
The Celadon City Trainer Meet
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Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

((Why....why must everyone person I know call me 'Kiwi' accidentally....WHY??!!:cry:))

I stood up, seeing the two boys.
"Ah, you two are finally here. ((Be sure to use a level ten-ish pokemon...Candy is only level 11...)) But...Where is Jacob?"
I sighed, and sat back down. "Oh! We're going to be disqualified if he doesn't hurry!" Candy yelled in agreement. "Chikor!"

Author:  metavoir [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:09 pm ]
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he caught up and tapped joshua on the back. "hello? anyone home? for the 3rd time, WHAT POKEMON DO YOU HAVE?!"

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:24 pm ]
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I looked at the boy, guessing that since the boy in front of him was Joshua, that he was Anson.
I covered my ears when he yelled. "You know Anson, maybe you shouldn't say that right in front of your strategic opponent. After all, that is my role in this battle. Yet, it will only be a battle once my partner arrives. That is, if he does come." I sighed, then went on with one last sentence. "Can you say that any louder? because if you can, please don't."

Author:  Whitewash [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:33 pm ]
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(Still waiting on whether I make up Samantha or Kipper does. :( No pressure though.)

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:11 pm ]
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((well...being she's not an actual character, im guesssing you can control her))

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:26 pm ]
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((*in a singsong voice*Lala la lala....Jacob...oh Jacob...where can you be?:mad: Lala la lala. Lala lala...Oh where can you be...oh where can you be?![spaces between la's indicate pauses. Not that it is important or anything...]))

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:35 pm ]
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((*plays guitar to the song* hes probably just still working, its all good! afterall, we've still got the newer one!!)) =D

Author:  Youkou no Mugon [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:58 pm ]
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( :shock: I leave the computer for a day or two and you people bombard me with more pages)

Yokou, after hearing the announcment, went off to find her opponent 'hmm, I'll be up against Domenic and some girl...better be careful' she thought as she walked towards the tents.

(who's my NPC partner again??)

Author:  Tragar [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:05 am ]
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"Umm, I thought I already told you?" Said Joshua. "I have a Gligar and Frolass." He told Anson.

((Check the post before your last post, metavoir...And Kawaii, remember...this is like real pokemon on the show. It really doesn't matter what level you are...You have a type advantage over my Frolass...))

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:43 am ]
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((Me and Jimmy'll just wait for the Battle to start. Do, Dabe do ba da da da dada dadadada.))

Author:  DNA [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:32 am ]
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Solano waited around the battle area. He noticed a bunch of people piling in, congregating. He walked up to one, and asked:

"Excuse me, hello there, I'm looking for someone named Elliot Demakes; do you know him? I need to see him before the tournament."

Unbeknownst to Solano, he was talking to Elliot right now.


Author:  metavoir [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:50 am ]
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"you did? sorry. i must've not been paying attention."

Author:  Liz [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:50 pm ]
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OOC; Kipper? What can those trainers do that just recieved their first pokemon? Should they go off and train somewhere, or what?

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:19 pm ]
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((Err...I guess so. If you want, you can probably say that you went to the field and battled for a while in there...Oh, and doesn't Froslass have an advantage over me? Not vice versa...))

Author:  Whitewash [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

(Still waiting on Kipper... but I'll at least meet with my partner.)

Domenic found who he was looking for. She was a gorgeous girl in her 20's. Blonde hair, blue eyes and curves of a vase. Domenic oggled a bit before approaching her. "No you cannot have my number," she said to Domenic as he came to her. Domenic's dreams were crushed before he even thought of them. "Actually, if you are the Samantha I think you are, I'm your doubles partner." She sighed and gave Domenic the looky overview. "Well, I suppose your skills make up for your look," she quietly said.

"Yes, I am quite-Wait a sec! I look just fine," said Domenic with a huff. "That's the spirit!" she replied. "Just because you look horrible doesn't mean you let others get you down!" she was smiling. Domenic decided to take that as a compliment...

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:45 pm ]
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(( the other RP's I've been in...and unlabeled character is always up for grabs...that is...unless someone's already used them, but idk how Kipper works))

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:21 pm ]
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((Seeing how she is your partner, I would assume that it is you who controls her.))

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:52 pm ]
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((Poor Kipper, having to work 6 jobs and hsving a labour shortage. I feel so sorry. Hmm... We should give him a pleasent hi when he posts again.))

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:53 pm ]
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((Woah. Talk about overkill. :shock:
How did you know that? :?
And sure, I'll give him a warm welcome. :wink:))

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:26 pm ]
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((Kawaii, he said it in one of his posts. And yeah I feel bad for him, especially since we're all complaining about it when he's working his @$$ off.))

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:40 pm ]
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((Ah...he did? Woops..I'm bad at that...:roll:))

Author:  Whitewash [ Mon Jul 30, 2007 9:08 am ]
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Domenic decided to ask Samantha about her pokemon. "So what kind of pokemon do you work with?" She replied with a smile,"Well... I have a Shinx, an Electabuzz, a Pikachu and a Magenetric." Greeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaat... "So all..." "Yep! They are all electric!"

Domenic thought about his predicament. Most if not all of his pokemon were Water type. Electric attacks could easily catch his pokemon and fry them. "So what is your specialty? Fast attacks, paralysis, dodging maybe?" Samantha brought her face really close to Domenic's and whispered,"Don't tell anyone but... I go with all out electric attacks."

What!!!!!!!! That is horrible! What if her opponents have a Ground type?! She'll be useless! Worse than useless! She'll help the opponents! "They are super strong when it comes to their electric attacks. Don't worry. I know how good we'll do." Ummm... I get stuck with the dumb broad. She didn't even ask me what kind of pokemon I have!

Author:  Kipper [ Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:46 am ]
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OOC: Hello all, sorry I've been away for a while. PLEASE DON'T LET THIS RP DIE!

I haven't been at home, and I've been somewhat busy at work, as I see you've been discussing. The shop I work in usually staffs six, three technicians and three shop assistants. Myself and my boss are left doing all of this, and it's somewhat tiring. On top of that I do call outs at night so I don't get a lot of time to sit on the net.

I've seen people wondering about their NPC partners for the tournament; yes - you do have control over their actions and what Pokémon they have.

And to those who have taken starter Pokémon; this RP doesn't stop at the meet, trainers are to travel after the meet. The real story is what people do after it ends; where do they travel? Who with? What for? etc.

I'm once again very sorry to have left you hanging, but I have yet more bad news when it comes to this RP and my other one: I'm going to Spain for a fortnight tomorrow, so I won't be around, and I doubt I'll be on the internet for any length of time, if at all.

I have a reason within Children of Sinnoh for there to be a two week hiatus, but not here - so I'm afraid we'll have to wait for the tournament to go ahead, and then see what happens from there. If you don't want to wait two weeks and will just give up on this RP; that's fine, I don't mind. =)

Thanks for your patience,

Author:  DNA [ Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:18 pm ]
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Alright then, then I shall wait patiently for your safe return. - DNA

Author:  Whitewash [ Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:20 pm ]
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SorcererDNA wrote:
Alright then, then I shall wait patiently for your safe return. - DNA

What he said minus the - DNA part.

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