
Pokemon Pirates!
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Author:  Xeeros [ Mon May 28, 2007 7:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name - Willy
Age - 23
Species - Weavile
Gender - Male
Profession - Navy Special Ops (Works with 2 other Weavile's)
Appearance - Tan Cavalier, Black and Tan striped shirt. Scar in the shape of an X under his right eye.
Personality - Quick to judge, trustworthy once he deems you worthy of that honor. Will not attack someone he thinks is innocent
Attacks - Agility, Slash, Night Slash, Faint Attack, Ice Beam (TM), Protect (TM)
Other - A rapier with a very intricate hilt that he always keeps at his side.

"Alright guys, move it, move it, move it!" Willy yelled to his team as he saw a group of Pokemon running out of the Sushi Bar towards the docks.

As Willy drew his rapier he saw a Riolu, no older than 10, run out of the Sushi Bar after the pirates.

"Don't attack that Riolu or i'll have to take care of you myself. Board that pirate ship at all costs, but try and stay quiet. Now go!" whispered Willy to his team in the shadow of the Sushi Bar.

The muscles in Willy's legs began to loosen and turn fluid as he dashed towards the rear of the pirate ship.

Author:  StevensNightmare [ Mon May 28, 2007 7:19 pm ]
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I sweep down onto the island, a verdant jungle with a clearing of overgrown grassland. A small hill rises in it's center. Flying sliently, I'm using echolocation to pinpoint the location of this orb I heard about.

Wait a minute..... That mound is made to be a distraction. It looks artificial, as if many pokemon have manupulated the dirt to raise a mound and give it a look of importance. The orb itself is buried off the coast, inaccessable to all but water pokemon.

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Mon May 28, 2007 7:23 pm ]
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((Steven, wtf are you talking about?))

Author:  RukarioManiac [ Mon May 28, 2007 7:44 pm ]
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(Man, this took off when I was gone)

Raphael had overheard everything, and seen everything. As silent as possible, he creeped over to the side of the bar, and dashed off towards the docks. He finally reached the docks and saw a (Nidoman, what are you?). He slowed down his running and waited near the (Whatever Nidomnan is). "Ayy, you be here for the crew as well?"Might as well be time I make myself known.

Raphael had thought deeply about what he had seen. He could finally redeem himself against those Gyarados with such power...

Author:  daveshan [ Mon May 28, 2007 8:02 pm ]
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((Man, I hate when stuff goes all kablooy and you aren't there to act your character through it.))

Shard had stayed out of the conflict to see how well Sam could handle himself in a tight spot. Slightly satisfied, Shard ran out of the Sushi Bar and towards the docks.

"If ye be hearin me, Sam, then I be comin along. Any matey that can keep his cool in the face of Henry the Naval Captain is someone I wouldn't mind workin for.


Author:  Inta Xonem [ Tue May 29, 2007 1:22 am ]
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How had Victor gotten himself into this mess. Surely, he should of just admitted he got a shock, but he knew he wouldn't have because of his pride. As soon as he'd seen Medichan, he had thought to himself it was a bad idea. He realised that the Medichan was about to attack him, and lept in thew air.

"Really, Medichan, you don't want to mess with me." He narrowly missed Medichan with a flamethrower attack, it hit the counter this time.


The Medichan turned, he wasn't sure if Henry had, but now, he ran. And there was the Boat again, waiting in the dock. It was as if it was calling out to him. And there, by the boat which had haunted him in his dreams, was Sam. That didn't sound good. Victor almost immidiately changed his mind on this Pirate thing, and would have stuck to it, if it hadn't been for the fact that Medichan had come out, with a stake which was burning. And the boat seemed to be the only way he could get away, either that, or he could try to swim, and he was pretty sure that his nightmare would come true. Just if he was on the boat, it would take longer.

Author:  eevee-master [ Tue May 29, 2007 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  kk

After hearing what sam had said James snuck out the bar and headed towards the docks.
'which boat is Sams' James thought to himself looking at the boats at the dock.

Author:  Houndour [ Tue May 29, 2007 5:54 am ]
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Peter didn't go for the whole "Silently slip away" thing. In fact, he wanted to make as much noise as possible, while getting away of course. " Have at ye, ye yellow-bellied pickle-swbbed barnacles!" Peter grabs a plate of sushi in each hand and throws one at Henry and one at the ivysaur. He then makes a run for the door.

Author:  2x4b [ Tue May 29, 2007 6:03 am ]
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((I second daveshan's remark))

Henry cursed loudly as Sam disappeared and all of the pirates ran from the bar, well, all except the Kabutops. Henry holstered his pistol and stared at the rock type that was blocking the door. Suddenly a plate of sushi hit him in the side of the face. He looked around wildly in time to see a Mudkip rush out of the door. Henry turned his attention to the Kabutops. He smirked and used Double Team, instantly making a circle of copies around the Kabutops. While it was distracted he slipped out of the door with Ivysaur, Poliwrath and Slowbro in tow.

"Quickly! We need to get back to the ship!" Henry shouted as the other three Pokemon tried to keep up.

Henry ran as fast as his muscular legs would carry him and arrived back at HMS Victory. He got on board and began barking orders at the other Pokemon while looking around for any sign of Sam's ship.

Author:  Crunchy [ Tue May 29, 2007 6:19 am ]
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Name: Slowpoke
Age: 17
Species: Slowpoke
Gender: Male
Profession: Bum. Yes, a profession bum. He perfected it.
Appearance: A paper sailor's hat
Personality: Slow, lazy, absent-minded, non-talkative, slow
Attacks: Curse, Water Gun, Confusion, Headbutt, Slack Off, Amnesia.
Other: Slowpoke just usually follows the crowd, turning up uninvited and appearing from like out of nowhere seems to be his style. Slowpoke may sometimes have his moments where he surprises everybody by saying something really meaningful and deep, but that's rarely.

And all this time, Slowpoke had been stalking the Charmeleon. Well, not the Charmeleon as a whole, just his tail. For you see, Slowpoke had been contemplating on putting that fire out. I mean, Slowpoke got his tail caught on fire ages ago, and it took him like a good five minutes until he realised how much it actually hurt. You see, Slowpoke's problem was that he had been following the Charmeleon's tail for quite some time now, at least two days or so, and still got no reaction from the tail's owner at all.

And that was it. He had enough of this craziness. Slowpoke walked ever so closer towards the Charmeleon, then lightly head-butting him to grab his attention.

((This will be fun. :D ))

Author:  daveshan [ Tue May 29, 2007 11:12 am ]
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When Shard got to the docks, he felt a small nudge on his side. He quickly turned around and readied his dragon claw, preparing for battle. To his surprise, he only saw a dopy looking slowpoke with a paper hat on its head.

"Errr... Can I help ye?" He said after dying down his dragon claw.

Author:  Inta Xonem [ Tue May 29, 2007 11:22 am ]
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Victor glanced up at the building, it had started to burst into flame. He then glanced at Medchan. "Hello, are we going to get on a boat? I think that Medichan is plannig on putting the boat to an end, aswell as us, and if you didn't notice, there is a forest which could burst into flames, and it streches to over there," he pointed at some trees near the dock, "and docks are made of wood, if I noticed right, so I think that playing games with Slowpokes is the last thig we should be doing."


Author:  Xeeros [ Tue May 29, 2007 11:55 am ]
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Willy leapt onto the back of the ship he suspected was the Pirate captains before firing an Ice Beam at the rudder of the ship. He noticed the other two members of his team sabotaging the boat as well.

Let's see how the Pirates like this he thought to himself before running up to the mast.

Author:  StevensNightmare [ Tue May 29, 2007 12:38 pm ]
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Sneaky Sneasel wrote:
((Steven, wtf are you talking about?))

I'm hunting down one of the rainbow gems on an island about a mile off the main landmass.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Tue May 29, 2007 12:44 pm ]
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Xander stopped spinning and raced out to the docks. Finding the right ship, he climbed on, and started looking for Sam.

"Where that slimey beast be?" he thought

((Agrees with daveshan))

Author:  daveshan [ Tue May 29, 2007 1:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

(( Lol. "Arrg" For de win, maties!))

Author:  Nidoman [ Tue May 29, 2007 1:07 pm ]
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StevensNightmare wrote:
Sneaky Sneasel wrote:
((Steven, wtf are you talking about?))

I'm hunting down one of the rainbow gems on an island about a mile off the main landmass.

No, I don't think you are my friend.


Frost looked up and down at all of the ships and saw one he had heard of, it was called the Preemptive Strike. He knew it was that boat and jumped onto it and called to the other pirates to come aboard and hurry. He heard a ruckus and saw 3 weavilles sabotaging a boat a few ships down. Fools he thought to himself.

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Tue May 29, 2007 1:15 pm ]
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Riolu was lost. What should he do? "Um.. excuse me what can I do?" he asked Captain Sam.

Author:  Treeckoluv [ Tue May 29, 2007 2:19 pm ]
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"Huh? Sam! wait for me!" shouted Zap. He ran out the door, but stopped in his tracks. "See ya later, suckers!" said Pikachu. He released lightning, zapping the bar and catching it on fire, and ran outside to the docks. "Get yur scurby butts on a ship before they kill ya!" ordered Zap.

Author:  RukarioManiac [ Tue May 29, 2007 2:57 pm ]
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Poliwhirl noticed pokemon already climbing aboard the ship. I guess this is the one... Not oticing if the pokemon he asked a question to earlier had replied, he hopped onto the ship, rather confused and distorted. Everyone was running around in a frantic craze. He wasn't one to try and draw attention, but he had to for this...

Using his deep voice (that all Poliwrath's apparently have) he heaved in and yelled "What is going on!!!". He hoped he had attracted some attention.

Author:  Xeeros [ Tue May 29, 2007 3:01 pm ]
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As Willy and the other members of his team gathered around the mast he realized that this wasn't the right ship.

Oops he thought to himself as he ran off of the ship, his team on his heels. "There!" he whispered to his squad, pointing at the ship that the pirates were hurrying to get onto.

"Grab the Riolu if you can -- he's our new secondary objective. Our primary objective is to prevent them from leaving port in one piece," Willy told his team while drawing his rapier, "Move out."

Willy fired an Ice Beam at the narrow piece of wood connecting the ship to the docks in an attempt to slow the escape of the pirates.

Author:  Treeckoluv [ Tue May 29, 2007 3:09 pm ]
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Noticing that the ship was leaving, he turned to willy. "Yar! You wish to stop us? In your dreams!" shouted Zap. He pulled out a daggar and held it in his mouth. "You'll be sorry ya ever messed with me!" shouted Zap. "Thunder bolt!". He released the electricity, and then made a small leap of faityh and landed in the ship. "Get any closer ans I'll fry ya to a crisp!" he shouted.

Author:  Xeeros [ Tue May 29, 2007 3:16 pm ]
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Willy was surprised at the power the Pikachu packed in his Thunderbolt, but he wasn't going to let it stop him. He fired an Ice Beam at the rudder and made a noise only Weavile's could make -- it was a signal.

"There's a reason i'm here," said Willy to Zap, "now please come along with me and make my job easy. Or there is always the hard way," he finished as his team got into position for a surprise attack on the Pikachu.

Author:  Treeckoluv [ Tue May 29, 2007 3:22 pm ]
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Zap jumped back down. "Ha! You want to pick a fight, lassy? Fine. But don't tell me I didn't warn you!" said Zap. sudenly, a pirate ship full of pokemon with the words "Zapping" on the side. Then cannon balls came flying through the air at willy. "What's the matter? Didn't know that I am a pirate captain?" laughed Zap. Then a glalie, a golem and a machamp fired theirselves out of the cannons and landed in front of willy. They withdrew their swords and attacked.

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Tue May 29, 2007 3:26 pm ]
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Riolu noticed the surprise attack."Hey ya scallywag! Cowardice is all ya got in life! NEVER ATTACK AN OPONENT BY SURPRISE.COWARDICE!!!!!!!!!"
Riolu was in a rage as he released a Drain Punch.

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