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 Hoenn: Ten Years Later (A DM'd RP) 
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Zak rolls his eyes. "Caterpie, get behind it," he says. "Then get at it like you did for Sandshrew"


Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:20 pm
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((For future, don't control them. Just pick a foe and describe them only when I give you the choice.))

With an amazing burst of speed, the hitmonchan dodges the psybeam and, before you know it, has slammed its fist into Chili's stomach.

"Hehe. Moch punches are quite amazing, aren't they?" The man says with a smirk.


"Not bad," Ralph responds apathetically as kecleon's color changes from normal green to fighting-type ruddy red, "Chili, let's give him some right back; release psybeam from point-blank, push him back, then use bind around his legs and trip him up!"

((Is this the sort of thign I do for a battle command? Or do I describe the actual attack, too?))

Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:22 pm
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Steven gets anxous, and tries to see what Daniel is pulling out. His fingers itch towards Rock's pokeball but stops himself before touching it.





Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:38 pm
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Freebs jumps around to the back of Kakuna and starts spraying again. This time, the kakuna can't cut the string because it cannot easily turn. It then gets stuck to the ground, facing about 130 degrees away from Freebs.

"Awww man." Your opponent groans. "Kakuna, use harden."


((Yeah, that's right. Just give the order and let me do the rest.))

This time, a mach punch cannot save his hitmonchan. The powerful beam sends it back and momentarily stuns the fighting type. While this is going on, Chili wraps its tounge around his foe's legs and holds them tight. Your opponent smirks, though.

"Ali," He says to his hitmonchan. "We got him now, grab its tounge and activate a thunder punch."


Rock's Raikou is just as on edge as you are, only it can hide it. Slowly, though, Daniel pulls out a ticket stub.

"A ticket stub is your proof? You could have gotten that from anywhere." Rock says.

"True, but it also helps that the time stamp on it reads 10:53 A.M. and the port has several cameras that show me buying this ticket and getting on the fairy that left to the mainland at 11:00. So, unless you think that in five minutes I can travel 20 miles to get from the port to the cave, beat up a bunch of people, and then travel another 20 miles to get back to the port in two minutes, you don't have a leg to stand on."

Rock takes the ticket stub and frowns as he looks at it. He then calls someone on his poketech and asks them to check the port security cameras at that time and then call him back.

"Oh, by the way," Daniel begins. "Those two kids you have with you, not the most subtle of back-ups."

Realizing that his cover is blown, Rock calls you and Deryl to him but to stay close to him.

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Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:35 pm
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Steven walks over to Rock trying not to look to disappointed that Daniel realized who they were. "So, Do we have proof or not?" Steven asks.





Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:47 am
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"We'll know in a second." Rock says after hanging up.

A few moments later, his poketech rings. "This is Rock. What's the video show?" ... "I see." ... "Ok, thank you and call off my back-up."

Rock hangs up and looks at Daniel as he recalls his raikou. "You were right, you're off the hook. But I'd still like to know why you are here next to the graves of people who were convicted of being members of Team Magma."

Daniel smirks as he replies. "The Mt. Pyre cemetary is public property, Mr. Edric. If I happen to legally walk on to it and just happen to stand next to some particular graves, well... there's nothing illegal about that."

Rock is about to leave when Daniel taps him on the shoulder. "However, I do think I know who you are looking for. I'll show you where he is, since I am a honest citizen."

Rock looks a little cross at him and says, "As much as I'd believe that, I have to take these kids to Lilycove."

What will you do or say? Rock seems like he wants to leave, but probably won't force you to go anywhere. Also, Daniel may be telling the truth.

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:23 am
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"She may be vulnerable to air attacks. I know of only three moves that she'll have that can hit an airborne opponent, and they are Swift, Sky Uppercut, and Eruption." (I'm assuming Eruption because the lava stones are launched high into the air, and the ash column can rise quite high from even a small eruption before collapsing into a pyroclastic surge.) "Knowing what she can hit you with now makes it easier to counter her. Just one more question, because this is a vital part of our plan.... What was the battlefield like?" I'm assuming it's open, because she'll want to use moves like Sunny Day, Earthquake, Sky Uppercut, and Eruption to their full effect.. But she may have done something else too.

Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:00 pm
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"Rex, since you can't stop now, attcak again! But thsi time promise me you'll attack with full power!"

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:01 pm
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Tom was amazed. "Sir,what was it that you descovered?"

Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:34 pm
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Zak smirks. "Freebs, swing Kakuna around like a lasso and send it straight up. Then hit it with Tackle from underneath."


Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:46 pm
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"Well, yeah. Like all gyms nowadays, the sky's the limit." Ian says in a slightly joking tone. "The floor is a large rectangle carved out of stone. It get's pretty messed up during her battles so they have to fill it in with artificial rocks. It's actually one of the exercises that she has her apprentices do, they and their pokemon carry large rocks to the floor and then have the pokemon melt them into place."

Mandy has been pondering something this whole time and finally decides to say it. "There's a problem in your plan, though. If our pokemon are in the air, hers can use attacks like flamethrower or fireblast, if ours are in range. If they aren't in range, our attacks won't be able to move fast enough to hit her pokemon before they dodge."

You may need to learn more about their personal strategies to help them win or you could try taking on Flannery yourself and see how good she really is in battle. Then again, do something else, if you'd like.


Rex charges in as strongly as she can and lands a critical blow. Too bad she is now a little disoriented. The slugma seems to be hurting, but not down for the count. It shoots another ember attack that strikes Rex.



"Why, the fossiles of course." Mr. Corkte says with a smile. "There were many varieties of extinct species. I took them back with me and the reward I got for one of them even brought me very close to being the most..." Mr. Corkte stops to cough a few times. "Well, let's just say I was just a few dollars short of being the richest man in Kanto."

A pleasent smile shows on his face as he recalls the memory. Meanwhile, his assistant's poketech alarm goes off and she whispers something in his ear.

"Very well." He says and then turns to you. "Thank you for listening to my story...Tom did you say?...Yes, in return for this trip down memory lane, take this old TM I have taking up space."

He reaches into his pocket and hands you a small disc with the number 28 on it. "That is the TM for dig. Use it well."

He then get's up leaves. What will you do now?


Freebs can't really swing, so much as drag kakuna on the ground in a circle. Either way, you get the results you want. When Freebs is done spinning, it charges in for the coup de grace'. The kakuna faints and the battle is won.

Your foe groans as he recalls his pokemon and walks away. Don't recall Freebs just yet, the young caterpie is glowing.

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:39 pm
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"Rock lets go. This is starting to get creepy" Stevens tugs on rocks sleeve and starts heading towards the exit.





Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:16 pm
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"Stay focused Rex! Crunch up that Slugma!"

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:20 pm
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Zak wondered what was going on. Freebs wasglowing with a bright light, and soon, Zak was looking at a Metapod.



Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:27 pm
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Rock agrees and flies you and Deryl to the pokemon center in Lilycove City.

"Sorry for wasting your guy's time like that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other things to attend to." With that, Rock flies away on Buzz.

It's up to you as to what you want to do in Lilycove.


Rex remaines focused enoughed to land a crunch on the slugma. Because of the power needed for it, her aim is off and she only can hit a small bit of its side. Not exactly the most damging blow. Another shot is fired from the slugma. Now both pokemon look ready to fall.


Congradulations! Your Freebs has evolved into a metapod!

Will you continue to the desert or stay in Soot fields?

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:22 pm
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"Well, We'll curtainly have a story to tell your cousin huh Deryl ?" Steven says. "Buy the Way, when are we going to go see your cousin anyway?"





Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:40 pm
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Zak grins as he picks up Freebs. He decides to hesd for the desert, but as soon as he reaches the outskirts of it, he remembers the vicious sanstorms in the area.

"Dang," he mutters. "I cant get through. All my pokemon except for Sandy would get pulverised in this, and Sandy is weak still from the battle with Freebs. I cant go through Fiery Path either, cause of the type problem. Maybe if I can find a second pokemon thats immune to Sandstorms to be a backup... I remember there used to be wild Cacnea in this area... "

((Once I get through the desert, Im gonna battle Wattson. Can I get something to do with TR afterwards?))


Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:29 pm
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"She lives close to the contest hall, come on!" Deryl shouts.



((Yeah, sure. As long as you don't do anything too inappropriate in the RP.))

"God freakin dangit! You're usless, cacnea!" A voice to your left shouts.

A young, obviously inexperienced trainer approaches you. "Hey, buddy, do you have anything you want to trade for my cacnea? Doesn't have to be a pokemon, could be an item or anything. I just want to get rid of her."

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Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:30 am
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"Larvitarm, don't give up! Use a last ditch Stone edge!"

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Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:45 am
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Rex tries as she might, but in her weakened state, she can only deliver a minor stone edge. Fortunately, the slugma is weak as well and cannot take the blow. It falls and you have won.

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Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:53 am
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Tom goes to the battle ring to see if there's a chance to go tag team.

Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:07 am
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"Did any of those thugs have an odd colored Spinerak?" asked Richard.

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Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:22 pm
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E"rr... Sure," Zak ssays, taken aback. "I have a few berries, and some extra pokeballs. Any of those interest you?"


Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:48 pm
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" Alright, lets go!" Steven shouts. He also releases his dratini and places her on his shoulder.

((Just fast forward to the house please!))





Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:22 pm
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"Oh my god, that battle was awesome!" Cries one teen after one of the trainers inside the ring recalls his last pokemon in defeat.

"I'll say, that battle was unbelievable. Hey, do you and want to battle me? I'm really fired up." Another teen replies.

"Oh man, I'd love to. But I told my girl that, since it was her birthday, I'd only be doing double battles with her. But hey, if you hurry up and find someone, we can go at it before someone else takes the ring."


"A spinarak? Hmmm...No I don't recall any bug types at all. Why do you ask?"

Before you can answer the head scientist, one of the others approaches. "Sir, bad news. Whoever they were, they took a lot. They took our entire meteorite collection, the control system to our weather satellites, and several tanks of rocket fuel. We also scanned the systems and saw that they accessed the rocket fuel's formula. They may have copied it down."

"Erg...What would they do with all that stuff?" The head scientist asks rhetorically.

"There's more bad news, sir. We just got a call from the Weather Institute on Route 119. They got attacked as well. The people there had were wearing the same uniforms and they stole a lot of relay equipment for the weather satellites including their satellite dish."

"Errr...Is there any good news?"

"Yes, sir, there is. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Giecho."

The head scientist mumbles something that sounds like swear words and then looks at you. "Listen, I've got to make a report of this. If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of these guys. Oh, and as thanks for helping us, you can have this." He hands you a disk with the number 57 written on it. "It's the TM for charge beam. Your pichu should be able to use it."


"Fine I'll just take a pokeball or two."

If you make the exchange, you are now in possession of a cacnea.


You and Deryl approach a large red house with a white door frame. Deryl knocks on the door.

"Hey, have you ever met Christy before? She knows a few of my friends, but I forget which."

((Sorry for the meaningless post, but whether or not your character knows her will determine something later.))

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Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:22 pm
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