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((Or maybe I won't need to pull him out, I might form and alliance with a criminal, this will get interesting. ))

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:21 am
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((You have TR after you because you just broke into Trytin's office. Also, you may want to check with Sneaky about the bomb and the blackout.))

Daniel heard the intruder approaching him. Any minute now his foe would appear and be trapped. With Sumo blocking his front and the high grunt coming up from behind, there was no where for him to run. All vent shafts were made much to small to allow a person to travel through them, specifically for this reason.

"Sir we have a description of the intruder." A voice said into his earpiece. "He's about six-foot, muscular, and has a black bag over his head."

"Keep the cameras on him and have security outside the F-5 corridor. Also, give the high grunt who's attacking from behind some back up."

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Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:16 am
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daveshan wrote:
((You have TR after you because you just broke into Trytin's office. Also, you may want to check with Sneaky about the bomb and the blackout.))

((I do not really think that this is powerplaying, I'm doing a direct disabilitating attack to pretty much all RPers. I'm not radically changing the setting, this is no different than what Cellblock was doing with the rocks. However, S_S is a gym leader so he has COMPLETE POWER :shock: . ))

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:01 am
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((I was think more like, this is his RP and it may be heading in a direction that he wouldn't like.))

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Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:18 pm
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((First, congrats to daveshan and 2K posts. Second, bomb and blackout are okay, just as long as the entire areana doesn't crumble. Remember, one person does not an RP make, so try not to steal the show.))

"Uh oh, it looks like we may been experiencing some technical difficulties, but it looks like things are okay now."

Everyone in the stands was wondering what happened and almost forgot the fact that a match was being played.


Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:41 pm
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Sneaky Sneasel wrote:
((First, congrats to daveshan and 2K posts. Second, bomb and blackout are okay, just as long as the entire areana doesn't crumble. Remember, one person does not an RP make, so try not to steal the show.))

((It was really intended as a bomb with the explosion of a grenade. Sorry if I stole the show but his was not intended to affect you S, just Shad and Trytin, if there is windows then it should not. Why would I focus on the areana crumbling, I WANT ALL OF SAFFRON BUWHAHAHAHAHA :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: [just kidding :D ]. ))

Shrad had finally gotten to his base when the lights flickered on. Plar had found him and had carried him the rest of the way, Plar had explained how they were attacked by a Chansy and all but Sprac had fallen asleep. "That Trytin is quick on his feet" he thought as he buiried the door knobs and the gloves "I must tread more carfully around him" he smiled "if he is not fired".

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:05 pm
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((Thanks S_S. Dunsparce, what's going on with your character? There were only two ways he could have gone. One was blocked by Daniel, the other by the high grunt. How'd he get into a base when he's in a concrete corridor?))

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Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:57 am
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daveshan wrote:
((Thanks S_S. Dunsparce, what's going on with your character? There were only two ways he could have gone. One was blocked by Daniel, the other by the high grunt. How'd he get into a base when he's in a concrete corridor?))

((You said that Daniel was in the entryway blocking the stands, Shrad back-traked and he ran into Plar and Plar carried him the rest of the way. I belive that it would not be hard to avoid a grunt it pitch black when you are going faster than any human can run. Daniel and Shrad will have a confrintaion, it's just too early in the RP for that. This is my 250th post! I am a Pokemon Master :D .))

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:27 am
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Tom was sulking while everyone was watching the stands and threw a paralyzecureberry at Rude.

Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:34 am
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((Dunsparce, why would he have gone the other way if he was heading towards the stands? He didn't know that Daniel was blocking the path. I'll let it go this time, but do try to be less omniscient.))

Back in the box, Frederich was working on getting the power restored. Most of the emergency lights were working, so there was just enough light for him to notice the berry that had been tossed into the ring beside Rude.

Daniel was told by security that the man had gotten past the grunt and escaped. He scowled as he replied into his earpiece.

"I'll deal with the grunt later. For now, what was he doing in my office?"

"He put some papers and took off the doorknob, sir."

"Some papers and the doorknob? What for?"

"We don't know, sir. Regardless, he seemed completely oblivious that there were cameras in the room. Maybe he was trying to frame you for something."

This puzzled Daniel. True, he had enemies and rivals both in and out of Team Rocket, but none of them would try to pull off something like this in such a shabby manner. Whoever this man was, his skills were half-hearted, but his motives remained a mystery.

"Inform Frederich of what happened. After that, have a crew search my office for anything else and have a specialist analyze his tactics. I want to know where this joker came from."

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Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:47 am
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((He went the other way because he saw the camera, he thought grunts were closing in and he went to his safe house instead of the wide open stands, I thought that would be obvious *sigh* I guess not. I'm new to RP, I'll try to be more obvious about my cheratcer's thoughts. Darned cameras :frustrated: .))

Shrad finished burying the evidence, Astem and Shrac had woken up and were telling their part of the story. After that was done Shrad walked along a tunnel and emerged through a trap door into an alley and slipped into the busy city streets. "I must visit Crat for an electronic muffler, how could I have been so stupid to assume that there would not be camaras? This is Team Rocket, not some teenage gang." he thought as walked down the street "Though this mission was dangourus I did accomplish my goal, mistrust has been sowed, they know they have an enemy. And if they are smart they will suspect an internal enemy". Unbeknownest to him a dark shadow was tailing him.....

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:10 am
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Rude managed to reach the berry, and ate it. Its effects seemed to work almost instantly, but not before the Blaziken started pummeling him.

"It looks like it's all over folks! Rude is down for the count. Can he get up, or will Brutus win once again?"


The Infernape slowly rose to his feet, making sure he was up before the count ended at ten.

"What a stunner folks! Rude isn't throwing in the towel just yet. Thanks to one of the crowd members, Rude is cured of his paralysis! Now he just has to win, and we can call this the greatest upset in the history of the Volcano Cup!"


Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:39 pm
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Tom then tackled a man holding a ray gun wearing a cloak. "What would you need a gun for, scared the pokes may attack you?"

Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:51 pm
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