in a random direction. She lands about five feet behind and to the right of you with an embarassed look on her face.

Your foe and his aipom start to chuckle, but his boss soon cuts him off by yelling that they are leaving and that they have all the items they came to get. All of the people in the uniforms that have the red 'R' on them throw down smoke balls.

After the smoke clears, they are gone. So are their pokemon and several items. If you want an inventory of what they stole, you better untie those scientists. Sure, you could do something else, if you'd like, but you'd be a bit of a jerk to ignore them.


Ian begins. "Well, from what she did when I battled, it was like she knew my moves before I made them. Her Ninetales and rapidash are the only ones she's ever used on me. And they are nothing to mess around with. They responded to her orders so fast, it seemed like they knew she was going to make them.

"As for her personallity, she was relentless. It was like... she took the time to find the right time to attack and then never let up. It was like she was focused only on the battle. It was sick, I tell ya."

"Awww...Poor baby." Mandy says as Ian roles his eyes. "Anyway, she fought me with a flareon and an infernape. She basically kept switching between waiting and countering; and going in for the ungaurded spots. She pretty much acted the same way. Fully focused on the battle. Like nothing else mattered. I don't know. I heard a rumor that she uses battles as an escape."

"Oh yeah." Ian chimed. "Our friends told us that she also has a houndoom, a torkoal, a typhlosion, and a blaziken. Hmmm... there was something else I knew about her...but I... just can't...Oh, yeah! Now I remember. Apparently, she doesn't have a charizard or any pokemon in that evolution line. Don't know why."

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:19 pm
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"That must have made you made Rex! Well then send it out with Outrage!"

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:26 pm
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The movement is slightly clumsy, but having it bred into her has made Rex fairly competent with using outrage. Dragonic power swirls around her as she charges at the slugma. It braces itself again by hardening, but still takes a heavy blow. Rex steps back a little and then charges in again.

What do you do or say?

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:46 pm
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"Do it one more time Rex, but then stop so you won't get confused!"

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:57 pm
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" I have a dratini that knows dragon rush, a tuddiursa that knows rest, a drowzee that has no unnatural moves, and a chimchar I just caught" Steven counts off with his fingers as he lists his pokemon. " So, what's the plan fearless leader?" Steven asks in a slightly serous tone of voice.





Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:09 pm
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Rex is barely able to hold her focus as she charges in for her second outrage attack. By the nature of the technique, she cannot stop until she does a third attack. The slugma, however, has a sinster look on its face as yellow energy balls begin to gather around it. Its body then begins to absorb the energy balls and, as it does, wounds disappear. Slugma has just used recover.

((Yeah, I was surprised too. But they can. ))


Rock roles his eyes at the fearless leader comment as the three of you land on Mt. Pyre. He still has his calm face on him, so it looks like he still has everything under control. After he recalls Buzz and Luca, he then tosses you each a pokeball.

"These are two of my pokemon that I am lending you for now, I'd like them back by the time this mission is over." He looks at you. "I've given you my snorlax. Her name is Meganton." He then looks at Deryl. "I've given you my ursaring. He's named Pandanean.

"Release them only if I fall. They'll know what to do. Other than that, don't even expand them to ready size. Now let's go."

Rock leads runs into the hollowed out cemetary of Mt. Pyre.

((All profiles have been updated.))

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:57 pm
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((coughcoughYOUDIDNTUPDATEMEcoughcough D: ))


Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:38 pm
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((My bad.))


By the time Bella's acid gets through any of the string, a spray of poison sting has hit her and knocked her out. Time to recall her and send out the next one if you want.

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Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:14 am
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" Sir yessir" Steven salutes Rock and hollows behind him, all traces of sillyness now gone. "What is this place anyway,?" Steven whispers to Rock.





Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:25 am
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"It's the Hoenn National Cemetary. Now hush." Rock says as the three of you quitely creep into the main area. Grave stones are a as far as the eye can see. Among the numerous people there, Rock points out one in particular to you and Deryl.

"See that man in the brown jacket that is about 40 yards away? That's are guy. Now, I'm going in. But I want you two to stay back and act natural until I give you further instructions. The key here is that he can't know that you are with me."

Rock then takes a deep breath and walks towards the man. He knows that charging in would create a scene and get the man's attention before he wants to. Deryl then turns to you and nervously asks, "What do we do? Help him now or wait for his orders?"

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Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:34 am
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"I'm sorry, crawky!" said Richard. He ran over to the scientist and untied them. "What happened to you" asked Richard.

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Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:54 am
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Your opponents are numerous and come in all flavors. This is a weekend, so people of all ages and genders are at the beach playing and training. Walk up to whomever you'd like. Be warned, though, age and skill have no correlation.

((Basically, I'll let you pick a random opponent and describe them.))

Ralph notices a particularly promising lookign trainer. He's a little taller but a little younger-looking, wearing white karate gi and a red headband. His hair is pitch black and pokes out sparodically from the top of his head. He too, seems to be searching for an opponent, his hitmonlee looking quite determined and anxious to fight.

'Hey." Ralph calls out to him as he slowly approaches, "are you looking for a fight?" He looks at the karate man straight in the eyes. "I'm getting kinda antsy. I need a fight."

Chili, i preparation for the likely coming battle, shuffles across the sand and places itself in front of ralph, assuming a battle stance.

The man looks at it silently, then turns and exchanges galnces with hitmonchan. "Yeah," he says, "Let's go."

"Chili, psybeam!" Ralph yells suddenly.

Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:43 pm
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" Act natural. He said don't go in and it's probally not the wisest thing to do. Considering you would be ticking off one of the greatest trainers of all time and all." Steven whispers to Deryl. And then more loudly... " Yes, I truely am sorry about losing your poliwag. He shall be sorrely missed"





Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:03 pm
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One of the scientists gasps for air before he explains. "Those goons just came out of no where and attacked us! We don't know what they were searching for. From the looks of things, though, they cleaned out quite a bit."

The man asks his colleagues if they are ok, then divides them up to find out what was stolen.


((For future, don't control them. Just pick a foe and describe them only when I give you the choice.))

With an amazing burst of speed, the hitmonchan dodges the psybeam and, before you know it, has slammed its fist into Chili's stomach.

"Hehe. Moch punches are quite amazing, aren't they?" The man says with a smirk.


The man seems to pay no mind to you or Deryl and is quite surprised when Rock releases his most powerful pokemon right beside him.

"Daniel Sannon! As a member of the Pokemon League, I, Rock Edric, place you under arrest! Do not resist or I will have my raikou use force!"

((I'll modify profiles later. I'm in a hurry now.))

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Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:19 pm
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Zak groans as he recalls Bella. "You did great," he whispers. Taking a new pokeball, he throws it, and out pops his Caterpie.

"String Shot!" Zak orders

((lol stringshot vs stringshot. And I have a sneaking suspision that as soon as I attack Kakuna, something happens to it. Dont make it too cliched.))


Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:25 pm
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Tom knew this man was a nice person. "What's that adventure you're talking about? It sounds intresting."

Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:28 pm
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"Quick, cover the exits" Steven whispers to Deryl before dartning towards the exit nearest to the man.





Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:37 pm
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I may have found a weakness. If she is so focused on the battle, she might be vulnerable to a fast surprise move, or an indirect and unexpected move not directly related. If I can use her opposition type to destroy the battlefield, or turn it to my favor, I can throw off her battle strategy. If she uses battles as an escape, and is as hot headed as I heard she is, turning the battle against her may cause her stress to break out, and maybe lose control.
*Looks at the boy* "It's alright. Look on the bright side. You'll do better next time. You and your pokemon fought bravely. And now you can use that experience to grow stronger. I know it hurts. Yet facing your pain is part of being a great trainer. And I know you're brave enough to do so." *I turn to the girl* "No Charizard or his previous forms?" *Snaps fingers* I think I'm on to something...." *Pulls out Pokedex* "Pokedex. What are the egg groups of the Pokemon Ninetales, Rapidash, Flareon, Infernape, Houndoom, Torkoal, Typhlosion, and Blaziken?" If what I suspect is true....

Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:39 pm
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"You think I don't know how to beat my own strategy? Kakuna, keep up a spray of poison sting and aim for the caterpie's mouth."

Kakuna launches a spray of poison needles at Freebs's mouth. Instead of hitting the caterpie, they instead cut through the string. The result is only a few stands making it to kakuna.


Mr. Corkte chuckles. "Well, my favorite of all time was my safari trip to South America. I saw plently of exotic species of pokemon, native peoples, and ancient ruins.

"Hehe, of course, we got lost on the way to one of the older temples. However, we all remained calm and remember, 'where there's a will, there's a way' and we eventually found what we were looking for. The temple was a magnificant site that housed many tools and some odd pokemon fossiles."

Mr. Corkte pauses for a moment to take some medication after the waitress returns to him with a water a hands you the food you ordered.

"Anyway, it was the discovery of my life."

Will you press on, ask about something else, or do something else?


Don't get too anxious, Daniel has yet to make a move. Everyone in the cemetary has ran or stepped far back from Rock and Daniel. He has moved his head to a position in which you can see it and it looks fierce. His eyes look like those of a killer, his face has its share of battle scars, his short, brown hair is...well, that's just hair. But still, he looks quite fierce. You see him inching his hand towards one of his pokeballs, but he stops before he touches it. Clearly, this man is playing it safe, he knows that almost anything can be interpretted as a threat by a member of the Elite 4.

"On what charge, Mr. Edric?" Daniel asks.

"On the charge of assulting Hoenn operatives and civilian employees who were working in the Cave of Origin this morning at 10:58 A.M." Rock replies.

Daniel raises an eyebrow. "I hope you have proof of this, because I can prove I wasn't there at that time."

"You were seen leaving the cave with a small bag. After that, the next person to go in reported that everyone was unconscious."

Daniel reaches into his coat pocket to pull something out.

((Daniel has been added to the NPC list.))


The pokedex shows you what you may have suspected. All pokemon listed are able to breed with the ground egg-group and charizards cannot. However, something is altered to you. Another fire type, magmortar, cannot breed with the ground egg-group. However, it can breed with infernapes, which can breed with the ground group. You may need to learn if she uses one of them as well.

In the mean time, Ian gives you a thanks for the words of encouragement and asks you to tell them your plan.

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Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:16 pm
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