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 Underground Tournament 
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Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:42 am
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Location: Sinnoh!
Appearance: tall, blonde hair
Age: 12
Pokemon Team: {croconaw} {scizor} {magmar} {riolu}
Background: kidnapped at birth his father is now giovanni he dosn't steal pokemon but is a trainer he told his dad he didn't want to steal pokemon so giovanni told him to go to new bark town to get his starter

this okay?

Last edited by pokemon_kinz on Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:08 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Location: Doesn't really matter. It's not like I'm standing right behind you with a knife...
Duno heard an alarm going off. "What, have they detected me already? Wait!" An intercom turned on. "We have a sabotoger! All units report to the arena!" "Hm? Well, I can't just stand here! After all, my mission is to help!" Duno rushed over to the arena and saw two trainers fighting two JETs. "What's going on here?"

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:08 pm
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Pokemon Ranger
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pokemon_kinz wrote:
Appearance: tall, blonde hair
Age: 12
Pokemon Team: {croconaw} {scizor} {metang} {magmar} {lucario} {tyranitar}
Background: kidnapped at birth his father is now giovanni he dosn't steal pokemon but is a trainer he told his dad he didn't want to steal pokemon so giovanni told him to go to new bark town to get his starter

((your team is little too good for this. Try having like 4 pokemon, but not Tyranitar.))

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:11 pm
Psychic Trainer
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-Clinton kept out his Metang as nothing the Jets had seemed to be effective against it, and saw someone coming to help him. The trainer sent out a Houndoom and seemed to know the two Jets. Keeping his attention on the battle at hand, Clinton focused on Nosepass, because it was a Rock type.-

"Metang! Metal Claw on Nosepass!"

-Metang charged forward at the Nosepass bring it's arm up and swinging down towards the Nosepass but missed as the slow rock type moved just a little to the side and used Rock Tomb. It had hit Metang but it kept fighting on due to the type matchup.-

Doc Holliday: I'm your huckleberry.
Cowboy: Your drunk, your probably seein doubles.
Doc Holliday: I've got two guns, one for each of ya.

Friend Code: Clinton, 2363 2702 7673 PM if you want to trade or battle.

Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:21 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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pokemon_kinz wrote:
Appearance: tall, blonde hair
Age: 12
Pokemon Team: {croconaw} {scizor} {magmar} {riolu}
Background: kidnapped at birth his father is now giovanni he dosn't steal pokemon but is a trainer he told his dad he didn't want to steal pokemon so giovanni told him to go to new bark town to get his starter

this okay?
is my new one okay?

Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:37 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Eon noticed his partner's {metang} get hit, so he commanded his {houndoom} to use crunch on the Nosepass. As {houndoom} was running towards it, Katrina's {altaria} used Aerial Ace, knocking Houndoom aside.

"Houndoom! Use Flamethrower!" commanded Eon.

The stream of fire hit Altaria, and it fell to the ground. But right when Eon thought he had one, the {altaria} started to glow, and the burn marks healed themselves instantly.

"Stupid boy," said Katrina, "Our pokemon can heal themselves. They've been enhanced to four times their natural power! But you already knew that, didn't you? Yes we know about your scurrying about. He have this whole place under surveillance."

"Who cares?" said Eon, pointing to Clinton, "by the looks of things, his {metang} should tear this place to pieces."

"That wouldn't be a smart idea..." said Katrina, "In case you haven't already figured it out, this whole place is Underwater, about 500 yards off the coast of Olivine. You'll die, you and all of the pokemon."

Recognizing defeat, Eon recalled his {houndoom}. He shouted to the trainer to do the same, but...

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:50 pm
Psychic Trainer
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-The Nosepass had attempted another Rock Tomb up close, leaving it vulnerable, so Metang hovered to the side of Nosepass and knocked it down with a Metal Claw. Just as the Nosepass had fallen to the ground, Metang began to glow. With a tremendous blast of light, Clinton's Metang evolved into a Metagross.-

-Now weighing twice as much as it did as a Metang, while the Nosepass was still down, Metagross was about to bring his studded foot to the Nosepass's head. But Clinton had heard Katrina, and yelled to Metagross.-

"Metagross! No!"

-Before the Metagross could stomp on it, Clinton called it back to it's pokeball, and turned to face Morry and Katrina, wondering who the person who helped him was.-

Doc Holliday: I'm your huckleberry.
Cowboy: Your drunk, your probably seein doubles.
Doc Holliday: I've got two guns, one for each of ya.

Friend Code: Clinton, 2363 2702 7673 PM if you want to trade or battle.

Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:02 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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(What happened to me?)
Duo ran towards Eon Clinton. "What is going on here?" He looked through his scope. "Do you realize that those pokemon are machanicly enhanced? They could KILL your pokemon!"

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:11 pm
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Bug Catcher
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i'll quit if that's okay

Last edited by pokemon_kinz on Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:12 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Last edited by EXP on Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:13 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Location: Doesn't really matter. It's not like I'm standing right behind you with a knife...
(ARG! Don't godmode pokemon_kinz and what you said EXP deosn't make sense because Clinton, Eon and Duno are fighting jet members in the arena!)

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:22 pm
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pokemon_kinz and EXP, you guys don't know what's going on. EXP, how could you have a match while we're all standing in the arena, and kinz, that didn't have anything to do with the story. You can't make other people's characters talk. That was a pointless post.


Duno, Eon, and Clinton stood their facing the JET executives. Morry's walkie talkie went off, and Jasper's voice was heard.

"Morry, take them to the Ultra-Security cells at once! And see to it that they don't get out again. Just to make sure, take their pokemon and bring them to me."

"Yes sir."

Eon was grabbed form behind, and his pokeballs were taken along with Duno's and Clinton's. They were taken down a long flight of stairs and into a large, dark cell, with a window, showing the bottom of the ocean.

"How do we escape when we're over 100 feet below the surface?" asked Eon once the guards had left.

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:23 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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"Well, the cheif gave me a button that would alert the police that we are in trouble." Duno pressed the button and it sent out a signal. "We should be out of here any time now!"

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:26 pm
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"Well, they've gotta have subs or something. How else would they themselves get down here?"

-When a guard walked by Clinton called him over and made a proposal.-

"You, grunt. Bring your leader down here... I want to join with you..."

-The grunt laughed and walked away thinking the boss wouldn't let a little punk kid join, but nevertheless, he would do it to see the look on his boss's face. Clinton turned to Eon and Duno.-

"Look, I really appreciate the help back there... So it's time I repaid the favor..."

-In case of cameras or microphones Clinton stood by Duno and Eon and whispered so they could hear him.-

"Me joining them is part of my plan. I can find the subs, find the machine that is making they're pokemon stronger, and we can destroy it and rescue everyone."

Doc Holliday: I'm your huckleberry.
Cowboy: Your drunk, your probably seein doubles.
Doc Holliday: I've got two guns, one for each of ya.

Friend Code: Clinton, 2363 2702 7673 PM if you want to trade or battle.

Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:31 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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"You wouldn't beleive how fast the police are." The door burst open and an officer was standing there. "Told you! This is officer Hous, now to get our pokemon back!"

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:34 pm
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Pokemon Ranger
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uhh, the police had no way of getting down here. besides, that would kind of bring the RP to an end...

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:35 pm
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Eon wrote:
uhh, the police had no way of getting down here. besides, that would kind of bring the RP to an end...
No no no. The're just getting there pokemon back and then continue fighting for good. There's only one officer. [Excluding Duno] And Hous did what Duno did, hid in the shadows.

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:40 pm
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I got an idea! :D :D :D


As they started to head up the stairs, the alarm went off, and before they knew it, they were surrounded by JETS, with Morry standing right in front of them.

"I got em, sir," said Officer Hous, "This one (pointing to Duno) had this..."

He pulled away his police button and gave it to Morry.

"Excellent work, Amos," said Morry.

"Amos?" said Eon, "You were on their side!" Eon pointed to Duno.

"Let me explain," said Morry, "This is not Hous. This is Amos, one of our Ace Members. As for that Hous of yours, we found him a couple of days ago. He's been in a cell ever since."

They brought forward a man in handcuffs. The real Officer Hous.

"Take them back, Amos." said Morry.

The four of them were pushed back into the cell.

"By the way," said Morry, "Don't bother trying to signal for help. We have this whole place jammed. No transmissions go out or come in."


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Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:52 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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"Great, what are we suposed to do now?" just then he remembered he had excellent lock picking skills. "Being with the police paid off! Should I pick the lock?"

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:58 pm
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Psychic Trainer
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"What about my idea of "defecting" to they're side?"

Doc Holliday: I'm your huckleberry.
Cowboy: Your drunk, your probably seein doubles.
Doc Holliday: I've got two guns, one for each of ya.

Friend Code: Clinton, 2363 2702 7673 PM if you want to trade or battle.

Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:02 pm
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(I'm Treeckomaster and I meant I let it free.)

"Well, take two deep breaths. Wanna battle?" Riley said, more frightened then he sounded.

Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:06 pm
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Clintonius wrote:
"What about my idea of "defecting" to they're side?"
"After that breakthrough I doubt that Jasper would even consider it."

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:07 pm
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Duno asked if he should pick the lock.

"No," said Eon, "There are guards stationed everywhere. We'll end up right back here."

Eon thought for a minute about what they could do, then said, "Jasper said something about their base above land. It must be stationed in Olivine. That must be where they are keeping the pokemon, before they ship them to Hoenn, Kanto, or Sinnoh... I have a plan. Listen, we stow away on one of their ships. We wait until about mid-voyage, then we attack. They won't expect it and there security will be down. But we still need to get to there base..."

Eon walked towards the window. He tapped it a couple times, turned to the group and said, "You guys up for a swim?"


Anyone else whose not in the cell with us, the place will flood. Escape however you wish.

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:28 pm
Psychic Trainer
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-Clinton chuckled and went over to Eon and looked down into the water.-

"I would be up for a swim... It's just, I'm worried about our skulls caving in as soon as we get in the water."

Doc Holliday: I'm your huckleberry.
Cowboy: Your drunk, your probably seein doubles.
Doc Holliday: I've got two guns, one for each of ya.

Friend Code: Clinton, 2363 2702 7673 PM if you want to trade or battle.

Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:38 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Pokemon Team: {swampert} {salamence} {dragonite} {tyranitar}
And any additional info you want us to know.

"I think I can help you guys out" *waits for cue*


Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:45 pm
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