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Jimmy looked at the new boy, surprised. "I, uh....just got here...."

"Jimmy! There you are!"
"What? You're Gramps' assistant...."
"Yes, but quickly, we have to leave while that Mankey's distracted. Follow me, kids."

The assistant made his way back throught he tall grass into a small clearing. "Hurry, before it spots you!" Jimmy looked to the other, hoping they'd follow before turning to follow him, giving them one last glance.

((By the way, being there's more peopl than expected on here, I'll have to be a bit more strict with the posting rule. Each person has exactly one week to post (provided they have an opening) If there's a battle going on or a place where a person cannot post, they are excused.))

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Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:17 pm
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Muddy motioned towards the aide and the boy, for Cs to follow. "Follow? Why should I?" Of course, Muddy just gave him an annoyed look. "No. And that is my final answer." Then, she pulled out the big gun. She bit him on the head. "Damn, damn, damn, damn, LET GO! I'LL FOLLOW THEM!" And that is what he did.


Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:28 am
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Louis saw the aide's lab coat and immediately knew that if anyone knew where the lab was, it would be this man. So, rather than arguing about where they were going, he tried to blend in with the group, following along behind the aide. He tried to look deep in thought - if anyone asked how he got here, he might get in trouble, or worse, get sent back home.

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:36 am
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Once Jimmy and a few others came to the clearing, the assistant began to speak. "So...this is who you rounded up, Jimmy? Not much of a turn-out."
"What? Oh, um...I guess....he lookd to the other two. There was girl though..." Jimmy looked back to where the Mankey was. "But she may have run off on her own..."
The assistant smiled. "Well, it's time we got back to the lab." He looked to the other two boys. "Will you be joinin us, then?

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Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:01 pm
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The word "lab" set off sparks in Louis's head, but he thought for a moment before agreeing. "Um, what exactly will we be joining you for?" he asked the assistant suspiciously.

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:39 pm
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Mikayla walked off after the other guys that came by. She looked at the backs of their heads and mentally evaluated them 'Hmm... Bandana-man (Cs), Curly (Jimmy), Scruffy (Louis), Mr. Hat (Jamie), and Clean-cut (Assistant)... should I go with them or go back and taunt the Mankey more?' While Mikayla contemplated this obviously tough choice, Chibi jumped off of her shoulder and went after the guys. Just as Mikayla decided what to do, she noticed Chibi was way up ahead
"Hey! Come back Chibi!" She ran after her Pokemon, and suddenly her face met Bandana-man's back. Mikayla fell on her back and Chibi jumped on her shoulder again
"Ow... Chibi you're evil, you know that?"


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:42 pm
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The assistant turned in shock. "Jimmy, you havn't told them yet??"
"I just got here! I don't even know them!" The assistant sighed and continued on.
"It can't be helped...come along children, the professor will exlain everything once we reach the lab. Please come along." He hurried along faster, not paying attetion to the people following.

Shortly, the group reached the lab to see a large group of people surrounding it. Once they reached the door, the professor broke through the crowd, letting them pass. "Now...who all do we have here? You all look so...ehusiastic!" He laughed hardily, making his beard seem to shake. "Now, before we begin, please please, tell me your names!"
"Yes, yes what is it?" He barked at the assistant in irritation.
"Jimmy hasn't told them yet"
"...Why James...why havn't you said anything?" As Jimmy opened his mouth, the professor spoke once again. "No matter! I need your help. You see, I've become old and weak, and can no longer continue my studies around the world. That's why I need some young people to help me out." He hurried off to a far table and took 5 oddly wrapped objects from it and brought them back to the main counter. "Here, these are your Pokedex. They'll help you to identify pokemon easier and send the information back to this lab. Now unfortunately, there aren't that many here on this island, so you'll have to take the ferry to the others. Once you've done that come see me!" He looked up to see Jimmy's confused face. "Ahhh yes..." He laughed awkwardly. "Is there anyone here who declines this?"

Jimmy smacked his hand over his forehead. There he goes again...just roping eveyone around him into his weird ideas... He sighed in embarassment.

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Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:27 pm
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"A... Pokedex?" Maikayla said curiously.
"Yeah okay, I'll do it. But why exactly do you want us to record all the Pokemon? Surely there are other people who want to record all of them. Couldn't you just use their data?"


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:35 pm
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Louis got a disbelieving look on his face as he took the Pokedex. This was the "great professor" he'd heard so much about? "Woah-woah-woah, you want us to see all the pokemon on these islands?" Louis said in further disbelief. "Lemme see if I've got this straight, we find all these pokemon just to help you research? You don't find anything remotely irresponsible about sending teenagers like us to do the dirty work? I mean, are we gonna get paid? 'Cuz I don't even have enough money to get a pokeball or potions for Ralts, and if I did, I probably wouldn't use it on that. Plus you want us to get ferried to the islands on our own cash? If you want me in, I'm gonna be needin' a bit of moolah..." He rubbed his fingers together for a visual.

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:52 pm
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"Now why would I want to-OW!" Muddy tightened her grip on Cs's head. "I said no-OW! NO! OW!" She then jumped off, and smiled. Cs, on the other hand, wasn't too happy. "On the chance that she might do that again, I'll do the pokedex thing." As he recieved the pokedex, he heard his mission. "Hmmmm......Sounds nice. When will we start?"


Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:28 pm
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The professor laughed to Louis's question. "Nonsense! All expenses will be covered as long as you remind in the vicinity. As for making money, when in trainer battles, the one who loses must pay the winner. So long as you can battle, you'll be fine...financially." He let out another hardy laugh. "Please, you kids give me such little credit. You don't think I'd send you out unprotected, do you?" He looked at them all closely. Jimmy, by now, had made his way to the other end of the room. He slouched deep into a chair, hoping not to be seen. "As for potions....I'll have a little chat with a friend of mine at the local Mart. He should cut you all a bit of slack." He looked over the group. "Except you, Jimmy. You'll have to go on for yourself."
"But, why?"
"I've been much too lenient with you and your Pidgey, it hasn't made any battle experience, has it?"
"Well, no...but..."
"No excuse, you wiull pay with your own money. I've already spoken with your mother." Jimmy slouched down once again. "Now as I was saying," He shuffled back to the table again and brought back with him a small box. "This was a bigger outcome than I expected, but I have prepared each of you with 3 pokeballs. Once you weaken a pokemon enough, use these to catch them." He quickly tossed one at his assistant, who unfortunately didn't see it. Once it hit the back of his head, he jumped. "See? He wasn't expected that, if he were a pokemon, he'd be caught by now." He turned to Mikayla to adress her question. "Now aren't you just lovely." He gave her a wide smile. "You see, there are many other people, but I know that Jimmy here has good judgement. God people tend to gravitate toward him. I feel as though I can trust all of you already." He backed up and looked them all over. Once he saw Cs and his Mudkip and smirked. " it's a biter, eh? This should help." The professor handed him a small bag of herbs. "It's pokeNip. One wiff of that and it'll ber completely at bey." He stepped back again and clasped his hands. "Anything else? Oh yes! I nearly forgot." He quickly made his way over to the far table and pulled out a heavy looking object. "This...once you all have finished your...'research' here...I'll need you to travel onto the country of Sinnoh. There, there's a museum of fossil that I may need to take a look at this." He handed to fossil to Louis. "Keep, an eye on that, will you? Anything else? If not, I don't believe we have much left to cover" He smiled joyusly as Jimmy stayed slouched, trying to hide himself.

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Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:17 pm
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Mikayla regarded the Professor with a strange look, but then shrugged and smiled
"Okay then, you got me." she said. Chibi grabbed one of the other Pokedex and gave it to her trainer, who played with the buttons a little bit until it turned on and started talking in an electronic voice
"Sentret, the Scout Pokemon. Sentrets are nervous by nature. They stand up high on their tails to scan the area around it." The sudden noise from the Pokedex startled Sentret who quickly ran behind Mikayla. She laughed and picked up her frightened Pokemon, trying to calm her down
"Aw, poor Chibi. Well, now I know why you're always so shy." Mikayla patted Chibi on the head and the Sentret climbed back on Mikayla's shoulder after a wary glance at the strange little machine
"Hmm, it did that, so what will happen if I do this?" Mikayla pointed the Pokedex at Jimmy's Pidgey, and the Pokedex started talking again
"Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokemon. Pidgey tend to avoid conflict, but if disturbed, they can ferociously strike back.
"Ha ha, that's cool!" Mikayla said happily.


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:38 pm
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Louis was surprised. Free ferry rides? He could travel without having to be a stow-away! He also had enough food to last them all for at least a couple weeks, and as for trainer battles...well, it'd be a good reason to train his Ralts, who needed to work out anyways. And if they could get mart discounts along with that...

Well, it beat anything else he was doing.

"Okay, okay, you got me professor, count me in." he said as he took the fossil carefully. "Where did you find this...?" He said, examining the fossil. He then stashed the Pokedex in his pocket and carefully laid the fossil on the table momentarily. He took off and unzipped his backpack, calling inside, "Sorry Ralts, looks you're gonna be cramped if you still wanna stay in there!" Ralts let out a small, high-pitched sigh and levitated out of the pack. Louis moved some of the canned food to the side and slipped the fossil in, afterwards looking up... see Ralts's mouth hanging as open as it could as he stared at the other pokemon. "Ralts, you okay, man?" Louis called to him, which must have snapped him out of his awe, because he immediately flew back into the pack, only peeking out of it. Louis chuckled, then noticed the three pokeballs he'd been handed by the professor. "Sorry man, you've been evicted. I gotta have room for the pokeballs." he said, smirking. Ralts turned to him, and sent a mental image at him of glaring eyes. "Oh, come on, meet some friends, eh? We'll be with 'em for a while anyway, go ahead and get chummy." Ralts sighed again, and levitated back out of the back, resting beside a table leg. As Louis stashed the pokeballs in the pack and zipped it tight, he took his Pokedex back out and opened it, pointing it at Ralts and pushing the big green button on the flipped up cover.

"Feeling Pokemon. Ralts can sense people's emotions using the horns on its head. It rarely comes before people or pokemon alike, and is naturally shy. It is said to come before cheerful people."

"Heh, was I necessarily 'cheerful' when I found you?" Louis said out of earshot of Ralts.

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:28 am
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Jimmy couldn't help but smirk at all this. As Pidgey hopped around cooing in content, Jimmy picked him up. "Okay buddy, it's time for you to go and meet everyone else." It nodded with another small coo and fluttered to the ground, dropping tiny feathers from its wings. Pidgey...fight? We havn't tried that since the Brave Bird accident... His smirk quickly turned to a frown. I guess...that move could just be avoided He sighed and looked arounda t the other pokemon. Mudkip...Sentret....Ralts...and Pidgey....this looks good. "Okay! I'm in Gramps!"

"Well of course you are, why do you think I made you gather everyone." He set his hand on Jimmy's head. "Well then! It looks as if your first destination will be Coral Isle. There are also gyms and contests on the way if you should get bored. Oh, just one more thing!" The Professor opened up his desk drawer to reveal a small scroll. "Can I entrust you with this?" He handed it to Mikayla. "This is a map of all the islands, it should be quite useful in your journey. Keep in mind, if you should choose to visit the gyms, there are 4, just as many as these islands. But now...I fear I must say good-bye!" He flung his forearm up and rested it on his forehead.
Jimmy had just fastened his pokeballs into a small satchel when he saw this. Geez Gramps...why do you need to be so dramamtic?

EDIT: By the way, good idea with the TC, Cs

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Last edited by Saint_Jimmy on Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:42 am
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"Oooh, Pokénip. I wonder....." He reached into the bag, and slowly lifted some out. "I am hungry....." He then quickly stuffed the amount he picked up into his mouth. "Hmmm, tastes pretty decent actually." After his little 'taste test', he put it into his backpack, and whipped out the pokédex. "Hey Blue Fish, come here." As Muddy was used to her master calling her many names, she hopped over to Cs.

The pokédex rang out, "Mudkip, the Mud Fish pokemon. To alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of water. It has the strength to heft boulders."

Cs's reaction to the pokédex entry was, to stare at her. "I don't want to make that fish angry." Mudkip just grinned.


Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:27 am
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Louis watched in amusement as the Mudkip's trainer nibbled on the Pokenip. "Hey!" Louis yelled to him after he was done looking up his Mudkip. "If you're hungry, I've got some canned stuff in my pack." He unzipped it and reached in, grabbing a can. "Uh...canned tangerines?" he said questioningly.

Meanwhile, Ralts had begun reading everyone's emotions. Cs was thinking about Mudkip trying to eat him whole, and Mudkip was thinking about how funny it would be to engulf Cs's foot. He liked Mudkip's style, and decided it wouldn't hurt to get chummy. He floated over to her. "Ral." he said, which in its "language" was a kind of "Hi."

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:56 pm
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"Canned tangerines? What the hell....? Why would people want to can tangerines?" And then Cs started to rant.

As Cs started to rant, Muddy noticed the Ralts come near her. It said something, which roughly translated to "Hi." Muddy turned to see the Ralts. Green helmet, red horns, and a white dress. A normal Ralts. Muddy thought. Hmmmmm....

"Mudkip mud. Mudkip." which in its own 'language' meant, "Hello, I am Muddy. What are you normally called?"

About that time, Cs stopped ranting. "I need to try these tangerines for myself."


Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:36 pm
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"Eh, guess it's so they stay fresh?" Louis said, but it was lost in the rant. By the time he was done, Louis had already opened the can and eaten a few tangerines himself.

"I need to try these tangerines myself." Cs said, and Louis handed him the can.

In the mean time, Ralts tried to keep up the conversation, one of the first he'd had for a while with another pokemon. "Ralts." it said, translating to "Just Ralts." He read Muddy's emotions a bit more. "Ral alts alt ralts?" he said - "So, why do you wanna go along with the whole Pokedex-journey thing?"

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:49 pm
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"Hmmmm......" He picked one out, and swallowed it. "Hmmmm......Sweet, juicy, I will have more." Cs quickly ate the rest of them, and tossed the can backwards, where it landed in a trash can. "Yes."

Muddy simply smiled. "Mudkip kip mud mud kip." she said, translating to, "It isn't so much of me wanting to, as it is to me wanting Cs to go. I feel as he needs to do something like that."

Then, out of nowhere, Cs said, "Hey Muddy, what are you doing? Chatting with a Ralts, of who I do not know?"


Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:13 am
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Just as the room had become calm, the door of the laboratory flung open with a looud bang. "Hey, Doc! We hear you got yourself a nice little fossil...could I see it?" A man wearing a long cape approached the group, his boots made echoing 'ticks' on the marble floor. "Well? Hand it over."
"Gramps, who is this guy?"
The Professor glared at the man. "I don't know what you're talking about."
The man's smile quickly turned to a frown as he thrusted his arm out, knocking everything that was once on the desk onto the floor. "Lies! Now give me the fossil!" The Professor gave Louis a look as if to say to run. "Do it..." The man glanced to Jimmy and wrapped his arm around his neck, holding him tightly. "Or this kid won't be leaving alive..." A long purple snake slithered out of his sleeve and wrapped itself around Jimmy.
"What's this thing?" With his little leverage, he managed to take out his Pokedex.
Ekans. The snake pokemon. It sneaks through grass without making a sound and strikes unsuspecting prey from behind.
This isn't good... Pidgey hopped at it, looking as if to attack. As it approached, Ekans opened it's mouth, threateningly and hissed loudly at it. Pidgey hopped back, afraid.

Name: Isaac
Personality: Dark and Mysterious, he formed the dreaded Team Kaos from just a few lone bandit, but soon made it into something huge. Nobody quite knows him, nor wants to. All he has with him is his faithful Ekans. He has more pokemon, but they are rarely seen.
Age: 19
Appearance: Image
History: Nothing is known of him before the birth of Team Kaos.

Pokemon: {ekans}
Nickname: Kain
Personality: Loyal and powerful, Kain will do anything to please his master, even if it means to do something he completely disagrees with.
Poison Fang
Sludge Bomb
Anything else we should know about you or your pokemon: Many times, Kain will be told to dso things he does not agree with, in these situations, Isaac will use his followers to accomplish his plans.

NOTE: The moveset will vary depending on how far in we get.

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Last edited by Saint_Jimmy on Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:54 am
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Louis looked up at the situation. As much as the professor may want him to run, the idea of this kid dying wasn't cool with him. Fortunately, his pack was zipped up and it was unlikely the guy would find the fossil. And luckily, he had Ralts on his side. But this wasn't like the situation at the dock - if he told Ralts to use Confusion, the Ekans would probably kill Jimmy. So...

Time to test that mental connection.

Louis closed his eyes in order to focus on that mental image Ralts had sent him earlier. He focused on the source of that image, tried to open a path to that source with his mind, then thought, as hard as he could:

Ralts! Confusion on the weird guy and the Ekans!

He unfocused it all and looked down at Ralts, who looked up at him in amazement just before going into his own focused state, using Confusion on the pair in front of him.

((Very nice twist, I must say. :D ))

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:19 pm
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As the man held Jimmy, Kain began to twist and writhe, almost uncontrollably. "Kain, what is....gahhhh!" He let go, holding his hands over his head. "What the....that Ralts!" He sneered and slowly got back to his feet, wabbling back and forth. "Please...that may work on a pokemon but the effects won't be nearly as bad on a human..." He could feel his mind and body weakening as he resisted the attack. "Looks like you don't have it afterall..." He knelt down, almost falling, and picked up Kain then looked down at Jimmy. "We'll meet again...don't you worry." He eyes shone a dark purple, almost haunting. The man casually turned around and left the laboratory as if nothing had happened. The door slammed hard.

As soon as he left, the professor went to the kids. "Are you all okay?"
"Yeah Gramps...but who was that?"
"His name is Isaac...he was a student of mine some years ago...but you shouldn't worry. He knows not to do anything on this island...but in the future...please be careful of him. He's a very dangerous person." The professor got up and smiled brightly. "Okay! Well I guess you should all be on your way now!" He started to wave.'re....insane....

The Professor quickly pushed the group out of the lab and shut the door tightly.
"Sorry...he's kind of wierd ideas?" Jimmy turned to Mikayla. "You have the map afterall. Besides...I'm not quite sure where the next town is..."

Okay...from now on I'll be listing the current route and all the pokemon found there--
Route 1~
Night ~

EDIT: As of today, 2x4b is hereby booted. I apologize for for this action, but it has been a week.

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Last edited by Saint_Jimmy on Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:06 pm
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Louis glared at the lab door. "Jeez..." he said, intrigued by how utterly uncaring Jimmy's grandpa could be. He shook his head and turned to the sign in front of him:
|<- Dock---|
|Route 1 ->|

"Well, looks like there's only one way to go from here." he said, immediately beginning to walk in the direction of Route 1, oblivious to his group behind him.

((Sorry I'm posting so much, I really don't want this RP to die. :wink: ))

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:29 pm
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(I'm back! I'm soo sorry for being inactive, but my monitor crashed, so we had to get a new one.)

Mikayla and Chibi were still shaken up after the dark guy came in, so she hesitated when Jimmy asked her about their next destination and was cut off before she bagan by Louis. When he stormed off, she regained her senses and yelled after him
"Hey Scruffy! Wait for the rest of us, will ya?!" She quickly ran to catch up with him, only to trip over a small figure
"Oww... what the?" the figure she had tripped over revealed itself to be a small bird. But just as she got up, the bird glared at her angrily and the Pokedex flashed in her pocket
"Spearow, the Tiny Bird Pokemon. Like Pidgey, they are very common in various regions. However, Spearow are very tempermental and won't hesitate to attack Pokemon or humans."
"Wha-?" Mikayla uttered before the Spearow started flying towards her and Chibi, which Mikayla responded to by running as fast as she could with Chibi clinging on for dear life. Not too soon after she started running, she looked behind her and saw that the Spearow summoned a few of its friends
"Why do the violent ones always go after meeeeee!!" Mikayla cried as she ran for dear life.


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:57 pm
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((Haha, it's ok...I'd actually preffer constant posts. All the other RP's I'm in are dead now >.< So please, everyone post as much as you please! And don't be afraid to add some twists as well. :) ))

Jimmy sighed as he watched not only Louis storm off, but Mikayla get attacked by a flock of wild birds. "Great...we havn't even left the first island yet and we've already been threatened and attacked by people and pokemon." He turned to Cs and then looked to the others. "So...I guess we're going this way then?" He took a few steps forward and shouted to Mikayla. "Need some help?"

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Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:39 pm
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