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 Team Vergona 
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Dragon Tamer
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you're in please meet us at the pokemon centre in Fuschia when one of us gets there.


Tue May 26, 2009 4:08 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Jay managed a genuine smile this time. "Alright, now we're getting somewhere!" He smilled at Umbreon who hadn't stopped watching the incredibly powerful-looking Alakazam since it walked in with its eccentirc-looking trainer. Jay had heard of Lucian, but never met him before.

At least I know he's strong., Jay thought turning to him. "So what are our marching orders? I can tell you right now that I've spent a lot of time in the Safari Zone, I can hit the base that's rumored to be there, easy." His extensive research on the Kanto region's pokemon had often led him back to the Safari Zone, the home of numerous rare species of pokemon. He even fondly remembered how he had captured a rouge Rhyhorn that had been terrifying the local pokemon.

Vergona doesn't stand a chance!

Since we haven't started fighting yet, I made a quick change to my team: Nidoking for Rhydon.


Thanks to Ender for the awesome signature.

Wed May 27, 2009 5:53 am
Bug Catcher
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"Right so how do we get to Fuschia City" Josh said while glaceon was running around with Keane's.

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Wed May 27, 2009 7:16 am
Dragon Tamer
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Sonic Josh wrote:
"Right so how do we get to Fuschia City"

Jaguar wrote:
Lucian will be taking you to different points around Fuschia so you can come in at all angles

Jaguar wrote:
Additional Rules:
1) Read the posts that have been made after your last. We do not want a sudden change in story and unrealisation of current events.

Just a reminder.

Clueless, that's fine edit all you like just make sure you tell us.


Wed May 27, 2009 7:42 am
Ace Trainer
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Location: In his imagination, imaginating things.
Name: Alan Fasimo
Age: 25

Personality: Paranoid and dark, caring toward those he likes and vengeful upon those he hates.

Appearance: Alan always wears a black tshirt and dark blue jeans, his hair is black, somewhat long and straight.

History: Alan was born in Blackthorn City. When he was six, he wandered into the Dark Cave and got lost. Crying and shouting in the pitch black, he tripped over a cliff, landing in an underground river, unsconscious. He awoke on the shores of Hoenn, and ever since has traveled by foot across the continents, living by his wits and what he could steal, with his Pokemon as his only companions. Without much money, his goal in life is to settle down somewhere comfortable, and repay those he stole from.

Pokemon: Without any money, Alan had to steal from Pokemarts to obtain his Pokeballs and items.

Ability: Cute Charm
Item: None
Moves: Sing, Covet, Thunder, Blizzard

Ability: Technician
Item: Brightpowder
Moves: X-Scissor, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance

Ability: Leaf Guard
Item: Shell Bell
Moves: Dig, Leaf Blade, Last Resort, Grasswhistle

Ability: Pressure
Item: None
Moves: Night Slash, Ice Shard, Brick Break, Theif

Ability: Poison Point
Item: Mystic Water
Moves: Surf, Poison Jab, Revenge, Explosion

Ability: Inner Focus
Item: None
Moves: Cross Poison, Fly, Thief, Confuse Ray

{absol} {gardevoir} {salamence} {crobat} {skitty} {glaceon}
yay skitty!
olim est virgo Troiana
quae incensus cogitat grama esse bonus.
incendit per noctam,
et sic excitavit;
invenit veru magnum ano.

Wed May 27, 2009 8:31 am
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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Location: But why ?
Uh What I ment was which positions will we be in because one of us will have to be dropped off on the beach and one by or in cycleing road.

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Wed May 27, 2009 9:58 am
I need to shut the **** up
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Do we have to wait until Beav posts to get our asses to Fuschia or what?

Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Wed May 27, 2009 11:03 am
Just your average 10 year old
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"We can take my sonic jet. Alakazam, Return."

"It is sitting on the roof. Now for where you will be dropped off If you feel that confident Jay, you will be dropped at the nothern most point of the Safari Zone. Josh, you will take the Cycling Road. Kezziah, you will be dropped off at the beach. Brandon, you will take the east enterance."

Wed May 27, 2009 1:43 pm
Dragon Tamer
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(Lord tomato, you will be with Redt at the pokemon centre waiting for me and beav)

The group walked onto Lucian's jet. It was a large plane with modern touches, the group sat down waiting to be dropped of at their destinations. Lucian walked over to the wall tapped in a code to make the wall on the left side slide away. "This is a training arena, please feel free to use it." Lucian said.

(Basically we're on the jet, waiting to be dropped of. Post whatever you like: you could be training of the arena, having a nose round the jet, your decision. The first to be dropped of will be josh. Also Beav forgot to include me and him so we will be using Alakazam to teleport to the pokemon centre to meet the new people.
With Luv, Jagz)


Thu May 28, 2009 3:12 am
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"Draco Meteor!"

Glowing meteors pummelled the wall of metal.

"Aura Sphere!"

A brilliantly blue sphere spun around in the air at a wild speed and smashed into the ground.

"Aqua Tail!"

An enormous tail coated in water slammed onto the floor.

"Shadow Ball!"

A purplish blob of shadow exploded on the ceiling.


A high pitched bell chime so loud that it hurt your ears rang round the room.

"Flash Cannon!"

A beam of bright white light shot from somewhere and landed on the door. It buckled inwards.

"Oopsie!" giggled Kezziah. "You're lucky no-one came through that door then, Empoleon."


Kezziah sat down, thoroughly bored and aching for action. She felt it in her bones, the feeling of excitement and danger before a mission, before a battle. She wanted to show Vergona what she was made of. She also wanted to slap the President, but he wasn't here, and everyone else seemed decent. Her Lucario padded over to her and sat down.

"You think we'll be OK?"

Lucario tilted it's head to one side.

I sense many evil, tainted auras, Kezziah, but the aura of everyone on this ship is good and pure.

Answer the question, thought Kezziah.

I do not know if we will be alright. The odds are stacked against us. We must be cautious and stick together.

Wise words, peoples.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Thu May 28, 2009 6:37 am
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Lucian stared at the wall, and then Kezziah Like O.O and said "Uh... the training dummies were over there" and he pointed to a stack of pokémon shaped figures.

"Reprair crew, go" Several Ambipom and Machoke appeared and gegan fixing the wall. A Vulpix was welding.

Thu May 28, 2009 2:31 pm
Dragon Tamer
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(I am going to let some others post.)


Fri May 29, 2009 8:09 am
Psychic Trainer
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Jay wandered into the training room and glanced around, allowing a look of mild interest to cross his face. So that girl's pokemon were the cause of all this huh? He saw Lucian's pokemon reparing the various places where Kezziah's pokemon had landed their blows. He smiled slightly and glanced around to see her with her Lucario.

Alright, he thought, let's make an impression.

With one quick move, Jay released three of his most powerful pokemon: Charizard, Rhydon and Kingdra. Setting up three targets along the row, Jay began ordering his pokemon.

"Charizard, Kingdra, focus your attacks on the middle target! Rhydon, get ready with Rock Polish." Flames errupted from Charizard's mouth at the same time Kingdra let loose a massive Hydro Pump. While they did this, Rhydon began to glow, and shine in the dim light the training room provided.

"Okay, Charizard and Kingdra, stop on my command and Rhydon, hammer it with Megahorn....Now!" The fire and water dragons ceased their attacks only a split second before Rhydon launched his attack at an incredible speed for its species. The combined heat and water damage had made the target extreamly brittle and it pulsed with energy; the moment Rhydon's horn connected with it, it shattered into hundreds of glowing red and blue pieces.

Standing among the remains, Jay reflected how his mother had been a great contest co-ordinator and had always wanted him to be the same. Maybe that's why he insisted on battling with style. And look at me now, on a jet with the most powerful trainers in the world, the last line of defense against the greatest group of villians ever known. Maybe someday I'll let mom know that her lessons on battling didn't go to waste.

Jay smiled, satisfied.


Thanks to Ender for the awesome signature.

Fri May 29, 2009 10:49 am
Dragon Tamer
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(Edited Profile)

"Wow, Jay you would make an excellent coordinator. And Kezziah your Pokemon are also great." Clarke said as he hoped to get along with everyone.

These people really are good. There battling styles are truly magnificent. I better make my impression.

Keane looked at the targets, wondering what Pokemon to show off. He noticed a large capable of taking sizeable amounts of damage, these seemed the perfect targets for the move that two of his Pokemon had learned recently.

"Glaceon, Flareon! Stage On!" Clarke shouted. Stage On was his contest call; he had used it ever since his first contest. Both eeveelutions jumped out of their Pokeballs with their respected ball capsules on. The flame sticker for Flareon, which resulted in Flareon exiting his Pokeball in a burst of flames. The ice sticker for Glaceon, that resulted in an array of icicles bursting when she came out of her ball. "Now, both of you Giga Impact on that board!" Clarke commanded. The pair raced together with their separate coats of energy. "Join!" Clarke said.
The pair connected to create a gigantic coat of power. They landed their hits on the board completely destroying it. He gave them both a poffin. "Well done you guys that was brilliant." Clarke said stroking both of his Pokemon.


Fri May 29, 2009 12:00 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Nothing new now, just telling you guys that I'll be gone till about Tuesday. Jaguar has control of Brandon if anything major comes up. Note: Don't use Rotom if you do anything, I'm planning on editing him a bit, like changing back to a normal Rotom.

Thanks, Afonso, for the awesome avvie, and Ender for the epic sig

Fri May 29, 2009 12:28 pm
Just your average 10 year old
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"Alakzam, Gallade, Slowking, Front and Center!" the three Psychics cam out and awaited Lucian's command.

"Alakazam, Calm Mind, Gallade, Psycho Cut, Slowking, Zen Headbutt." Alakazam thought deeply, releasing troubles and powering his attacks while Gallade extended his elbow-blades and they began to glow pink. He slashed the dummy's head right off of it's body. Slowking began to charge his attack dummy as his Shellder started to glow green. Every spike impaled the target and caused severe damage.

"Now, Alakazam, Focus Blast." Alakazam raised his spoons above his head and a blue ord of energy appeared between them. Then he fired it obliterated the dummy and wall behind it.

"Repair crew Beta, go." A crew similar to the first one (Alpha) leapt into action and the wall began to look like new.

Fri May 29, 2009 2:13 pm
Dragon Tamer
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(That is fine Xrader, enjoy whatever you are doing.)

Clarke noticed a PC in the corner and then looked a Flareon, and then the PC and then Flareon again. He had decided. Flareon was one of his most elite pokemon but A) He was not part of Jasons orginal team, B) He knew his mother wanted Flareon. So he walked over to the PC and sent Flareon to his mother with the message:

The present you have always wanted.
Love Keane,

But who had he got out in flareons place? Another eeveelution perhaps? "Lets go!" Jason said throwing the pokeball in the air.


Fri May 29, 2009 3:30 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Looking at Drapion, Jay was faced by the same urge he always got when seeing a strong pokemon, the urge to battle. Truth be told, he wasn't thrilled about being thrown into a siduation where he didn't know anything about his team-mates. He'd much prefer working with the Capitan, who he'd know for years, or Blaine who'd helped him out in a tight spot on Cinnibar Island. Blaine probably had his hands full right now, and the Capitan was being forced to hide miles away from his home...

He looked around at the members of his new team. Kezziah, Lucian and Keane were all training intensley, and he knew that elsewhere on the plane, Brandon and Josh were preparing themselves for the difficult battles ahead. He was only beginning to realize how much he didn't know any of them. He wondered weather they'd put themselves on the line to save him, or weather he'd be willing to do the same for them. He knew one thing, he needed a stake in them, they all needed a stake in each other, and his experiences had taught him that there was one thing that could either bring people closer or drive them apart.

With confidence he waked out into the middle of the training area. "So," he said, "who's looking for a battle?"


Thanks to Ender for the awesome signature.

Fri May 29, 2009 5:10 pm
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"who's looking for a battle?"

"Well I am but are you up to it?"

Fri May 29, 2009 7:26 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Clarke thought about the prospect of battling. He wanted to battle, but he wanted to see how the others battle. However, this journey was not about battling, although it would get the people more pumped up. He decided to just watch. Although if someone else stepped up, he would give them a double battle.


Sat May 30, 2009 10:15 am
Bug Catcher
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"Right Lets go Salamence, Politoed and Yanmega. Have fun" Josh went over to lucian and watched as he trained with his pokemon. no wonder he was part of the Sinnoh elite 4.

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Sat May 30, 2009 10:33 am
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Jay looked at Lucian, Lucian of the Elite Four nonetheless. Could he beat him? Probably not. Was he going to try?

Jay nodded at Charizard and recalled his other two pokemon. Charizard moved into the center of the room and flapped its wings in an intimidating fashion. "Alright, one-on-one, first one to knock out the opponent's pokemon wins. If you think you can handle Charizard that is." Jay smiled.


Thanks to Ender for the awesome signature.

Sat May 30, 2009 12:52 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Because I have nothing better to do with my time I made these on Pokecharms










Sat May 30, 2009 12:57 pm
Just your average 10 year old
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Lucian looked at his Pokémon out. he looked over each one and thought. Finally he said "Slowking. You're up."

Slowking walked to the middle of the floor across from Charizard. It stared at it's opponet and yawned. The Shellder seemed to clamp deeper.

Lucian hit a button in a panel on the wall and the lights dimmed. Some walls disappeared to reveal bleachers for an audience.

"Zen Headbutt." Slowking ran towards Charizard with the Shellder glowing green. It jumper high and landed it's attack right on the Fire-types head.

Sat May 30, 2009 4:56 pm
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Jay had seen the attack comming, but knew Charizard needed to take a few hits to realize his true potential. As soon as the attack colided, Jay sprang into action.

"Charizard, Sunny Day!" Suddenly Charizard began to glow and the room was filled with an intense bright light and a massive heat wave seemed to emit from Charizard himself. "Great, now follow up with Solar Beam." Charizard opened his mouth and a brilliant beam of solar energy shot toward the slower, albiet more powerful, pokemon.


Thanks to Ender for the awesome signature.

Sun May 31, 2009 6:18 am
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