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"(Yeah, I owe you something alright,)" Ginger said quietly to herself after Pandora released her. Freedom at last! The long minute and a half of being chained to a wall nearly drove her to the brink of insanity. Imagine what a week could do--or, heck, a month.

The ninja moved out of the way, leaning her back against the opposite wall so she could watch. As unusual as the whole situation was, it was still rather interesting. Too bad they never had documentaries of this sort of thing on television. Ginger also decided to stick around. She wanted to see just how scary this King of the Dead really was.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:21 pm
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Pandora and Cassius had clearly rehearsed their monthly ritual. Pandora opened his box, put on a silly little nurse hat for effect, and gave Cassius a small dose of sedative, the same sort used in human operations. Cassius counted down from ten, and released himself from the human body when he got to the bottom. Colour drained from the trainer's hair, leaving it a dull blond. His arms returned to normal, and his features began to look more blunt, less vicious, although it was hard to say just where those changes occurred.

Cassius emerged from human's chest, a vicious haunter with bright red eyes and long, sharp claws. A vicious grin, which he could pull of quite well as a human, looked all the more dangerous on his true self, which radiated a sort of sinister aura that most pokemon picked up on even while he was trapped in the trainer he possessed. Pandora smiled, now Ginger was going to see what a haunter could really do.

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Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:32 pm
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"It's nice to see you again, Cassius," Sidney said, beaming at him. She was glad to see that the proceedure had been a success and Cassius had emerged unharmed. "How do you feel?"

"(How come you never told me you were big?!)" Well, floating beside Pandora, he looked big. And Ginger knew she was small for an absol. Back before she met Sidney, the other absols who lived on her mountain would constantly pick on her...which might explain where she got her attitude problem. "(Well, size doesn't really matter. I once took on a dragonite, and won,)" she added with a callous smirk. But that was only because she used her 'secret weapon', which she was contemplating using in this battle in case the odds were indeed not in her favor.

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Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:53 pm
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"(Free)" he said to Sidney, cheerful. He looked back at his human body, double checking that it was all in one piece. "(We'd better move into the next room, it's bigger.)"

The dungeon had several rooms, connected by small corridors. The second one was more arena-sized, and had once contained all manners of torture devices. They were mostly in storage now, the ghosts liked to use the area to run around in, and the spiky ones had caused all sorts of accidents.

"(Cassius, I choose you!)" said Pandora, gleefully imitating a human trainer. Cassius ignored him, but took up position on one side of the room anyways.

"(After you, Ginger)" he said, giving her a haunterly sort of bow.

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Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:13 pm
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((Hehe. Forgot my class was a computer class. :P))

"(What? We're not going to battle up in that nice, open ballroom?)" Ginger asked, somewhat disappointed.

"You two be careful," Sidney said. "And Ginger?" The absol cast her head back to look at her trainer. "Don't do anything...rash." She didn't know how else to phrase it. It was either that or 'stupid', which would just infuriate her friend and cause her to become reckless.

"(Fine, it's go time.)" Ginger struck a pose, standing up tall so that her blade caught a little light, shining faintly. And then she began to glow a faint pink, the absol radiating with psychic energy. There was an obvious sparkle in her eye...and then it went away, the glow fading. It may have seemed like she hadn't done anything, but the darkling couldn't help but smirk when she immagined the Haunter's reaction when he felt the effects several turns later.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Last edited by Flannery on Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:05 pm
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Cassius, not planning on inflicting any status ailments anyways, was unconcerned. He put his hands to the ground, keeping his eyes on Ginger as dark, twisting vines began to grow, larger and much more numerous than anything he could create as a human. They lashed about in the air and seemed to multiply exponentially as they crept quickly up upon the absol, groups of thorned, flowering nightshade stretching like claws to trap her.

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Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:18 pm
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((Uh, whoops. Absols can't use safeguard. >>;; ))

Ginger was unable to move in time and the deadly nightshade wound its way around her legs. Tsk. I keep falling for the same trick. She struggled with the plants, unable to break free. So she cut her way free, bringing her head down and slicing upwards.

"(Nice try,)" she said, already using her next ability. She rushed forward as if charging the haunter. (The nice thing about trainer-free battles are no noisy humans shouting out attacks and tipping off the enemy). She ran a circle around Cassius--several times--faster and faster each lap. And suddenly there were a half-dozen Gingers surrounding him.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Last edited by Flannery on Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:35 pm
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((I was wondering about that...))

Trying to pick one of six Gingers to attack with shadow ball didn't seem like very good odds, so Cassius went for a different approach. Wispy trails of darkness coiled around his right claw, but instead of forming them into a ball, he just punched forwards, without moving his body.

He was aiming in between two of the copies, and when he was at level with them he swung his arm around, to rotate it clockwise and try and hit at least three or four of the Gingers before the real one could react.

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Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:13 pm
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((Yeah, sorry about that. I'll change it to 'sword dance' or something later on.))

Cassius' aim wasn't far off, and the real Ginger didn't even have time to blink before his fist sent her flying back into the wall, the copies vanishing in an instant. She fell into a slump on the ground. "(Hmn, not bad,)" she said, wincing as she got up. He really is tough. But I can beat him. "(Hyah!)" She quickly charged up a shadow ball and sent it flying towards the haunter. She didn't put a lot of energy into it, but it might be able to buy her some time so she could think of something better.

Sidney wasn't really rooting for either of the pokemon. She was just hoping neither of them ended up hurt.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Last edited by Flannery on Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:15 pm
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Cassius was, perhaps, feeling a little show-off-ish. He took a direct hit from the shadow ball, got thrown back a bit, and got back up without a moment's hesitation. "(Oh, the agony)" he said, taunting Ginger.

"(This is how it's done, darkling.)" He raised both hands above his head, charging a significantly larger shadow ball and whipping it at his opponent. But it wasn't really as powerful as he could have made it; Ginger was stronger than he expected, but not as strong as he'd hoped, and he held back for fear of hurting the absol.

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Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:20 pm
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Ginger hit the dirt (figuratively speaking, of course), the attack soaring over her head and barely grazing her back, leaving her perfectly white hair dirty and soot covered. "(Stupid,)" she hissed, but whether she was addressing Cassius or herself was uncertain. Maybe it was meant for both. "(I didn't even put my heart into making that,)" she continued, fuming after Cassius' taunt. "(Now, if you want to show off shadow balls...)"

Another black sphere began to grow before her, surging with energy. It hovered in the air for awhile, nearly doubling in size with each passing second, and when Ginger couldn't contain it any longer, she set it lose. Even she was impressed by its size and power--but what really mattered to her is if her opponent was impressed as well. That is, if he was still standing after being attacked.

((Edit: I changed safeguard to future sight, so I guess we can just ignore the two turn rule. :P))

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:39 pm
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The ghost gymleader was admittedly more impressed by Ginger's wholehearted attempt. He made an effort to get out of the way, which wasn't that hard since the huge attack didn't exactly have blinding speed. "(Better, but too predictable. A powerful attack is useless if your opponent can see it coming from a mile away. Ghost attacks, especially, draw their power from the element of surprise. Also, please don't ruin my walls.)"

As he spoke, the nightshade vines from earlier that still lay scattered about the floor were beginning to grow again, a little slower this time, creeping towards the Absol as Cassius tried to both educate, and keep her distracted.

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Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:25 am
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Ginger snorted indignantly, Cassius' lecturing starting to get on her nerves. What made him think he was superior to her in skill? Because he was her elder by...who knew how many years? Well, as far as she was concerned, the ghost better stop flapping his jaw and concentrate more on the battle or she'd make him eat those 'words of wisdom' for dinner.

Something caught the corner of her eye. Ah, at last, she thought, a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. Something pink and translucent charged past her--a ghostly version of herself, forged by the future sight earlier.

Ginger was feeling pretty confident right about now. But then she felt something creeping up her legs. Nightshade! Again! They wound themselves tightly around her legs once more. She attempted to cut herself free again, but there were too many and they were growing at an alarming pace.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:59 pm
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The nightshade gave Cassius a chance to deal with the ghost of Ginger past, although he was a little absent minded about it. He pushed her aside with one clawed hand, receiving a nasty bite in the process when he accidentally placed it in her mouth, instead of in her side where it was supposed to have gone. Oh well, it would heal.

"(Thank you for fighting me, Ginger. It's been awhile since I've been able to go so hard on an opponent.)" He had on his friendly smile, which still couldn't look anything less than creepy. "(But Sidney probably wants some sleep, so we'd best wrap this up.)"

Shadowy energy crept around his right fist, the beginnings of either a shadow ball or shadow punch, but the haunter waited patiently for the absol to struggle free before striking.

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Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:21 pm
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"(This is not good...)" Cassius' power was unreal. She knew this now. He had avoided half of her attacks with ease, the ones that did make contact not even phasing him. What does it take to take this guy down? the absol thought, panicking. Shadow ball was her most powerful attack. Well, second most powerful. That's it! She had almost forgotten. Her secret weapon...

"(Now you'll see just why they call us absols the 'disaster pokemon'.)" She flashed Cassius her trademark grin, and then the temperature in the stone room began plummeting rapidly. Her trainer shivered, taking her scarf and wrapping it several more times around her neck. Sidney had somewhat suspected Ginger would attempt to use her blizzard attack, but she was hoping she wouldn't--at least not in a confined area.

There was a burst of frosty air, quickly followed by a flurry of snowflakes. The vines that confined her to her spot wilted instantly, the cold air more than a match for the tiny plants. The wind began to pick up, becoming more violent and whipping around the room, the air becoming so thick with snow and sleet that the white pokemon seemed to disappear.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:46 pm
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Pandora, at the side of the room, looked horrified. "(Ginger, no! You can't use th-)" too late, the haunter could barely see his trainer through the thick white snow. Pandora, usually reasonably calm, if a little playful, yelled pokemon obscenities and ducked for cover.

And if Pandora was afraid, Cassius was ten times worse. Not many people knew how the King of the Dead had died, and those few who did knew how terribly it had affected him. His life slipping away in the fiercest winter blizzard Lavender Town had known for a millennium, a three month old Cassius had developed an intense phobia of cold temperatures, which gave him a panicked fight-or-flight response to any ice attack.

And, unfortunately for Ginger, he instinctively chose the first. He had been holding back in his fight, but now that his irrational fear was screaming at him that this was a life or death situation, the haunter released a barrage of shadow balls, any one of which most of the house's ghosts would have been proud to have produced.

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Sun Apr 09, 2006 7:12 pm
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Sidney noticed that Cassius had changed. She didn't know why, because she couldn't read his expression through the blizzard, but she could sense that something was terribly wrong.

Ginger turned her head when she heard Pandora's shouts over the shrill howl of the icy wind. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but then she returned her attention to Cassius...and she understood... "(Oh, sh--!)" Her eyes widened just as the dark novas blocked out her entire vision, and then the first one hit her squarely in the chest, plowing her into the wall. The assault ended ubruptly, and the winds died down, the snow settling to the ground. The absol lay unconcious at the base of the wall, a trickle of red blood oozing out of the corner of her mouth.

"GINGER!" Sidney screamed shrilly, horrified. "Cassius! Stop! NOW!" She rushed forward without thinking and placed herself between her best friend and the irrational ghost, taking on a defensive stance in case his violent panic attack prompted him to plow through her and finish off the absol. Even for a human, the girl was scary when she was furious, her hair disheveled and her face contorted in anger.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Sun Apr 09, 2006 7:46 pm
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Given the chance to think for a moment, Cassius stopped, looking rather dazed, and still terrified. The room was melting, but still very cold, and his every instinct told him to run, but he was rooted to the spot in panic. His disembodied hands were clutched to his head, and he curled up on the floor as best he could.

Pandora, acting the same way Sidney did, placed himself between Cassius and the human trainer, ready to fight back if the rather menacing human dared try anything. "(Get out of here. Now)" said Pan, not sure himself whether it was an order or a good piece of advice.

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Sun Apr 09, 2006 7:59 pm
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Sidney couldn't understand Pandora, but she knew she had to get her pokemon to the pokecenter quick. She spun around, kneeling beside her fallen friend and placing her hand on her side. "Ginger?" She shook the absol gently, her voice cracking. "Ginger, wake up. Please..." The dark pokemon gave no reaction--so Sidney hastily reached for her black and yellow ball, the girl's hands shaking so violently from fear and cold that she nearly dropped it. But the absol disappeared with a beam of red light, and Sidney quickly stood, storming from the dungeon while clutching Ginger's ball close to her chest. She didn't even look back...

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:08 pm
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Pandora watched them go, then zipped back to the first room, finding an emergency blanket in his human first-aid kit. When he got back, a familiar misdreavus was floating near the wall. "(Simon reported a sudden drop in temperature down here. Is Cassius alright?)" asked Maiden.

"(Blizzard attack, from that stupid absol.)" Pandora knew that Ginger couldn't have known, but that didn't stop him from hating her. The two ghosts carefully unwrapped the grey blanket, then Mai dashed off for more supplies, leaving Pandora alone with his friend. It was upsetting to the younger haunter to see his mentor so terrified, a large bulge curled up under the crude blanket, and a bitter reminder that even the King of the Dead could fall.

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Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:27 pm
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Sidney darted down the halls past several confused ghosts, her mind in such shambles that she could barely recall what routes to take to get out. But by some miracle, she managed to find the front entryway, and she forced the large doors open on her own, her body fueled by so much adrenaline that it wasn't even that difficult a task.

Once outside, she called out Abina, who looked concerned over her trainer's panicky condition. "" she managed to stutter. Even though the flygon didn't know what was going on, she could tell the situation was dire because she had never seen Sidney so distraught. She lowered her back so the ninja could hop on, and took to the air, crossing more distance in three minutes than Sidney could ever hope to achieve on foot.

The dragon dropped her trainer off near the entrance, the young woman not even taking the time to return her to her ball before dashing inside--so she quietly followed after her. The ever kind-hearted Nurse Joy recognized Sidney's urgency instantly and rushed over. "What's seem to be--?"

"M-my absol, Ginger," she stammered, holding out the ultra ball. "She's...hurt b-badly..." The girl was on the brink of tears now. "Help her...p-please..."

"We have a severly injured absol who need to be taken to the ER immediately!" Nurse Joy shouted back to the other nurses, who immediately got busy gathering supplies. "Make sure we get a doctor in room 114, stat!" She took the ultra ball from Sidney, jogging away. The trainer had to resist the urge to follow. She knew she'd only be in the way. So she took a seat on a nearby bench, burying her face in her hands. Abina, who had witnessed the entire ordeal, moved close and nuzzled her trainer's hair reassuringly.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:01 pm
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In the far corner of the center, three trainers were staying up past their bedtime. They were the little fangirls who'd been there earlier, still wearing black clothes and makeup, although now it was less clear whether the cause of the dark circles under their eyes was eyeliner, or lack of sleep. They seemed to recognize Sidney from earlier, and began chattering about it.

The tallest got up, approaching Sidney with several looks back to her companions. "Er, is your pokemon okay?" she asked, showing some concern and a lot of curiosity.

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Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:15 am
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Abina blinked at the gothic girl, unsure what to make of her. Sidney slowly removed her hands from her face, dabbing her eyes with her scarf before looking up into the dark face, her own very red. "It's my friend, Ginger," she said, her voice a bit more steady than it was minutes earlier. "She's an absol. started off as a friendly battle. But...something happened. I don't know exactly what..."

What had happened? As far as she knew, Ginger had used blizzard and Cassius had responded by attempting to wipe out her existence. Sidney didn't know what to feel at the moment. Should she hate Cassius? Should she forgive him? Well, right now she was more concerned whether her pokemon would make it or not. The absol's fate might determine her feelings towards the ghost.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:51 am
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"Oh" was the girl's response, since she couldn't really think how else to respond. "There's a really good Nurse Joy here, y'know, I'm sure she'll come out okay. They've fixed Twee up hundreds of times." Despite the sinister clothing and makeup, the trainer was reasonably friendly, and didn't much like the idea of a pokemon getting seriously hurt. She did, however, have a second matter on her mind. "Um, is Cassius around too?"

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Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:37 am
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At those words, Sidney instantly recognized the girl as one of the Cassius fanatics from earlier. She hadn't noticed it before in her distressed state. "C-cassius?" The anger began to well up inside her again. As much as she didn't want to dislike him, she couldn't help it. This was the second time he had made her mad, except last time there weren't lives on the line.

"Cassius is..." Should she tell her? "He's not here. He's...back at his mansion."

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Last edited by Flannery on Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:46 am
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