
Pokémon Generation 3.5
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Author:  Sonic Josh [ Sat Oct 11, 2008 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"Um ok Trekco eats anything treekco treekco WHERE IS HE".Treekco Had run after emily Wanting more Pizza
Runs after Emily and treekco.

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (THANKS TO EVERONE WHO HAS JOINED)

I just want to say Thank - you to you all you have all contributed massively. I Put it in the Name. But Angelo if in Mind in (Brackets)

"You guys!" Charlie shouted with laughter as he ran off to catch them.

"Well I will ask you? But before that you want a Vulpix. Well here you go *passes Pokeball over* Now I will register you for Contests and Gyms. Here is your Pokedex, Badge Case and Ribbon Case Important Update Bottom Of Page." The professor said.


"Now Midnight will you begin your quest and go along with the others?"


"Good now go catch up with them"


Contests Will Be featured!

Now we are coming to where we will be setting off it is Important that we are posting. If Lordtomarto does no post within the next few days he will be kicked out.

Author:  lordtomato [ Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

Aethan opens his eyes.
"Why... am I in an alleyway? Zuby! Where are you?"
Zubat flies out of a pile of trash.
"Oh! there you are! Geez... don't scare me like that. Anyways, I'm kinda hungry."
Aethan looks around and spots a girl with a torchic running by, followed by a hungry looking treecko.
"Ah! they must know where some food is! Let's go after them and see if we can't... appropriate some food, eh, Zuby?"
Zubat screeches in delight at the prospect of food, and they leap out of the alleyway after the treecko.

sorry... I don't go online for 12 hours and i miss so much haha...

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

Aethan ran out and bumped straight into Charlie. "Hey would you watch were you are going...Aetan...Aethan Pallat? Is that you? I have not seen you since you moved to here from Johto. It is a crime it has been so long how are you?

I am trying to get a Long Lost friendship thing going here.

BTW I had to make you a surname you can always say it's wrong or live with it.

Author:  angelo chronos [ Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

-walks up to the professor- "may i have a pokemon now?"
~depends.... which do you want?~
"what ones do you have?"
~i have a lugia a missingno and a vulpix. which do you want?"
"i'll take the vulpix"
~ok just don't hurt me!!!!!!!!~ -he now cowers in the corner-

what's up with him........ -turns and walks to the group- hey guys. did everyone get their pokemon yet? i got a vulpix!
-looks at emily- cool torchic! -it starts crying- um..... uh...... what did i do?
i use "" when i'm talking to someone not controlled by a person in a dialouge.

Author:  lordtomato [ Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

heh, nice prediction, I was aiming for the "dash out of alley and run into other person" thing :D
Aethan looked at the speaker. It..couldn't be... "Charlie?? Is that really you? It's been forever! You never could remember my last name! It's Pallas! Pallas! Ah, but I guess I'll have to remind again you by the time the day is through. Anyhow, do you know anywhere to eat? I've been living on the streets for the past few years, me and ol' Zuby here. You remember Zuby don't you?"
Zubat flies around Charlie for a bit and, satisfied, lands on Aethan's shoulder.

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

With a loud crash, the door to the laboratory flung open. "Now Professor...where's my pokemon?" Isaac stood with a devious smirk, his head c0cked to the right as his Spearow flew in with a shriek. "now, kind sir, it's to my understanding that you're giving out free pokemon...?" He held his hand out. "Hand them over...and nobody in here gets hurt." He clenched his fist as Spearow perched on his shoulder. "Well? What do you say, old man?" He looked around at the kids' faces.

Author:  Thunder_dude7 [ Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

DX walked into the lab, seeing that the professer had a black eye.

"Uh...hi. I already have a Pokemon, so I just need a Pokede-"

The professer threw it in the air as he dived behind a desk.

"Take it! Just don't hurt me! And go meet with the others. You're going together!"

"Crap. They'll probably want to use my sleeping bag. Well, thanks. Let's go, Eevee."

Eevee bounced beside DX as the exited the lab.

Author:  Sonic Josh [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"Treecko Get back here now!" Oliver looks at the nearby noodle place "Ohh noodles." Walks in to the place "can I have 3 Bowls of Noodles. To take away Please" oliver asks the person at the desk
"sure" the person says and hands him the noodles ~oliver gives the person Money to pay for His noodles~
"Here Treecko Trekco" Oliver says tapping the side of the bowl a pile of dust flys in the air and...

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

Guys & Cellblock we are all thinking we are in different places. In your next post can you and your Pokemon be at the Frying Fork (Noodle Place)
So we can discuss what we are gonna do. Also Dx & Jimmy clashed you were both at the lab but did not see each other. So lets sum up. We all have Pokemon and Pokedex's. Saint Jimmy you can have stolen One pokemon from the professor. It has to be Poison or Electric (But Not Pichu, Pikachu or Raichu). Okay? While we are at the Frying Fork can we all be talking to one person. Me & Aethan , Oliver & Emily, Midnight & Dx,

At The Frying Fork

"Oh yes Pallas sorry. Look Aethan we are all just setting of on our Pokemon Journeys Do you want to come with?"

Author:  Cellblock [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"Blaze! Flamethrower!" Emily shouted, as Blaze torched the lab assistants jacket.
"I JUST WANT YOU TO GIVE ME THE MONEY FOR THE NOODLES!" He shouted, his jacket on fire.
"Again!" Emily shouted, his jacket turning to ash.
"Yeah. Stop that." Emily said.
"Treecko!" Treecko said, crawling onto Emily's leg looking for some food.
"..." Emily looked at it. She walked over to the others. "This yours?" She asked.

Author:  Sonic Josh [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"Uh Yeah" oliver said "i got you some noodles" well it was a 3 For 1 offer so want it This one is for Treecko."

Author:  Cellblock [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"NOODLES!" Emily shouted, snatching the plate and leaning forward. She had forgot to sit down, and such smashed the plate on the side of the table and fell onto the floor. She had scarred her face with the plate fragments, and was knocked unconscious.
"Torch?" Blaze tilted its head. "Torchi." It just seemed to shrug and started eating some of the noodles.

Author:  Sonic Josh [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

Treekco joins Blaze in eating the noodles
"Uh Emily you ok?" oliver asked

Author:  lordtomato [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"Huh? Sure! Oh jeez, is that girl ok? Oh well. Two plates of noodles please! Charlie, you're paying for this. I don't have any money."
Zubat flew over and startied flying around Emily, picking noodles out from the wreckage.
"Zuby, stop that! what if she still wants to eat when she comes around?"

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

Isaac left the lab in ruins. "It's about time..." He looked down at his new pokemon, not yet very strong, but was confident he could raise it to be the best. "Hmmm...I'm feeling a bit hungry now....I could really go for some noodles actually." He fastened the new ball to his belt with Spearow still perched on his shoulder and lef tto go find a shop.

Author:  Sonic Josh [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"Well when emily Comes to we will continue talikg about what we were"
Treecko pulls at Olivers leg.
Oliver walks over to the couner "can i have 100 Bowls of noodles please"
"100!!! Thats alot" Says the person
"yeah but with your 3 For 1 offer i am only paying like 270"
"Sure your Dad helped us build this place anyway so Yoou can have them For 50"
"Cool Heres 100 for mine and Emilys ok"
Gives Treecko Torchic and zuby a bowl each
Noodle count 97 bowls left
Count goes up and down depending on how many i eather buy or give to people :D

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

Great Jimmy. When you come we can have a confrontation in the restaurant.

Jimmy's phone started to ring. It came up with Gramps.

"Hello?" Jimmy asked

"Charlie," A scrared grandpa said.

"Grandpa whats wrong?"

"Jimmy someone stole a pokemon. He looked like this (by the way I did not put a description)"

"Oh my God!"

"What is it?" Emily whispered to Charlie.

Charlie moved the phone from his mouth. "Someone has stolen a Pokemon,"

He moved the phone back. "Are you okay?"

"I'll Live, I am more worried about you guys he sounded serious be careful if you see him."

"Will do Grandpa"

"Now he said that he was going to that Noodle place."

"Frying Fork?"

"Yeah that one,"

"Oh O." Charlie hung up as Isacc burst in.

"Guys thats the Pokemon Stealer,"

Josh why did you get a 100 noodles thats just stupid. Sonic Josh {rotom} Yeah I meen buisness Joke just don't be silly

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

Isaac looked around at the glared he was getting. "...Can I help you?" He pushed his way passed everyone and stood at the counter, Spearow still at his shoulder. "Two bowls, please." He held up two fingers. Once recieving his food he sat down - the shop was silent. He looked up again. "What!? If you don't stop your gawking I'll make you stop..."

Author:  Cellblock [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"Make us stop what." Emily said.
"Torchi..." Blaze said, unconfident. Emily had just regained consciousness, had an open scar on the left side of her face, and was up against a criminal.
"Ah forget it. You wimps aren't worth the time." Isaac said.
By now, Emily was burning with anger, at which she just seemed to let go of her fuse.

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

Isaac stopped in his tracks and turned to face the girl. "A fiery one I see...well to clarrify,: He stepped closer. "You...aren'" He backed away again. "Is that better or do I need to repeat myself...again?" He folded his arms and sighed. "Children these days..."

Author:  Cellblock [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"THAT TEARS IT!" Emily screamed. "Blaze, I don't care how, just kill him! Burn him! Peck Him! Give him scars!" She commanded.
"Tor... Torchi..." Blaze said.
"Fine. Then We'll settle this civillised. A battle." Emily said to Isaac, staring him in the eyes incredibly tensly.

Author:  Saint_Jimmy [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

Isaac smirked. "Fine, I've been wanting to test this pokemon out properly out anyway..." He pulled the newly stolen pokeball from his belt and tossed it in the air. "Go!" He a bright red flash, an Ekans came out hissing. "Well now, Ekans...time for dinner...poisdoon sting!" Ekans darted for the Torchic.

Author:  Cellblock [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"Blaze! Flamethrower!" Emily shouted. Torchic let out a mighty breath of fire, going through the poison stings and hitting ekans on the front.

Author:  Hyperjack123 [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Generation 3.5 (LIKE 4.5 BUT DIFFERENT)

"Now I sould be telling you to cool it, but I no what he has done, So lets settle this. Go Rhyhorn! Ice Beam !

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